Ch 38

Following this stern face, fluttering robe, and vigorous old man stepped into the hall.

It can be seen that when he was young, his demeanor was refined, his whole person felt like being one with the Tao, and the whole person seemed to stand at the center of the Tao.

Dao rhyme is natural and law is intertwined. It seems that the heaven and the earth merge with his breath while walking.

Even the old man who was smoking a dry cigarette just now, who looked like an old farmer, stood up and seemed to respect him.

"Meet the ancestors."

In the Great Hall, Gu Lintian didn't know which ancestor who came in now, and he was quite courteous in his words.

In addition to Gu Lintian, there are many Gu family elders in the Great Hall who come from various lines of the Gu family.

Naturally, Cultivation Base needless to say, the weakest one is also the Quasi-Supreme Realm, which is discussing this time about the Purple Mansion.

For them, this is just a trivial matter that doesn't hurt or itch~.

If it hadn't been for Gu Changge, they would probably not care that much.

"Meet the ancestors."

A group of elders also saluted.

Some people have guessed in their hearts the identity of the ancestor who stepped into the temple.

But there are too many ancestors of the Gu family, and some ancestors have never met even in the millions of years they have practiced.

This ancestor in front of him is just like that. Many elders are unfamiliar with his face, but they dare not disrespect him.

You must know that even as the supreme, they are deeply trembling, with a natural meaning of worship from the heart.

This can only show that the Cultivation Base of this ancestor is already unfathomable.

"My name is Gu Lang."

As everyone guessed, the ancestor spoke, and there was a little chaotic masculinity in his hair.

As if he had just crawled out of the graveyard, his voice was with a faint smile, and he looked at the younger generations in front of him, somewhat satisfied.


"Nangzu! The one who almost broke the Dao heart of the Emperor God…

Hearing this, the elders of the Gu family, including Gu Lintian, couldn't help taking a breath.

Then he reacted, Gu Lintian went up to the cupped hands and said, "The younger generation is now the Patriarch of the Gu family, who has seen the eighteenth ancestor!"

As the head of the family, Rao has a much more respectful attitude at this moment than before.

Gu Lang.

Many others in this person are just an ancestor in the line behind him.

There is no way to verify his age, and I don't even know what era he is.

The only record I ever shot was the Emperor God who encountered the Emperor Mountain countless years ago

The Emperor of God ruled the world and ruled the various ethnic groups in the ancient times, and his ambitions expanded.

One day, driving the Golden Light Avenue, came to the gate of Changsheng Gu's family, trying to provoke, intending to get a glimpse of the longevity Gu's heritage.

As a result, before stepping into the mountain gate, he was slapped directly in front of the gate by an ancestor of the Gu family who came out to breathe.

This shocked the time.

Naturally, it also became the biggest stain on the wise Emperor.

It's just that as time gradually passed, many orthodoxy who had witnessed this incident were also buried in the long river of time.

By now, there are very few cultivators who know this secret thing.

But in Gu's family, anyone who has studied the secrets of ancient history will know this.

Of course, the people at Tianhuang Mountain must also know that, otherwise, there would not have been the last time Ying Yu came to Changshenggu's family to visit Gu Changge, and ended up waiting outside the mountain gate for half a month without seeing anyone, and finally left in anger.

The general Immortal Great Master and Longevity Orthodoxy, how can Tianhuangshan win the emperor's daughter so jealous?

"Not bad.

"But the eighteenth ancestor? How long has it been called, and now I have been slack in cultivation for a long time, I am afraid that even the 20th ancestor will not be able to be."

Gu Lang was in a good mood. He shook his head and smiled.

Gu Lintian felt his breath in this vein.

From the perspective of Cultivation Base, it is not far from enlightenment.

This made him quite gratified. In the past, Patriarch Gu had no such kind of Cultivation Base at such an age.

This only shows that Gu Lintian's talent is good.

Hearing that, all the elders in the temple are even more ashamed. What is cultivation slack, even the twenty ancestors can't be?

Gu Lang is called the Eighteenth Patriarch because of his strength, ranking eighteenth among the ancestors of the Gu family.

And this matter was a long, long time ago, and no one can tell where his Cultivation Base has reached.

I also said before that the ancestors of the Changsheng Gu family have rarely appeared in the world, regardless of the part in the fairy world for the time being.

The upper realm part alone is enough for everyone in the Gu family to ponder and guess.

"I already know about the Purple Mansion. Heaven does evil, but people do not live. You don't need to care about it. On the contrary, it is the descendant of my family, but I am very interested.

And just between everyone's speculation.

Gu Lang spoke again, his eyes were deep, and there were many terrifying sights appearing in them.

It seemed that they penetrated many spaces at once and fell within the territory of the Purple Mansion.

What he said was even more direct, and he didn't really care about such trivial things as the Purple Mansion.

Before he walked out of the cemetery and came to the Great Hall, he had insight into many things that had happened to the Changsheng Gu family during this period of time.

He is not interested in matters large and small.

The entire Gu family was organized and prosperous under the management of the younger generations.

However, he became very interested in Gu Changge, the descendant of Xiao Qiang who almost caused trouble.

Speaking of this, this is a younger generation in his line, who is so cruel and cruel, he started to dig his own cousin at a young age.

Although the follow-up remedial measures are not clever, they can more or less solve this matter from the root cause.

Hearing this, Gu Zesheng suddenly wanted to see this junior.

Of course he wouldn't blame Gu Changge or anything. The younger generation's matters were left to the younger generation to solve, he was purely interested.

"Changge is now in the ancient country of Black Tortoise, planning to crusade against the Purple Mansion. If the Eighteenth Ancestor wants to see him, then I will send him a message to return to the clan."

"The Purple Mansion issue shouldn't waste him much time."

Gu Lintian heard the words and said.

After all, the ancestor finally came out. If the ancestor is optimistic, dropping something out of the fingers, it is enough for their younger generations to benefit a lot.

Although Gu Changge has a strong talent, he is only a junior after all. Now they know many rumors outside.

Contend against the quasi supreme.

To be honest, he was stunned as a father for a long time, but Gu Changge's hidden strength was so terrifying.

Of course, he is more open and happy.

Some of Gu Changge's plans during this period, in fact, he has already stated very clearly in the talisman.

This time the crusade against the Purple Mansion actually didn't involve the Changsheng Gu family.

Gu Changge can easily deal with it with his own strength.

And now he also has Gu Qingyi by his side. With its Cultivation Base, even if it is the other ancient existence, if you want to start with Gu Changge, you have to weigh it.

So Gu Lintian is not worried about Gu Changge.

"According to the words sent by Tsing Yi, Changge has gained a lot of opportunities during this period. Cultivation Base has made rapid progress. This time the crusade against the Purple Mansion can also be regarded as his tempering."

In addition, Gu Lintian was deeply impressed by the righteous sister own, and could no longer see through her Cultivation Base.

He still remembers when Gu Qingyi was born, she looked like a little girl of seven or eight years old, but in a blink of an eye, her Cultivation Base was already unfathomable, and his righteous brother couldn't help but feel a little ashamed.

"Oh, if that's the case, it doesn't have to be. I will come out this time and I can meet some old friends by the way. I won't be Closed Door Training in a short time. Then wait for the good news from this little guy."

Hearing this, Gu Lang just waved his hand and smiled faintly, not planning to let Gu Changge come back.

In this way, it might interfere with Gu Changge's plan.

He actually appreciates this kind of courageous, aggressive and powerful junior, and he doesn't want to interfere too much.

After saying this, Gu Lang didn't say much, his figure flickered, and he disappeared in the Great Hall.

At his level, one thought can span hundreds of millions of miles, just an instant, but it is very likely that he would have gone to an endless distant place long ago.

"Judging from the information recorded in the rumors, the character of the eighteenth ancestor is like this. Although he did not intend to take care of it, in fact, his old man is estimated to have rushed to the Zifu at this moment."

"If the Purple Mansion doesn't have any powerful background, I'm afraid it won't be able to sustain Changge's troops.

Seeing Gu Lang disappeared, an old clan smiled bitterly.

"I didn't expect that this incident would alarm the Eighteenth Ancestor. If his old man took the initiative, this Purple Mansion would indeed not be able to break through the storm."

Many clan elders talked a lot, but the eighteen ancestors still admired the eighteenth ancestors in discourse.

And from these words today, it can be seen that the eighteenth ancestors should be very optimistic about Gu Changge.

Thinking of this, the elders of the clan looked at Gu Lintian, with sharp eyes.

"Patriarch, this time we are fighting against the Purple Mansion, my Gu family will send a five emperor realm, ten supreme realm to help the young master, what do you think?"

Before that, they all heard the news of Gu Changge, knew his plan, and said that there was no need for the Changsheng Gu family to intervene.

Gu Changge intends to use this to temper the army of the ancient continent where he is located.

But now even the eighteenth ancestors have rushed away.

It is always impossible for the Changsheng Gu family to let the ancestors do it, and the younger generations can't watch the drama on the side?

Gu Lintian nodded when he heard the words, "That's it, it's just that the Emperor Mountain, the Primordial Leaf Clan, and the Endless Fire Nation have already rushed away in this battle, and we are only going to fight the battle at most."

Five emperor realms.

But to be precise, it should be two emperor realms and three quasi-emperor realms.

After the Cultivation Base breakthrough Supreme Ninth Stage, you can enter the ranks of the imperial realm.

It existed when entering the emperor realm for the first time, and in today's upper realm, it is generally called the quasi emperor.

After the quasi emperor, the cultivator began to Nirvana.

If Nirvana succeeds, it is called the emperor realm, and it is also commonly known as an enlightened person.

That is the real emperor, the universe is invincible, and it is almost impossible to find an enemy in the sky and the earth.

Among the lower realms to which the upper realm is attached, only the complete world of Heavenly Dao can give birth to the mark of Heavenly Dao and integrate the mark of Heavenly Dao to become an emperor.

But in the upper realm, there are no many restrictions, because the integrity of Heavenly Dao encompasses countless lower realms.

The cultivator can become an emperor as long as the Cultivation Base breaks through the quasi-imperial realm, and then succeeds in Nirvana.

So there will be a situation where many Tianjiao will break through and become enlightened in the same era.

In order to better distinguish the difference between the enlightened and the unenlightened, many Taoist traditions call it the quasi-imperial realm.

Below the divine realm, the divine realm, the holy realm, the supreme realm, the emperor realm, and even the fairyland above.

These are the six realms well-known in the upper realm.

Subsequently, an order was passed out, causing a sensation in various places, and the senior Gu family began to mobilize strong people from all over the place to crusade against the Purple Mansion.

"The Purple Mansion can't live or die!"

On top of the gods and celestial mountains, a terrifying powerhouse snorted coldly, and began to wear armor, the power of blood and blood rushed out of the sky.

At the same time, the ancient horn blew, cast with the true horns of various terrifying beasts, and the sound vibrated, calling for the coming of Gu's Xianwei.


A series of incomparably bright light gates penetrated, the celestial sound spread, and the celestial spirit permeated, as if connecting the other side of the world.

A Divine Armament rode out an ancient pure-blooded fierce beast, with a murderous intent that shook the sky, and had a cold breath.

Everyone is a battle armor with dazzling celestial light, seeming to have experienced countless wars, and the light in his eyes is like a heavenly sword, making the void turbulent.

There is no doubt that this is an invincible team of the Changsheng Gu family.

On weekdays, he cultivates and kills enemies in another world and sharpens his own combat power, but when a war breaks out, he will be at the forefront.

In the other directions, there are also door openings.

The divine light disappeared, and the momentum was overwhelming. Soldiers began to rush out, riding various terrifying and fierce beasts, like a thousand horses galloping.

At the same time, Tiangong trembled.

The ancient warships broke open from the Minor World from all sides, and they were stained with blood, entwined with chaotic air and fairy mist, and carried unparalleled power.

"Follow the decree and conquer the Purple Mansion!

In the endless territory where the Changsheng Gu family was located, countless affiliated forces were shaken, and without any hesitation, they began to gather strong combat power.

For the Changsheng Gu family, he has an extremely strong conviction.

The flying boats on the battlefield and the beasts in the war zone gathered into a mighty force of terror, which stopped under the stars.

There are hundreds of millions!

The shocking changes on the Changsheng Gu family's side immediately shocked many orthodox forces who were paying close attention to this matter.

Many Taoists want to know the depth of the longevity Gu family and what attitude they will have towards this battle.

Because of the Taoist forces such as Tianhuang Mountain and the endless fire country, they have rushed away and killed the territory where the purple mansion is located.

But Changsheng Gu's family has been silent for a long time.

This makes many people wonder if the Changsheng Gu family really doesn't plan to take care of it more?

But soon, the fluctuations in the sky shocked everyone.

I saw the ancient warships that broke the territory, extremely ancient, like a square continent, rushing out of the territory where the Changsheng Gu family was located.

With a thick chaotic air and fairy fog, it directly broke through the space, and the momentum was huge, shaking the sky.

In addition, many dazzling fairy guards rushed out, riding various terrifying beasts, murderous and covering the sky.

As for the combat power among those affiliated forces, let alone say no more.

Like a locust, the sky is overwhelming, and the sky is overwhelming, as if the dark clouds on the border cannot be seen.

Between the heaven and the earth, only the boundless darkness was cast down, and the black cloud was pressing down on the city, and it was about to descend directly to the territory where the Purple Mansion was located.

"Stepping on the Purple Mansion!"

"Raise the prestige of the young master!"

The terrifying momentum echoed under the stars, almost bursting the sky.

This scene directly caused many Dao Tong who had previously held a speculative skepticism to lose their voices and was extremely shocked.

To put it bluntly, just this battle has made many Taoist traditions shudder.

…For flowers

Compared with the army dispatched by such forces as Mt. Emperor Tianhuang and the Nation of Endless Fire, it is more terror than many times.

Moreover, many Taoist spies noticed that at least ten supreme members of the Changsheng Gu family were dispatched at the same time, and the breath covered the sky, which was heart palpitating and couldn't help kneeling on the ground.

There is not even quasi-supreme among them.

To know that the three supreme shots of Tianhuangshan, the Taikoo Leaf Clan is also three.

This is already regarded as an unmatched force in many orthodoxy, and the scarcity of supreme is by no means a false statement.

Today's Zhenxian Academy knows no more than a dozen supreme ones!

But Changsheng Gu's family sent a total of ten!

This is an attitude, and it is a display of horror!

Since Zifu dispatched a supreme, should he go to rescue his descendants?

Well, my Changsheng Gu family dispatched ten statues today!

This made many forces tremble to the extreme.

They know that the longevity family has a terrifying and unfathomable heritage, which has been passed down from the oldest period of the fairyland to the present day, and they dare not imagine it.

And now, many Taoist traditions are asking themselves, if this force suddenly slams into their territory, can they stop it?

I am afraid that apart from those Daoist forces that have existed since before the Taboo Era, almost no one can stop it!

Thinking of this, they couldn't help but shook their faces. Before this, many Taoist traditions were speculating about the longevity Gu family's background and why they stand Immortal.

And now I finally know part of the reason!

Afterwards, an ancient warship draped in Chaos Qi and Immortal Mist slammed into Tianyu with the roar, with blood stains of the ancient peak powerhouse on it.

Light doors opened one after another, from which smashed out the mighty knights and soldiers, the number was tens of thousands.

The fairy armor is dazzling, it seems to have experienced endless killing.

A strong man with a fierce temper, there is blood rushing into the sky in the Tianling Gai.

One by one, like a strong man, holding a variety of weapons, riding a pure-blooded beast, stepping into the gate of light!


"Take down the Purple Mansion today!"

"Promote my longevity and family prestige!"

The ancient warship was simple and majestic, roaring away from the sky, smashing into the sky, and directly forcibly opening a space channel.

That kind of immortal power is too vast, it is unimaginable, suppressing countless cultivator souls are shaking, and can't help kneeling to the ground.

Moreover, some cultivator seems to have noticed that in addition to the Supreme, the Changsheng Gu family also dispatched the existence of the emperor!

The emperor realm exists, that is almost the invincible who suppresses the foundation!

Now that the fairyland of the upper realm is not visible, the emperor realm represents invincibility!

For a while, everyone's scalp became numb.

Then, after the Changsheng Gu family dispatched an army, they were far away.

At the beginning of the primordial gods, the ancient warships began to rush in, and they were mighty, with immeasurable murderous aura, shattering the sky!

The eyes of the entire Upper Realm were affected by this battle.

Many Orthodox forces, and there are strong ones who rushed to Zifu for the first time. Although they did not participate in it, they did not want to miss this terrorist war.

At this time, how can Zifu stop?

But because of this, it is Gu Changge from the ancient country of Black Tortoise, which seems to be very leisurely. Many cultivators have focused on the Purple Mansion.

On his side, there are a lot less people paying attention.

This made Gu Changge feel that some of his tactics may have been overly worrying.

He doesn't even need to make a move. With this force alone, the Purple Mansion is enough, still want to contend?

It is simply impossible.

But in this way, his chance of experimenting with the great army of the Ancient Immortal Continent was gone.

With the lessons learned from the Purple Mansion, which Taoism would dare to be calculated by him in the future?

At this moment, a few green bamboos rustled in the courtyard, which looked quite quiet and elegant.

Gu Changge's robes are as clean as they are clean, and the dust is not stained. Ji Qingxuan grinds for him by the side.

Instead, he was writing something with some interest.

Tang Wan was dressed in a plain gauze, with a gentle and beautiful face, no powder, and a graceful figure. She stood in front of him a little respectfully and uneasily.

In fact, her heart was not as calm as it seemed on the surface.

The more she understood, the more she felt the horror of Gu Changge.

Tang Wan looked up ancient books before and guessed that Gu Changge was the inheritor of magic skills.

Now it seems that this guess is probably true.

Just when the Upper Realm made a sensation because of his actions, and when the Zi Mansion was on the verge of being destroyed by many Taoist traditions, he, the client, was still practicing calligraphy leisurely here.

Quiet and indifferent, revealing a sense of transcendence.

Such a huge gap made Tang Wan's heart tremble, she was terrified to the extreme.

"Well, this word is really difficult to write.

At this moment, Gu Changge smiled slightly and put down the pen in his hand.

"The son's handwriting is so beautiful."

Ji Qingxuan's beautiful eyes glowed with splendor.

The word "killing" should have been full of the meaning of killing the golden horse and iron horse, but in Gu Changge's writing, there is a sense of vulgarity, as if it can stop the fight.

But if you look closely, you will find that this word contains supreme meaning.

The word "Kill" can be separated from the paper at any time, and turned into an iron-blooded warrior, killing everything!

Such a Realm made her very impressed.

"You sycophants.

Gu Changge smiled when he heard the words, and then looked at Tang Wan who had been waiting for him for a long time.

"I have seen the master.

At this moment, in front of Gu Changge, Tang Wan no longer dared to be as stubborn and tough as before, feeling deeply afraid and uneasy.

Because she was worried that after the Purple Mansion, the Tang family behind her would become the second Purple Mansion and follow in his footsteps.

Although the Purple Mansion has not yet been destroyed, it is not far from her point of view.

Even if Chu Hao took over the position of the head teacher of Taishang Dongtian, facing Gu Changge, there was only a dead end.

Not to mention Gu Changge's hidden strength, just the many methods he now shows on the bright side are enough to make people fearful.

Before that, although Tang Wan knew the strength of the Gu family, she never thought it would be so terrifying.

Now the situation in the entire upper realm has changed because of the long-lived Gu family dispatching an army this time.

"During this time, Chu Hao seems to be still discussing plans to deal with me."

"I said before that if he doesn't take the initiative to provoke me, I actually don't bother to do anything with him. To me, crushing him should be much easier than destroying the Purple Mansion."

Gu Changge raised his eyes and glanced at her with a smile, with the warmth and jade that made people feel like a spring breeze.

Hearing this, Tang Wan's face was pale, and a chill came out of her back. She didn't know how Gu Changge learned about it.

But what he said is true.

During this time, Chu Hao did not listen to her persuasion.

On the contrary, he was still planning to deal with Gu Changge, and did not give up, but wanted to repay the humiliation that day.

Her voice couldn't help but tremble, and she couldn't help being frightened,

"I have persuaded Chu Hao, can the master give me some more time?"