Chapter 268

"Who is this here? Brother, it's such a big show. Even the old man in white at Zhenxian Academy has become much more submissive.

Qing Xiaoyi's eyes widened and she was shocked to watch this scene. This was the first time she saw a young Tianjiao coming. It was like this.

Kowloon pull cart!

Her eyes could not help showing envy and yearning.

"Look at the word Gu above, it should be from the Changsheng Gu family!"

At this time, the young man named Qing Feng couldn't help showing a sense of admiration and admiration in his eyes.

"People were born to be real dragons above Nine Heavens, not ours. They are humble clays. Don't look at them. Don't look at them. It will make people think that we are disrespectful to them."

Qing Feng hurriedly said, making Little Sister feel her head lowered. It would be too conspicuous if she kept looking at it like this.

"The Gu family is now recognized as the first person in the younger generation, Young Master Gu Changge! I have heard a lot of his rumors."

Qing Xiaoyi's eyes are full of yearning and admiration, always feeling that they are characters who are not in the same world as they belong.

Just standing there gives people an incomparable feeling that the world will revolve around it.

The other party is the fairy of Nine Heavens, and they are the ants of the red dust.

"Young Master Changge!"

At this moment, in front of the mountain gate of Zhenxian Academy, descending with Kowloon.

The white-clothed old man in charge of checking the bone age was taken aback and a little shocked at first, but he couldn't help but smile on his face. He stepped forward first, with a very amiable attitude.

The horrible holy realm pressure of the nine-headed blue dragon swept across all directions, causing the expressions of many young supreme to change drastically again, a little pale.

Unexpectedly, Gu Changge's pomp was so big.

The nine-headed holy realm blue dragon is pulling a cart, and the weakest is also the quasi holy realm!

Then, the curtain of the white jade car was opened by Su Qingge.

Gu Changge's figure walked out of it, his expression was gentle, and he smiled slightly at the white-clothed old man in front of him.

"Changge has seen Elder!"

"Young Master Changge, you don't have to be polite."

Seeing Gu Changge calling him Elder, the old man in white smiled deeper and his expression became more amiable.

Compared with the real Elder, his identity in Zhenxian Academy is not far behind.

But Gu Changge called it that, making his heart feel a little ecstatic.

As the younger generation, in the hearts of Zhenxian Academy, the proportions are not at all different.

For example, Gu Changge in front of him, if he is notified in advance, Elder and other old monsters will definitely show up to welcome him personally.

That's why he was a little dazed just now, a little unbelievable, this is the arrival of Gu Changge.

But with such a posture, apart from Gu Changge, the younger generation can't find a few people.

"Young Master Changge has not been here for hundreds of thousands of miles, and the boats and cars are exhausted. Why don't you go inside the mountain gate to rest."

The white-clothed old man then spoke with a respectful expression. This look made the young and supreme people at the gate of the mountain uneasy, but helpless.

The attitude of the white-clothed elders towards them just now was different.

What do you mean? Haven't seen them come here, have you been waiting for a long time?

Accompanied by beautiful women, there is space in the white jade car.

They also want to struggle like this.

This is really more annoying than people.

For this 450 "jumping in the line" behavior, they are very helpless, but they dare not say no.

"Now I want to check the bone age, right?"

Gu Changge looked complacent, but didn't care about the expressions of the young sages behind him.

His eyes fell on the ancient mirror in the hands of the old man in white and asked.

Behind him, Su Qingge stood quietly, her pretty face was white, her eyes were crystal clear, she was as quiet as a king Yuxian.

The followers are also very quiet, but their momentum is amazing.

"No need. Young Master Changge only needs to show his points. It's too much trouble for bone age or something."

Hearing the words, the old man in white hurriedly waved his hand and smiled authentically, saving this step.

As for the followers behind Gu Changge, it doesn't really matter whether there is a bone age over fifty years old.

Because of Gu Changge's identity and strength, Zhenxian Academy can make concessions for him and break the rules.

Seeing this scene, the expressions of many young princes changed for a while, and their hearts were helpless. Such a different treatment really made them feel depressed.

"When will Big Brother, we can do this too"

Among the crowd, Qing Xiaoyi saw this scene, Mei enviously yearned for it.

Her Big Brother Qingfeng is the same, and her eyes are full of fascination.

Then, he sighed, "Don't imagine, Young Master Changge, that is a character we will never reach."

"In that case, thank you Elder."

Hearing that, Gu Changge smiled slightly, but did not refuse, after all, it can save some time.

Soon, he showed enough points to kill Jue Yin creatures, and many followers, including Su Qingge, had a lot of points.

When he was on the battlefield of Nan Shengtian, Gu Changge went to the deepest place.

The dead-yin creatures that died in his hands, even the total number of people in front of him, were far inferior.

He also randomly selected some of the more powerful dead bodies to exchange points.

However, after entering the gate of Zhenxian Academy, Gu Changge did not choose to continue. He stopped here with a slight interest in his expression.

"What's wrong with the son?" Su Qingge looked at him curiously.

"Let's see if there are any good seedlings this time."

Gu Changge said casually, gazing across the many young supreme ones below.

In the end, she stayed on a delicate girl with her head down and a patch on her long skirt, thoughtfully.

He is also an air transporter.

The system has not prompted, so it should not be the girl of luck.

That huge amount of luck, even with lavender, in terms of degree, although it is still far behind Jiang Chuchu and others, but it is also amazing.

This made Gu Changge's expression a little moved, but he hadn't spoken, and cedh was always watching.

What is special about this girl? Why is there such a huge amount of luck?

Soon, according to the order, it was the turn of Qing Xiaoyi and Qing Feng to check the bone age.

"One is thirteen and the other is seventeen."

"It's just this Cultivation Base, you are afraid that you are not fooling the old man, a Spiritual Roots who have never cultivated before, and have no practice at all. What do you want to do?"

The white-clothed old man wrinkled his brows, his voice became a little rude, and he felt that the two were here to entertain him.

Although I felt that the talent of the girl in front of me might be extraordinary, but she hadn't practiced before, and she didn't have enough strength at all.

As for this boy? Where did the little beggar come from?

At this time, the words of the old man in white also attracted the attention of many people, and their eyes fell one after another, with mockery and sarcasm, and with great interest.

In this world, there is no shortage of people who are not too busy to watch the excitement.

They are even more so. Just now, many people were watching the shabby brothers and sisters who looked like beggars.

From the surroundings, that kind of unkind gaze made Qing Xiaoyi's complexion a little pale, and she couldn't help shrinking her head, a little scared and uneasy.

However, at this time, the young man named Qing Feng guarded her and gritted his teeth.

"Elder, although I have never cultivated Little Sister, she is stronger than some cultivators.


Before he could say anything, he heard laughter from all around him, making him flush, and wanted to ask them loudly, what are you laughing at.

But he didn't dare.

"You are making an old man!"

The white-clothed old man's voice sank, and he didn't believe what he said at all. Although the girl in front of him looked a bit extraordinary, Zhong Lingyun was a good seedling of cultivation.

But the best time has been missed.

The True Immortal Academy is to cultivate the true immortal, not to teach her how to practice from the beginning.

"Elder, this is true, I dare not lie to you, please, accept me Little Sister."

At this time, Qing Feng was also a little dumbfounded, and quickly interceded.

Unexpectedly, this will be the result.They traveled tens of thousands of miles away, trekking through mountains and rivers, and were finally turned away?

"Looking at your poor brother and sister, the old man doesn't want to do it, so leave if you are interested.

The old man in white sighed, his tone a little helpless, if it weren't for Gu Changge watching here, he probably had done it.

"Please, Elder, give me Little Sister a chance."

However, upon hearing this, Qing Feng gritted his teeth, knelt down, and begged.

"you "

The expression of the white-clothed old man changed again, and then he continued to sigh and ask, "Then let me ask you, do you have the points to kill the overcast creatures? If you want a place in the True Immortal Academy, you have to kill at least three true gods. You can do it for the dead-yin creatures of the realm."

Hearing this, Qing Feng's head buzzed and became blank, and his face suddenly turned white.

"Big Brother, let's go back."

At this time, Qing Xiaoyi also understood the meaning of the old man in white, and pulled Qing Feng's sleeves.

Before they came here, they didn't know anything, they didn't know how to enter Zhenxian Academy, and these requirements, thinking they were the same as other ordinary Sects.

It is enough to test talent and bone age.

They are too naive.

"Is there no other chance?

Qing Feng still asked unwillingly.

"No, you go back, don't force the old man to rush people."

The voice of the white-clothed old man was very cold, without any fluctuations.

At this time, although many young sages had never spoken, their eyes looked at them with a touch of mockery and pity.

Obviously he is not a person of the world, so he has to run over and smash himself to the head.

Zhenxian Academy is not open for people like them.

They will not laugh at anything, after all, it is a matter of lowering their status.

"Little clothes"

Looking at the aloof, mocking expressions of the young supreme group nearby.

The brothers and sisters of Qingfeng and Qing Xiaoyi could not help but tremble, their teeth clenched, and their hearts were filled with hesitation, anxiety, and fear.


At this moment, a gentle voice suddenly sounded in front of the quiet mountain gate, breaking the silent and uneasy atmosphere.

"Young Master Changge!

The old man in white hurriedly laughed and looked at the source of the sound.

Everyone looked over, including Qing Xiaoyi and Qing Feng brothers and sisters who were very upset and panic. They didn't understand why Gu Changge suddenly spoke at this time.

Gu Changge looked at them and said with a calm expression, "I will give the points for their brothers and sisters. It just so happens that there are still two sword-holding boys next to me."



Hearing this, not only the white-clothed old man's eyes widened, he took a breath of cold air in disbelief.

Even the rest of the young sages in front of the mountain gate were wide-eyed and shocked.

Sword boy?

The sword-holding boy next to Young Master Changge?

This is a relationship that is closer than the followers. Even if they are, it is estimated that they are far from qualified to be in the eyes of Gu Changge.

The two little beggars in front of them, how can they have such qualifications and opportunities?

For a time, many young supreme beings became envious and jealous. The expressions of Qing Feng and Qing Xiaoyi changed, not like the mockery just now.

Even the followers behind Gu Changge were a little surprised.

"what "

"This this

Qing Feng and Qing Xiaoyi were far more shocked than everyone else, and they hadn't reacted until now.

I just feel dizzy in my head, like being hit by a big pie.

Gu Changge's sword-holding boy?

This identity, before this, was far beyond their imagination, so I didn't even dare to think about it.

Because they knew that Gu Changge and Gu Changge could not be a figure in the same world, and they couldn't even come into contact with them.

Never thought that now, he would take the initiative to say so, to relieve the two brothers and sisters, and also said that there is a lack of two swordsmen.

This made Qingfeng's heart full of unprecedented gratitude.

Qing Xiaoyi also raised her head timidly, and looked at the oversighted young man not far away.

At this moment, Gu Changge felt like a divine light shrouded in their hearts, and Sacred was like an immortal coming to the dust.

"Young Master Changge, your sword-holding boy is no small matter, at least it must be an invincible existence of the same generation. As your sword-holding boy, how can they be?"

The white-clothed old man couldn't help but persuade him. He didn't expect Gu Changge to speak like this suddenly.

Hearing this, Gu Changge just gently shook his head and said, "I don't think it is easy for the two of them, brother and sister, to go here as a mortal body. How many cultivators can you reach with this perseverance?"

"If Zhenxian Academy wants to make an exception for this, Gu Mou is willing to bear it."

Hearing these words, the old man in white changed his expression slightly and hurriedly said, "Where does Young Master Changge speak? A trivial matter, how could it involve blaming you?"

"Then bother Elder.

Gu Changge's forehead slightly, his expression can't see much change.

Even Gu Changge said so, how dare the white-clothed old man continue to let Qing Xiaoyi and Qing Feng brother and sister leave.

At this time, the rest of the young supreme also cast envy and jealousy on them one after another.

Seeing that the dust had almost settled, Gu Changge was able to solve it so easily with a single sentence, so that Qing Feng and Qing Xiaoyi's brothers and sisters couldn't react to it, a little dumbfounded.

It's so dreamy.

This is the horror of power.

Even True Immortal Academy will choose to compromise!

"Thank you Young Master Changge for your great kindness today!"

"Qing Feng and Qing Xiaoyi will never forget!"

Afterwards, Qing Feng looked at Gu Changge excitedly and nervously, and was about to hold Little Sister and kneel down together to express gratitude.

However, Gu Changge frowned and an invisible force appeared, making the two of them unable to kneel down.

His voice rang unhurriedly, "How can a man kneel to someone so easily with gold under his knee?"

"I don't need you to kneel to me either."

The tone is still flat, without the slightest ups and downs.

However, it was Qing Xiaoyi and Qing Feng who were even more grateful.

Gu Changge's identity is far more noble than the young supreme here, but he is the only one who treats the two as human beings instead of ants.

This kindness keeps the two of them in mind.

However, at this moment, in the depths of Zhenxian Academy, a divine light suddenly rushed into the sky, and fairy clouds filled the sky.

Immediately after that, several incredibly terrifying auras emerged, descending toward the mountain gate!

In the high altitude, several people rushed to the sky quickly, and the void was vague, all of them were old men with extremely old faces.

There are even human bodies around Chaos Qi. Obviously, Cultivation Base has become unimaginable and terrifying.

This scene shocked everyone. The young supreme in front of the mountain could not help but look up, Qi Qi looked.

"See you Elder!"

The old man in white in front of the mountain gate changed his expression and hurriedly saluted, very respectful.

"The Gu family?"

After this group of old monsters arrived here, they first noticed Gu Changge, with a slightly stunned expression. They didn't expect him to come without saying hello first.

"Changge has seen you Elder.

Gu Changge's expression remained the same, and he slightly bowed to them.

"The rumors seem to underestimate your strength

"Very good, it's worthy of being a descendant of the Gu family."

The old monsters looked at Gu Changge's expressions, all with amazement, as if they were looking at some treasure.

"However, we are not here today for you

An old monster dressed in a gray robe with wide eyes and wisps of golden thunder said with a smile.

Gu Changge looked slightly surprised and smiled, "That's interesting.

Then, in the shocking gaze of everyone, the unfathomable old monsters in the Cultivation Base looked at the pair of little beggar-like brothers and sisters in front of them.

"The fairy demon body is indeed correct, it is of this physique. The Sikong family's deduction skills are well-deserved."

"We are here at the right time. Who will teach you? We will discuss it later.

What they looked at was naturally Qing Xiaoyi, with different expressions in their eyes, with wonder, thought, and so on.

This scene shocked everyone, including the Qingfeng brothers and sisters, once again, with their scalp numb and petrified.

The eyeballs almost fell to the ground, and there was no word for a long time.

Things are really ups and downs.

No one thought that this unsurprising little beggar would have a peculiar physique and would be favored by several Elders, and he would rush to the mountain gate in person.

Even if Gu Changge didn't say anything just now, it is estimated that the brother and sister will be left behind.

After all, these are the real Elders of True Immortal Academy!

"Gu Mou is eye-catching

Gu Changge was also a little surprised at this time.

"The great kindness of Young Master Changge, we two brothers and sisters are unforgettable!"

Although Qing Feng reacted, they have been working from time to time, but they still did not forget the kindness of Gu Changge just now, and he was very grateful.

"Thank you Young Master Changge!"

Qing Xiaoyi's voice was very low, and she seemed very timid and shy, but she still looked at Gu Changge secretly.

Hearing this, Gu Changge couldn't help but smile, "Don't thank me, this is what you deserve.

"However, this is fine, as taught by Elder, it is more promising than being a sword-holding boy by my side."

Of course, he knew in his mind for a long time and knew the development of the matter.

These old monsters did not come for him, but for the young girl named Qing Xiaoyi in front of them.

This point, Gu Changge had long expected.

With such a huge amount of luck, how can it be impossible to even enter the True Immortal Academy?

The actions and words just now are just to take a look at the changes in this point of luck, and to brush up on good impressions by the way.

Although the person of good luck is no better than son of luck, in Gu Changge's opinion, it is also a kind of leeks.

It's just the harvesting method, which is completely different from son of luck. .