Chapter 345

In the open field, the mist is gushing, the fairy radiance is lingering, all kinds of fairy mountains are shining, and the colorful mist is flowing, which is very mysterious.

There were many creatures nearby, all from the ancient immortal races, but they were all quiet and respectful. Standing behind Gu Changge, they didn't dare to say anything.

"Hmm, Gu Gongzi, I won't let you down."

Upon hearing Gu Changge's words, Xiao Ruoyin took a deep breath, calming down a lot for no reason.

She looked directly at the fairy stone in front of her, it looked crystal clear, and a kind of xenon-like mist was flowing in it, as if it could be liquefied at any time.

As long as an individual can feel the terrifying energy contained in this piece of fairy stone.

Gu Changge was still smiling, but there was no wave in the depths of his eyes, and he was still indifferent.

The body of the emptiness of destiny, the strength of this physique lies in the illusion of emptiness, does not exist in any Heavenly Dao fate, and it is difficult to find its trace.

Gu Changge guessed that if he allowed Xiao Ruoyin to leave, she would soon be discovered by the cultivator of the other traditions, and then brought back to the mountain gate. As long as she had a bit of insight, she could see how good her aptitude was.

Although it can not be said that Xiao Ruoyin's physique can be seen instantly, but it should be no problem to see that her aptitude is strong.

Those Cultivation Techniques and resources he said would not cause any trouble to Xiao Ruoyin at all, but she didn't know it yet.

With her aptitude, I don't know how many Sect wants to accept her as a disciple and teach her Cultivation Technique.

"The day when the nihilistic body of destiny becomes mature is also the time when the origin of destiny matures.

Gu Changge's smile is still mellow and flawless, making it impossible to pick out any faults.

His gaze fell, seeing Xiao Ruoyin standing there and not knowing what to do, he said softly, "Put your hand on the test stone, red, orange, yellow, green, blue, and purple. The darker the color, the better the aptitude. Without qualifications, there will be no movement in the test stone."

After hearing this, Xiao Ruoyin nodded and understood, she no longer hesitated, and nervously put her jade hand on the test stone in front of her.


And almost when her palm fell on it, the whole test stone suddenly hummed.

Then a dazzling brilliance sprayed out from above.

First, it was red like a flame, then orange, yellow, and green. Almost in an instant, the whole test stone was smudged by seven colors. It was brilliant and looked amazing.

"What, it is so strong?"

"There are seven colors of this talent."

"How long hasn't seen such a qualification, even when Yan Yu Miss tested it, it was just like that!"

"It's terrifying. If this girl could step into the practice earlier, maybe she would be a strong man in the holy realm just like Yan Yu Miss now."

This scene directly shocked the surrounding Xiangu tribes.

Everyone couldn't help their eyes widening, and they were extremely shocked. They sighed at Xiao Ruoyin's envious eyes.

"Am I successful?"

Xiao Ruoyin was also shocked by the scene before her, and she hadn't recovered for a long time. Judging from the words of the people nearby, her talent should be quite strong?


A sense of joy, excitement, and excitement filled her heart.

Rao didn't like to be surprised, and she couldn't help feeling a strong surprise at this moment.

At first, Xiao Ruoyin just hoped that she could have the talent for cultivation, and she never thought about how good her own talent would be. She is actually a very satisfied person.

Now it seems that this is a surprise.

"Gu Gongzi, Ruoyin didn't let you down, right?"

Afterwards, Xiao Ruoyin looked at Gu Changge with a different emotion in his eyes, and asked with a sigh of relief.

She didn't expect that this joy, she actually wanted to share it with Gu Changge for the first time, the noble person who only met on the first day.

"How could I be disappointed? You have such a talent. It's too late for me to be happy for you." Gu Changge smiled.

"Yeah, but I still have to thank Young Master Gu for giving me such a chance." Xiao Ruoyin nodded, feeling relaxed and happy like never before.

"Your talent is stronger than many arrogant talents. Given time, good students and cultivators will not be weaker than them." Gu Changge smiled and said.

"I will help you find a respected master later, if you practice in the future, just follow her."

Speaking of this, Gu Changge intends to call Yan Ji to come here.

Some time ago, I heard that she was going to Closed Door Training. It was supposed to be an impact on the quasi-superior realm. It was just right for her to look at Xiao Ruoyin and teach her by the way.

Yan Ji can be regarded as his confidant, and Gu Changge feels relieved that many things are left to her.

"Yeah, okay, I'm bothering Mr. Gu." Xiao Ruoyin nodded.

Nowadays, I don't have any doubts about Gu Changge, and I don't even worry about what the master Gu Changge is looking for for her.

"Don't bother, you have such a talent, if you are in other places, it will make people smash their heads. This is also considered to be the force behind me. I have found a good seed."

Gu Changge smiled and said, with aloof tolerance and a heartbreaking demeanor in the conversation.

"Yeah, I must practice hard, and I will have the opportunity to repay Master Gu's kindness in the future." Xiao Ruoyin was moved in his heart.

At the same time, I couldn't help but sigh in my heart, how could there be such a perfect man in this world, not only the appearance, temperament, and conversation, but even the temperament is so perfect, people can't pick out any flaws.

"Then I will follow that master in practice, can I still see Master Gu?"

But at this moment, Xiao Ruoyin suddenly remembered an important thing, staring at Gu Changge with scarlet eyes, and couldn't help asking.

Although this question sounds bold, it is actually her true thoughts, actually is not what she intends for Gu Changge, just think that if you can see Gu Changge, you will feel a lot of peace of mind.

Xiao Ruoyin has subconsciously regarded Gu Changge as a reliable person.

Being in this mysterious and bizarre world, helpless, she suddenly met such a noble person as Gu Changge, she subconsciously wanted to hold him firmly.

Gu Changge smiled and said, "Naturally, I can see it. I think you can't wait any longer. Why don't you teach you some practice tips now."

"Really?" Xiao Ruoyin's eyes showed surprise, "Thank you, Master Gu.

In her opinion, the secrets of practice should be very secret and belong to the secrets that are not passed on.

"Naturally it is true." Gu Changge said, pointing a finger at the center of her eyebrows.

In a daze, Xiao Ruoyin saw an incomparably ancient and complicated practice trick, and slowly opened it in front of her eyes, every word was like a star, and it was shining brightly.

"Is this the secret to practice?" She couldn't help muttering, a familiar feeling emerged in her heart.

As if she had felt this way a long time ago.

Afterwards, Xiao Ruoyin's epiphany was completed.

Gu Changge smiled a little deep, and then led her to the direction of the dungeon, and released her group of companions as mentioned before.

This practice secret is naturally not that simple. After it arrives, Xiao Ruoyin will understand it.

At the same time, in the dim dungeon, Jiang Chen woke up slowly, but his body seemed to be crushed by a boulder, every cell, every inch of flesh and blood, and every piece of lungs seemed to be broken.

This piercing pain made him unable to help but breathe in cold air, his complexion turned pale and cold sweat flowed.

"Achen, how are you, are you okay?"

Niu Jian next to him saw him wake up and asked with concern.

"I'm okay, but my body hurts a little, right? What about Ruoyin? Is something wrong with her?"

Jiang Chen shook his head when he heard the words.

But soon, he reacted, looked up, and searched for Xiao Ruoyin's figure in the dungeon, but there was no one other than his companions.

Right now, he screamed in his heart, and the feeling of anxiety and worry became more and more intense.

"Ruoyin was taken away, and she hasn't come back until now, but Ruoyin has her own astronomical phenomenon, and she should be fine. You don't have to worry about her too much." Niu Wen comforted.

Jiang Chen was silent for a while, his eyes flashed with anxiety and anger.

But in the end he restrained it. After all, he couldn't forget the suffocating and death-like fear at the time.

"How long have I been in a coma?" Jiang Chen asked again.

"About a long time." Niu heard.

"Half a day" Jiang Chen murmured, his eyes flashed with regret, which meant that Xiao Ruoyin had been in a coma for a long time since he was taken away.

In this long time, who knows what will happen? She is a weak woman, if she encounters any danger, she will not respond every day, and the earth will not work. What should I do then?

"Jiang Chen, don't worry about Xiao Ruoyin. People have obviously known that they will cross this matter a long time ago, and they can understand the language of this world. But she didn't tell us more, maybe they were taken away and left here. Was it just pretending to show us at the time?"

At this time, a woman spoke up, dressed in fashion, with delicate light makeup on her face.

However, because of the longer time in detention, he looks a little wolf and fox, but it can still be seen that the facial features are better.

Her name is Wang Ning, and she is also a classmate of Jiang Chen, Niu Jian and others.

It's just that she didn't deal with Xiao Ruoyin. Because of her good looks, she was called a goddess king in school, and she had a lot of licking dogs.

However, she has a lot of meaning for Jiang Chen, but because Jiang Chen only loves Xiao Ruoyin, she is tit-for-tat with Xiao Ruoyin everywhere.

Although her words were a bit Yin & Yang strange, she also said that many people's hearts were gone, and they were all silent.

After all, before this, Xiao Ruoyin had never mentioned to them that he knew the language of the world, and this time it was also Xiao Ruoyin who took the initiative to invite them.

"Wang Ning, don't say that. If Ruoyin did this, she must have troubles. Everyone is a classmate. Wouldn't it be too much for you to speak ill of her behind her back like this?"

Hearing this, Jiang Chen frowned, feeling unhappy.

"What's wrong with me? Is there anything I said wrong? Maybe Xiao Ruoyin is now favored by the white-clothed man. She has left this ghost place. She is delicious and spicy. Where can we be managed?"

"Jiang Chen, what's the point of protecting Xiao Ruoyin like this? People don't take you seriously. Believe it or not, the cold and indecent goddess Xiao in your eyes is accompanying the man in white. Who knows what they are doing? thing"

It must be said that these words of Wang Ning can be described as vicious, very rude, and punish the heart every word.

Not only did Jiang Chen's complexion change, even Niu Jian and others' complexions changed drastically, and Wang Ning didn't expect Wang Ning to say such a thing.

But when I think about it, it's right. It's a matter of life and death, and I don't even know if I can live until the next day.

At this time, who is still scrupulous about these? I just tore my face.

Her words also silenced everyone, Xiao Ruoyin didn't know his life or death, didn't they also do the same?

"Wang Ning, just shut up, no one will treat you as dumb if you don't speak."

Niu Wen glared at Wang Ning fiercely, and said fiercely.

Wang Ning was still a little afraid of Niu Wen, snorted, not saying much.

Jiang Chen's face was gloomy, his fists clenched, and he didn't know what to say for a while.

In fact, he still didn't believe that Xiao Ruoyin would ignore their life and death, and he felt that Xiao Ruoyin had difficulties.

But Wang Ning's words made him very uneasy, and even worried.If things are really as she said, how should Xiao Ruoyin face it?

"Achen, don't think too much, don't you know what Xiao Xiaohua is like? Even if she harms us, she can't harm you."

Seeing that Jiang Chen's face was not so good, Niu Jian also hurriedly persuaded him, but in his heart he was actually a little worried that what Wang Ning said would become true.

Hearing that Jiang Chen's complexion was a little slow, but he was still silent and didn't say a word.

And just as everyone guessed, footsteps suddenly came from outside the dungeon.

"somebody is coming."

Jiang Chen's eyes suddenly appeared brilliant, and stood up from the same place.

Outside the dungeon, only one man and two women came.

The headed person is long and slender, with a handsome face without cast, hair shining like ink, brilliantly flowing, and sleeves fluttering, like a banal immortal walking in the mortal world, peerless and transcendent.

Beside him, a woman in a white dress accompanies her. She has a flawless face, beautiful features, loose black hair, straight and slender legs, revealing an incomprehensible beauty.

The two of them walked in front, and they looked a bit like a match, like a pair of bi people.

"Xiao Ruoyin?"


For a while, Jiang Chen, Niu Wen and others were all stunned. It was hard to believe the scene before them. They almost thought that their eyes were blinded, and there was an illusion.

This white-clothed woman was naturally Xiao Ruoyin who was taken away.

After she came back, not only did she change her clothes, but her complexion was much better than before, just like a flower in the empty valley, blooming again and full of vitality.

What exactly happened? Doubts arose in everyone's minds.

Especially Jiang Chen, his face was pale.

He thought of what Wang Ning had just said, and he couldn't help clenching his fists, even his nails were deeply embedded in the palms of his hands, without realizing it.

He stared at Xiao Ruoyin, wanting Xiao Ruoyin to give him an explanation, why did things suddenly turn out like this, wasn't she taken away?

Why did it look like this safe and sound again in a blink of an eye?

However, Xiao Ruoyin only glanced at Jiang Chen without explaining anything.

Gu Changge swept everyone in the dungeon one by one, staring at Jiang Chen for a while. Everyone felt a terrifying coercion rushing towards them, very nervous and nervous, and their backs were wet with cold sweat.

"Master, do you want to let them go?"

At this moment, behind Gu Changge, Hei Yanyu asked respectfully.

Gu Changge nodded and said lightly, "It's all released."

Hei Yanyu did not hesitate when he heard the words, and his jade hand waved directly in front of him.


The next moment, a brilliant brilliance flashed across the void, the mysterious iron chain in front of the dungeon broke at the sound, and fell to the ground with a dull sound.

The door of the dungeon opened instantly.

Jiang Chen, Niu Wen, Wang Ning and others watched this scene in a puzzled manner. The other party suddenly opened the chain, is it planning to let them go?

Thinking of this, many people couldn't help expressing joy and became very excited and excited.

"Everyone is okay, Gu Gongzi said he would let everyone go. The previous things were actually misunderstandings.

Xiao Ruoyin stepped forward with a calm expression, and explained in the language of the world they were in.

"Goddess Xiao, what the hell is going on?" a man couldn't help asking, very puzzled.

"This is a long story. I will explain to you when I have the opportunity. Now everyone is safe and can leave here."

Xiao Ruoyin glanced at Jiang Chen's face, but didn't say much, but told everyone that they were all safe and would not be detained in the dungeon anymore.

"Really? That's great. Goddess Xiao must have rescued us. I said that Goddess Xiao is a good-hearted person. How could it be possible that Tenda would forget us." The man who spoke just now was full of surprise and honest expression.

When hearing the word Tengda, Xiao Ruoyin flashed unnaturally.

But she couldn't refute anything. If she didn't meet Gu Changge, she would not embark on the path of spiritual practice, and she would still be a prisoner.

It is not wrong to say that it is Tenda.

"Thanks to Goddess Xiao, otherwise we don't know how long we will continue to be detained."

After confirming the authenticity of this news, everyone was naturally surprised and mad, and there were some complaints and dissatisfaction with Xiao Ruoyin before. At this time, it naturally disappeared.

Is there anything in this world that is comparable to life?

"Yeah, if there is no Goddess Xiao, how can we be saved? I don't know who said bad things about Goddess Xiao just now, saying that she doesn't care about our life or death…"

A man Yin & Yang took a strange look at Wang Ning, who was not looking good, and learned her tone before speaking.

Wang Ning's complexion was very ugly. She didn't expect Xiao Ruoyin to come back to rescue them. This was completely beyond her expectation.

"Did I make a mistake about what I just said? You really thought Xiao Ruoyin would be so kind, and saving your life is just a trivial matter for her now.

However, Wang Ning was unwilling to be ridiculed in this way.

She didn't believe that there was nothing happening between Xiao Ruoyin and the white-clothed man in front of him.

"Wang Ning, what are you talking nonsense? Ruoyin is kind to save us, and now you're still misbehaving?" Niu Wen frowned, showing displeasure, and interrupted her.

Wang Ning himself was still very jealous of the burly and tall Niu Jian, knowing that he was not a person who would not be unruly because he was a woman.

So she snorted and shut up.

"Ruoyin, Wang Ning's character is like this. Don't be familiar with her. Thank you for saving us. We will repay you if we have a chance in the future."

Niu Jian glanced at Jiang Chen, who was silent and did not say a word, and then showed a simple and honest smile, and said to Xiao Ruoyin 490.

Because of the relationship between Jiang Chen and Xiao Ruoyin, he himself is quite familiar with Xiao Ruoyin.

"It's okay."

Xiao Ruoyin shook his head when he heard this, knowing that Jiang Chen, Niu Wen, and Wang Ning had misunderstood.

But the explanation at this time might make Gu Changge waiting outside the dungeon wait longer, so she was silent, planning to explain to them again later.

"Achen, are you okay? You have to trust Xiao Xiaohua, don't you know how she is?"

Niu Wen sighed and said in a low voice.

"I know, I believe Ruoyin." Hearing this, Jiang Chen also barely smiled, as if he had figured it out. He understood Xiao Ruoyin's difficulties, so he didn't want her good intentions to be wasted.

But when he said this, his gaze was still staring at Xiao Ruoyin, as if waiting for her to give himself an explanation.

As for Gu Changge outside the dungeon, Jiang Chen chose to ignore it and didn't see it in general.

He had already felt the horror of Gu Changge before, and knew how terrible he was. At this time, try not to provoke him.

Xiao Ruoyin smiled at him slightly, "I'll explain to you later."

Afterwards, Xiao Ruoyin took Jiang Chen and the others out of the dungeon, and Gu Changge walked in front, his expression very calm, without any reasoning.

However, everyone in Jiang Chen knew their identity differences, and it was impossible to expect the other party to care about them. It was already the greatest blessing to be able to leave alive.

Although Niu Jian and others seemed very curious about what happened during Xiao Ruoyin's departure from the dungeon, they did not dare to ask more.

It can be seen that Xiao Ruoyin today seems to be completely different from before.

From the look of respect of the guards guarding her outside the dungeon, it can be seen that her identity has changed drastically.

This made everyone very envious of her, but Jiang Chen felt that his mouth was dry and a little bitter.

The feeling of anxiety and worry in my heart has become more and more intense.

Why in a blink of an eye, Xiao Ruoyin's identity has undergone such a big change, making him feel that he and Xiao Ruoyin are not in the same world.

Especially when I saw Xiao Ruoyin and Gu Changge walking side by side, there was a smile on their faces, as if they were talking about something, there was a star-like light flashing in those pale scarlet eyes.

In Jiang Chen's eyes, it was the color of reverence and admiration.

This feeling made him feel like a knife, and he could only continue to comfort himself in his heart. This was Xiao Ruoyin's deliberate look, just to please the white man and rescue them all.

"Gu Gongzi, I want to say something to my companions."

Soon, when he reached a palace complex, Xiao Ruoyin spoke with a trace of ambition on his face.

"Go ahead, I won't bother you.

"Actually, you don't need to ask me about this kind of thing." Gu Changge said with a smile, with an intoxicating and refined manner, and he appeared more and more gentle and elegant.

With Gu Changge's permission, Xiao Ruoyin hummed softly, his face looked a little happy.

She didn't know why she had to get Gu Changge's permission. In her opinion, this was subconscious behavior.

Soon, Gu Changge and Hei Yanyu left with no intention of being more in charge.

"The host Hei Yanyu looked at Gu Changge with some doubts, he was a little bit hesitant to speak, and he was puzzled by Gu Changge's actions and his attitude towards Xiao Ruoyin.

In her opinion, although Xiao Ruoyin's talent is very strong, it is far from reaching the level that Gu Changge cares so much about.

Moreover, she asked herself to know something about Gu Changge's temperament, knowing that he is absolutely indifferent and unsympathetic, and would not do things that are not good for her.

This kind of time-wasting and boring thing, Gu Changge has spent so much thought, it can only show that this woman named Xiao Ruoyin seems to have other effects on him.

"You don't have to worry about it, just keep an eye on their trail." Gu Changge's smile narrowed, his expression returned to calm and indifferent, and he said lightly.

"Yes." Hei Yanyu put his heart down and said respectfully.

To be honest, seeing Gu Changge being so kind to Xiao Ruoyin before, she was a little jealous, why didn't she get it?

But now it seems that Gu Changge just has another plot.

This gave Hei Yanyu a lot of balance in her heart. ,