Ch 343

In the dungeon, the light is dim and the breath is humid.

There was a smell of blood and decay in the air, and people couldn't help but think of corpses.

A feeling of despair and fear filled the void, making everyone tremble and could not help but shiver.

Jiang Chen, Niu Wen, everyone, when Gu Changge and Hei Yanyu walked in, their expressions were only disturbed at the beginning~horrified.

However, afterwards, I gradually calmed down and prepared to see how things would develop.

Although they all faintly guessed that the man in white clothes in front of him was extraordinary, it was far more terrifying than the queen-like woman in black dress.

But he still subconsciously felt that he shouldn't be a bad person, after all, the immortal spirit was aloof, with a sense of being out of vulgarity.

The whole person's whole body is like shining, with strands of divine glow, shining brightly in the hair, and it is as rich as jade, not stained with dust, nothing more than that.

It's hard to make people feel bad because of the first impression.

Then, when they heard Gu Changge asking them questions, everyone was shocked and couldn't understand what he was talking about.

Only Jiang Chen suddenly felt a kind of anxiety from it.

Especially when the white-clothed man asked Xiao Ruoyin instead of asking all of them, he felt that something was not right.

Actually, I don't think this man in white will have any wrong thoughts about Xiao Ruoyin.

After all, judging from the behavior of the other party, the look they looked at from the beginning to the end was like looking down at the ants from above the clouds.

Be casual and indifferent.

Although Xiao Ruoyin is pretty, the face of a woman in a black dress is more unrestrained than her.

But Jiang Chen felt that Xiao Ruoyin was very wrong, judging from the words just now and her previous expression.

She seemed to have known about the crossing very early, so she accepted it so quickly.

But now, judging from Xiao Ruoyin's slightly changed expression, Jiang Chen suddenly screamed in his heart, which was very uncomfortable.

Xiao Ruoyin seemed to understand what the other party was saying.

The white-clothed man in front of him seemed to be aware of it the first time he came in.

This is Jiang Chen's subconscious thought.

And as expected, when he heard the weird syllable words from Xiao Ruoyin's mouth, Jiang Chen was shocked and understood.

Xiao Ruoyin seemed to have known this bizarre world a long time ago, and never revealed it to him.

This made Jiang Chen feel anguish for no reason.

"Xiao Xiaohua can understand the other party?"

"Before this, she had never told us. What else did she hide? She obviously invited us to come to archaeology, but she has so many things to hide from us."

The rest of the people except Jiang Chen also looked at Xiao Ruoyin in shock at this time, their eyes widened, it was hard to believe.

If she had learned it in the past few days, they wouldn't believe it if she was killed.

Whose language talent is so strong that he can control such a complicated language in just a few days?

That can only show that Xiao Xiaohua before this, actually understands the language of this world.

This made them extremely shocked, and their expressions became very complicated and resentful. Suddenly, they felt that the goddess, who could only be seen from afar, became even more strange.

You must know that many of their companions died here, why didn't Xiao Ruoyin explain this to them before this?

"Achen, you

Niu Jian also said in a low voice, looking at Jiang Chen worriedly, knowing the relationship between Jiang Chen and Xiao Xiaohua.

"I'm fine."

Jiang Chen waved his hand. Although it was difficult to conceal the shock of his face, he quickly calmed down, but the anxiety in his heart grew stronger and stronger.

He looked at Xiao Ruoyin and wanted to ask her what the man in white was talking about.

But Xiao Ruoyin didn't seem to notice him. He still hung his head, and his jade hands were twisted together.

The white-clothed man in front of her still didn't have any changes in his expression, his eyes were indifferent, like everything in this world, in his eyes, it was like smoke and dust, but that was all.

Jiang Chen couldn't understand what Xiao Ruoyin was saying with Gu Changge, but from Xiao Ruoyin's expression, it was obviously panic.

Suddenly came to such a mysterious and bizarre world.

Don't say Xiao Ruoyin is just a woman, even if he is a man, he feels panic and uneasy.

It's just that it didn't show up on the face, this kind of powerlessness made people can't help clenching their fists deeply.

"It's good to understand what I'm saying.

And at this time, when Jiang Chen and others were worried and thinking wildly.

Gu Changge spoke again. Seeing Xiao Ruoyin's admission, he couldn't help showing a faint smile on his face, looking very gentle and elegant.

It changed the indifferent appearance just now, and even gave people a feeling of spring breeze.

Perhaps it was because of the changes he noticed, Xiao Ruoyin was also a little more settled, raising his eyes to look at him, but still with vigilance and anxiety.

She didn't know how she was detected by Gu Changge and could understand their language.

Xiao Ruoyin's original plan was to learn some news about this world first, and then find a way to escape.

What she was going to tell Jiang Chen just now was actually this one, but it was interrupted because of Gu Changge's arrival.

In Gu Changge, she felt unspeakable fear.

Obviously, this man is transcendent like an immortal, but why does he have palpitations from the bottom of my heart?

"Come with me, I have something to ask you."

With a faint smile on the corner of Gu Changge's mouth, he looked at Xiao Ruoyin and spoke again. The words were simple and he ignored Jiang Chen and others.

Hearing this, Xiao Ruoyin was stunned, looking at him anxiously with a pair of beautiful and moving eyes with pale scarlet colors.

Finally, gritted his teeth, did not dare to refuse, stood up from the same place, bowed his head, revealing a sense of loneliness and despair.

In her opinion, Gu Changge has something to look for her, it will definitely not be a good thing.

Before that, many of their companions lost their lives because they were taken away.

Before exploring the ruins, she actually didn't expect such a result, otherwise she wouldn't have been so hasty.

Xiao Ruoyin couldn't help feeling desperate. Before that, even if she was calm and calm, she was only a weak woman after all.

Even the psionic guns used for self-defense were taken away by the opponent.

"Ruoyin, what did he say to you?"

Seeing that Gu Changge was about to take Xiao Ruoyin away, Jiang Chen, Niu Wen and others were shocked and couldn't help but ask, very worried.

"Ruoyin, what's the matter?

Especially Jiang Chen, his face changed drastically, his fists clenched, and he always felt that Xiao Ruoyin seemed to know what to face next.

But he couldn't understand the other party's words. This feeling was like a cat's paw.

"Jiang Chen"

Xiao Ruoyin glanced back at him, with a bit miserable and hopeless expression.

Seeing her helpless and desperate look, Jiang Chen only felt a bang, an anger and unwillingness rushed into his mind, making his eyes a little red, and he couldn't help but stand up suddenly, full of hatred and anger, and straightened. Staring at Gu Changge.

"Something comes at me, let Ruo Yin go."

He couldn't help but roared, and when everyone was huddled in place and dared not to stand up for Xiao Ruoyin, he chose to come forward.

"Achen, calm down, don't be impulsive!"

Niu Jian was shocked, and hurriedly wanted to stop Jiang Chen.

At this time, to offend the man in white in front of him, isn't he looking for death?

Is it possible that you don't know the gap with the other party? It is estimated that the other party's breath can make people go away.

What's more, Xiao Ruoyin understood what the other party said, but they didn't. Who knows what the white-clothed man and Xiao Ruoyin said just now.

"Jiang Chen.

Xiao Ruoyin glanced at Jiang Chen with some emotion.

But then he thought of something general, gritted his teeth, his expression became firm, and said to him, "You don't care about me, but you must live.


Hearing that, Jiang Chen's eyes were red, and he was extremely angry. He felt Xiao Ruoyin's despair and misery, and gave birth to a feeling of life and death.

However, at this time, apart from sighing, the others were indifferent.

Even they can't protect themselves, who has the idle time to take care of the others?

In their opinion, Jiang Chen was too impulsive.

Sure enough, in everyone's shocked and even horrified eyes.


Gu Changge frowned slightly, looking a little unhappy.

Suddenly, everyone felt a sense of horror, as if the sky was collapsing, and the surrounding void seemed to have been poured into lead water, and the skin was about to crack and explode.

Everyone's throat seemed to be held tightly.


Jiang Chen was the first to bear the brunt, his complexion suddenly turned pale, the whole figure seemed to be drowning, and he almost wanted to breathe.

Then, under this terrifying pressure, he couldn't bear it anymore, his footsteps softened, and he knelt down directly with a puff.

His whole body was wet with sweat, and he couldn't move even if he moved on the spot.

The skin, bones, flesh and blood, and lungs seemed to be crushed by Pei Ran vigorously at this moment, making a creaking sound, penetrating bleeding.

His eyes were scarlet red, and his eyelids could hardly be opened.

Everyone watched this scene in horror, and was terrified to the extreme.

"Jiang Chen."

Xiao Ruoyin's face turned pale, and she couldn't help but exclaimed, extremely worried, but was taken under the pressure of Gu Changge, and she did not dare to move.

"I'm not very patient." Gu Changge still spoke lightly.


Niu Jian looked at Gu Changge in horror. At this time, he did not dare to move.

The whole person seemed to be stared at by a terrifying beast, and his soul trembled, just like Jiang Chen, his footsteps softened and he knelt on the ground.

However, Gu Changge didn't embarrass them much, his eyes were still flat, and he turned and walked out of the dungeon.

Xiao Ruoyin turned pale, and looked back at Jiang Chen worriedly, not daring to stop, and hurriedly followed.

She didn't know what the result of this trip was, whether it was a lot of good fortune, or death without life. At this moment, her heart was totally desperate and uneasy.


Upon seeing this, Jiang Chen let out an unwilling voice from his throat, reaching out his hand to catch something, but he was extremely weak.

Immediately afterwards, it was pitch black, his eyes widened, and he passed out directly.

Niu Wen and others exclaimed in their ears.

"Master, do these people still keep?"

Hei Yanyu followed, shut the dungeon easily, glanced at Jiang Chen and others, and couldn't help asking.

In her opinion, these mysterious people are no different from butterfly ants in front of Gu Changge.

If it weren't for their mysterious origins, she wouldn't have looked at them in normal times.

"No, keep it for now.

Gu Changge casually said, he was still a little interested in them.

Therefore, there was no killer, otherwise Jiang Chen would just explode and his body and spirit would be destroyed.

In addition, he found that Jiang Chen had a vague fluctuating luck, but he was still in a stage that hadn't been sprayed.

If he expected it well, Jiang Chen should be the son of luck, and it is still the kind that Goldfinger has never awakened.

The system has not been mentioned, and it seems that some process is still needed.

It's just that Jiang Chen is still much inferior to Xiao Ruoyin in front of him, but for the time being, he might be useful as a leek.

In Jiang Chen, Xiao Ruoyin and others, Gu Changge did not find any son of luck template.

It's just that Xiao Ruoyin's luck point seems to be a little too high, even if it is not a son of luck, it is also a lucky person.

At first, Gu Changge thought that the air luck template would be similar to the Heavenly Emperor of Nine Dragons Pulling Coffin Leaf, but after seeing it, he realized that he seemed to be thinking too much.

Moreover, Jiang Chen and others did not come from the earth. Gu Changge was very sure about this, but it made him a little disappointed.

Listening to these conversations, Xiao Ruoyin, who had been silently following the two of them, couldn't help but tremble slightly, a little frightened.

But when Gu Changge said that Jiang Chen and others were left for the time being, she still sighed slightly and relieved.

The restlessness and fears before, also dissipated a lot. Xiao Ruoyin felt that Gu Changge didn't seem to have any malice towards her, she was purely curious.

After leaving the dungeon, the long-lost sunshine and air outside made Xiao Ruoyin's mood a little more relaxed, silently following Gu Changge.

She could see that the world is magnificent and magnificent.

All kinds of things that had never been imagined before, all appeared in front of her.

The strange-looking ethnic group, the sacred mountain with radiant light, the silver waterfall hanging upside down in the sky, and the transcendent immortal…

With all these sights, Xiao Ruoyin couldn't help taking a deep breath, and her mood gradually calmed down somehow, as if she should belong here.

This feeling is very strange, and it is also very inexplicable.

This world seems more suitable for her in general.

Soon, when he arrived in a magnificent palace, Gu Changge sat down at will, his eyes calm, it seemed that a bit of immortality had faded, and the smell of red dust was added.

Hei Yanyu brought tea for him, and stood by the side in a well-behaved and demure manner.

If she hadn't seen her terrifying and fierce power at the time, Xiao Ruoyin might have thought that this black dress woman was so obedient.

Of course she also understands that women in black dresses will be like this, all because of the extraordinary man in front of her.

"What's your name?"

Gu Changge lowered his eyes and blew the mist on the tea water, his eyes were pale, and asked her casually.

Xiao Ruoyin stood there, not daring to hide it, and replied, "Xiao Ruoyin, Xiao Ruoyin, the sound of music."

This is her usual method of self-introduction, otherwise someone had always regarded her Xiao surname as another Xiao.

"Oh, Xiao Ruoyin? This is a nice name.

Gu Changge nodded, and then said again, "I want to know about the world you are in."

If the souls of this group of people are stronger, he can search for souls directly, and there is no need to bother to ask directly.

After all, they are people in modern society, and the whole civilization is leaning toward technology. This has led to their soul strength, which is many times weaker than mortals in the upper realm.

And hearing Gu Changge's question, Xiao Ruoyin's pupils shrank slightly, but he didn't expect Gu Changge to ask this kind of question as soon as he came up.

Rather than asking how they got here, nor how she spoke the language of the world.

This suddenly caught her off guard.

It can be seen that Gu Changge seems to know how much they come from, and it is not very surprised.

Thinking of this, Xiao Ruoyin's complexion quickly recovered.

She knew that Gu Changge had the means to know if she had lied, and she didn't dare to make a false statement, so she started to introduce it truthfully.

"We used to live on an azure planet called Sky Blue Star. It is very different from here. The life span of people there is very short. Without this kind of gas refining method, even if it uses various scientific and technological medical methods, it is rare. Can live beyond a hundred years"

…For flowers…

She didn't know if Gu Changge could understand these words.

However, Gu Changge did not interrupt her either.

While drinking tea, while staring at her with interest, she seemed to listen intently, and she looked very curious about the world.

Seeing this, Xiao Ruoyin breathed a sigh of relief again and relaxed a lot.

"Master, this is the weapon I found from her before. I tried it. The power is not very powerful. The skins of ordinary fierce beasts can't be broken, but it can penetrate those ordinary beasts.

At this moment, it seemed that he had remembered something. Hei Yanyu took out something from Sumeru Ring and handed it to Gu Changge.

The appearance looks almost the same as Gu Changge's familiar pistol.

It's just that he felt that there were faint Spiritual Qi fluctuations, which seemed to be different from ordinary guns.

"This is a psionic pistol. It is also very rare in our world. It needs a special bullet."

Seeing this, Xiao Ruoyin didn't know whether Gu Changge could understand it, and explained.

If it weren't for her special status, and the family behind her was quite strong in the original world, she wouldn't have this kind of psionic pistol.


Gu Changge smiled, took a few glances at the pistol, and then returned it to her.

From these introductions by Xiao Ruoyin, he almost figured out what kind of civilization the world behind her is.

It looks almost the same as the earth, but there seems to be some stones with special energy, which Xiao Ruoyin calls Spirit Stones.

This time they will travel to this world, and it is related to her accidentally touching the Spirit Stones beside the altar.

"With Spiritual Qi, it seems to be from the cultivation side to the technology side, but I don't know if there will be a recovery of Spiritual Qi.

Gu Changge smiled casually, but the words he said made Xiao Ruoyin's pupils shrink again and his expression changed slightly.

She naturally understood the meaning of Gu Changge's words.

It's just that she can't understand why Gu Changge knows this.

"Actually, before this, I have met people with backgrounds like you, and they also come from a certain lower realm.

Gu Changge said calmly. As for the origin of the group, he didn't say much.

Xiao Ruoyin was also taken aback when she heard this, but she didn't doubt Gu Changge's words.

But I didn't expect that besides them, there are people with the same background in this world.

No wonder Gu Changge didn't seem surprised by their origins before, but wanted to know something about the world behind her.


"Your world seems to be very interesting, if I have a chance, I would like to see it.

Afterwards, Gu Changge sighed slightly as if he had something in mind.

Xiao Ruoyin stared at him blankly, but he didn't expect him to say that.

Suddenly, I felt that this fascinating man in front of him seemed to have an aura of fireworks, and he was no longer as aloof as before.

The fear of Gu Changge before has also disappeared a lot.

He didn't seem malicious, he seemed to be purely curious about the world behind them.

"As the son, why care about these mortal stuff?

After thinking about it, Xiao Ruoyin didn't know how to call Gu Changge. In the end, he could only be called the son.

She didn't know where her courage came from, and she dared to speak to him like this.

"You do not understand.

Hearing that, Gu Changge glanced at her, seemed to smile, and finally sighed slightly, seeming to have a lot of thoughts.

Xiao Ruoyin was stunned with this clean face that was enough to make countless women crazy in the world before.

From his sigh, he heard all kinds of emotions, which made her see a different kind of fairy in a daze.

In her eyes, Transcendent is a refined fairy, is it also annoying and sad?

"If there is a chance in the future, Ruoyin hopes to take the son to see the world, but it is not as interesting as you think.

Xiao Ruoyin gently squeezed the corner of his clothes, and his voice was calm.

I don't know how boldly I finished saying this.

In her current capacity, saying this to Gu Changge is obviously a rebellion.

After speaking, she felt a little uneasy in her heart, but she was still trying to maintain her composure.

"Interesting, it's the first time someone dared to speak to me like this, and he was still a mortal.

Hearing that, Gu Changge was not angry, but smiled casually, looking very approachable.

Hearing what he said, Xiao Ruoyin was taken aback again, and then his delicate and white face was a little red, and suddenly he thought of something to go to.

However, Gu Changge did not blame her, but made her believe something.

Gu Changge has no ill will towards her, and Jiang Chen, Niu Wen and others behind her.

Afterwards, Xiao Ruoyin took a deep breath and said again,

"In fact, when I was in that world, I would have strange dreams since I was a child, dreaming of becoming a flying fairy, omnipotent, and sometimes even dreaming of some pictures of the future."

"At that time, I was extremely worried, thinking I had some disease, until later I stumbled upon an ancient book that no one could understand. I even knew the words on it. Later, I also studied archeology and tried to find the existence in the dream. world"

This is why she understands the language of this world.

She never said these words to the second person, even Jiang Chen, who had a good relationship in college, never said it.

Xiao Ruoyin didn't know why he had to say this in front of Gu Changge, a man who had only met for the first time.

"Oh? There is such a wonderful thing, it seems that you may have a previous life Suhui." Hearing this, Gu Changge glanced at her with interest.

"Su Hui in the previous life?" Xiao Ruoyin was puzzled, feeling that his own mood suddenly became agitated, and his heart beating very fast. "Is my previous life actually a person from this world?"

It seems to have noticed the longing and fascination in her eyes.

Gu Changge smiled and said, "How else can you explain your fate with this world?"

"I am destined to this world?"

Xiao Ruoyin was startled, and a strange emotion spread in his heart.

"Yan Yu, take this Miss Xiao to a change, it's not easy after so many days in detention."

When Xiao Ruoyin was lost in thought, Gu Changge spoke again, but this time the smile seemed a little weird.

Xiao Ruoyin suddenly reacted when he heard the words. He had been imprisoned for several days, and the smell of sister-in-law seemed a little heavier.

In the previous world, in front of everyone, she has always been a cold and unsmiling iceberg goddess, who can only be seen from a distance.

There has never been a day like today, so tolerant.

In front of Gu Changge, he disliked the taste too much? Has he actually endured it all the time?

Thinking of this, Xiao Ruoyin suddenly felt a little embarrassed, his face flushed slightly.

For Gu Changge, I have a lot more good feelings than before. After all, people have such an identity but endure this taste, and have talked with her for so long, such a demeanor, how many people can compare?

Hei Yanyu received the order and responded, and then left with Xiao Ruoyin, leaving only Gu Changge in the palace.

He took a sip of the tea in the white jade teacup unhurriedly, his smile looked a little intriguing.

"The emptiness of destiny, this is also really interesting."

"Is it the reincarnation of the priest of the fate of the fairy palace? The so-called fate is emptiness, controlling all time and space, all Karma, all incredible, unpredictable, and unspeakable"