Chapter 250

"How is the investigation?"

Gu Changge nodded slightly and asked calmly.

"Return to the master, Absolute Cloud has already been born, but I don't know the exact location. Absolute Ability has swept many areas and swallowed the territory of many forces during this period of time."

"Now in the place of Nanshengtian, there is a battlefield of Absolute Yin, a large number of Absolute Yin creatures gushing out of it, and many cultivators have already rushed there."

"Moreover, I heard that this time the quota of True Immortal Academy is related to the Battlefield of Jue Yin. Only by killing a certain number of Jue Yin creatures can you be eligible to enter the True Immortal Academy."

A creature of the Yaksha tribe reported respectfully, named Ye Han, who can be regarded as Gu Changge's confidant.

Gu Changge left many important things to him.

Many cultivators in the outside world knew that this Yaksha was his, and they did not dare to provoke him easily.

"During my period of Closed Door Training, so many things happened?"

Gu Changge raised his eyebrows slightly, a little thoughtful.

The early birth of Jue Yin Tian had little effect on him. After all, not many people dared to risk their lives to go to the area enveloped by Jue Yin breath.

Except for himself, it is impossible for anyone to know that he is looking for the purpose of absolutely cloudy.

Many people even think that he intends to prevent the spread of absolutely cloudy sky.

And this is the benefit of fame.

The construction of Zhenxian Academy has almost been completed, but at this time I haven't heard the news of the selection of candidates. It seems that it is indeed related to the overcast sky.

"At that time, as long as the young existence wants to enter the True Immortal Academy, they will rush to the absolutely cloudy sky."

"After being a tortoise with a shrunken head for so long, it's impossible for the little man who feeds the horse to sit still at this time.

Thinking of this, Gu Changge couldn't help but show some interesting smiles.

"Go to Nan Shengtian."

Then he said, with a wave of his sleeves.

A huge ancient warship suddenly fell into the air and rose up against the wind. The huge "Gu" on it was simple and atmospheric, and swaggered in the air.

Then, rumbling rushed across the sky!

Nan Shengtian is located in the extreme south of the upper realm, close to the extremely prosperous and boundless realm of the upper realm, the demon realm.

As an ancient big world that belongs to the inhabitation of the monster race, the demon world has a very long existence, and can even be traced back to the most ancient period.

Since the ages, many demon emperors and demon emperors have been born.

Even the many Immortal Great Sects and the Supreme Orthodoxy have a respectful attitude towards the demon world, and will not easily provoke them.

However, what impressed the cultivator most about Nan Shengtian was the nine-wheeled sun hanging above the sky.

In the sky on the 9th, the terrible real fire of the sun fell, causing extremely hot weather in Nanshengtian.

The weaker cultivator of the Cultivation Base is likely to damage the soul if exposed to the sun for a long time.

Legend has it that in ancient times, Nan Shengtian was the territory of the Golden Crow clan of the demon world.

But for some reason, the eight most powerful existences of the Golden Crow clan were killed by an unknown existence.

Then use the big Magic power to make eight suns, which are suspended high in the air to make a special effect.

Only now, the members of the Golden Crow clan are very rare, almost invisible.

Whether this rumor is true or not is unproven.

Nanshengtian has also become a place where fish and dragons are mixed, and many traditions and ethnic groups have left a lot of manpower here.

Nowadays, it has become more lively, and cultivators can be seen coming from everywhere almost every day.

Either driving the divine light, or riding the fierce beast, or driving the ancient warships and flying boats.

It's just that the largest number of them are the younger generation, from the major Immortal Great Masters, Supreme Orthodoxy, or a restricted area.

For contemporary heirs, sealed ancient young kings, ancient freaks, etc., the strength and Cultivation Base are amazing.

The origin is even more terrifying.

Generally, when cultivator sees them, they have to retreat and don't dare to provoke them easily.

In the golden age, young people from all walks of life appeared in Nan Shengtian, and everyone knew its purpose.

Absolutely Yin Battlefield!

At this moment, in the pavilions of an ancient city, Ye Langtian and his Little Sister Ye Liuli, with a large number of people, were here.

Opposite them is the young supreme Wang Wushuang of the King of Longevity.

In the other direction, there are other people, such as Chi Ling, the descendant of the Vermillion Bird clan, who are familiar faces who once lived in the ancient continent.

During this period of time, they all had a chance. There were a lot of Cultivation Base Ascension, and they all broke through to Realm.

We are here now, obviously for the purpose of discussing something.

"The appearance of the absolutely cloudy sky during this period of time went beyond the expectations of many forces, and many territories and orthodoxy have been affected. The emergence of the absolutely cloudy battlefield in Nan Shengtian, this is a good time for me and others to sharpen it.

"It's just that you should also be aware that I belong to the contemporary Tianjiao. In terms of Cultivation Base, I am naturally weaker than those ancient freaks."

"When there is a conflict with them, I can't wait for the slightest advantage."

"It would be even more regrettable if something was missed because of this."

It was Wang Wushuang who spoke, and golden lines appeared in his eyes, which looked very strange.

As he spoke, different colors appeared on the faces of the others, and they nodded one after another.

After all, they are all here for the battlefield of Absolute Yin, and it is natural to understand its importance at this time.

Wang Wushuang said that it was exactly what they were worried about, otherwise they would not come to this place to discuss and think about countermeasures.

"What Brother Wang said is what I am worried about. After all, this time, the battlefield of the absolute Yin involves the quota of the True Immortal Academy. Even if I have a strong background behind me, the True Immortal Academy will not give any Face

Ye Langtian sighed and said, when it came to the True Immortal Academy, everyone including him showed a heartfelt yearning.

After all, that's a fairy!

That is the Realm that countless cultivators dream of.

The existence of the True Immortal Academy is to cultivate a true immortal in this life.

If the true fairy is not born, the spread of absolutely cloudy sky will be unstoppable.

At that time, countless ethics and creatures will suffer.

"Now that everyone knows this, that's fine. The appearance of Zhenxian Academy is just an opportunity for us."

"When you enter the True Immortal Academy, you will have the opportunity to catch up with those ancient freaks. They have practiced longer than us, and their background and Cultivation Base are deeper than us."

"For us, only those who get the quota to enter the True Immortal Academy are eligible to compete with them."

Wang Wushuang slowly said that he was confident that he was sure to win the place in Zhenxian Academy.

The way to get a place in the True Immortal Academy is to enter the Battlefield of Absolute Yin, kill Absolute Yin creatures, and earn points.

This is also the requirement of Zhenxian Academy for all the younger generations.

After all, you don't even have the guts to step into the battlefield of Absolute Yin, is there still a need to fight for the position of a true fairy?

"So when I enter the battlefield of Absolute Yin, I have to find a way to walk together and help each other. I think you already understand the power and difficulty of the creatures of Absolute Yin."

Wang Wushuang continued speaking, his eyes slowly sweeping across the crowd, and he proposed his way.

"If Young Master Changge were around at this time, things might be much better."

"Even the ancient freaks, if they meet him, they will be jealous.

At this time, there are two young supreme, but they are talking softly.

This remark has received a lot of approval and recognition for a while.

Even Wang Wushuang nodded.

Apart from his Big sis, only Gu Changge of this generation and the inheritor of magic skills have the ability to counter the ancient freaks.

"Speaking of Brother Gu, he should be coming soon

At this moment, Ye Langtian couldn't help showing a little smile and said, "Just after Brother Gu left the customs, I will send him a message. It stands to reason that he should be here soon."

And when he heard him speak, Chi Ling, the descendant of the Vermillion Bird clan who had never spoken, couldn't help but his eyes shone slightly, revealing a sense of surprise.

"Does Brother Changge come too?"

Many young sages also expressed joy and awe in their hearts.

For the younger generation of this generation, Gu Changge is no different from the existence of the backbone.

Regardless of the status, or the strength of Cultivation Base, they are all standing at the top of their peers, and few people can match them.

With Gu Changge, they will face less pressure on many ancient freaks.

"You said Gu Changge is coming here?"

At this moment, a clear and clean sound suddenly sounded at the corner of the ladder next to the building.

A beautiful girl with a tall figure and shoulder-length silver hair was standing there.

It was Ying Yu who came to inquire about the news after coming to Nan Shengtian.

There are many young people beside her, and they are very different from the human race in appearance.

Either it has long horns on its head, which looks like a dragon, or it has wings on its back, like a Phoenix.

They all enveloped Baohui, the dragon walks the tiger's step, the spleen is late, the momentum is strong, and the blood is amazing.

This is a group of young supreme from Tianhuang Mountain.

Among them was a black-clothed man with slightly wide eyes, with a scaly pattern on the center of his eyebrows, and his aura was much stronger than the others.

He is an ancient freak.

It has been sealed since ancient times.

Father is a follower of Emperor Ying, so he has been sealed up to the present, becoming a follower of Emperor Ying's heir.

Although not comparable to the emperor's heirs like Winshuang, the strength of Cultivation Base is much stronger than that of the young princes of this generation.

At this moment, after hearing Ying Yu's questioning, the complexion of many young supreme in the pavilion changed slightly, apparently recognizing Ying Yu's identity.

Today, although her Big Brother Winshuang is suspected of being an inheritor of magic skills, she has been secretly attacked and killed by many cultivators.

But their strength lies there, if they are really encountered, they will not be their opponents.

Ying Yu's own strength should not be underestimated. , It was extremely terrifying, and there was already a quasi-sage-like coercion on his body.

It shows that she has surpassed many young supreme.

For a time, the expressions of the young supreme, including Wang Wushuang and Ye Langtian, didn't look very good.

"Miss ask you something?"

"Why don't you answer?"

The black-clothed man with his eyes downcast suddenly shouted.

The terrifying light golden lines flashed from his eyebrows, followed by wisps of rules and order, marching from the void!


Just like Huang Zhongda Lu exploded.

The terrible fluctuations seemed to roar in their ears, and many people turned pale, and directly retreated a few steps.

Some people were even more unbearable, bleeding directly from the facial features, and was severely hit by a sound.

"The Peak of the God King Realm!"

Ye Langtian and Wang Wushuang had a secret method to protect them.

The strength of this person is definitely not something that the two of them can rival.

"Don't be ignorant of good and bad.

The black-clothed man smiled coldly again, despising the young supreme group in front of him very much.

"Agu, don't be rude.

"Gu Changge will he come here?"

Ying Yu frowned at this moment and spoke again.

He first questioned the man in black, and then asked everyone in front of him.

She still remembered the last time she visited Gu Changge at Changsheng Gu's house.

As a result, the other party used Closed Door Training as an excuse to make her wait in front of Gu's Gate for more than half a month, and finally made her leave in anger.

Ying Yuke still remembers this humiliation.

If Gu Changge were to come here today, she would have to ask the reason, and why did she pour dirty water on her Big Brother to frame her?

"Tao Brother Changge did say that he will come, but I am not very clear when he will come.

Ye Langtian frowned slightly, a little dissatisfied with the other's attitude, but due to the other's might, he still said so.

"Well, I'll just wait for him here.

"I don't believe it will be the same as last time, I won't see him."

Ying Yu nodded when he heard the words, and said lightly.

She knew that Gu Changge was very strong, so she didn't intend to provoke him, but just wanted to ask him some things, by the way, to remove her suspicion from Big Brother.

Nowadays, the younger generation, apart from Gu Changge, only the descendants of the Ancestral Hall have this right to speak.

The remaining ancient freaks and ancient young kings, although the Cultivation Base is powerful, are far inferior to Gu Changge in terms of power.

"You don't have to wait."

"Gu has already come."

At this moment, accompanied by a light laugh.

3.7 Ying Yu's expression changed.

The black-clothed man next to her also changed suddenly, very pale, and did not dare to be as strong as he was just now.

A large group of people suddenly appeared outside the pavilion.

The leader is Gu Changge, who has just arrived in Nanshengtian.

Behind him is a vast number of followers, with blood shaking the sky, so that the cultivator seen along the way can't help but turn pale.

With such power, needless to say, they also know who this is.

His expression couldn't help but become extremely frightened.

"Brother Changge"

"Brother Gu"

Seeing Gu Changge's arrival, the young sages in the pavilion were all overjoyed and hurried forward to see Lidao.

It's like seeing the backbone of the main body, sweeping away the fear and feeling aggrieved just now.

"Brother Ye, Brother Wang, Girl Chiling

Gu Changge has a slightly different color in his eyes.

Then he greeted everyone, with a smile on his face that made people feel like a spring breeze, and it seemed to be more transcendent refined and full of spirits.

As for Ying Yu and others on the other side, they were generally ignored by him.

"I haven't seen him for a long time. Brother Gu is so handsome, even more so than before, even Cultivation Base is even more unfathomable.

"It's time for Dao Brother Changge to come.

Ye Langtian, Chi Ling and others also opened their mouths with joy.

Although everyone is of the same generation, in front of Gu Changge, they can't help but lower their heads several times.

This made them feel very emotional.

Even the man in black who was very arrogant and powerful just now, after seeing Gu Changge's arrival, his face was pale, his forehead oozing cold sweat, he didn't dare to speak, he looked like a chill.

It can be seen how Gu Changge's power has reached.

Even if someone from Tianhuangshan met him, he didn't dare to be presumptuous. .