Chapter 249

In the vicinity of Tao Village, everyone was stunned when they saw this scene.

Even the old guys were staring and dumbfounded. They couldn't believe this scene.

"this "

The mayor of Tao Village had no choice but to help.

The rest of the old guys also looked helpless.

Gu Xian'er will choose to dig the bones of her own to help Gu Changge.

This surprised them a bit, but they couldn't say more.

After all, it is the private matter of the two. As the master, the best they can do is to prevent Gu Changge from bullying Gu Xian'er.

Gu Xian'er would do this, and it would be difficult for them to stop it.

However, Gu Changge would actually stop it, and said such a thing, which surprised them a bit.

Then it is to make them feel blushing and irritable.

But thinking about it carefully, Gu Changge, as the elder brother, seems to have nothing wrong with speaking to own Little Sister like this.

At this time, after saying this, Gu Changge also let go of Gu Xian'er.

The faint, bottomless eyes looked at her without speaking, and she seemed very calm.

"Oh, Gu Changge, what are you talking about?"

It reflects the meaning of Gu Changge's words just now.

On Gu Xian'er's jade face, haze suddenly rose, and the red was scary.

Her heart was flustered, her heartbeat was fast, and her voice trembled.

Even the words are incomplete.

She never thought that Gu Changge, who had always been indifferent to her, would suddenly say such gentle words.

What would rather die than watch her get hurt like this.

It's too nauseating.

And it's still in front of everyone in Tao Village.

This made Gu Xian'er's head buzzed for a long time, as if being hit by Huang Zhongda Lu.

The hands and feet were soft, as if they were unable to exert strength.

If it were other times, she would definitely talk back to Gu Changge.

But with his appearance today, why is he worried about himself and showing his true feelings?

This made Gu Xian'er unable to speak.

Gu Changge suddenly confessed his true feelings, which completely exceeded her expectations.

Today, this fairy bone may not be dug out.

"What am I talking nonsense? I didn't say anything nonsense."

"It's just telling the truth.

Gu Changge shook his head, his expression regained his naturalness, "Well, as your elder brother, I won't be reduced to the point where you can dig my bones to save me. For me, this kind of humiliation is better than just dying. .

"The grievances between us have already been cleared up. You don't owe me anything, and I don't owe you anything. You don't need to pay me anything.

His voice is still calm and composed.

At this time, if you don't make it clear, Gu Xian'er, an idiot, may have to think about digging bones.

Although she does have Nirvana experience, it is difficult to say whether she can save her life after digging the fairy bones.

Let alone grow a third bone again.

Gu Changge also didn't want her to take risks for no reason.

The demonic nature in his body has long been resolved.

Of course, this kind of truth must not be told to Gu Xian'er.

"Hard mouth!"

"That's not what you said just now

Hearing this, Gu Xian'er was a little angry, staring at him with clear eyes.

She still remembered what Gu Changge said just now. She was obviously worried about her safety and didn't want to see her injured.

"Didn't I just say that?" Gu Changge said calmly.

"Why are you so stiff, can't you admit that you care about me?"

Gu Xian'er snorted.

A look through Gu Changge's mind.

But in Gu Changge's eyes, her expression means owe a beating.

It seems that I still can't get used to her too much.

"Tao Tiaotian senior has told me how to solve the magical matter, so you don't need to trouble it." Gu Changge said afterwards.

"What makes me trouble?" Gu Xian'er was upset all over her face when she heard this.

Gu Changge shook his head and said nothing more.

"Since senior has told me the solution, why did he tell this idiot this way?

Instead, he looked at Tao Tian, ​​and his words had some profound meaning.

Although this Taotian seemed peaceful and gentle, it was actually a bit of a lively and not too big scent.

It is really monstrous.

"Are you blaming me? This is Xian'er's entrustment after all. Since I say this, it must mean that I have spoken words from the peach tree, as plain as water, I don't know how happy or angry.

Gu Xian'er was able to Nirvana, giving birth to a fairy bone, and to be honest, it was inseparable from her.

She dared to tell Gu Xian'er that, she was not afraid that her life would be in danger.

"I asked Daotian Big sis to tell me, Gu Changge, don't blame Daotian Big sis."

Seeing Gu Changge's questioning tone, Gu Xian'er also hurriedly said, a little anxious.

I am afraid that Gu Changge will hate Taotian Big sis because of this incident.

She knows Gu Changge's revengeful character very clearly.

Although he is not as strong as Taotian Big sis now, if Gu Changge really wants to deal with someone, with the background and energy behind him, it is still very scary.

But speaking of it, Gu Changge would blame Daotian Big sis in this way because he was worried about her.

This made Gu Xian'er a little happy again.

Gu Xian'er said so, and Gu Changge naturally stopped saying more.

And Taotian no longer opened his mouth to restore the tranquility, and the divine light fell down to clean up the road wounds for the peaceful sleep under the peach tree every day.

This scene made several old guys sigh with emotion.

The next few days.

Gu Changge followed Gu Xian'er and temporarily settled in Taocun.

I have to say that although it is in the depths of the land of immortality, the scenery here is beautiful, like a paradise.

The morning sun is falling, the golden haze is little bit, Spiritual Qi xenon hydrogen.

As the peach trees here stretched, they were dyed with a splendid brilliance.

There are also many spirit birds and beasts nearby, but large beasts dare not approach.

Although the villagers here do not practice, their strength and vitality far exceed many cultivators.

In Gu Changge's view, it is related to Taotian's regular bodywork for them.

As the patron saint of Tao Village, she treats these villagers very well.

Perhaps as she said, living for too long is very boring and boring, and I need to find something to do.

During this period of time, Gu Changge has gotten acquainted a lot with Gu Xian'er's masters.

Under the side-knock, I learned a lot of their origins.

As he speculated, Gu Xian'er had two sets of destiny templates, and none of her masters was a fuel-efficient lamp.

The origins of each of them are amazing. They once made a name in the outside world and came here for various unknown reasons.

Their real Cultivation Base, in Gu Changge's view, is estimated to exceed the Supreme Realm, and even the imperial realm that has been sealed to this day.

As we all know, when the cultivator Ninth Stage is completed, it can hit the Supreme Realm.

There is actually a threshold between the Supreme Realm and the Emperor Realm, which is called the Quasi-Emperor Realm by the cultivator.

It's just that the Quasi-Emperor Realm is not a Realm, it is a name for a cultivator who has surpassed the Supreme Realm but has not yet reached the Emperor Realm.

Some time ago, the sky-shattering sword gas that emerged above the Sea King Palace was actually caused by a master of Gu Xian'er.

Her master, due to some personal reasons, temporarily left Tao Village and went to the outside world.

Then I learned that Gu Xian'er was bullied by the sea king palace guy, and immediately cut it off with a knife, and the blade light instantly severely injured the sea king palace owner of this generation.

In addition, the ancestor of the Gu family was there at the time, which forced the Sea King Palace to seal the sea for hundreds of thousands of years.

So don't look at the small Tao Village here, but the real strength is even more amazing than some eternally restricted areas.

Gu Xian'er has this horrible background, even some Immortal masters can challenge at will.

Gu Changge also got a lot of good things from these old guys.

During the discussion, from their perspectives, they were also full of surprise for some of Gu Changge's insights, and felt that the rumors of his true celestial capital were not false.

The title of the first person in this young generation deserves it, and he is worthy of Gu Xian'er's cousin, who will be in charge of the Immortal teacher and the longevity family in the future.

As long as this Xiantian magical problem is solved, this upper realm will be Gu Changge's world in the future.

So a few old guys are also happy to pass on Gu Changge's magic skills, and Gu Changge is naturally willing to come to this.

After all, his method of brushing goodwill in front of everyone has played a big role.

At the beginning, they were very rude to him and had no favor at all.

How could there be such a polite manner now, and by the way, I also got a lot of luck.

Gu Changge guessed that it was because the girl of luck mission that he accepted at the beginning was related to Gu Xian'er.

Gu Xian'er didn't know what Gu Changge was making.

Seeing the fierce fight between him and the masters of own, I couldn't help but feel a little relieved.

She was worried that the masters of her own would still be unable to get along with Gu Changge.

On the other hand, Gu Xian'er hopes that this period of time can be longer.

After all, it is very rare to see the other side of Gu Changge. He can also get along well with a group of children in the village.

In the past, he always gave people a sense of being aloof and indifferent.

In a blink of an eye, several days passed.

Gu Changge's figure appeared outside Tao Village.

...For flowers...…

A group of villagers, including Master Gu Xian'er, came to see him off.

Many children are even reluctant to give up.

Because Gu Changge has taught them a lot of things in the past few days, and also gave them a lot of things, including the scriptures on cultivation, etc., so many children feel that the big Big Brother, who is like an immortal, is very good.

After all, people who can be good to children are not bad people.

This is basically a consensus of people, and it is also the reason why Gu Changge can quickly gain the trust of the villagers in Tao Village.

"Junior will leave first. If I have time in the future, I will talk to seniors again."

At this time, Gu Changge spoke up.

With a faint smile on his face, he bid farewell to everyone and planned to leave Taocun.

After all, there are still many things waiting for him to solve.

It is impossible for him to stay in this place forever.

Gu Xian'er didn't plan to leave.

Because of the day, I plan to practice in Tao Village for a while. By the way, a few masters can take the opportunity to guide her.

Although she is not weak in strength, she is still a lot weaker than many ancient freaks who are now resurrected.

From the words of several old guys, Gu Changge also knew that they should be starting a small kitchen for Gu Xian'er.

The next time I see her, her strength should be ascension a lot.

As for every day.

She doesn't know how long it will take to wake up. Judging from Taotian's words, although Tiantian is the fruit of the Tao, he was injured in the chaos thunder disaster at the beginning.

After all, it is a major injury, and its impact is not small.

It must take a while to sort it out.


Gu Changge naturally has nothing to say about this.

"Changge, remember to come next time, aunts like you.

"You don't stay for a few more days, look at the unwilling look of this girl, Xian'er, you are also cruel."

At this time, seeing that Gu Changge was leaving, several aunts said one after another, making Gu Xian'er, who had been a little unhappy, suddenly blushing.

Gu Changge smiled, "I will come later."

"Look at Xian'er's reluctance, why don't you stay for a few more days?" an aunt asked with a smile, as if the matter was not too big.

Who can't give up, aunt, don't talk nonsense, I wish this hard-mouthed guy disappeared from my eyes quickly

Hearing these words, Gu Xian'er quickly denied, as if she was afraid that Gu Changge would misunderstand something.

"I wish I could be quieter in my ears, lest there always be flies screaming beside me."

Gu Changge glanced at her, but said calmly.

"What do you mean, Gu Changge, did you say that I was in your ear, which annoyed you? Then you looked at me and snorted Gu Xian'er a little bit farther. I didn't expect Gu Changge to even ask for it before he left. Annoy her.

But Gu Changge couldn't hear her words anymore.

At the moment the words fell, Gu Changge turned into a divine light and rose into the sky, leaving Tao Village directly without any stay.

Gu Xian'er was a little angry and waved her fan fist, "Damn it, this guy won't listen to me and finish talking."

But soon, the look on her little face became a little dejected, revealing that she didn't.

"Xian'er, don't you really mean anything to your cousin, do you? No, do you?"

"You are brothers and sisters."

Seeing her look, several aunts started to joke again.

Gu Xian'er looked at them angrily, "Don't talk nonsense, OK, and what's wrong with the brother and sister, he is not my big brother."

But as soon as she said this, she felt wrong, and quickly changed the subject, "Today's weather is good, the sun is quite poisonous…

"Who would have thought of today, all of this is really good fortune to fool people!'

This scene caused several of her masters to laugh.

Then they sighed and sighed.

After leaving Tao Village, Gu Changge's figure appeared on a mountain top outside the Land of Immortal Abandonment.


Several Daoist shadows appeared in front of him, their auras were very powerful, and their expressions were extremely respectful.

The head is a creature in the shape of Yaksha, and the Cultivation Base is a true god.

Among the remaining people, there are both men and women, and there are other ethnic groups as well. They are all followers of Gu Changge, and in other places they are famous young supreme.

After the last incident on the ancient continent, many young sages have found Gu Changge and planned to pursue it.

Gu Changge accepted the idea that they were not rejected, and Bi Jing sometimes left them to do many things.

For example, this time, let them pay attention to things that are absolutely cloudy.

They had already received Gu Changge's order and were waiting for him here. superior.