Chapter 283

A palm fell, the sky turned upside down, like a blue sky falling and covering it, directly causing the many mountains and gods below to collapse and become animal fans.

Many young talents have no time to escape.

Even if the protective device was urged, it exploded one after another at this moment, turning into a cloud of blood mist.

This scene shocked many people. Whether it was Elder or the other young Tianjiao, they were all in shock, flying high in the sky, looking at this place in the distance.

It is normal for the younger generation to encounter confrontations and battles in Zhenxian Academy.

But the momentum is so scary as today, but it is rare.

"It's Gu Changge! What is he doing? Is it planning to fight Ziyang Tianjun?"

"Looking at this posture, it's very possible, but I haven't heard of any enmity between the two.

In the high altitude, the crowd of Elder looked surprised, their eyes flickered, staring at Gu Changge from a distance.

It was Gu Changge who shot, but the number of followers behind him was also very scary and mighty, covering the sky.

The average young Tianjiao encounters this kind of thing, I am afraid that their legs are weakened by fright.

It looks more like Gu Changge brought people here to contain Ziyang Tianjun.How big is this hatred?

Sequence disciples usually don't tear their faces easily.

"Tianjun Ziyang, get out of me."

The mountains were next to each other, the glow was gushing, and many divine rainbows came from all directions and appeared on them.

At this moment, listening to Gu Changge shouting so coldly again, everyone couldn't help but shudder in their backs, fascinated.

"This Gu Changge is simply deceiving people too much. I have no grievances with him, and even dealt with my followers like this.

At this moment, Rao is Ziyang Tianjun thinking about the city, but his face is gloomy, his fists are clenched, and an anger is rising.

Suddenly, for no reason, Gu Changge broke into this place, and did it forcefully against his followers?

Isn't this bullying?

"Junior Brother, what's going on? Is it possible that there is a conflict between you and this person? I think his Cultivation Base seems to be higher than you. If you shoot at will, I am afraid it is not his opponent."

Qin Wuya furrowed his brows and spoke with a slightly heavy expression.

Surviving three hundred years on Nine Heavens hardly made him look very vicious.

Almost at the first sight of Gu Changge, I felt that the other party was not simple. The strength of this person may be higher than that of Ziyang Tianjun.

Unless Ziyang Tianjun also hides some unknown powerful means.

However, he was still very angry. He didn't expect that he would be bullied by others when he was reunited with his younger brother just now.

Logically speaking from the background of Junior Brother Ziyang's identity, who else would dare to provoke him easily?

"I don't know why he blocked it, and he looked like he would never give up. He really planned to cover the sky with his hands at the True Immortal Academy." Ziyang Tianjun's face was very ugly.

"Who is this person? After such a thing, even Elder from the True Immortal Academy does not dare to show up and ask casually. I am afraid that the background is not small. How can the junior offend such a person or say that the other party deliberately bullies?"

Qin Wuya's gaze fell on Gu Changge's body, feeling that the other party was unkind.

At this time, a Four Divinities chariot rolled over from a distance, surrounded by real dragons, White Tigers, Vermillion Birds, and fairy phoenixes. The heroes are extraordinary.

There was a man standing on it like a young god, and even his hair seemed to be burning. It was astonishingly bright, like a burning sun.

It is the prince of God.

"If the two fight for a while, that would be great, just to see what Gu Changge's 460 strength is. Realm God Prince's eyes flicker, holding this plan.

On the other side, the Tianhuang Girl also appeared.

Gu Changge suddenly made a move, as if he was going to deal with Ziyang Tianjun. This news swept the entire True Immortal Academy almost instantly, causing waves like a major earthquake.

The battle between sequence disciples is really rare, and it is said that one of them is Gu Changge.

When he was still at the gate of the mountain, he acted at the Buddha Jin Chan, showing his own strength and terrifying strength.

So she is very interested in Gu Changge and wants to know how her strength compares to her opponent.

"Changge is going to deal with Ziyang Tianjun?"

In the palace, Yue Mingkong, who heard the news, was a little surprised, but did not care too much. After all, she knew how strong Gu Changge was.

This Ziyang Tianjun, even if he was number one in the upper realm, could not be Gu Changge's opponent.

"Why did Gu Changge bully people and act on the others?"

"Oh, it's the disgusting fellow Ziyang Tianjun, that's all right."

At this moment, upon hearing the news, Gu Xian'er, who was sitting cross-legged on a bluestone, was slightly taken aback.

However, she quickly reacted, a little smile appeared on her small face, a little happy, Gu Changge seemed to be planning to vent her anger.

If it is a disciple who is paying close attention to the movement of Zhenxian Academy these days, then he will definitely know that she and Ziyang Tianjun have actually fought against each other.

Speaking of this matter, it was still caused by Ziyang Tianjun. At that time, regardless of her warning, he had to come close to say hello.

In terms of Gu Xian'er's character, how could she bear it, so she directly dealt with Ziyang Tianjun.

But her strength alone is not actually Ziyang Tianjun's opponent, because Ziyang Tianjun has already broken through to Sage Realm.

She practiced for a short period of time. Although this time has caught up, she can at most deal with the quasi-sage level Tianjiao, facing Ziyang Tianjun, she will naturally fall into a disadvantage.

After Ziyang Tianjun was slightly better, he did not continue to make a move, and chose to leave without a trace.

But this matter is a shame in Gu Xian'er's eyes.

Sooner or later, she was going to defeat Ziyang Tianjun, stomping his face under her feet, and found her way back.

"Gu Changge said he doesn't care about me, but he saw that I was bullied, so he was busy trying to avenge me."

"Heh, man."

Gu Xian'er snorted, but she was very happy in her heart, as if she had already seen Gu Changge through.

Of course, she didn't dare to say these words in front of Gu Changge.

Then she moved and turned into a rainbow to leave here, intending to watch the excitement.

"Tianjun Ziyang, you are so courageous, you don't even say my words. To put in one's eyes?"

On the other side, Gu Changge's figure stood tall in the sky, immaculately dusty, with five-color divine light flowing all over his body, and many terrifying visions appeared in his eyes, terrifying and astonishing.

His voice still showed an understatement of indifference, overlooking the two people below.

He still couldn't find a suitable reason to deal with this Ziyang Tianjun, but the other party provokes Gu Xian'er, which really brought him a pillow.

"Gu Changge what do you mean?"

"You don't deceive too much, I don't need to be jealous of you."

Hearing this, Ziyang Tianjun also gave a cold cry, and his figure rushed directly into the sky.

There was a thunderous blast at the place covered by Tianling, and a terrifying blood rushed out.

Rolling up like a mountain, it turned into a terrifying Long Dragon of Blood Qi, breaking the clouds above the sky, overlooking all directions.

Today, there is a big brother by his side. He is not like Gu Changge when he was in front of the mountain gate.

"Oh, are you finally willing to get out?"

Gu Changge still looked at him indifferently from the sky, and looked indifferent to Ziyang Tianjun's daring to face himself.

Hearing that, Ziyang Tianjun's expression is even more gloomy, is Gu Changge looking down on him? Think he needs to keep hiding?

"Gu Changge, we have no grievances or grudges, why do you want to hurt my followers?"

Ziyang Tianjun couldn't help but asked coldly, his tone was very rude.

Now that so many people are watching, he can't be the same as last time, directly admitting and avoiding the battle.

His reputation among the younger generation has fallen once. Although the major sequence disciples each cherish feathers, they don't want to easily fight against others.

But Gu Changge is an exception. He has unparalleled confidence in his own strength, so he is not afraid of others competing with him at all.

On the contrary, they kept avoiding Gu Changge and didn't want to encounter him so quickly.

"Is there no grievances and no enmity? I think your memory is not good, forget what I said when I was in front of the mountain gate?"

Gu Changge said lightly, "I want you to stay away from Gu Xian'er, don't you put my words in your eyes?"

Ziyang Tianjun's expression changed, he naturally remembered these words, but how could he do what Gu Changge said.

Among the fragments of the future he saw, Gu Xian'er died tragically in the hands of Gu Changge. How could he allow such a tragedy to happen?

Even if Gu Xian'er is disgusted now, he will take him away from the fire. Gu Changge is not a good person.

Gu Xian'er has been deceived by it all the time!

"Oh, it seems that you still remember it, then you dare not put my words in your eyes, Ziyang Tianjun, do you really think that you are a serial disciple, I dare not take you to anything?"

Gu Changge still downplays the authenticity, his expression can't see the slightest wave.

But many Elders and disciples nearby, at this time, already understood what was going on.

"So strong, you deserve to be Young Master Changge, even the existence of Ziyang Tianjun is not in your eyes.

"So that's how Ziyang Tianjun formed an enmity with Young Master Changge."

At this moment, a young Tianjiao couldn't help whispering. Seeing that the person next to him was puzzled, he explained what happened during this period of time.

It is related to the celestial lady of the Changsheng Gu family, which is Gu Xian'er, the cousin of Gu Changge.

In the days when she first entered the gate, this cousin of Gu Changge caused quite a stir among the young arrogances with her beautiful face, which was a disaster for the country and the people.

Many things about her have also been turned over.

When he was a child, his cousin Gu Changge cruelly excavated the bones of the avenue, and then abandoned.

This tragic experience is sympathetic, but as Nirvana's young supreme, her talent and strength are not to be underestimated.

It is such a proud girl of heaven who has attracted a large number of admirers and suitors in a short period of time.

Among them, Ziyang Tianjun is exactly such a person.

There are rumors that on the first day Gu Xian'er entered the mountain gate, he was shocked as Deva, and then began to pursue frantically. As long as there is Gu Xian'er, he can be seen everywhere.

Because Ziyang Tianjun was a sequence disciple, the other young Tianjiao knew that they couldn't compete, so they withdrew one after another.

A few days ago, for unknown reasons, Gu Xian'er and Ziyang Tianjun clashed. The two had a battle, and Ziyang Tianjun finally left.

Many people think this is the reason, otherwise why explain Gu Changge's attitude?

The prince of God flashed his eyes, revealing deep thoughts, "Could it be that Gu Changge is still a sister-in-law? No, if so, how could he dig the bones of others' avenues when he was a child.

"This kind of behavior is by no means a good person. The so-called digging bones at the time was also forced by helplessness."

"Is he going to take advantage of the problem?"

Tianhuang Girl is also very smart, and she quickly understood Gu Changge's intentions. It is false to seek justice for her cousin, but she actually intends to do something against Ziyang Tianjun.

This made her feel chilly in her heart.

Gu Changge really treats their group of sequence disciples as prey, as long as there is a chance, they will not let it go?

However, many disciples and Elder thought of another aspect.

"There are rumors that Gu Changge digs bones outside the ancient city of Daotian to return to his sister, and then feels deeply guilty about him. Now Ziyang Tianjun's behavior (cedh) has touched Gu Changge's inverse scales?"

"Anyway, there is a good show today.

A series of divine rainbows flashed past, appeared high in the sky, closely watching the situation below, very excited and excited.

"Gu Changge, what do you mean?"

Seeing that Gu Changge didn't put himself in his eyes at all while speaking, it was Ziyang Tianjun, and he felt angry and his face was dripping with gloom.

He has never seen a young Tianjiao as powerful as Gu Changge.

Even the mysterious six-time champion would not be like him.

"I just think you are looking for death." Gu Changge's answer, as always, understatement.

"The so-called fair ladies, gentlemen are easy to describe, Gu Changge, do you really think that you are covering the sky with your hands in the True Fairy Academy? You have to take care of this too?"

Ziyang Tianjun's forehead bounced with blue veins, forcing himself to calm down. Since Gu Changge has torn his skin, why should he be polite.

Right now, he stunned, with mockery.

"It's not that Gu is nosy, it's just that you are not qualified to be a cat or dog."

Gu Changge said lightly, "I will teach you to recognize own qualifications today."

Having said that, he just started it directly, and he didn't give Ziyang Tianjun a chance to talk nonsense, and he was extremely straightforward.

The slender figure stepped forward, and the endless and flaming light shrouded, the five-color glow up and down, and instantly disappeared in place.

Throw your fist down, like this Universe starry sky smashed down!

At the same time, behind Gu Changge, his vision unfolded.

This was the first time he showed his vision in front of everyone.


As if the magnificent fairy gate was pushed aside, the vast expanse of breath instantly rushed over.

A vast and mysterious ancient world, it seems that there are thousands of immortals coming to the dynasty, and there is a magnificent sound of sacrifice and worship!

This scene caused all Tianjiao and Elder to tremble with horror. Before this, many people were speculating about Gu Changge's talents.

Some people say that he is in charge of space talent, and his speed is unparalleled.

Some people say that he possesses the supreme kendo supernatural powers and controls the supreme attacking sword art.

After all, in the rumors, no matter what aspect, Gu Changge could not find any flaws.

And the talent he showed today seems to be a projection of the fairy world!

This kind of vision has surpassed the list of ordinary visions, and many people even think that this world is real.

"How many tactics did Gu Changge hide? It's okay…" The god prince's breathing became rapid, difficult to calm, and a little heavy.

"Really strong.

The Heavenly Phoenix Girl stared at Gu Changge for an instant, her eyes were colorful.

"This breath is not"

"Junior Brother, run away!"

At this moment, not only Ziyang Tianjun's expression changed drastically, but Qin Wuya's expression also changed, and he quickly reminded him.

"Damn it, the backlash of my Celestial Eye is not good, it is difficult to use.

Ziyang Tianjun's face changed drastically, and with a wave of his robe, he made a rumbling sound, and he saw that his body began to fill with a thick purple air, which was ups and downs like a heavy fog.

Hongmeng Road bone recovery.

In a daze, he stood in the deepest part of the sky and earth.

The terrifying purple fog seemed to have swallowed the ancient worlds, turning there, the vision was terrifying.

These ancient worlds seem to come from when the world was first opened. They are extremely thick and contain extremely pure and real world power.

The power of vision collided with the spirit of grandeur, and suddenly a terrible brilliance broke out, like hundreds of stars exploded.

Even the Elders of the Supreme Realm couldn't help but change slightly, feeling the horror and tyranny of Ziyang Tianjun.

Worthy of being an ancient freak who once crushed the upper realm!

However, after this strike, Ziyang Tianjun retreated several cloths, his complexion became paler, and the corners of his mouth disappeared with blood.

"The strength of the Ziyang Heavenly Monarch should not be underestimated! He even took Gu Changge's blow!"

"Hongmeng Dao Bone"

The expressions of the god prince and other Tianjiao were slightly solemn, and they had long heard of the terrifying nature of the grandeur.

The power of Hongmeng is a legendary supreme power, even if it is the power of flying immortals that can be blessed on the attack, it is slightly inferior.

In the ancient mythology, the companions of the Great Mengmeng have great luck in the body, and they want to become their ancestors and be respected.

However, Ziyang Tianjun's Realm is obviously not enough, and the cosmic air that can be stimulated is not endless.

But this is scary enough, even if it is the most holy, they dare not insist on it.

"I just don't know how Young Master Changge will respond? His expression is too casual, he doesn't seem to care?"

The Tianhuang Girl had been paying attention to Gu Changge's movements, but seeing that her expression had not changed, she couldn't help but feel deep doubts and curiosity.

"Hongmeng Dao Bone"

"This kind of talent is wasted on you."

A different color flashed past Gu Changge's eyes.

Then he punched again. Although he had never used his true strength, he obviously used more strength than he had just casually used.

With his current strength, he didn't use other methods, even Quasi-Supreme did not fear at all.

To him, Ziyang Tianjun was just harvested leeks.


It seems to be carrying a party to the world, weighing billions of billions, and the power of attacking in the colorful glow, bursting into the sky!

The void was suddenly shattered, and a terrible void appeared!

All the Tianjiao who witnessed this scene could not help their legs weakened, their expressions were pale in amazement, and they almost fell to their knees.

This is the power of the world, which has exceeded the range that the void can bear!

The void is constantly shattered and blown up!

This kind of breath is too grand and terrifying, and the existence of the most holy realm has to be shocked and afraid to fight.

The fist fell, and the light of the fist shielded the sky and the earth, making the sky seem to be trembling, and then it exploded completely.

Ziyang Tianjun's eyes widened, he coughed up blood, and his head went blank.

Before it came into contact, that layer of radiant light broke all at once, and couldn't resist the slightest!

This is Wanfa who is walking on the ultimate road!

He reacted.

"Gu Changge's power is terrifying. What kind of physique is he, and why is it so similar to the power of Nirvana recorded in the Ancestral Hall?"

Many Elders sucked in air-conditioning, unexpectedly Gu Changge's physical strength had reached this point.

Needless to say, no one in the younger generation can match it.

"What qualifications do you have for a cat and a dog?"

Gu Changge asked lightly again, not consciously bullying the weak at all.

When this punch was completely pressed down, Ziyang Tianjun spit out blood again, half of his body directly exploded,

Many visceral fragments were ejected.

His expression was ugly and gloomy like pig liver, and he was defeated so powerfully by Gu Changge in front of all Tianjiao.

This made him extremely unwilling, aggrieved, angry, and humiliated!

It's not that he is not strong, but that the gap between the two is too big. If he is facing the same Realm Tianjiao, he will definitely win easily.

However, in front of him is Gu Changge, which is not what talent can make up for.

"Your Realm is definitely not Sage Realm! If it is in the same Realm.."

Ziyang Tianjun looked gloomy, gritted his teeth, and appeared in the distance, quickly recovering from his injuries.

But he was not finished speaking, and was interrupted by Gu Changge.

"Keep this to yourself. Waste is waste. Stay away from Gu Xian'er in the future."

"If you let me see it again, I will abolish you by myself."

His expression was still calm and calm, as if he had done a trivial thing.

If he wanted to kill Ziyang Tianjun, he would definitely be stopped by Elder of the True Immortal Academy, and the gain would not be worth the loss.

But hearing this, the nearby Tianjiao and Elder couldn't help but fell silent, a dead silence.

too strong!

Not only is the strength strong, but also the personality is strong.

Ancient freaks like Ziyang Tianjun who once pressed the upper realm were beaten like this?

The rest of the young Tianjiao couldn't help shivering, their souls trembling, and a chill burst from the tail vertebrae to the Tianling Gai. .