Ch 344

Before this, Gu Changge had no extra thoughts about Xiao Ruoyin, Jiang Chen and others, at most he planned to see if Jiang Chen's son of luck could surprise him.

Raise leeks and wait for them to grow stronger before harvesting.

But like this one who can cross from the far lower realm to the upper realm, it still carries a large number of people.

A teleportation array, a few Spirit Stones can do it?

Is it possible?

Use your brain to know that it is impossible, unless something is secretly helping them.

This can only explain what golden fingers are hidden in Jiang Chen's body, which can help them shuttle through many lower realms and come to the upper realm.

The altar in the Xiangu restricted area happened to be connected with the lower realm where Xiao Ruoyin and others were located, and it happened to play a role as a spatial coordinate.

In this way, it makes sense.

"It seems that the memory of the devil's vest needs to be gradually triggered. Nowadays, the effect of the system on me is better than nothing."

Gu Changge closed his eyes slightly and looked calm, sorting out some memories that came to mind.

Of course, the reason for triggering these memories is the new air luck task mentioned in the previous system.

Because Gu Changge encountered son of luck Jiang Chen, he naturally led out part of Xiao Ruoyin's message.

Fate's nihilistic body.

This is the reminder to Xiao Ruoyin given by the system "Four Nine Zero".

Otherwise, Gu Changge's current vision alone may not be able to judge it, and it will take time to check.

This is a physique that only exists between the concepts of nothingness. It is very vague, involving nothingness, destiny, Karma, etc., and it is extremely complicated.

Anyway, Gu Changge knew that this physique was good enough for him.

And the nihilistic body of destiny, there is only one person in this world.

In the taboo era, the Immortal Palace is in charge of the heavens and hundreds of millions of realms, dominating the ages, and standing Immortal.

The fairy palace is divided into four directions, divided into four palaces in the southeast, northwest and northwest. In addition to the immortal lord, there are also four immortal monarchs, major immortal divisions, etc., in charge of hundreds of millions of heavens.

In addition, there is the extremely mysterious Destiny Temple, which is responsible for supervising the fate of the fairy palace, deducing the Heavenly Dao fate, and trekking through the years.

The High Priest of Destiny in the Temple of Destiny possesses such a physique.

It is for this reason that Gu Changge has only suspected Xiao Ruoyin for the first time in this meeting.

At that time, the demon lord destroyed the world, the fairy palace collapsed, the blood of all immortals disappeared, and even the immortal lord fell. Although the destiny high priest was mysterious, he might eventually fall and be reincarnated as Samsara.

"The High Priest of Destiny once relied on the good fortune immortal boat to go through the ages, and before the beginning of the heavens and the earth, to find the first number of Heavenly Dao, in order to respond to the future generations.

Gu Changge whispered to himself, these memories naturally appeared in his mind.

Soon afterwards, Gu Changge's expression returned to his natural expression, feeling the sound of footsteps coming from outside the temple.

He looked at it, and his expression was Wujing Wubo, but at this time he was just right to show a three-point appreciation.

The person here is naturally Xiao Ruoyin, who has taken a bath.

She wears a plain long skirt with loose black hair, a flawless face and long legs. It is not an exaggeration to describe her natural beauty.

"I have seen Master Gu."

Noting the meaning of appreciation in Gu Changge's expression, Xiao Ruoyin's face was reddish for some reason, and his heartbeat was much faster for no reason.

She had asked the name of Gu Changge from Hei Yanyu's mouth just now.

Moreover, from his mouth, he faintly understands what kind of identity Gu Changge is in this world.

This was the first time she wore clothes from this world.

Although only Hei Yanyu helped her find it casually, it was more comfortable than any clothes Xiao Ruoyin wore in the world before.

Even between the pendants, there is a faint radiance, very mysterious, and all kinds of lights fall down, and even give people a sense of lightness as a swallow.

All this gave Xiao Ruoyin a dreamlike feeling of unreality. Before that, she was just a prisoner whose life and death were unpredictable.

"Miss Xiao, you don't have to be polite."

Gu Changge smiled and responded casually.

Xiao Ruoyin looked at him, suddenly a little bit hesitant to say something, some things he wanted to say but he didn't know how to say it.

"Does Miss Xiao have anything to say?" Gu Changge smiled and asked as if she didn't know.

Xiao Ruoyin thinks Gu Changge shouldn't be a bad person, judging from his previous performances.

He gives people a sense of Transcendent refined, gentle and elegant, like a real Taoist immortal.

So after thinking about it, she still spoke. Although knowing this request, it may be a little rude and reckless, and it may even destroy a little bit of familiarity between her and Gu Changge.

"Gu Gongzi, my group of companions are actually the same as me, they also broke into here unintentionally, without any malice, you can rest assured about this."

Hearing that, Gu Changge waved her hand and interrupted her. Sitting there, the immortal spirit was aloof, and her voice was still gentle as if there was no change. of."

"Thank you, Master Gu.

Xiao Ruoyin couldn't help showing joy, and was very happy. I didn't expect Gu Changge to agree so simply.

"Don't thank me, I may have not seen such an interesting person in a long time, and heard such an interesting thing." Gu Changge said.

Upon hearing this, Xiao Ruoyin's expression moved slightly, because of this, a bold idea suddenly appeared in his heart.

Since Gu Changge is very interested in things in that world, can he take this opportunity to tell him about those things?

If he is in a good mood, he might still have a chance to see this so-called spiritual path.

"If Mr. Gu still wants to know about the world in which I live, I can actually tell you about it

Xiao Ruoyin spoke with a bit of ambition on her face, and she didn't know how Gu Changge would react after saying that.

Except for this reason, she really couldn't find any excuse to stay with Gu Changge.

Although in the previous world, she had many suitors because of her beauty, but in today's world, her appearance does not seem to bring much advantage.

People with Gu Changge's status are unlikely to have any thoughts because of her appearance.

"It's okay to listen to these things once or twice, but if you listen to them too much, you might get bored."

Gu Changge smiled and said, very tactfully rejecting her reason.

Hearing that Xiao Ruoyin was a little disappointed, but not surprisingly, for the cultivators in this world, what they are pursuing is completely different from what they are pursuing.

At first Gu Changge sounds interesting, but if you hear more, you will get bored.

"Master Gu, I want to ask, if I want to practice, what conditions do I need?" Xiao Ruoyin asked again, with a look of expectation and fascination in his eyes.

Being a practitioner has always been her dream and pursuit, and at this time, this dream has been infinitely magnified, allowing her to see hope.

She also knows that asking questions over and over again will be annoying if you change individuals, but in the face of this kind of opportunity, Xiao Ruoyin really doesn't want to let it go.

"If you practice?"

Gu Changge seemed to be taken aback when he heard the words, and then he considered it seriously, and then patiently explained to her, "In addition to the spiritual roots, Cultivation Technique, and a lot of resources that can be practiced, the rest lies with me. It seems it's time."

"Physical Spiritual Roots, Cultivation Technique, a lot of resources, and time?"

When Xiao Ruoyin chanted these words, the expression in his eyes gradually dimmed.

She doesn't have any of them, even if she has physique Spiritual Roots, it is impossible to have Cultivation Technique and resources.

She can be regarded as a traverser, but in such an unfamiliar world, without relatives or friends, how can she have a chance to get these things?

"In fact, if Miss Xiao wants to practice, I can help you, but the premise is that you have the spiritual roots physique for practice, otherwise I can't help.

Seeing the look of anticipation in her eyes gradually disappearing, Gu Changge suddenly smiled and said in a gentle voice.

Upon hearing this, Xiao Ruoyin was stunned for a moment, his eyes widened, and he could hardly believe his ears.

Although she was very pleasantly surprised, it was almost like being hit by a pie falling from the sky, but she also couldn't understand why Gu Changge would choose to help her in such a good way?

Is it the legendary meeting nobleman?

"Gu Gongzi, you help me so, I really don't know how to thank you and repay you."

Having said that, Xiao Ruoyin couldn't say anything anymore. She really didn't know how to thank Gu Changge.

Isn't it a cliché to agree with your body? But can people like it?

"You don't need to agree with your body.

Gu Changge smiled, seemed to know what she was thinking, and interrupted her by shaking her hand like a joke, "Perhaps I think you and I are predestined, Cultivation Technique resources are just not worth mentioning to me. It's nothing."

"Thank you Master Gu."

Xiao Ruoyin's face was a little ugly red, and she raised her eyes to look at him.

Then she went silent, even if she was a fool, she could understand the importance of Cultivation Technique and resources in this world.

But Gu Changge is still willing to help her, even without compensation.

Perhaps 3.7 this is really just a trivial matter for him.

"Don't rush to thank me, in case you don't have Spiritual Roots and qualifications, I will be helpless then." Gu Changge smiled.


Xiao Ruoyin's little chicken nodded as if pecking at the rice, and his heart was already filled with joy and fortune.

Unexpectedly, there will be a turnaround, and one day you will really be able to embark on the road of spiritual practice.

If the group of her companions who are detained in the dungeon see her now, they still can't open their eyes.Is this the goddess of the iceberg school flower policy in their impression?

Afterwards, Gu Changge took Xiao Ruoyin to the place to test his talent and physique. Of course, he could see whether Xiao Ruoyin could practice cultivation with his eyesight.

Fate's nihilistic body.

Just considering the subsequent plan, he has to arrange it.

Soon, an open area was cleared out, the mountain shone brightly, the Xianchi xenon hydrogen all kinds of brilliance, extremely splendid, and there were a few stones full of Shenxi on the side, extremely splendid.

Gu Changge had already ordered Hei Yanyu to arrange all this, and now he was waiting for Xiao Ruoyin to test his talent.

After arriving here, Xiao Ruoyin also became nervous, and could not help but seep sweat on Ruyu's cheeks.

"Miss Xiao, I hope I won't be disappointed." Gu Changge smiled. .