Ch 340

"Do you want me to help the Purple Mansion? Are you afraid that you are joking, or that your brain is stupid?"

And just when the terrible longevity war was taking place outside the territory of the Purple Mansion.

At this moment, Samsara Lake, the restricted area, seemed quite peaceful.

The depths of the chaotic mist surging.

The magic mountain is tall and majestic, and ancient trees are prosperous, like an area that existed before the sky was opened.

The multicolored trees rooted on the cliffs, hanging down and condensing the various laws, like an indestructible old monster, there is a kind of breath that makes the soul tremble and the soul light is swaying.

Between the peaks of Immortal Cave, various glows burst out, reflecting the sky mysteriously.

This place is like an independent Minor World, and you can often see the brilliant brilliance rising into the sky from the depths.

Around you can see the fragrance of birds and flowers, verdant vegetation, and Lingzhi Mushrooms growing on the cliffs.

The auspicious beast roared in the distance, and the sacred bird screamed in the sky. It was very peaceful, like a pure land outside the world.

No one could have imagined that Samsara Lake, an extremely mysterious forbidden area in the Upper Realm, would be such a sight.

A mysterious wave passed in the void, revealing the disdain of the speaker.

At this moment, at the foot of a sacred mountain surrounded by golden glow.

Qin Wuya was standing here with a calm and heavy expression. He was not surprised to hear such a reply.

Now in the upper realm, how many forces dare to help the Purple Mansion? Almost none.

But he still wanted to give it a try, and didn't want to let go of the opportunity to save Ziyang Tianjun.

He was able to rush to Lake Samsara because of the last time he came here to exchange the water of Lake Samsara.

With a fetish from Nine Heavens, let an ancient existence here owe him a favor.

If not, he would not even have the qualifications to enter Lake Samsara.

"I still have a lot of the things I gave you last time."

Hearing this, Qin Wuya spoke again. After all, he had been in Nine Heavens Life for hundreds of years, and he had accumulated a lot of good things in his hands.

Even this kind of existence will be heart-warming.


However, this Samsara Lake has an ancient existence, but when he heard the words, he refused it altogether, and then said with a touch of mockery,

"Let's go, offending the Changsheng Gu family, there won't be any good fruits.

"Plus a fairy tale scripture from Nine Heavens, I know that Samsara Lake's method of changing heaven and earth, then you only need to hide your breath and save my brother and sister, no one will find your trace.

"24 Now Zifu is facing a big battle, he cares about flawless."

"Gu Changge would only think that it was the Purple Mansion who made a secret move, and would not doubt it on your head.

Hearing this, Qin Wuya spoke again, and took the blood, and even took out a very rare fairy tale scripture that would cause countless Taoist cultivators to fight for it outside.

"And you don't have to help Zifu, just save my junior brother, how about it?,

In order to make the ancient existence in front of him move, he once again lowered his requirements.

"Why do you have so many good things? I'm not afraid that I will kill you and take it directly?"

Hearing the words, this ancient existence seemed to have thought about it seriously, and was a little moved.

After all, as long as Gu Changge was concealed, it would be easy to rescue Ziyang Tianjun by his means.

It's just that at this time, he was greedy. The last time he swore with Dao heart that he couldn't cross the river and demolish the bridge.

But this time?

In his eyes, Qin Wuya's Cultivation Base was not high, but he was carrying heavy treasures, and even Nine Heavens' fairy tale scriptures were included, which shocked him.

In his Realm, what's the difference? It's nothing more than sentiment and reference and understanding of other people's Tao.

If he can get the Scriptures of the Immortal Dao, maybe he can go one step further and enter the Immortal Dao Realm.

Hearing this, Qin Wuya was very calm, as if he had expected it a long time ago, not surprising.

"Trust me, I dare to tell you this, I am absolutely sure that you will not be greedy." He said.

"Okay. Then I will believe you again. If this matter is known to the Changsheng Gu family, the deity will inform them as soon as possible. It is you who asked the deity to do it.

This time, the ancient existence promised very readily, and he didn't doubt Qin Wuya's words.


In the sacred mountain, rune flickered, a vague and terrifying figure, floating under the foot of the avenue of cash, took one step, and soon disappeared.

Seeing this, Qin Wuya finally sighed and smiled.

"Junior brother hold on, I'll come to save you!"

On the other side, the ancient capital of Vermillion Bird, in the palace.

The host of Vermillion Bird of the ancient country screened everyone, except for the old eunuch who was closest to him.

There are no other people in the palace.

At this moment, his complexion was ugly and gloomy to the extreme, even with a sense of iron blue.

Even his favorite teacup on weekdays fell to pieces at this time.

"This Gu Changge is simply deceiving people too much. He clearly knows that he himself is a disaster, and in the end he has to come to my ancient country of Vermillion Bird. Isn't this sincerely trying to harm us?"

"When the time comes, the Purple Mansion powerhouse will come, once you fight here, don't you want to destroy all of my ancient Vermillion Bird country?"

He almost gritted his teeth, clenched his fists, and turned blue with hatred.

Who could have imagined that after Gu Changge left the ancient country of Black Tortoise, he did not go to the territory of the Purple Mansion to participate in the unprecedented battle that has been rare in thousands of years.

Instead, all the people in the Purple Mansion where Ziyang Tianjun was located, passed the imprisonment to the ancient country of Vermillion Bird.

This matter made the Lord Vermillion Bird angry, and he could not tell.

Obviously he wanted to refuse this matter, but he did not dare to offend Gu Changge on the bright side, so he dared not refuse at all.

"Lord of the country, let me discuss this matter with the three princes. Now that the army is crushing and descending on the territory of the ancient country of Vermillion Bird, if Young Master Changge insists on using this land as a battlefield, how can the ancient country of Vermillion Bird be blocked?"

The old eunuch, who had no white beard, hurriedly persuaded him, his expression was also nervous, worried, extremely uneasy, and he felt an innocent disaster.

Now in the territory of the ancient country of Vermillion Bird, you can see the mighty ancient warship hovering above the sky, breaking through the air from nowhere, just like a square of ancient continents.

Covering the sky and obscuring the sun, it is heavy and majestic, with chaotic fog hanging down, with a palpitating coercion.

On the ancient warships, there are many figures, densely packed, and the number is as many as millions.

It seems that there is a big difference in appearance from the human race. Wu Jue must be a large area, like a thick dark cloud, the clouds are rolling, filled with a chilling breath.

The scales flicker, the magic wings cover the sky, and the colorful scales flow around. They are all ancient races of various immortals.

The Black Sky Eagle, Divine Crocodile, Guteng Snake, and Xiangulong are menacing and murderous.

With such a posture, the ancient country of Vermillion Bird can be destroyed in an instant, and many cultivators are worried and worried.

But at this time, is it possible to let Gu Changge leave?

Let's not mention that the imprisonment of Ziyang Tianjun is no small matter.

So what we need to do now is to find a place to imprison Ziyang Tianjun. If the Zifu really sends someone to rescue him, it will be easy to deal with it.

In the eyes of many cultivators, Gu Changge's approach is reasonable and understandable.

But he chose the place where Ziyang Tianjun was imprisoned in the ancient country of Vermillion Bird?

This makes many people helpless and feel very upset.

After all, no one wants to suffer from unsuspecting disasters, so at this time, many cultivators choose to leave their homes and quickly leave the ancient country of Vermillion Bird.

"We only have to wait for Haoer to come back for this matter. If there is a war here, how can my ancient country of Vermillion Bird have the hope of survival?'

"What the country master said is exactly what the old slave thought, otherwise we can only wait for the country to be destroyed at this time."

And just as the Lord of Vermillion Bird was discussing with the old eunuch, there were spatial fluctuations in the high sky outside the palace.

The two figures of Chu Hao and Bai Yang walked out of them and quickly came to the hall.

Although the ancient country of Black Tortoise and the ancient country of Vermillion Bird are far apart.

But under Bai Yang's supreme means, he quickly opened up a space channel and rushed back.

"Hao'er, you are finally back!"

"I have seen Yang Zun!"

The Lord Vermillion Bird looked happy, strode to Chu Hao's side, and bowed to Bai Yang at the same time.

Bai Yang waved his hand slightly, motioning him not to do this.

"Father, I already know what happened. Now that the Zi Mansion has offended many Taoist traditions, it is already an endless situation. At this time, the Zi Mansion will definitely be desperate and will rescue Ziyang Tianjun."

"If we imprison Ziyang Tianjun in the ancient country of Vermillion Bird, Zi Mansion will definitely come as soon as he learns the news. By then, with the strength of the ancient country of Vermillion Bird, let alone resistance, it will be a disaster in an instant. Ash no longer exists.

"Gu Changge's heart is terrible! This strategy can be described as vicious!"

Chu Hao took the lead and said, his face was extremely solemn, Lord Vermillion Bird had already stated clearly in the talisman before he came.

Gu Changge imprisoned Zi Mansion including Ziyang Tianjun to the ancient country of Vermillion Bird.

In addition, Gu Changge also gathered a million army, gathering in the territory of the ancient country of Vermillion Bird.

The momentum is huge, covering the sky and the sun, making countless cultivators horrified and deeply frightened.

These two things, no matter what, are extremely fatal to the ancient country of Vermillion Bird.

"So what do you think of this matter, Hao Er, Gu Changge is determined to kill the pond fish, to destroy my ancient country of Vermillion Bird!"

The Lord Vermillion Bird's face turned pale, his voice trembled, and he was terrified and uneasy, and couldn't make up his mind at all.

He is a small country lord. Although he was very angry and dissatisfied with Gu Changge before, he never dared to show it on the surface.

But what Gu Changge has done now is to destroy the ancient country of Vermillion Bird!

Now this scene is like real dragons fighting. The ants at your feet will be annihilated by a wave of Magic power inadvertently. It is more disturbing than walking on the edge of an abyss.

"Father, don't worry, on the way back, I have already figured out a countermeasure."

"At this time, even if we dare not, we can only refuse Gu Changge's request. The gods are fighting, and the mortals are suffering. He is clearly trying to deal with us. Is it possible that now, I have to fear him and dare not refuse?"

"I have discussed with my uncle, even if I offend Gu Changge this time, I have to refuse. Don't let him imprison Ziyang Tianjun in my ancient country, Vermillion Bird."

Chu Hao's attitude was very tough, and then he began to talk about his plans.

Lord Vermillion Bird listened, his complexion was very tangled and struggling.

Because I know what will happen after offending Gu Changge, even if the ancient country of Vermillion Bird is saved at that time, the situation will not be much better.

And Gu Changge's character is like this, he has already deeply understood it.

People are gentle and elegant in front of them, abundance is like jade, but indifferent in fact penetrates the bone, high above them, overlooking their ants.

"Well, then this matter is according to what Haoer said.

Lord Vermillion Bird nodded, his expression extremely heavy.

At this moment, outside the Great Hall, a figure suddenly came up, and Lianbu moved lightly, with surprise on her face.

When the guards outside saw this, they did not dare to stop.


"Girl Wan."

Both Chu Hao and the Lord Vermillion Bird looked up, and they had different moods.

In Chu Hao's Cultivation Base, she actually sensed Tang Wan's arrival just now, but did not get up to greet her, but deliberately let her hear these words.

On the one hand, he also wants to know what Tang Wan's attitude towards Gu Changge is today.

"Ho, Big Brother."

The person here is Tang Wan who has returned to the ancient country of Vermillion Bird.

She had something to discuss with Chu Hao, but she never thought that when she first came here, she heard what they were discussing, and her heart suddenly became clouded.

"I hear you are discussing how to deal with Gu Changge. In my opinion, you still need to discuss this matter. Don't be so reckless. Don't talk about the ancient country of Vermillion Bird. Confronting Gu Changge, now the Purple Mansion is a living example"

Tang Wan looked at Chu Hao with her beautiful eyes, and asked straightforwardly.

She also can't tell what kind of emotion she is now. There may be helplessness, hatred, and resentment.

Why did things have reached this point, Chu Hao still understands that he must go to death?

Judging from Gu Changge's words, at present he does not care about Chu Hao.

If Chu Hao really wants revenge, he should also work hard at this time to become stronger, rather than provoke Gu Changge and offend him to death.

In Tang Wan's view, this is actually an unwise choice.

"Wan'er, do you want to persuade me to let go of my hatred again?" Chu Hao frowned slightly, a little dissatisfied in his heart.

Tang Wan's current attitude made the thorn in his heart more and more prickling.

You 490 remembered that she went to see Gu Changge secretly without telling herself, even using family affairs as an excuse.

Chu Hao felt his own heart hurt.

Even if it is a bitter heart, but this kind of thing should be confessed, not to deceive the other party.

Hearing Tang Wan's words, Bai Yang, who had been silent on the side, frowned and felt unhappy.

In fact, he didn't have a good impression of Tang Wan, especially the recent events, which made him feel disgusted.

Only considering Chu Hao's relationship, he didn't say much. But now, Tang Wan actually speaks this way in front of him, and she hardly says that she is too awkward to offend Gu Changge.

This really made him feel a little uncomfortable. He felt too low-key for a long time and was despised by others.

"Hao Big Brother, I'm not trying to persuade you to let go of your hatred. I just make you think twice and don't do things that are arrogant and arrogant."

Tang Wan's expression changed slightly, and she felt that she had been misunderstood by Chu Hao. She hurriedly explained, "What you should do now is Ascension's own strength. If Gu Changge deals with you then, you will have more chances to survive."

She said this almost from the bottom of her heart.

Tang Wan's character is the same, she doesn't like to go around in circles, she believes that Chu Hao will understand her good intentions.

"Enough, Wan'er, these words, I don't want to hear you again in the future."

But Chu Hao's expression flashed a bit of pain when he heard the words, and he waved her hand to interrupt her, "I found that you have changed a lot compared to before. But I understand you, you are for my good, but can you not do it this time? Stop me, if I really do what you say, the ancient country of Vermillion Bird will be destroyed."

Hearing this, Tang Wan opened her mouth and didn't know what to say for a while.

Soon, her expression suddenly became very sad, and then turned around and left without saying a word.

"Wan'er." Chu Hao suddenly lost his mind, but he was also very human, knowing that at this time, he should not waste time on this matter.

Ziyang Tianjun was detained in the ancient country of Vermillion Bird for one day.

The ancient country of Vermillion Bird is one more dangerous day.

Chu Hao calmed down quickly and planned to go to face Gu Changge at this time, and have a showdown with him, and let him take Ziyang Tianjun away.

"Hao'er, Master Uncle will go with you." Bai Yang's expression also became heavy, and he was extremely afraid of Gu Changge.

In his opinion, this showdown was to tear his face with Gu Changge. From now on, the entire ancient country of Vermillion Bird will go to the opposite of Gu Changge.

This consequence is hard to imagine.

In the ancient country of Vermillion Bird, Gu Changge, who was waiting for the people who saved Ziyang Tiankanjun to come, naturally heard the system prompts at this time.

This amount of luck and destiny is actually unnecessary for him.

What Gu Changge cares about is actually the blow to Chu Hao. If things don't develop like this, how well Qin Wuya will enter the game next.

"It seems that there is still a gap between Tang Wan and Chu Hao. The so-called emotion is such a fragile and useless thing.

He couldn't help but smile, already guessing what Chu Hao was going to do next.

Chu Hao's idea is indeed very good, but Gu Changge would not have expected it?.