Ch 339

In the courtyard, a breeze blew, making the green bamboo rustle.

The environment became more and more tranquil.


"But I feel that Chu Hao still wants to kill me wholeheartedly. Is this my illusion, or is it Chu Hao's arrogant self-confidence?'

"If I give you time, how many days do you think is appropriate? Or do you want me to do it myself? Actually, I am quite annoying and troublesome, but Chu Hao does not seem to be in this list."

In front of the stone table, Gu Changge blew the mist in the teacup lightly, his eyes faint, and he asked casually.

The words seem to be very understatement, not very mindful.

In Ji Qingxuan's beautiful glazed eyes, some surprise was revealed.

She stood by, cleverly squeezing the shoulders for Gu Changge, she was already very qualified for the identity of this maid.

In her opinion, what kind of identity Gu Changge is, how could she care about Chu Hao too much.

I say this purely because I feel offended by an ant, and I feel uncomfortable.

"Master, please give me another period of time, at most half a month, I will definitely let Chu Hao understand all this and let him give up."

"Chu Hao doesn't know where the sky is high and the earth is thick, and he wants his master to be magnanimous and don't care about what offends his master."

Tang Wan's voice was trembling, her eyes were extremely frightened, she was obviously frightened to the extreme.

Judging from the meaning of Gu Changge's words, is he planning to do something against Chu Hao?

She couldn't imagine that at this time, if Gu Changge really did something to Chu Hao, how could Chu Hao survive?

I'm afraid it's ten dead and no life!

Before that, no matter what she said to Chu Hao, Chu Hao firmly believed that sooner or later he would get everything from Gu Changge's hands and wash away the humiliation that day.

Chu Hao turned a deaf ear to Tang Wan's many persuasion.

With this in mind, Chu Hao actually conspired a lot of tricks during this period.

These methods, in Tang Wan's view, are even stupid, and they are unlikely to have any impact on Gu Changge.

After all, Chu Hao is just a little prince from the ancient country of Vermillion Bird.

Compared with the entire longevity Gu family, the ancient Vermillion Bird country is far inferior to even its smallest subsidiary force, humble like a building ant.

Under such a huge gap, does Chu Hao still think he has hope?

Especially even she couldn't help herself and could no longer help Chu Hao.

Does he still want to understand?

Tang Wan is very disappointed with Chu Hao now.

She was already thinking of everything to help Chu Hao, but not only did Chu Hao no longer care, she was even looking for her own death.

If Gu Changge really intends to destroy the ancient country of Vermillion Bird, it is really just a sentence.

You don't even need Gu Changge to do it himself. The countless "four-nine-nine" forces who want to please him are very happy to do this.

Counting on the Taishang Cave Sky behind Chu Hao to protect him? Can't you see the end of the Purple Mansion?

"No, you don't have to worry about Chu Hao. I have other things to leave to you."

At this time, Gu Changge waved her hand to interrupt her, and said lightly, "During this period, a person named Qin Wuya may come to you. When that happens, don't be alarmed no matter what you encounter, just follow Just do what I said."

"Qin Wuya"

Tang Wan was stunned. For some reason, this name gave her a very familiar feeling, as if she had heard of it somewhere.

"Is this the brother of Ziyang Tianjun? Master's enemy?"

Suddenly she reacted, her complexion changed slightly, and she remembered.

During this period of time, she had heard of the name Qin Wuya, and at the time she still felt that she seemed familiar with it.

It's just why Gu Changge would say that Qin Wuya would come to look for her?

"It's him. After all, you are the dao companion of his previous life. He knows your existence and will definitely come to you to continue his relationship."

Gu Changge glanced at her and said lightly.

"Past life dao companion?"

Hearing this, Tang Wan's eyes widened suddenly, she couldn't help taking a breath of cold air, her face turned pale.

During this period of time, some vague images appeared in her mind.

It was in front of the magnificent ancient mountain gate, an era far away from today.

The sky is high and the earth is far away.

The mountain is majestic, the fairy mountain is magnificent, and it is extremely vast and infinite.

She has a kind-eyed and respected head father.

There is also a mature and stable dao companion, as well as a younger brother and younger sister who shoulder the heavy responsibility of recovering the mountain gate.

Although she comforted herself that it was just a dream. But I couldn't help but wonder whether Samsara existed in this world.

But now hearing Gu Changge's words really made her stand still.

There seemed to be Huang Zhongda Lu exploded in his head, humming and trembling.

However, how did Gu Changge know all this, and still so confidently said that Qin Wuya was her previous life dao companion?

This made Tang Wan completely stunned, she couldn't believe it.

Where is Gu Changge, Sacred, and why does he know these things?

Ji Qingxuan also heard Gu Changge's words, and she was shocked, but she didn't show anything on her face, so she had to pretend that she hadn't heard anything.

But in her heart, Gu Changge has become more and more mysterious, and even Samsara in her previous life is so clear?

"How does the master know this?"

However, Tang Wan was also tempered in the Commercial League anyway, and experienced big winds and waves.

He quickly recovered his calm and couldn't help asking.

But there was Yan Shao's horror in her voice that she didn't want to admit.

Gu Changge glanced at her, shook his head, and didn't say much, "You don't need to know this, just remember what I asked you to do."


Tang Wan nodded, her heart was full of sorrow, thinking of Gu Changge's other First Stage identity, the descendant of Samsara Gu Tianzun!

It is not surprising that he can penetrate Samsara's way and understand all this.

It's just that she can't figure out why men who have a relationship with her will eventually appear on the opposite side of Gu Changge.

This is true whether it is Chu Hao or the man named Qin Wuya who is suspected of being her dao companion in her previous life.

In the end, she turned out to be the one to deal with them personally.

This feeling made Tang Wan's heart weak.

"You go back to the ancient country of Vermillion Bird, if there is anything I will tell you."

Gu Changge said lightly, knowing what Tang Wan was thinking, but didn't care.

"It's the master."

Tang Wan lowered her head, her face was full of gloom.

After Tang Wan left, Gu Changge waved Ji Qingxuan down.

He looked at the piece of paper in his hand, his eyes thoughtful.

"At this time, Zifu Palace, it is impossible to give up Ziyang Tianjun. Although it is being besieged by the great powers, it will definitely send a strong person to rescue him."

"If Taishang Dongtian is acquainted, you should know what to do. If you are not acquainted, don't blame me for doing it again.

Gu Changge couldn't help muttering softly, his eyes looked a little deep.

Thinking of this, Gu Changge began to order his men to pass all the people in the Zi Mansion including Ziyang Tianjun to the ancient country of Vermillion Bird.

Anyway, he intends to cause trouble.

If this were to be able to provoke the contradiction between Taishang Dongtian and Zifu, it would save some trouble.

If you can't, you can also let the ancient city gate of Vermillion Bird catch fire and destroy the pond fish.

Although Gu Changge wanted to target Chu Hao and Vermillion Bird against the ancient country, but if he did it for no reason, he would be sick.

After all, on the surface, he is the young leader of the right way, and he has to cherish feathers.

What's more, the Changsheng Gu family is now showing a sharp edge.

If his behavior is too strong and arrogant, it will inevitably make the rest of the Taoism become jealous of the Changsheng Gu family and give birth to his intentions.

After many considerations, Gu Changge felt that it was more appropriate to kill with a knife.

As for Chu Hao, Gu Changge doesn't really care.

After all, Chu Hao's own background is far inferior to Ziyang Tianjun.

In addition, there is no hurry to deal with Chu Hao.

As a son of luck, Chu Hao's role is much more than that of Ziyang Tianjun.

Before that, it hadn't been squeezed clean, so it is a pity to kill it like this.

After all, leeks are so hard to find!

That is, Chu Hao and Qin Wuya can let him harvest.

"In this way, things are a lot more logical. The ancient country of Vermillion Bird was destroyed by the angry Purple Mansion. At that time, I regretted at most, saying that I didn't expect the Purple Mansion to be so vicious."

Thinking of this, Gu Changge couldn't help but smile, and then set off for the ancient country of Vermillion Bird.

And the Black Tortoise ancient country lord and others, who were watching Gu Changge's every move closely, smiled at this moment.

I can hardly wait for the whole country to send firecrackers and gongs and drums to the sky.

Many aristocratic families in the ancient Black Tortoise country also breathed a sigh of relief, for fear that the fight between the Purple Mansion and Gu Changge would involve all of them.

Now that Gu Changge left, the ancient country of Black Tortoise was relatively safer, and there was no need to be as frightened as before.

"Uncle Master, after she left, did Wan'er go to see Gu Changge?"

At the same time, the ancient capital of Black Tortoise.

In a magnificent mansion.

The two are discussing something. The man who is questioning at this moment has a handsome face and a tall stature with a vague attitude.

It was Chu Hao, and the old man in front of him, the bones of Xianfeng Dao, with three strands of white beard, was his uncle Bai Yang.

The two left from the ancient country of Vermillion Bird and followed Tang Wan all the way.

Chu Hao eagerly wanted to know her purpose here, and why she came here to see Gu Changge.

If this matter is not clear, Chu Hao feels that he will have trouble sleeping and eating.

Even if you enter concentration, you can't enter concentration, and there are many demonic obstacles in your mind.

"Wan'er won't betray me, she has troubles and was threatened by Gu Changge!!

Chu Hao couldn't help muttering, as if a thorn had been inserted in his heart.

The thought of Tang Wan hiding from him and secretly coming here to see Gu Changge privately made him feel aggrieved and upset.

Although she knew Tang Wan's character, she would not do anything to betray him.

But this kind of thing, how can it be tolerated by which man it is?

But he had to choose to forgive Tang Wan, pretending to be blind to this matter.

Hearing that, Bai Yang's complexion was also very ugly, frowned, and sighed slightly, "If Tang Wan didn't change her route halfway, she should have gone to see Gu Changge.

"That mansion is now where Gu Changge lives.

He glanced at Chu Hao with some regret and sympathy. At this time, he couldn't think of any words to persuade him.

"Uncle Master, haven't you followed?"

Although I had guessed it a long time ago, Chu Hao's expression was still very ugly when he heard the teacher say so, he took a deep breath and forced himself to calm down.

"Gu Changge is now protected by a mysterious imperial realm powerhouse. If I rushed forward, I would probably be misunderstood by that emperor realm. I assumed that I was with the Purple Mansion and came to assassinate Gu Changge."

Bai Yang showed a trace of fear and explained.

He himself actually knew something about the supreme who had been sent by the Purple Mansion to rescue Ziyang Heavenly Monarch before.

Even if his strength is stronger than the opponent, it is not much stronger.

At this time, if you encounter that mysterious emperor realm powerhouse, isn't it going to die?

"Uncle Master is thoughtful, I am reckless.

Hearing this, Chu Hao clenched his fists very tightly, and an unwillingness reappeared in his heart again.

Since he was a child, he has been practicing smoothly and has had many opportunities, so he didn't encounter any setbacks or hardships.

Only a few hundred years old is the pinnacle of the Quasi-Supreme Realm, and the future is bright. As long as the future does not fall, he is bound to stand at the pinnacle of the upper realm.

But now on Gu Changge, he has repeatedly suffered huge blows.

Even if the uncle of the supreme strength showed up, Gu Changge couldn't help but he didn't even dare to show up to investigate.

"But Hao'er, don't worry. I think Tang Wan went to meet Gu Changge, and when he came out, it was actually a cup of tea in the middle. It shouldn't happen between the two, and Tang Wan's breath is pure, and it is still finished. Wall of

Seeing Chu Hao's appearance, Bai Yang was also a little worried and helpless, and patted him on the shoulder for fear that a good seedling would be destroyed like this.

So I couldn't help but speak like this and persuade.

Just a woman, it doesn't deserve Chu Hao to care so much.

But he didn't say much about these words.

"I know, don't worry, Uncle Master, I know it in my heart."

Chu Hao had calmed down at this moment, knowing that it was impossible to blame Tang Wan at this time.

But this kind of thing, he must find a way to solve it.

Gu Changge is so frantic, who knows if he will suddenly act indiscriminately one day?

And when Tang Wan is a weak woman, can she still resist?

But at this time, Chu Hao's expression suddenly changed again, feeling that the messenger in Sumeru Ring had news from the ancient country of Vermillion Bird.

If it weren't for a major event, the Lord Vermillion Bird would not take the initiative to contact him.

"what happened?"

Bai Yang noticed the change in Chu Hao's complexion and couldn't help asking.

"An accident happened in the ancient country of Vermillion Bird Damn it Gu Changge, he and I are at odds!"

Chu Hao took out the messenger talisman and quickly checked the news in it, his expression also changed drastically.

He became gloomy and ugly, almost gritted his teeth, spit out these words from his throat, hatred.

"Uncle Master, let's return to the ancient country of Vermillion Bird.

After saying this, he planned to leave. He didn't expect that Gu Changge would not forget to calculate the ancient country Vermillion Bird when he was at war with the Purple Mansion.

It's really ruthless!

"Could it be"

Bai Yang's complexion changed slightly, and he knew the seriousness of the matter.

He faintly guessed something, and couldn't help but feel a chill out of Gu Changge's methods.

When Chu Hao Shang was dealing with Gu Changge, Gu Changge had already started.

And the methods are terrible, they can be called vigorous and resolute, it is creepy, and there is no blood to kill.

During this period of time, the eyes of the entire Upper Realm are almost all concentrated in the territory where the Purple Mansion is located. There is no cultivator and orthodoxy that does not pay attention to all this.

Even forces such as Foshan and Renzu Temple, who are aloof, are paying close attention.

Longevity War, Immortal Tribulation, how many times have they appeared throughout the ages?

Everyone's blood is surging, and their hearts are surging…

The mighty army descended on the ancient warship. It came from the Taoist forces such as Tianhuangshan, the Taikoo Ye Clan, and directly killed them under the banner of crusade against the inheritors of magic arts and against Ziyang Tianjun.

If it is to flatten the Purple Mansion, it can also share many benefits for it.

The Purple Mansion has stood for countless years and has accumulated many resources and heritage.

Now this battle seems to everyone, the Purple Mansion is bound to be destroyed, there is no superfluous possibility.

The momentum caused by this war is extremely terrifying, and the starry sky over hundreds of millions of miles has been shaken, which is unimaginable.


"Stepping on the Purple Mansion!"

Hundreds of millions of cultivators and creatures are mighty, the sea of ​​void, chaos and turbulence that cross over, the momentum is overwhelming, and the murderous intent almost drowns everything.

Countless forces along the way were shy, shrank in their territory, and did not dare to speak.

Watching these orthodoxy and affiliated forces go from the sky, covering the sky and the sun.

Hundreds of millions of army, oppressed and left, like a peerless knife, cast with the might of heaven, suddenly split everything!


In the Purple Mansion, all the disciples and Elder looked solemn, urging all kinds of strong means.

The divine light soars into the sky, the mountain protection array is activated, and the light beams of various colors rush into the sky.

But there are too many cultivators killed. The ten thousand tribes under the control of Tianhuang Mountain are all sent by elites.

It's hard to see this scene forever.

In the other direction, all creatures can only feel the amazing supreme air machine sweeping away from the sky.

The big stars trembled, like sifting chaff, Cangyu was shocked, and the universe was twisted.

There was roaring and killing sounds, shaking countless forces.

It can be imagined what kind of terrifying battle happened there.

The war between the supreme!

A majestic dharma body, purple qi stretches and evolves everything.

Standing on top of the earth, surrounded by countless sacred clouds, trying to defeat all enemies, as if standing on the top of the universe.

Vaguely, one could see a tripod with infinite brilliance, a golden bell, and a large cyan seal in it.

That is the supreme weapon, the moment of awakening, it blurs all the rules.

Many Stars exploded and instantly became children's fans.

This scene shocked all cultivator and orthodoxy.

"The background of the Purple Mansion is so terrible, it directly blocks the attack of Tianhuang Mountain and the Taikoo Ye Clan?,

"I didn't expect that the Purple Mansion was hidden so deeply, but the supreme ones should come from the ancestral hall, and their aura does not belong to the contemporary!"

Many Taoist powers are paying close attention to this battle, and they are extremely shocked.

Unexpectedly, the situation that was previously thought to be one-sided would be deadlocked.

The strength of the Purple Mansion is beyond everyone's imagination.

Only then did many people realize that Zifu dared to do this, because it turned out to be emboldened!

At this moment, outside the distant star field, there was a rumbling sound, everyone trembled, and the soul seemed to be about to break apart.

The quaint flags are swaying, holding everything up!

The majestic ancient warships on one of the ancient continents cast endless shadows.

Immediately afterwards, blasted through the void, covered with Chaos Qi, smashed everything in front of him, and crushed the sky.

The big word "Gu" swayed above the sky!

The front is exactly, the territory where the Purple Mansion is located!

"The Changsheng Gu family is here! This time the Purple Mansion is so fierce and lucky, he can support a few joint ventures, but can he support the Changsheng Gu family's posture?"

"It seems that Zifu Mountain Gate is about to be breached!"

All the orthodoxy and forces were shocked, watching the hundreds of millions of troops arrive, stretched endlessly, covering the sky and the starry sky.

This is the unparalleled power that makes people tremble!

"Stepping down on the Purple Mansion! Promote my family's prestige!"

An old man blew everything with his horn on the ancient warship, and then the terrifying wave fell instantly.

This battle broke out instantly.

On the ancient warship, the rune was diffused, turned into a divine sword, and shot down forward.

In the depths of the starry sky, a light symbol appeared in the sky suddenly, shocking the sky.

The void trembled piece by piece, like a sieve, pierced by wisps of brilliance and breath.

The large formation in front of Zifu Mountain almost collapsed and was difficult to guard!

This scene shocked the strong people who were watching the battle from afar, and a chill came out of their backs.

This is just a blow. If there are a few more blows, can the Zifu Mountain Gate still defend 3.7?


At this time, Gu's supreme also took the lead!

Between the gestures, the supreme power swept all directions, making many Star Yan Li.


In the Purple Mansion, at this time, three Supremes rushed out again, and their aura was stronger than the Supremes who were fighting forces such as Tianhuang Mountain.

"The Changsheng Gu family deceived too much! Together with Gu Changge, seek my Purple Mansion inheritance and suppress my Purple Mansion heirs! This hatred is different!"

"I will wait for the inheritance of the Purple Mansion, and no outsiders are allowed to covet it!"

The three supreme beings appeared under the starry sky, their faces were cold and hated, and they shouted directly.

"Do you think that you can offend my family by the three of you? Knowing that you will die, you have to stop me from waiting. The courage is really commendable."

"It will be done today. It is a pleasure to be accompanied by someone on Yellow Springs Road.

At the same time, in the Gu family's army, the terrible aura permeated, and the divine light covered all fields.

The ten supreme beings appeared in all directions in the star field, their faces were blurred, majestic, and their words were cold and strong.

Ten Supremes appeared, blood pierced the sky, and it was bound to kill the three people in the Purple Mansion!

Everyone was shocked. Before, they still vaguely sensed that the Gu family had sent ten supreme members, but many people just felt that the aura was like this and did not show up.

There are probably many quasi-supreme among them.

It is really shocking to witness it with my own eyes.

It is still the supreme superior, not the middle or lower one!

The Supreme Ninth Stage, only after the Cultivation Base reaches the Seventh Stage, will it be called the Supreme Supreme, which shows the horror of this power!


This was a desperate scene. When countless disciples and Elders in the Purple Mansion saw this scene, they couldn't help but sorrow and hatred, and became angry.


Soon, this terrifying battle broke out, affecting everyone's minds, and trembling to the extreme.

The three supreme attitudes of the Purple Mansion are very strong.

If Star exploded in a loud noise, it collapsed in front of him.

There seems to be a cracking heaven and earth, the universe is shaking, and the chaos is tumbling.

The breath of opening up the world emerged, drowning everything.

However, The next moment, they coughed up blood almost instantly, their bodies almost exploded, and they were flying horizontally. There were countless Stars crashing along the way, and they instantly became animal fans.

Ten supreme shots, all the spleens, unless there is an emperor realm, who is the enemy?

All the Taoist traditions are shocked, and they feel that their scalp is numb. Such a strong Gu family, even if the Emperor Mountain and other forces cannot take action, they can easily destroy the Purple Mansion!

This is a completely one-sided situation.