Chapter 267

The young Yaozu man looked at all the strange things in the room, he was full of disbelief, and he couldn't return to his senses for a long time.

At the last moment, he was still in the courtyard of Xuanyang Palace, admiring flowers with Xiyao and discussing their wedding date.

Both of them are the most dazzling young talents in the demon world.

Even the heirs of the other four demon emperors, in front of them, are a bit inferior.

The two are childhood sweethearts, and they have a close relationship.

In the eyes of outsiders, they are a match made in heaven, and there is no such thing as a match like them in the world.

But he couldn't think of why Xiyao would poison his wine, and finally his eyes were cold and mocking, with a sword piercing his heart.

Could it be that everything Xi Yao did to him before was disguised, just to murder him in the end?

Why? He couldn't figure out why Xiyao did this.

"I died, but now I am alive again, and now I am also called Jun Bufan."

"It's just that the identity is no longer the demon emperor's parent and child, but the third Young Master of a big clan in the Nine Regions. He has mediocre talent and is not seen by his father. There is also a brother and Big sis on it."

"Now that the demon world has achieved great unification, there is no longer a situation where the six great demon emperors rule the world and the six legs stand together. To me, six thousand years have passed."

"These six thousand years have been regarded as a dream, and now that this dream wakes up, I am still a Jun Bufan. And Xiyao has become the queen of the demon world now, but this hatred, I will never forget, there will always be One day, I will come to her and ask her all this personally."

"To revenge her for this sword."

Jun Bufan closed his eyes and muttered to himself softly, sorting out the memories in his mind.

As the demon emperor's parent and child, he was the best talent in the demon world back then. His acceptance of things far surpassed ordinary people.

So I quickly accepted this situation.

Now what he wanted to know most was what happened that year and why the other five monster emperors were gone.

With the help of the big demon world, it was now reduced to a situation where Xi Yao was in charge.

She also said that her ambition is so big, in order to unify the demon world, she will not hesitate to kill herself cruelly, for her, this is tantamount to losing one of the biggest competitors.

What happened next, Xi Yao was just a young Tianjiao, how did she make the other five monster emperors disappear?

You must know that the Cultivation Base of the five demon emperors is far from what Xi Yao can compare. It is impossible for her to kill the five demon emperors.

Is it possible that all of this is the conspiracy of Youyue Demon Emperor?

"I don't know how the emperor father is now. With his Cultivation Base, it should be not far from that Realm. Will my rebirth be arranged by the emperor father? NS"

Jun Bufan kept whispering.

Speaking of the back, the light in his eyes flickered, and he thought of many things.

The little girl next to the meal is also very white.

In her opinion, Young Master was suddenly wicked, otherwise why would he say such a thing.

Talking about Empress Xiyao at will is a big crime in the demon world, beheading at the slightest, and ransacking the family and afflicting the whole clan.

At this moment, Jun Bufan seemed to notice the little maid next to him.

His expression gradually became serious, and he said, "Qing'er, remember these things that I heard today, don't mention it to anyone."

"Young Master, don't scare me. If you say these things, you will be beheaded and ransacked, although the owner is now highly regarded by Empress Xi Yao.

The voice of the little maid trembling more and more.

"So remember, don't mention it to anyone. At that time, neither you nor I will escape death." Jun Bufan's voice is also unusually calm.

Only then did he remember the memory in his mind.

His current father is a big figure in one of the nine domains and is highly regarded by Empress Xi Yao.

He was even named the King of Peace and Chaos because of his continuous efforts over the years to clean up the remnants of the previous demon emperors.

And he is now the son of the King of Peace.

This level of identity makes Jun Bufan feel ironic.

"I know, Young Master, don't worry. I won't say these things today.

The little maid nodded like a chicken pecking at the rice, and didn't dare to say anything more.

Regarding this, Jun Bufan is still very relieved.

For him now, what he has to do is to cultivate and explore the traces of his father by the way.

If there is anything left behind, it's okay to say.

Even if he has no successor, he is not afraid, believing that he will rise again with his identity as the demon emperor's parent and child.

Eventually, there will be a heavenly hall standing right in front of Xi Yao, questioning her, and telling the world what happened six thousand years ago, so that everyone in the demon world will be clear.

What is the real face of Queen Xi Yao whom they believe in now?

"This is the demon emperor status left by my father? Why 々[."

At this moment, Jun Bufan's expression was suddenly taken aback, and he noticed that a misty golden brilliance appeared in the sea of ​​own knowledge.

His whole person's consciousness seemed to be drawn into it, and he couldn't resist it at all.

It seems to be an empty place, but there is an endless and stalwart figure appearing in it.

Here seems to have a world, boundless, the sky and the ground are all creatures of the monster race.

The roar, the sound of chanting, the sound of sacrifice, and the blending together constitute a vast world sound.

No matter it is any creature, this time can not help but give birth to a sense of worship.

The terrible divine light, like a vast and infinite waterfall, obscures everything and rumbling.

"Father "

Jun Bufan's voice trembled, and he looked hard at the blurry figure in front of him.

Although it was sitting there, it was still extremely majestic, shrouded in endless traces of the avenue, it was not real, it was very vague.

Sitting high on the Ninth Stage, overlooking the eternal vicissitudes of the world.

It was his father Xuanyang Demon Emperor, one of the six strongest existences in the demon world.

At this moment, it seemed that he sensed Jun Bufan's figure, the stalwart figure who had been sitting cross-legged, opened his eyes.

His eyes are extremely majestic, but they are full of peace.

"Children, are you here? Now what you see of me is nothing more than a photo. There are not many things I can say for you, but you have to remember that now you are related to the survival of the entire demon world, this space Everything in it is what I left for you, which can help you grow up quickly."

"In the outside world, I have also arranged a lot of methods for you. You need to find it by yourself. When those powers are large enough, it will be when you come to find me. Although at that time, I may have disappeared. The only thing you have to remember is not to reveal your identity.

Jun Bufan was about to ask his father what happened over the years, but he never thought that Demon Emperor Xuanyang just said these things for him.

Is he related to the survival of the Demon Realm?

For a moment, Jun Bufan was dumbfounded, unbelievable.

He thought it would be a simple revenge, but now his father told him that all this seems to involve a lot.

It even reached the fate of the entire demon world.

"I know my father" Jun Bufan nodded secretly and clenched his fists.

Later, after confessing these words, the figure of the Demon Emperor Xuanyang disappeared in this space, as if he had completed the task.

Then, many chaotic waterfalls separated in front of me.

Jun Bufan saw the scene. He was a man for two lives. At this time, he couldn't help but breathe in the air.

The things his father had left for him were simply too much. Just the crystal-like substance, it piled up into a hill.

In addition, there are countless immortal treasures, immortal medicines, god springs, spiritual roots that are hardly found, and even various rare elixir.

In the palace, there is also recorded a stunning array of Spiritual Qi, gathering endless treasures, divine light rushing into the sky, fairy clouds, like colorful fog.

Farther away, there is also a spiritual field, in which various magical medicines are planted, and the spiritual spring flows. There are too many magical resources, much more than the resources he has seen in his previous life.

Especially Jun Bufan also saw it. The Xuanyang Heavenly Sword that his father left for him was exuding brilliant majesty and was inviolable.

"With these resources, I find Xi Yao revenge, so why is it difficult?"

At this moment, the heart of Jun Bufan was filled with pride.

A few days passed in a blink of an eye.

Gu Changge, who was in Nan Shengtian at the moment, didn't know what was happening in the demon world.

In the following days, he explored several Jue Yin battlefields, but none of them found the origin of Jue Yin, which made him a little disappointed.

Sure enough, the first time it was because of Wang Zijin, not because of him.

Except for the son of luck or the daughter of luck, others don't want to touch this thing.

This also made Gu Changge's mind temporarily dispel this thought, planning to go to Zhenxian Academy first.

The matter of Nan Shengtian was almost resolved.

As for Winshuang, Gu Changge has been paying attention, knowing that he has now come into contact with the mysterious forbidden magic organization.

The effect of this decoy made him feel a little relieved.

In a blink of an eye, half a month passed.

Hong Yutian.

An incomparably towering and ancient mountain gate stands upright, like the first mountain since the beginning of the world, revealing its desolation and ancient times.

The body's surface is drooping with strands of chaos, and there are billions of rays of glow blooming here, very Sacred.

Among them, the mountains stretch and the Shenyue is tall, as if supporting the whole world.

All kinds of xenon and hydrogen gas, rising from various places, show the mysterious vastness.

The fairy waterfalls are hanging down, the weather is varied, the sacred mountains and fairy islands are floating in the high sky, there are many fairy, birds and beasts coming and going, showing the unfathomable background.

"Is this the True Immortal Academy? With such a weather, it deserves to be called a place to make immortals."

"In this life, I am bound to make a name here and spread my name throughout the upper realm."

There are young people, full of ambition, high spirits, and firmly believe that they are invincible, and they are bound to sweep the world.

"However, I heard that this time, the ten major sequences have been set internally. From the Cultivation Base, they all have the actual strength above the quasi-sage.

"In addition to the sequence, there is also the division of quasi-sequence. The following point is the division of ordinary inner Outer Sect, the Cultivation Base of quasi-sequence disciples, at the level of the gods, and the Cultivation Base of the disciples of Inner Sect, at the level of the gods, Those below the Heavenly God Realm can only become Outer Sect disciples. This division, in the rest of the forces, is simply something that you can't even imagine. The younger generation can become true gods.

Which one is not Young Supreme, but here, he can only become an Outer Sect disciple."

"But it's not that I didn't have the opportunity to become a sequence. I challenged sequence seeds in the academy. As long as we succeed, we can get the same resources as them."

"I have also heard about this. The ten major sequences, except for the Young Master Changge and a few people from the descendants of the Ancestral Hall, the rest are young existences that have been sealed since ancient times, and there is even a six crowned and peerless king, listen. It is said that every time he is born, he will fight against the strongest contemporary, but without exception, he has never been defeated. It is simply outrageous."

"I heard that he intends to challenge Young Master Changge, saying that only Young Master Changge can be his opponent in this life. This is a big tone. Don't you put the rest of the sequence in your eyes?"

At this moment, many young talents are gathering here, marveling at the constant discussion in front of the mountain gate, feeling their own insignificance.

Even if they have an extraordinary background behind them, they still feel the horror of the True Immortal Academy.

"The young Tianjiao who is redeeming points, come here to undergo a bone age examination. If you are older than fifty, don't come, so as not to be embarrassed for a while."

At this time, in front of the mountain gate of Zhenxian Academy, there was an old man in white clothes standing in front of the gate of Zhenxian Academy.

It seems that Cultivation Base is not very strong, but no one dares to take it lightly.

His eyes swept across the many Tianjiao in front of him, his voice was not loud, but he spread out from a distance.

For a while, everyone in this place moved after hearing the sound and rushed to go there.

After all, there is no quota, even if they have a terrifying background behind them, they dare not arbitrarily enter the Zhenxian Academy.

According to the rumors, there are countless old monsters in the True Immortal Academy, from all over the upper realm.

Maybe in it, they will also meet the ancestors in the family behind them.

For the younger generation, entering the True Immortal Academy is a great opportunity.

For those old guys, the same is true.

"~Bone age is fifty-one years old, are you blind? You still dare to fish in troubled waters, come, and blast him out for me."

Suddenly, the complexion of the white-clothed old man became very ugly, his brow furrowed, and he scolded the middle-aged man in front of him, unceremoniously.

The middle-aged man's expression was also anxious, and he couldn't help but said, "I'm just one more day, exactly fifty years old and one day. Whether it's Cultivation Base or points, I have enough, can't I make it easy?"

The voice of the old man in white suddenly became very cold, "Don't waste my time anymore, the rules are the rules, you are not qualified to break.

"What kind of shit is the real fairy college, don't even talk about this point of reason."

The middle-aged man's expression changed abruptly, cursing, but before he finished his next sentence, his eyes widened, unbelievably, and he was frightened.

When the white-clothed old man waved his sleeves, the middle-aged man exploded in the air, turning into a cloud of blood.

This scene made the originally lively Zhenxian Academy suddenly become quiet and silent.

Everyone couldn't help but swallowed their saliva, a little bit cold behind their backs.

There were some cultivators who were in trouble and planned to fish in troubled waters. At this time, they couldn't help but fought a cold war and had the intention to retreat.

This is more than not being emotional, it is simply not paying attention to it.

There is no shortage of Tianjiao in Zhenxian Academy.

"We continue to provoke the end of Zhenxian Academy, that's it."

The old man in white continued to speak, his voice still calm.

But it also made the hearts of everyone stunned, knowing the strength and dominance of the True Immortal Academy, they would not even care about the background behind them.

Here, the words of Zhenxian Academy are rules.

Afterwards, the white-clothed old man held a crystal-clear ancient mirror, on which the divine light flickered, a burst of xenon hydrogen, and a brilliance fell on everyone.

Then, the bones, blood, spleen, lungs and organs of the person who were photographed afterwards were all crystal clear, as if they had become transparent.

This method can detect the bone age of the cultivator, which is to avoid people fishing in troubled waters.

At this time, in a relatively rear position, a man and a woman were here, whispering.

The girl looked like she was thirteen or fourteen, with a beautiful and well-behaved face, fair complexion, soft hair, and she was wearing a very simple and clean skirt.

But there are so many patches on the skirt. Compared with the many glamorously dressed and face-faced young Tianjiao (Ma Li's) Tianjiao nearby, it looks like a little beggar.

The teenager next to her was slightly older than her, but he was only seventeen or eighteen years old, and the clothes he wore were even more shabby, and looked worse than the girl next to him.

Many young Tianjiao deliberately avoided them. They looked like they saw a little beggar on the street.

However, the two of them seemed to be very used to the eyes of everyone and didn't care.

"Big Brother, Zhenxian Academy is so powerful, it kills people at every turn, or let's not go in, I'm a little scared…

The girl whispered with some worry and fear, shocked by the scene just now.

"No, we finally had such an opportunity, how could we give up. Xiaoyi, your talent is very good, once you enter the True Immortal Academy, you will definitely be respected."

"It will be a simple matter to avenge grandpa and live a good life at that time."

Hearing this, the young man shook his head and said with a firm expression in his eyes.

His name is Qing Feng, a girl named Qing Xiaoyi who is not related to the Big Brother. The two were adopted by an old beggar and grew up.

Now, not far away, tens of thousands of miles away, I came to the gate of Zhenxian Academy just to be able to worship in it.

Because the girl Qing Xiaoyi's talent is very good, although she has not practiced, but the ordinary cultivator is not her opponent.

Hearing that Zhenxian Academy will accept a lot of talented young girls this time, so he came here with Qing Xiaoyi.

I think that as long as the people at Zhenxian Academy are not blind, they will definitely accept him as Little Sister.

When that time comes, he will enter the True Immortal Academy with Xiaoyi as a follower.

"I know a lot about Big Brother.

Hearing this, Qing Xiaoyi nodded, and it was very difficult to overcome the fear and anxiety in her heart.


However, at this moment, in the high altitude, there was a trembling dragon's roar.

Immediately afterwards, a huge and incomparable blue dragon model came out in the air.

The nine-headed blue dragon pulled a white jade cart, and rumbling across the sky, the momentum was amazing, majestic and raging!

Behind the white jade chariot, there is the mighty young supreme, or driving a warship, riding a fierce beast, and follow all the way.

The pomp is so big that many young sages below the True Immortal Academy can't help but breathe.