Chapter 266

"Young Master Changge joked, how is this possible?

"How could we doubt you?"

Jun Gou's face turned pale, his head buzzed, as if it exploded, and he said hurriedly.

The voice trembled a little, and it was incomplete.

He finally realized the terrifying power of facing Gu Changge, which was heart palpitating and trembling.

"Qing Ge, let go of the sea of ​​knowledge and let them take a look at your relationship with the inheritor of magic power.

But at this moment, Gu Changge ignored him and repeated it again, his voice still had no waves.

"Since they don't dare to explore my sea of ​​knowledge, then I will go to the door another day, and then go to the Confucian Sage Academy, and find someone who has the courage to explore it."

Let alone a disciple of the Confucian Academy.

At this moment, all the cultivators here couldn't help but shudder, their faces changed drastically, and they felt the terrible chill in Gu Changge's words.

I am afraid he is really angry!

What does it mean to go to the door in person as Gu Changge? I'm afraid that because of this, he will start a longevity war with the Confucian Academy?

At every turn, kill hundreds of millions of miles across the sea.

Explore Gu Changge's sea of ​​knowledge?

Even the founder of Confucian Sage Academy, he dare not!

Why did you suspect that the inheritor of magic power was the winning prince, but no one dared to investigate? It was also for this reason.

As the young master of the longevity family, he represents the face of the longevity family!

And Gu Changge's identity is even worse than winning the prince.

Hearing this, Jun Gou and others trembled with fright, their mouths and lips were white, their calves were spinning, and everyone was going to be stupid.

To put it bluntly, although the Confucian Sage Academy is also an ancient great religion, it has a long heritage.

But in the longevity family, in front of the unfathomable behemoth like the longevity Gu family, it is not much different from the ants.

"It's the son."

At this time, Su Qingge also listened to Gu Changge's words, obediently closed his eyes and let go of the sea of ​​knowledge.

But there was dead silence here, no one dared to speak, and even the breath was deliberately lowered.

Let alone explore the sea of ​​knowledge of Su Qingge, who dares?

"Are you entertaining me?"

Gu Changge's voice sounded again, revealing indifference.

His gaze slowly swept towards the people in the Confucian Academy in front of him.

In an instant, it seemed that there were many terrifying visions, appearing between heaven and earth, even if they were far away, everyone couldn't help feeling palpitations.

In front of Gu Changge, the people of the Confucian sage institution felt even more profound.


The next moment, including Jun Gou and others, even if they are not reconciled and humiliated 24, they can't help kneeling down, their voice trembling,

"This matter is our fault. You shouldn't have wronged Miss Su so much. I hope you, Master Changge, have a lot, and forgive us.

"We will give Miss Su an explanation on this matter."

This scene made everyone in the vicinity feel different and could not help but feel palpitations.

The degraders are always humiliated, and there will be such a result, and they are also asking for it.

Compared to exploring the sea, kneeling down or something, it's actually much lighter.

There was silence for a quarter of an hour.

Everyone present did not dare to speak at will.

Everyone in the Confucian Academy, their souls were trembling, and they were scared into a cold sweat by the possible consequences.

"Finally, about the inheritor of magic arts, Gu has a good idea. If Qingge really has something to do with him, I will act as soon as possible and will not show mercy."

"However, if someone dared to bully her at will, don't blame Gu for turning her face ruthlessly.

After that, Gu Changge waved his hand, his expression has returned to calm.

"Thank you Young Master Changge for his magnanimity!"

Everyone in the Confucian Sage Academy looked like they were fished out of the water, and they were all wet with cold sweat.

After that, this misunderstanding was resolved, and everyone from the Confucian Sage Academy compensated Su Qingge for many things, including Magical Item holy medicine.

Su Qingge silently followed Gu Changge and left here.

As for the inheritor of magic skills that appeared before, no one knows what he is now disguised as.

When I was in Xiangu Continent before, there was a situation where the inheritors of magic arts disguised themselves as other people's faces and mixed in, so at this time, everyone had no way to do it.

You can only be careful, so as not to place orders like Zhao Xiaoyao, giving the inheritors of magic skills a chance to take advantage of.

Today, everyone in the Confucian Academy was embarrassed and did not say anything. They offended Gu Changge, and their regrets were blue.

For a time, there were all kinds of discussions and opinions. Gu Changge's approach, in the eyes of many people, was not wrong.

In this matter, the fault lies with the Academy of Confucian Needs. After all, before the matter is clear, the conclusion will be made first.

After leaving the Battlefield of Absolute Yin, Gu Changge took Su Qingge back to his usual temporary residence. He didn't talk to Su Qingge much along the way, and his expression was very calm and deep.

Many thoughts passed through his mind.

In this arrangement, no matter the timing or the method, the slightest flaw could not be found.

Even if Su Qingge was brilliant, she didn't notice this black pot, but it was Gu Changge who knocked her head up.

At the critical moment, it was Gu Changge who appeared again to relieve her, and forced her good impressions.

Now, Gu Changge has almost concluded that Su Qingge is the inheritor of this generation of magic skills.

His Dao Aquarius had a very clear perception of the breath of magic power.

Although Su Qingge was not aware of his existence, Gu Changge could perceive the great aquarium she had condensed with rune if she was not far away.

This feeling is like seeing the fake on the painting, the key is that. The paintings are still very vague.

Gu Changge wanted to ask her, is there one percent of the forbidden magic skills she learned?

It is estimated that it is far from it.

The inheritance of taboo magic skills is not only as simple as condensing the Taoist treasure bottle cultivation, but also involving many secret methods and so on.

Such as the wedding dress fairy decision, the Wanhua Demon Body, the thoughts of being too comfortable

It is estimated that Su Qing's songs have never heard of these things, let alone cultivation and learning.

Gu Changge doubted the inheritance she had received. Perhaps it was just that. The inheritors of taboo magic skills in the past may have been like this.

The founder of the first generation of taboo magic arts, this Tibetan private is too serious. From various indications, Gu Changge has always felt that it is a certain vest of his own. The personality of this Tibetan private is exactly the same as him.

Seeing Gu Changge's expression is very calm and deep.

Su Qingge who followed, also faintly guessed what he was thinking.

But she didn't know how to speak at this time.

The siege was solved.

But it is obvious that Gu Changge's words at the time were based on what he saw. Before that, he had no idea that he would come to Nan Shengtian.

What was told by his mother that he wanted to find him? This was just an excuse he made up casually in order to understand the surrounding area.

Su Qingge was very clever and understood Gu Changge's intentions, so he answered along.

And now, Gu Changge is obviously waiting for her to take the initiative to explain all this.

After thinking about this, Su Qingge's eyes blinked brightly, and he took the initiative to pull Gu Changge's sleeves, with a slight hint of coquetry in his voice.

"The son~"

"Sorry, Qing Ge deceived you today."

"Oh? What are you deceiving me?"

Gu Changge's thoughts flew back, did not look back, and asked casually, as if he was waiting for Su Qingge to take the initiative to open his mouth.

"My son, Qing Ge shouldn't deceive you by saying that he came to Nan Shengtian to look for you.

She replied bluntly, knowing Gu Changge's temperament very well. If you don't tell the truth in front of him, she might upset him.

"E, then you come to Nan Shengtian and don't look for me, because you don't want to see me at all?" Gu Changge asked lightly.

"The son doesn't want to see me anyway. If I come to you, what should you do if you don't see me?"

Su Qingge's voice has a little grievance.

Gu Changge asked with interest, "Why don't I want to see you?"

"The son, you threw me in the God Sect of the Beginning for so long, and never came to see me. I thought the son had forgotten me. People like son, there is no shortage of outstanding heavenly daughters, such as Princess Mingkong. For a woman like the descendant of Renzudian, Qingge knows that she has no place in the young man's heart."

"I came here just to kill the deadly yin creatures, and to be able to enter the True Immortal Academy to cultivate

"It's not that I want to see the son.

At this time, Su Qingge was rather calm and composed, speaking out all the thoughts in his heart.

She is not afraid of Gu Changge's blame at all.

"Okay, Su Qingge, you are so courageous, you dare to talk to me like Yin & Yang weirdly."

At this time, Gu Changge finally turned his head and pinched her delicate and flawless chin.

The look on his face did not show the joy or anger.

"When you come to Nan Shengtian, you don't come to see me directly, and you still cause all these troubles for me. I think you just owe it.

"The son, take care of me.

Su Qingge's guts from nowhere, perhaps today, Gu Changge unconditionally chose to believe her, which moved her very much.

Now, instead, he looked at him provocatively and blinked.

"You guy, you know I can't bear it, so you provoke me…"

Hearing this, Gu Changge shook his head helplessly.

"Young Master"

Su Qingge deliberately dragged the ending sound very long and smiled super happily.

"My son, can I ask you a question?"

"What's the problem?" Gu Changge raised his eyebrows slightly.

"If I really were the inheritor of magic power, what would you do to me?"

"Why do you ask such a strange question, doesn't the inheritor of magic power win the prince? Could it be that you really have a relationship with him?" Gu Changge asked casually, not caring very much.

"No, no, son, I just ask casually, wanting to know my place in your heart

Su Qingge pressed him tightly.

"Then do you still need to ask? It must be a slap that slapped you to death, lest it become a disaster and harm the people of the world."

Gu Changge looked at an idiot in his eyes.

"My son, you are too ruthless."

Su Qingge's expression was a bit sad, "But it's okay to die in the hands of the son like this."

"If you are really the inheritor of magic skills, you can't get rid of it with me. After all, I brought you to the upper realm, so after I shoot you to death, maybe I will come to accompany you.

Gu Changge smiled casually, and squeezed her Qiong nose.

"My son, don't talk nonsense. You are destined to be the most outstanding figure in this world. This is not worth it at all."

Although Su Qingge knew Gu Changge's words and was joking, she looked at him seriously.

"I know it's nonsense, do you still care so much?" Gu Changge smiled disapprovingly, but he was a little intriguing in his heart.

Time passed quickly, and quickly, several days passed.

The birth of the inheritor of Nan Sheng Heavenly Demon's merit, as the winning prince gradually disappeared, during this time, it also became peaceful.

Many young Tianjiao, whether it is contemporary young supreme or ancient freak, have formed their own small groups.

Going to hunt the Jueyin creatures, they all set off almost together, which avoided a lot of being alone and encountering the inheritors of magic power.

In this way, it appeared to be very effective. For a long time, I no longer heard the news of attacks by inheritors of magic power.

The Zhenxian Academy in Hong Yutian finally began to recruit disciples, covering the entire upper bound area.

No matter what force, tradition, or race creature, as long as the bone age is not more than fifty, you can go.

But the only condition is to kill enough dead-yin creatures in exchange for points and qualifications.

All of a sudden, young beings who had obtained sufficient qualifications rushed to Hong Yutian one after another.

In the sky, the majestic and amazing divine ships and flying boats that can be seen every day are crushed and rumbling.

Various ancient feral beast mounts swept across the country, covering the sky and the sun, and the momentum was amazing.

It can be called a golden age, with all parties moving and stars gathering.

Hong Yutian, whose name originated from a strong existence named Hong Yu, some people say that his Cultivation Base has surpassed the real fairy and reached another Realm.

But it is impossible to verify whether it is true or not.

Hong Yutian's terrain is vast and vast, mysterious and vast, with all kinds of gods and fairy trees, extremely tall.

Looking from a high altitude, you can see a lot of xenon hydrogen fairy gas, rising from all over the place, Qilin leaping, fairy phoenix shaking wings, various visions, countless, like a place of immortal home.

It is not without reason that Zhenxian Academy is located here.

Regardless of the resources for cultivation, the supreme engravings, the mansions of the emperor, or the fate of luck, the sacred tree of immortal medicine, and the iron of immortal spring, they are the most generous places in the upper realm.

As a place where immortals are going to be built in this world.

In the real fairy academy, it is quite unquiet at the moment.

An ancient palace standing in the void, rusty and mottled, surrounded by chaos.

Several elderly people with extremely terrifying auras and chaotic auras between the opening and closing of their eyes were looking through ancient books.

In the case next to him, there are all kinds of records about the young supreme who are under fifty years old in the world today.

There was silence on their faces.

Even looking at 450 to see the reincarnation of ancient sages, born supreme, ancient gods, Wushuang combat body, and Jianxin psychic, there is no change.

In their eyes, these terrifying young existences seem to be ordinary, and it is difficult to fluctuate.

Suddenly, an old man's eyes flashed with a look of surprise, and after a closer look, his expression changed again, and it seemed to be a little shocked.

The person next to him also frowned and murmured, "The fairy and the devil are in the same body, you can turn to Yin & Yang, and you can turn to Samsara."

"Fairy Demon Body, this kind of physique hasn't appeared in many years," another old man approached and whispered softly.

"I can't remember it."

The gaze of the old man next to him was full of surprise, "It seems that another monster will appear in this life."

"Now that the quasi-sage strength is revealed, except for the one from the Gu family, the one from the Wang family, the one from Huangling, the god prince born on Tianhuangshan, the Buddha of Jinchan Temple, and the inheritor of magic skills who may be hidden in the dark."

"Maybe there will be a unique dark horse.

"Moreover, the strange stone in my Zhenxian Academy that has been sealed for countless years should also be born."

"The ten major sequence battles, let's start with them first, but I don't know what will happen to the descendants of the demon world in this life."

When mentioning the demon world, their expressions couldn't help being a little dignified and jealous.

Actually is not because of fear of the demon world.

It's a monster in Zhenxian Academy with a very old generation, who came from the monster world.

The apprentice he once taught is now the Empress Yao Xi who unifies the demon world.

Except for the Empress Yaoxi, he never accepted an apprentice again, which led to an embarrassing situation. Whenever a descendant of the demon world came to the True Immortal Academy, no one would dare to accept an apprentice.

He doesn't accept the person who exists, regardless of his aptitude, he doesn't care about it.

The rest of Elder is not easy to go beyond the generations. As a result, it is rarely seen that there are descendants from the Demon Realm to the True Immortal Academy.

So they were wondering, in this generation, will anyone come from the demon world.

And when a group of old monsters were discussing, it was far beyond the distance of hundreds of millions of miles.

Demon world, a certain domain.

In an antique room, a demon man with a pale face and cold sweat on his forehead suddenly roared and woke up from the bed.

He has a distorted expression and yells in pain,

"Yao Xi, I regard you as my beloved, why are you killing me?"

His words instantly alarmed the little Yaozu maid next to him who was in charge of looking after him.

The little maid's complexion was also pale with fright.

I don't understand why Young Master suddenly screamed nonsense when he woke up after passing out of a coma.

Yao Xi?

Isn't that the name of Empress Yao Xi who is now unifying the demon world?

"Young Master, what are you talking about? Empress Yaoxi's name, you can't call her name. We will be beheaded."

She stammered, very frightened.


The demon man on the bed suddenly became a little dull when he heard this, and was full of disbelief.

It took a long time to recover.

He is the parent and child of the Demon Emperor Xuanyang of the six demon emperors in the demon world, and Yao Xi is the child and daughter of the Demon Emperor Youyue, who grew up with him.

Didn't he drink Yao Xi's poisonous wine and was killed by her with a single sword?

How come back to life?

And Yao Xi has established herself as the queen?