Ch 341

"If you want to break the game, you can only use the general trend to oppress me, but the so-called general trend is really useful to me?"

"Chu Hao overestimated the so-called popular support. In the face of absolute strength, in the face of the fear of life and death, who else would dare to resist? It is ridiculous.

Inside the palace, Gu Changge stands with his hands in his hands, his robe is fluttering, and he looks out the window in the distance, with a smile on his lips.

Everything is in his plan.

He had thought of all the methods Chu Hao could think of in advance for Chu Hao.

The dragon veins of the ancient country of Vermillion Bird had already been swallowed by him, and it was a fact that was destined to be destroyed.

Even if Chu Hao is the son of luck, he would never want to reverse everything.

Manpower is also poor, and this matter is already powerless!

The only thing Chu Hao can do now is to witness with his own eyes in despair, that the ancient country of Vermillion Bird is destroyed and turned into ashes!

And just when Gu Changge was thinking about paying, the voice of his followers reporting from outside the temple came.

"Young Master, the descendants of the ancient immortals are now asking to see you.

Gu Changge retracted his thoughts and said lightly, "Let them in."

Soon, with the sound of footsteps, several people walked in outside the hall.

The breath surging, like a rolling cloud, shimmering in all colors, and the blood is extremely powerful.

Among them, the leader is also the descendant of all ethnic groups, and they are very rugged.

Behind them stood ancestors of various races, faintly suppressing the void here, as if they could fill every inch of space at any time, tyrannical to the extreme.

Cultivation Bases are all quasi-extreme realms, once standing on the opposite side of Gu Changge in the ancient continent.

However, it was later designed by Gu Changge and passed down to marry Yixianjue, and controlled the entire Xiangu tribe. Naturally, they were exceptions. They were all controlled and enslaved by Gu Changge.

Everyone looked at Gu Changge with awe.

"I have seen the master."

"Don't be polite."

Gu Changge's forehead slightly, his gaze swept away, somewhat satisfied.

The Hei Tianying clan, the Guteng snake clan, the god crocodile clan, and the Xiangulong clan almost all rushed forward. The strong ones sent were not weak, and it seemed that they had not violated his orders.

Then, his gaze stopped at one of them, "How is the matter handed to you?"

"Return to the master, Yan Yu is doing what you ordered before, and dare not defy anything."

"Leaving Immortal Ancient Continent this time, I took them all with me, just waiting for you to check it out.

The speaker wears a black long dress with a light veil on his face, his skin is white as porcelain, his eyes are like autumn water, his hair is soft, and he looks very quiet and moving.

His eyes looked at Gu Changge, his words with respect.

It is Heiyanyu, known as the number one beauty in the ancient continent.

The current ruler of the Black Sky Eagle clan is not very old.

But it is highly valued by Gu Changge, and now has terrible majesty in the Black Skyhawk clan.

The Tianjiao of the other Xiangu tribe couldn't help lowering their heads in front of her, very afraid.


Gu Changge smiled casually, "Since you say so, then I will believe you for the time being."

At that time, he instructed Hei Yanyu to secretly collect various cultivation resources for him. The thing to do is actually the same as Yin Mei, which is to find all kinds of talents with rare physique and origin.

But now, those resources are not very important to him anymore.

Gu Changge Cultivation Base is almost at the quasi-supreme level, and the resources that Yan Ruyu has collected are of no use to him.

However, Yan Ruyu should have collected a lot of special physiques in this period of time, and you can take a look later.

"The master you ordered, Yan Yu did not dare to forget.

Hei Yanyu's eyes drooped lightly, her voice was soft, respectfully.

"Come here, don't be so far away from me. Is it possible that I am a scourge?"

Gu Changge smiled and said.

"Yes, master.

Hearing that, Hei Yanyu was a little surprised, and then Lianbu moved lightly and walked to Gu Changge's side, looking very demure.

She was a little worried and uneasy at first, for fear that Gu Changge would be dissatisfied with what was given to her.

So blame it, and harm the entire Black Skyhawk clan.

She knows exactly what means and identity Gu Changge hides.

I am afraid that this world cannot find anyone more terrifying than him, and combined with the many things that have happened in the upper realm now, it makes Yan Ruyu uneasy and frightened.

The calm and indifferent on the surface now, but she deliberately expressed it, but in fact she was very flustered.

Companion with a monarch is like a companion with a tiger!

After all, it wasn't just her, but the Black Skyhawks behind her, Xiaoming pinched Gu Changge's hand, and could be pinched to death due to his changing mood at any time.

For the rest of the ancient tribes, Gu Changge was thought to be the heir of Samsara Gu Tianzun, which allowed the Black Sky Eagle clan, Guteng Snake, and Divine Crocodile clan to surrender.

But only Hei Yanyu knows that this is not the case!

The real descendant of Samsara Gu Tianzun was actually killed by Gu Changge!

The so-called successor status of Samsara Gu Tianzun is nothing more than a replacement.

Seeing Gu Changge's attitude now shows that he is quite satisfied with her, and Hei Yanyu breathed a long sigh of relief.

The corners of the mouth under the veil also showed a slight smile.

After receiving Gu Changge's decree, she assembled the Black Sky Eagle army for the first time, because Gu Changge gave her a method to teach her the Cultivation Technique.

Hei Yanyu didn't dare to disobey.

Although knowing that Cultivation Technique may not be a good thing, but I dare not follow it.

"Doing things for me, the advantage is that you are indispensable." Gu Changge smiled casually.

"It's Yan Yu's honor to do things for the master."

Hei Yanyu's eyes drooped slightly, but she still couldn't hide the joy and happiness of her eyebrows.


Gu Changge, still smiling, wrapped her waist easily.


Hei Yanyu's cheeks ascending haze, and she felt a little shy, but she leaned in his arms lightly.

The people of all ethnic groups in Xiangu saw this scene, but they were envious in their hearts. Such intimacy showed that Hei Yanyu was highly regarded by Gu Changge.

As for what task Gu Changge gave Hei Yanyu, they actually didn't know.

Nowadays, what else can I do besides envy?

Having the status of the first beauty of the ancient continent is still very dominant in the final analysis.

From now on, I am afraid that every tribe of Xiangu will have to respect her for three points.

Hei Yanyu is also very smart. From the awe and Jiang Mu's gazes from the various tribes of Xiangu, he also understands the intention of Gu Changge's actions just now.

This is to let the people of Xiangu understand that he is her person and is highly regarded by him.

In this way, her right to speak among the various races of Xiangu will be heavier in the future, and the others will not dare to be disrespectful to her.

It will be much more convenient and smoother if she does things for Gu Changge.

"It turns out that this is the benefit the owner said 々 ".."

After thinking about this, Hei Yanyu was a little lost for no reason.


In terms of Gu Changge's temperament, how could he suddenly act so affectionately to her?

I think too much, and think beautifully.

Then Gu Changge confessed some more things. This waved his hand to make all the ancient clans retreat, but Heiyanyu was the only one left.

"Master, are you going to see the cultivators that are being held?"

Hei Yanyu's eyes fell on Gu Changge's face and asked softly.

"Let's go."

Gu Changge nodded and let her go. Then the two left the palace, Hei Yanyu led the way.

Hei Yanyu's heart was faintly lost, but he did not dare to show it on his face.

Ancient warships of various ethnic groups hover in the sky, 800,000 miles away from the Vermillion Bird Palace.

The spiritual resources that Hei Yanyu brought to Gu Changge were naturally imprisoned there.

If Gu Changge rushed past here, it would not take long.

"By the way, my master, some time ago, I was outside the Xiangu restricted area and caught a group of mysterious people. They didn't know what brought them here. The substances in the Xiangu restricted area didn't work for them."

"Moreover, those mysterious people are dressed in weird clothes and have a strange metal weapon in their hands. They can fire a silver metal. The lethality is not small. Ordinary beasts are not their opponents."

"But this group of mysterious people seems to have never been cultivated. They are very weak, and even the weakest children in my clan can bully them at will.

On the way to the ancient warship, Hei Yanyu suddenly remembered another thing and reported to Gu Changge.

"The mysterious person outside the Xiangu forbidden area, in strange clothes? What brought it here? Metal weapon?"

Gu Changge raised his eyebrows slightly. This kind of origin sounds familiar.

Could it be a visitor from the earth?

He seemed to have smelled the scent of leeks.

As a continent that was once moved by the Celestial Immortals Palace existence by supreme means, the Celestial Immortals Palace was brought over by that existence at the time, including the Immortal Forbidden Area.

Although it has always been hidden deep in the Celestial Immortals Palace, after a period of time ago, Gu Changge took control of the ancient clans.

Xiangu Continent is also open to the outside world. Nowadays, it is sometimes seen that outside cultivators go there to experience and try to find opportunities.

However, the Xiangu Forbidden Area can be called the Xiangu Forbidden Area, and naturally there is a reason.

Even some supreme ones dare not get involved easily, feeling that there is a great horror in it.

Moreover, in the Xiangu Forbidden Area, mist surged, shrouded in a mysterious field.

If the cultivator dares to approach it at will, it will be directly shattered into blood recruits by that kind of field, and its form and spirit will be destroyed.

Even if you escape by fluke, you will end up being haunted by unknowns, and life is better than death.

Many people have guessed that there are the remnants of immortals who survived the era hidden in the Xiangu Forbidden Zone.

The existence who once moved the ancient land of Xiangu didn't dare to say bluntly what was hidden in it.

Many rumors have filled the Xiangu restricted area with a mysterious veil.

"Well, I was practicing in the clan at the time, and suddenly I heard someone from the clan come to the Beijing News, saying that there was a shocking movement in the Xiangu Forbidden Zone. So I rushed over, but I never thought I had seen ten there. A number of mysterious people ran out of it, expressions of horror, as if they had seen something terrible."

Hei Yanyu nodded.

Then it recounted in detail how she caught the group of mysterious people outside the Xiangu restricted area.

She didn't know how to deal with this matter. She just got Gu Changge's order and brought the group of people over by the way.

"Then have you seen something that brought them to the Xiangu Forbidden Zone?"

Hearing this, Gu Changge asked with some interest.

"No, after catching these mysterious people, I wanted to ask words from them, but they didn't seem to understand our language."

"I started searching for souls, but I found that their souls were very fragile, and they shattered at the touch of a touch, and there was nothing to detect."

"Then I gave up.

Yan Ruyu said.

"I see.

Gu Changge smiled, actually already faintly guessing in his heart.

As for whether it is a visitor from the earth, it doesn't matter to him.

Among the hundreds of millions of lower realms under the jurisdiction of the upper realm, there are actually many lower realms that are biased towards the side of science and technology.

It's just that in those lower realms, there are very few practitioners. Even if there are practitioners, it will not be a climate. At most, they will live hundreds of years longer than ordinary people.

Flying to the sky and reaping the stars and taking the moon are too far away for those practitioners.

As for the desire to ascend to the upper realm, that is even more impossible.

But anyway, among this group of mysterious people, there must be the leeks that Gu Changge wants. There is no doubt about it.

If it is really a visitor from the earth, maybe he can take this opportunity to figure out the reason for his crossing.

Gu Changge doesn't believe in own crossing, it will be for no reason, especially after learning of his demon's vest.

But Gu Changge felt that the possibility of visitors from the earth should be very small. Most likely it came from a distant lower realm.

"Haoer is not in a hurry in advance."

"If you go to Gu Changge at this time, whether he agrees or not, the ancient country of Vermillion Bird will be at a disadvantage."

"If we use the general trend to suppress him, it may still be effective. Anyway, Gu Changge's image in front of people is positive. Unless he really wants his own set to collapse, otherwise it is impossible. I did it directly on the ancient country of Vermillion Bird."

"This is our only chance now."

At this moment, in the ancient palace of Vermillion Bird, Chu Hao couldn't help but want to showdown with Gu Changge.

The Lord Vermillion Bird's eyes flickered for a while, thinking of something, suddenly stopped Chu Hao, and said.

I have to say that he is not incapable of ruling the ancient country of Vermillion Bird for so many years.

He also knew that at this time, it was the most correct way to force Gu Changge to agree and let him take Ziyang Tianjun away.

Although the ancient country of Vermillion Bird is small, it has a population of several billion.

At that time, if Gu Changge disagrees, then if these billions of cultivators suffer, he will definitely have to bear the infamy of killing billions of cultivators.

Unless Gu Changge really doesn't care about it.

"What the Lord Vermillion Bird said is also a way. But at this time I worry that Gu Changge really doesn't care about the lives of these creatures in the ancient country of Vermillion Bird."

Bai Yang's eyes were also bright when he heard this, and he glanced at the Lord Vermillion Bird with admiration.

Although the emperor's heart can't make it to the table in front of absolute strength, at this time, it may really be effective.

"Then according to what the emperor father said."

Chu Hao nodded, showing a little smile.

Thinking about it this way, I also feel that things have taken a big turn for the better, and I no longer cast a shadow on my heart like just now.

Afterwards, the three people of Vermillion Bird, Chu Hao, and Bai Yang had confidence, discussed for a while, and thought of a lot of methods, knowing that at this time, their strength alone was not enough.

If you want to force Gu Changge with the general trend, one thing that must be done is to build momentum.

So the Lord of Vermillion Bird ordered, and soon the entire family of Vermillion Bird, Sect, received an invitation to go to the palace for a banquet three days later.

As for the content of the invitation letter, he did not hide it at all.

Ziyang Tianjun is now being held in the ancient country of Vermillion Bird, and the Zi Mansion may come and save Ziyang Tianjun from time to time.

At that time, the army behind Gu Changge fought the Purple Mansion, and the aftermath alone could destroy the ancient country of Vermillion Bird thousands of times.

This incident soon shocked many family Sects in the ancient country of Vermillion Bird.

But at this time, the entire ancient country of Vermillion Bird is united in a rare way.

After all, it is a matter of life and death. If you don't want to give up the foundation that you have laid over the years, you choose to leave your hometown and leave the ancient country of Vermillion Bird.

Then the banquet three days later, you must participate.

And you have to do everything possible to make Gu Changge withdraw the previous order.

All the aristocratic families and Sects in the ancient country of Vermillion Bird were shocked when they heard the news for the first time, and felt that the matter was not trivial.

The entire ancient country of Vermillion Bird is like an ant in front of Gu Changge.

For him, whether the ancient country of Vermillion Bird is destroyed or not, he will not care, and he will not even ask more about it.

But for them, this is the place where their family and Sect can eat and stand. If they collapse, then they will not be far from being swallowed by people.

Holding such a thought.

The various Sect families, with many background-like existences, are also born one after another, and they dare not have any urgency.

Of course, the foundations of these aristocratic Sects are all old monsters in the holy realm. The highest Cultivation Base is only the most holy realm, and it is still a long way from the great holy realm.

At this moment, they are all discussing about this matter.

*~ What's going on today is about the life and death of the ancient Vermillion Bird country, with cold lips and teeth. If the ancient Vermillion Bird country is destroyed, then our aristocratic family and Sect will not be far away. "

"To call all the tribesmen to come today is actually to prepare for the banquet that the Lord of the country will host three days later. What can you do to make Gu Changge take back the previous order?

"Ask myself, Vermillion Bird did not offend him, why did he target it like this? This is a vicious plan, and it can destroy me without his hands.

Today, Vermillion Bird is the mansion of the Grand Master of the Ancient Country.

An old man with gray hair, but his body is not to be underestimated, said in a deep voice.

This person is the current Wang Taishi, who has taught the current Vermillion Bird country lord, and also taught the three prince Chu Hao.

It is the existence of Vermillion Bird, an ancient country with high morals and peaches and plums all over the world.

Below him, all the big figures in the Taishi's mansion stood in turn.

At the same time, he is also all the people in power in the Taishifu, holding important positions in the ancient country of Vermillion Bird.

Among these people, there are many young people, both men and women, and they are all the arrogances of the Taishi Mansion today.

The future achievements are limitless, and they shoulder the responsibility of making Taishifu more brilliant.

In addition, the rest of the people are all strong in the Taishi Mansion. The strongest in Cultivation Base is a middle-aged man wearing a blue gown.

Between the open eyes, strands of golden light and magic runes flowed, revealing a holy realm pressure, which is the Cultivation Base of the Most Holy Peak.

His name is Yi Tian, ​​and he is a servant of the Wang family.

"Father, we all know what you said. If the ancient country of Vermillion Bird is destroyed at this time, then where should I wait?"

A middle-aged man asked, he had a face similar to that of Taishi, but he was the eldest son of Taishi.

"If the ancient country of Vermillion Bird is destroyed, my royal family will naturally have to find another way out. It is impossible to destroy the ancient country of Vermillion Bird here."

Hearing this, the person next to him immediately said, "What the ancient country of Vermillion Bird is doing now is to offend Gu Changge. Wouldn't the adults change their minds for a little ant?"

"We and him are not figures in the same world at all. I really thought that others would care about my considerations and opinions? In my opinion, my father, the top priority is to hurry up here."

He is the second son of Wang Taishi, and he is also a part-time leader in the ancient country of Vermillion Bird.

His words were immediately approved by everyone in the Wang family, and he did not want to take this risk.

"I'm not afraid that there will be no firewood to stay in the green hills. Father, let's leave overnight. This clearly means that the third prince of Vermillion Bird, Chu Hao, offended Gu Changge, and they retaliated."

"At this time, don't you still think about it? The ancient country of Vermillion Bird can't be saved.

Everyone in the Wang family persuaded that they were very open about this matter, unless they were stupid, otherwise who (Mano's) would be willing to accompany the ancient country of Vermillion Bird to collapse?

For them, this is the real unwarranted disaster.

"But when we leave the ancient country of Vermillion Bird, where can we go? A foundation established over the years!"

Taishi Wang sighed deeply.

Looking at the expressions of many clansmen below, he also understood that there was no room for detour in this matter.

"It's fine, just listen to you, this Vermillion Bird does not wait for the ancient country. It offends Gu Changge. With the big upper bound, there will be no place for me to wait.

Later, he also decided, no longer entangled.

Everyone in the Wang family also started to pack everything.

Anyway, the ancient country of Vermillion Bird will be destroyed sooner or later, these things will be destroyed, no one will miss it.

Tonight, a divine rainbow flying boat began to pass across the sky. It was extremely gorgeous and rumbling, and it left towards the distance.

And scenes like this are still happening in the Sect of the ancient Vermillion Bird family.

On one side is to protect the country, on the other side is to offend Gu Changge.

As long as you are not stupid, everyone knows how to choose at this time.

Almost everyone chose to move away. In their opinion, the invitation letter from the Lord of Vermillion Bird turned out to be a lifesaver reminding them to escape.

Many people are still grateful for their birth. If it hadn't been so clearly explained by the Lord Vermillion Bird in the letter, they had not yet reflected the seriousness of this matter.

When the time comes, disaster will come, and you don't even know how to die, it will be too miserable.

But thinking about it, no one is so stupid at this time, willing to accompany the ancient country of Vermillion Bird to annihilation.

The so-called family and country feelings are regarded as a fart in the eyes of the cultivator. How can his own family and Sect be important?

And the next day, many cultivators in the ancient country of Vermillion Bird were dumbfounded.

Some of the once glorious and ancient aristocratic Sects have long been empty, leaving only the empty mansion Sect, and no one left.

Such a scene does not only appear in one family.

But the entire ancient country of Vermillion Bird, with a little bit of strength and age, has moved away, and it has moved away all night, not daring to stay.

It can be seen that some forces were still in a panic at the time, and some of the more precious things have not been removed, and they are still kept.

And this scene suddenly shook the entire ancient country of Vermillion Bird.

All cultivators panic and start to panic, feeling that something big has happened and that disaster is about to come.

For a time, many cultivators were horrified, and they chose to move out of here, without asking what the reason was.

Of course, there are also clever cultivators, who figured out why.

The millions of armies hovering in the territory of the ancient country of Vermillion Bird, the vast ancient warships, is that not enough to explain?

The ancient country of Vermillion Bird was in chaos, panic was everywhere, and gangsters who took advantage of the fire appeared everywhere, and it was not far from falling apart.