Chapter 284

"Junior, calm down"

"Don't be impulsive.

At this time, Qin Wuya, who had already figured out the ins and outs of the matter, also flashed. .

He appeared next to Ziyang Tianjun, who had a gloomy face and did not say a word, and watched for Gu Changge to do it again.


Ziyang Tianjun gritted his teeth, clenched his teeth and clenched his fist-head tightly.

The humiliation and humiliation in his heart was so humiliated by Gu Changge in front of all the disciples and Elder.

And even said that he personally abolished him?

But he couldn't do anything, even a rebuttal, because it would invite Gu Changge's hands again.

After he was reincarnated and became the heir of the Purple Mansion, it was the first time he encountered such a thing, which was a great shame.

In the past, no matter what kind of opponent it was, he was pushed by him sideways.

"Gu Changge, you have to be forgiving and forgiving. He has paid enough for Ziyang today.

Qin Wuya looked at Gu Changge, his voice was also very gloomy. In his opinion, there was room for relaxation in this matter.

Gu Changge's intention was to prevent Ziyang Tianjun from approaching his cousin, because he was worried that Ziyang Tianjun would be unruly with him.

But Gu Changge didn't know the relationship between his cousin and them.

Therefore, all of these are actually misunderstandings. As long as the explanation is clear, it should be resolved.

However, Gu Changge interrupted Qin Wuya with an indifferent expression, and did not give a hint of affection, "What kind of stuff are you? You deserve to teach me how to do things?"

"you "

Rao is Qin Wuya's mind that has been tempered for three hundred years in Nine Heavens. At this time, he couldn't help but feel angry.

This is too arrogant, can you still speak well?

However, many disciples and Elder felt that something was wrong. According to reason, Ziyang Tianjun and Qin Wuya should not recognize them.

Why are the two so familiar?

At this time, Ziyang Tianjun also felt the changes in the expressions of the people nearby, and couldn't help gritting his teeth, "Thank you Brother Qin for his righteousness. Remember today's grace, and Ziyang will surely repay you in the future."

After that, he wrapped the mighty purple gas and left right there without leaving a moment.

After today, the four words "Ziyang Tianjun", in the True Immortal Academy, would become the object of everyone's ridicule.

He remembered this shame!

Qin Wuya's brows frowned, which also reflected the meaning of Ziyang Tianjun.

His identity cannot be revealed now, so it is impossible to let people know his relationship with Ziyang Tianjun.

Thinking of this, he glanced at Gu Changge, and a coldness flashed across his eyes.

He wrote down the account today and will let Gu Changge return it in the future.

Although Qin Wuya's surface Cultivation Base only has the Celestial God Realm, his true strength is even at the Quasi-Supreme Realm, let alone many powerful methods.

I just don't want to be exposed in front of everyone.

After that, he didn't say a word, his figure flashed, and he disappeared quickly.

"It seems that the relationship between Ziyang Tianjun and the ancient man who came out of this strange stone seems to be good."

"Today's matter, the Liangzi between them and Young Master Changge is settled."

The Elder and the disciples looked at each other, with many emotions in their hearts, and their moods were even more complicated.

Now that Gu Changge is strong, I am afraid that it has already been deeply rooted in the hearts of the people.

Cover the sky with one hand?

I'm afraid this is not just talking.

The best among the sequence disciples faced him even so, let alone the rest of the young talents.

In front of him, I am afraid that I can't even stand firmly.

"After today, Zhenxian Academy is afraid that Gu Changge will need to be respected."

This is the thought in many Elder's minds.

But Mo Lao's expression was a bit strange.

He thought about what happened that night. A arrogant person like Gu Changge was finally planted in the hands of a woman.

In addition to making him feel that the world is impermanent, it is also the deep feeling that Su Qingge is terrible.

Worthy of being a true inheritor of magic power!

"Today's matter makes you laugh."

Afterwards, Gu Changge's gaze swept across the square, and a deep and gentle smile appeared on his face again.

It seems that the indifferent and powerful person just now is not like him.

The rapid change of this face made many young Tianjiao's complexion a little pale, and hurriedly waved to say no.

"That's good.

Gu Changge smiled slightly, his gaze swept past Gu Xian'er, who was a little surreptitious among the crowd, and left with a group of followers, without saying anything.

"This guy is quite relieved, but it's a pity that I didn't do it myself."

"In the future, I am afraid that no one will dare to pester me in the True Immortal Academy. This way, I will be much cleaner and I can concentrate on cultivation."

There was a smile in Gu Xian'er's cold eyes.

Then she quietly left the crowd. She didn't know if Gu Changge noticed her at the last glance.

But what Gu Changge did today made her feel that the bold behavior that day seemed to be worthwhile.

This guy still has a bit of conscience. After knowing that she was being bullied, he took revenge for her and found a place.

And Gu Changge is in a good mood.

After all, under the banner of seeking justice for Gu Xian'er, he not only hit Ziyang Tianjun, but also harvested a wave of luck points from the great brother Qin Wuya who returned from Nine Heavens.

I have to say that this series of related son of luck and the people of air luck affects the whole body.

Part of Qin Wuya's own fortune points involved Ziyang Tianjun, after all, he was the big brother of Ziyang Tianjun in his previous life.

In addition, today, in front of everyone, he hit Ziyang Tianjun a lot, regardless of whether he destroyed his Dao heart or not.

Anyway, it doesn't affect Gu Changge's next plan, because the prerequisite for Dao heart's magic to succeed is that Dao heart is hit hard.

Naturally, Gu Changge would not control Ziyang Tianjun. He was not sure whether he could succeed and might expose his identity because of this, so he still chose the method of pouring black water.

After all, he had mentioned to Wang Zijin before, Dao heart planting demons.

At that time, you only need to take advantage of the trend, even if Ziyang Tianjun wants to quibble, it is impossible.

Afterwards, he returned to the palace and rejected everyone.

Gu Changge used the enchanting fruit, and saw a burst of golden light in his palm, like a mysterious small tree swaggering there, bearing various brilliant fruits on it.

At this moment, on top of a fruit, there are wisps of purple air hanging down.

"The reproduced Hongmeng Ziqi, although rushed, it is enough to use fake and real things.

Gu Changge's smile seemed a bit profound.

At the time of the war, he intercepted a part of the Magnificent Purple Qi by means, and then cultivated it with the enchanting fruit, and now it has produced a fruit.

Of course, the Hongmeng Purple Qi obtained in this way is definitely not as good as the Hongmeng Daogu itself.

After all, the time is very short, and if the time is longer, it may be able to be fully reproduced.

The effect of receiving something like Daoguo is heaven-defying, after all, it is something that drops after killing human ancestors.

Of course, the grand purple qi possessed by Ziyang Tianjun and the kind of grand purple qi that Gu Changge understands are not a concept, but it is also an extremely terrifying talent.

The power of Hongmeng, the evolution of chaos, the beginning, and the black and yellow are powerful and unspeakable.

On the other hand, Gu Changge's strong suppression of the defeat of Ziyang Tianjun spread all over the Zhenxian Academy and caused a sensation.

In the Immortal Cave, Ziyang Tianjun, who was the person involved, had recovered from his injuries.

"Big brother, this is how things happened."

"Gu Changge has a vicious mind, and the little junior sister is so naive, she will end up being brutally attacked by him in the end."

He breathed a sigh of relief slowly, he had recovered from the huge blow of the previous few days, and then informed Qin Wuya of the fragment of the future he had seen with the eyes of Xiandao Tian.

"This Gu Changge actually has this purpose, and the hidden is too deep. I actually thought that everything he did was for the good of the younger sister.,

"It seems that what happened that day was just a matter of excuse."

Qin Wuya was silent for a moment, his face was also ugly, and he understood Ziyang Tianjun's mood a bit.

In their view, even if Gu Xian'er hasn't recovered her past life memory, she is still their junior sister.

Now that she knows that she will encounter such a thing in the future, how can she not worry?

Gu Changge beside her is not a good person.

"In my opinion, this Gu Changge is much more terrifying than some magical inheritor. The magical inheritor will not be like him, holding the banner of justice and doing some bullying and domineering things.

"His evil is hidden under a layer of hypocrisy

Qin Wuya couldn't help sighing. These days, he has known many young talents very well, and he is even more impressed with Gu Changge.

"Big brother, what should we do now? It's impossible to see Junior Sister fall into the fire pit and ignore it, right?"

Ziyang Tianjun clenched his fists tightly, and felt a tingling pain in his heart when he thought of Gu Xian'er's cold disgusting attitude towards him.

In the previous life, even if the little sister was indifferent to him, she would not be like this, without concealing her disgust.

On the contrary, Gu Xian'er trusted and relied on Gu Changge, who was supposed to be her big enemy.

How he can stand this, it's like a knife.

"The younger brother is not anxious. I have checked the ancient books these few days and found that the Samsara Lake in the Immortal Days can remind people of past lives.

Qin Wuya slowly said, "Please pay attention to yourself these few days. Don't conflict with Gu Changge. I will go to Samsara Lake and return within a month at most.

Hearing this, Ziyang Tianjun was taken aback, and then clicked, "Okay, I listen to the big brother."

Although the Purple Mansion behind him also dispatched Elder to the True Immortal Academy.

However, it is difficult for anyone to intervene without the fight between life and death. After all, the Changsheng Gu Jia next to Gu Changge is not a vegetarian.

At that time, if he collides with Gu Changge again, I am afraid he will only be humiliated again.

This made Ziyang Tianjun very unwilling and frustrated, but there was no way.

He has been in a lifetime, and has pressed the younger generation in the upper realm. He has never been defeated? But in front of Gu Changge, there is no resistance at all.

"As long as my Xiandao Tianyan backlash recovers and Cultivation Base rises to the next level, I will definitely be able to wash away the humiliation!"

Ziyang Tianjun was secretly ruthless in his heart.

Time passed quickly, and in a blink of an eye it was the day of the entrance examination of Zhenxian Academy.

On the wide and huge square, the crowd was surging, extremely dense.

Above the sky, the chaotic air rises and falls, and the ancient palaces are magnificent and simple, showing a long atmosphere.

It can be seen that in the high sky, there are rainbows coming down, and many arrogances who drive the chariots are also coming from all the fairy mountains and gods.

The mount covered the sky and the sun, and the scene was extremely frightening. Even at a long distance, one could feel the majestic qi and blood.

All the disciples attached great importance to this trial.

The square is surrounded by mountains and mountains next to each other, or filled with blue light, falling green clouds, winding colorful rainbows, and they are all majestic and majestic.

On these mountains, many Tianjiao also rushed to this mountain, including Wang Wushuang of the King of Longevity, Chi Ling of the Vermillion Bird clan, and Ye Langtian and Ye Liuli of the Primordial Leaf Clan.

"This trial, all seniors paid great attention to it, and it involved absolutely cloudy matters.

"The absolutely cloudy sky broke out again, and a spiritual and wise creature was born in it. This has never appeared in previous historical records."

"Several seniors have said that it is very likely that the Absolute Yin Emperor was born this time in an absolutely cloudy sky, and maybe there is an existence above the Absolute Yin Emperor, and they may establish the Absolute Yin Kingdom."

In the palace, several Elders were discussing things, with solemn expressions, discussing the content of this trial.

The trial of Zhenxian Academy is by no means as simple as an ordinary test, and it will definitely be much more difficult.

"Stay into teams, ten ranks, divided into five teams, and then select the following disciples separately."

Afterwards, they couldn't help sighing.

Although they have been responsible for many entry trials, they feel that things will not be too simple this time.

...For flowers...…

The casualties may be astonishing, because the territory of each part is different, and the dangers in it are unknown.

But soon, on the high platform, a burst of divine rainbow fell, and Gu Changge led a group of followers, also rushed here.

When the nearby Tianjiao saw him coming, his expressions could not help but changed drastically.

"Meet Young Master Changge."

In the front, a delicate girl in a white dress was standing with a teenager, who seemed a little out of tune with the many Tianjiao nearby.

Suddenly seeing Gu Changge walking in this direction, she was a little nervous and shy, her face turned red, and she hurriedly saw her politely said.

But the voice was trembling, a little stuttering.

Gu Changge stopped in front of her and smiled slightly, "You're called Qing Xiaoyi, right? Long time no see, are you used to it now?"

"what "

"Young Master Changge still remembers my name, I am quite used to it now."

When Gu Changge yelled his name so directly, Qing Xiaoyi was pleasantly surprised and shy, and his heart beat quickly.

Unexpectedly, I was a small person, and Gu Changge could remember his name.

In her opinion, this is completely unimaginable.

"I have seen Young Master Changge!"

Qingfeng, her Big Brother, also hurriedly met with courtesy, showing respect and gratitude to Gu Changge.

Gu Changge's head slightly, "It seems that during this time, your brothers and sisters have gained a lot, and even your Cultivation Base has a lot of Ascension."

"Thanks to Little Sister, otherwise I won't be so lucky." Qing Feng touched the back of his head and laughed a little silly.

"You can't say that, after all, everyone has the law of fate."

Gu Changge smiled and said a few words with them.

If he remembers correctly, Qingfeng's talent is very poor, so bad that he doesn't have Spiritual Roots, although it is very likely that Elder will transplant Spiritual Roots for it.

But in a short period of time, it is impossible to break through to this point.



In just a moment, Gu Changge connected these two words in his mind.

Otherwise, how to explain this phenomenon?

At the beginning, he had left an eye on Qing Feng's body, but now, when he looks at his luck, there is a tendency to increase.

"It seems that I got some treasure.

Many thoughts flashed in Gu Changge's mind, but his face remained calm.

However, he didn't say anything more, and quickly passed by the two of them.

Qing Xiaoyi's eyes were full of admiration, and she was very excited and excited, "Big Brother, look at me and say that Young Master Changge remembers my name.

"Oh, I know, I know, keep your voice down, now you are the proud disciple of the Elders, pay attention to your image.

Qing Feng said helplessly.

During this time, Qing Xiaoyi always mentioned Gu Changge in front of him. Any rumors or news about him would be clear.

His ears are almost forming calluses.

In the past, in front of Gu Changge, he might still have a low self-esteem and dare not even speak, but recently his mentality has changed and he has gradually gained confidence.

And all of this, Qing Feng knew, was brought about by the mysterious bottle.

"Can't be like this, Xiaoyi is very grateful and admired for Gu Changge, but in Gu Changge's eyes, she is just a small person who is insignificant…"

Qing Feng sighed in her heart and felt that she couldn't let Qing Xiaoyi continue like this.

Otherwise she will be in pain one day, leaving regrets and sadness in vain.

On the square, all the young Tianjiao soon gathered, and even Ziyang Tianjun, who was very gloomy, appeared.

In the other direction, the mysterious six-time champion appeared in everyone's field of vision for the first time.

He has a fuzzy face and a medium build. He is standing on a mountain and dressed in grey clothes. He seems to be separated from everyone by a world, and his strength is unfathomable.

The golden cicada Buddha, the god prince, the heavenly phoenix girl, the descendants of the human ancestor palace, Wang Zijin, Jiang Chuchu, Gu Xian'er, the Wushuangxian Dynasty Emperor Yue Mingkong, the rest of the ancient freak wins the cream, the self-styled young king, and those who walked out of the restricted area successor..

Almost the most dazzling and dazzling Tianjiao of this generation has appeared at this moment and wants to participate in this entry assessment.

"I heard that this time the assessment will be conducted by drawing lots. I just don't know who is so lucky to be on the same team as Changge."

"I think it might be his fiancée, Princess Mingkong from the Wushuang Immortal Dynasty.

"This is not necessarily true. The draw this time is entirely based on luck. Although Princess Mingkong is the fiancée of Young Master Changge, at this time, there is no luck bonus."

Many young Tianjiao talked about it, and they were very concerned about the draw this time.

After all, this entry trial is about subsequent resource allocation and various Elder teachings.

Of course, for Gu Changge, this trial was just a small step in his follow-up plan and was of no importance.

He hopes to be with Yue Mingkong, after all, the two are also regarded as old husbands and old wives, and it is very convenient to work together. He doesn't need to worry too much.

"Now every serial disciple starts to draw lots, and the draw is over. I will explain the content of this trial later.

Soon, an Elder appeared on the high platform, his eyes scanned the many arrogances below, and then said.


A square stone box appeared in the void, the material was very special.

Even Divine Sense can't get in, so there are no small tricks to cheat.

Zhenxian Academy can't afford to lose this person either.

Soon, a group of sequence disciples began to draw lots one by one.

"Sequence One."

Gu Changge raised his eyebrows, looked at the serial number on the jade fortune he drew, and couldn't help but mutter it softly.

And when he looked up and scanned the other sequence disciples, Jiang Chuchu, who was not far away, had a calm expression.

In her jade hand, she also squeezed the jade sign marked with Sequence One.

The gazes of the two of them passed in the void, and she quickly lowered her head, her expression unconcealed in surprise.

"How could it be this guy.

Gu Changge's expression didn't change much, but he felt that luck was really poisonous in his heart. superior.