Ch 346

After Gu Changge left with Hei Yanyu, Xiao Ruoyin took Jiang Chen, Niu Jian, Wang Ning and others to an open place.

Although there were guards patrolling around, they didn't care about them. As transparent people, as if they hadn't seen them, they had obviously been ordered by Gu Changge.

"Ruoyin, what happened? Why did the man in white suddenly let us go?"

After arriving here, Jiang Chen finally couldn't help it, and took the lead in asking questions, with a questioning tone and a bit harsh.

Niu Wen and the others were also puzzled, waiting for Xiao Ruoyin to give them an explanation and reply.

"In fact, there is nothing. After Gu Gongzi took me away, he didn't do anything to me. He just asked about our origins, and then I told him truthfully, and he didn't embarrass us. In fact, it was all a matter of fact. Misunderstanding, Young Master Gu is very good and has no malice towards us either."

Xiao Ruoyin took a deep breath and explained, telling the truth about what happened.

Hearing what she said, Niu Wen and others were also relieved, but they didn't doubt anything.

Especially several women including Wang Ning. After all, when they first saw Gu Changge, they felt that Gu Changge shouldn't be a bad person.

Actually, it's not that bad guys can be so good-looking, but that Gu Changge's temperament is really hard for people to feel bad. On the contrary, it's like the kind of fairy who stays away from the red dust and sits on Nine Heavens for eternity.

But Jiang Chen frowned, obviously not satisfied with her answer.

He can still remember the pain and fear that the whole person's five internal organs were about to be crushed, and now Xiao Ruoyin said that it was a misunderstanding.The so-called Gu Gongzi actually did not have any malicious intent against them, was he a good person?

How can this make him acceptable?

"Jiang Chen listened to my persuasion, then that incident should just pass, anyway, you are fine now, otherwise you really offend Gu Gongzi, I'm afraid I will not be able to keep you."

Seeing Jiang Chen's expression, Xiao Ruoyin knew what he was thinking, and said with a sigh.

Is it possible to expect Gu Changge to apologize to such a small person as Jiang Chen at this time?

"Ruoyin Me" Jiang Chen also sighed, helpless.

He is not a good or bad person, but he is not stupid.

At this time, there is almost no possibility of offending Gu Changge except for a dead end.

What Xiao Ruoyin said was actually for his own good. But he couldn't bear this kind of uncomfortable breath.

"By the way, what happened after Ruoyin, why did you change these dresses?"

Jiang Chen asked again afterwards. After saying this, he suddenly became nervous, worried about hearing something bad from Xiao Ruoyin's mouth.

If it really followed what Xiao Ruoyin said, then why did she change her dress, and her complexion was much better than before, and even talked and laughed with Gu Changge?

Hearing this, Xiao Ruoyin thought of the embarrassment at that time, his face was a little reddish, but he quickly recovered.

She explained, "At that time, Mr. Gu saw that I was detained for a long time and my clothes were a bit tattered, so he ordered me to take me to clean it. It was not as complicated as you thought."

Seeing her look, Jiang Chen always felt uncomfortable in his heart, but Xiao Ruoyin explained so. If he still didn't believe it, it would only make the relationship between the two people farther away, and there would be no more to say.

Niu Wen and others didn't doubt anything.

"I said you must believe in Goddess Xiao's character" Niu Wen whispered to Jiang Chen, and relieved him.

"Then Ruoyin, do you have any plans next? None of us understand the language of this world."

Jiang Chen stared at Xiao Ruoyin and asked nervously, with cold sweat in his palms.

The implication was that Xiao Ruoyin wanted to leave with them.

Hearing that everyone also looked over and looked forward to seeing Xiao Ruoyin, hoping that Xiao Ruoyin could take care of them.

After all, everyone is a classmate. When they come to this strange world, they don't even understand the language of the other party. After they leave here, how to live is still a difficult question.

Upon hearing this, Xiao Ruoyin's eyebrows wrinkled slightly, obviously a bit tangled, and she didn't know how to speak.

But this matter, she still wants to have a showdown with Jiang Chen and Niu Wen.

She considered her words and slowly said,

"I'm going to stay with Gu Gongzi next, I guess I won't be able to leave with you


Before listening to her, Jiang Chen was shocked and couldn't believe Own Ears.

The rest of the people also stared wide-eyed, and they didn't expect Xiao Ruoyin to stay.

"Ruoyin, did that son Gu persecute you and let you stay?"

"He must have something to do with you.

Jiang Chen looked ugly, but took a deep breath and forced himself to calm down. In his opinion, why Xiao Ruoyin chose to stay for no reason.

It was only the first time that she and that Gu Gongzi met!

So there is only one possibility.

"No, I want to stay. Gu Gongzi is really good. He is my noble person. What can he do against me? You haven't seen the maids around Gu Gongzi, all beautiful Celestial Immortals. How could someone have any intentions against me 々 "?"

"You are not allowed to say that, Mr. Gu."

Xiao Ruoyin's face was a little unhappy, but considering that Jiang Chen was worried about her, his tone was also relaxed a lot.

Hearing this, Jiang Chen couldn't help widening his eyes, opened his mouth, then gave a wry smile, and chose to shut up.

Niu Jian and the others on the side also sighed and shut up.

"Then what kind of ecstasy did Gu Gongzi put on you? This is the first time I met, so you just speak for him." Jiang Chen felt his mouth dry and his voice a little hoarse.

His heart hurts, tearing pain!

"You won't understand, I only have gratitude for Gu Gongzi, nothing else."

Xiao Ruoyin's voice returned to calm, and her expression seemed to have become the old goddess of coldness again, with estrangement.

"Can you tell me the reason?" Jiang Chen asked.

"I'm because I'm going to embark on the path of spiritual practice."

Xiao Ruoyin hesitated, still feeling to tell this matter.

"The Way of Practice"

Hearing this, everyone was shocked, and then they reacted with great admiration.

Before they came to this world, they didn't believe in the existence of immortals in this world.

And it is obvious that all of this is breaking their worldview. There are immortals in this world, soaring through the clouds, driving the fog, picking the stars and taking the moon, and omnipotent.

Thinking of this, they were even more envious of Xiao Ruoyin.

"That's it, soon you and I will not belong to the same world…"

Jiang Chen's mouth is bitter. After thinking about all this, it won't be long before Xiao Ruoyin will become immortals as tall as the white-clothed man, treating them as ants, and no longer a person in the world.

But soon, he remembered his mysterious bronze flying boat, can he also practice cultivation?

Jiang Chen couldn't help burning hope in his heart.

"Goddess Ce, if you can practice, can we also practice? We also want to embark on the path of practice."

Niu Wen and others looked at Xiao Ruoyin together and asked hopefully.

"The requirements for practice are very harsh, and I am also thanks to the help of Master Gu, otherwise I will not be able to embark on the road of practice.

Xiao Ruoyin said that he couldn't bear it, but he told them the conditions of cultivation.

The first reaction of Jiang Chen, Niu Jian, Wang Ning and others after hearing it was the same as before. They all stood there and fell into despair.

"Innate Qualifications, Cultivation Technique, Cultivation Resources"

Jiang Chen muttered, as if there was a flame burning in his heart!

"Miss Xiao, the young master has prepared a banquet and invites you and your companions to go together."

At this moment, a strange creature with a terrifying appearance and covered with cyan scales suddenly appeared and said to Xiao Ruoyin.

Everyone was taken aback, feeling that their breathing was about to breathe, and the breath of the extremely tall Spiritual Qi in front of them was really terrifying.

"I see, I'll be here soon."

Xiao Ruoyin calmed down and replied with a smile on his face.

Hearing this, the creature opened his mouth and grinned, "Then wait for Miss Xiao to arrive."

After that, he just disappeared, and he didn't know whether it was intentional or unintentional, causing Jiang Chen, Niu Wen and others to sweat.

"Ruoyin, what did he say?" Jiang Chen couldn't help asking.

"He said that Master Gu prepared a banquet for us, and let me take you there." Xiao Ruoyin explained.

"Gu Gongzi even prepared a banquet for us. That's great. It really has the light of Goddess Xiao!!

"This Young Master Gu is really not a bad person! It seems that he should also compensate for his previous misunderstanding."

Hearing this, everyone couldn't help but cheer up, a little excited, they hadn't eaten the banquet of this world yet, it just happened to increase their knowledge.

Jiang Chen remained silent.

Soon, Xiao Ruoyin took them to the place where the banquet was located, and the many sights they saw along the way shocked everyone's hearts.

Especially seeing those glorious palaces like heaven, it is even more awe from the heart.

How powerful is this to build such a magnificent building.

"Listen to Young Master Gu, we are only on the ancient warship, not on the ground. Xiao Ruoyin also said with admiration.

Many people on the road were flattering and flattering, and they all spoke to Xiao Ruoyin.

"Goddess Xiao, I will see that Young Master Gu, can you say more for us?"

"Yes, for the sake of classmates, you can help us, please."


Xiao Ruoyin frowned, a little hesitant, and worried that too many requests would provoke Gu Changge's dislike.

"I will try my best.

But in the face of these requests, she still couldn't refuse.

But not long after, everyone arrived in the hall.

All kinds of Lingguo food are placed one after the other, and even the wine exudes a tempting fragrance, which makes the index finger move.

All kinds of crystal clear fruits, exuding xenon hydrogen brilliance, are extremely mysterious.


Gu Changge sat in the first place with a smile on his face.

"I have a son, I have to arrange these." Xiao Ruoyin was a little embarrassed.

"It's okay, express a little bit of my little money." Gu Changge smiled.

"These companions of yours are just mortals and have not yet practiced. If they were allowed to eat a banquet containing Spiritual Qi, they might burst into death."

"So I prepared another table for them."

As he said, he pointed to the side, not far from the banquet he was at, but the food on it was relatively simple, and it was all food from the mortal realm.

"Yeah, thank you Gu Gongzi.

Xiao Ruoyin felt that there was nothing wrong, and explained it to Jiang Chen, Niu Wen and others.

On the contrary, Gu Changge's care and thoughtfulness made her quite touched, even considering such small things.

Although Niu Jian and others regret not being able to eat the fruits and melons that contain Spiritual Qi, they also know that this is because they are considered by others. They have a lot of good feelings about Gu Changge in their hearts.

What Xiao Ruoyin said before, in their opinion, should be no problem.

Gu Changge has no malice towards them.

Soon, the banquet began.

Everyone took their seats in turn.

Next to Gu Changge, besides the black Yanyu, Ji Qingxuan also showed up.

This scene made Niu Jian and a group of men envious. It was impossible to see such a beautiful and beautiful woman in the past.

Even the face of Goddess Xiao is hard to distinguish in front of others.

But such a beautiful lady, in front of the man in white, can only be regarded as a maid.

This made them feel envy and jealousy in their hearts, no wonder Xiao Ruoyin said before that Young Master Gu would not have any intentions against her at all.

It turned out to be such a reason.

"Achen, just keep some things in mind, just show what you say."

Niu Wen glanced at Jiang Chen, who had been drinking and silent, and sighed, knowing what he was thinking.

Jiang Chen looked up, his teeth clenched.

At the banquet in front, Xiao Ruoyin sat beside Gu Changge with a reddish face and a smile, as if talking to him.

And Gu Changge's face has always been with a calm smile, as if he didn't care at all, and his eyes never fell on their side from beginning to end.

Jiang Chen didn't know what Xiao Ruoyin was talking to Gu Changge, only that she had rarely smiled like this before.

This feeling made him feel like a knife!

And at this moment, Jiang Chen suddenly felt a strange feeling in his body, as if something was about to spray out, constantly surging and changing there!

Bronze flying boat!

In a daze, Jiang Chen saw a bronze flying boat in front of his eyes, which looked extremely old, with rust and mottled on it, walking through a long river, the surrounding universe collapsed, and fragments of time and space fluttered.

Even saw many good fortune-like scenes.

Qian Xuan good fortune, the heaven and the earth are mysterious and yellow, the beginning is changeable, the great road is the best!

Extremely miraculous!

A lot of huge information inheritance suddenly flooded into his mind!

This scene stunned Jiang Chen. The whole person almost stood up, but the powerful willpower controlled it. It was just that his body was trembling, which made people think he was unwell.

Niu Wen and others glanced at Jiang Chen, not knowing what happened.

Only when he witnessed his goddess talking and laughing with other men, he couldn't accept it, and he was restraining his patience.

"~What are you? Why is it in my mind?"

But soon, Jiang Chen calmed down, and did not notice the gaze that Gu Changge had just turned towards him.

At this moment, he is communicating with the voice in his head.

A reduced version of the bronze flying boat, emitting a faint light, appeared in his mind.

"I am the spirit and you are the body.

"We are all good fortune Xianzhou."

A very immature voice sounded.

"Good fortune Xianzhou? What is that again?"

Jiang Chen was stunned, and couldn't help asking. He communicated with this voice in his mind, so he didn't worry about being found out by others.

"Good fortune Immortal Boat, that is the first immortal thing that opened up the world. It can break Samsara, watch Heavenly Dao against time, and know everything forever, and the fate is omnipotent."

This slightly immature voice said arrogantly.

"Then can you help me become stronger?"

Jiang Chen was a little excited, feeling that what it said was quite powerful, with some bragging elements, and omnipotent.

But does that mean that it can make him stronger, survive in this world, and get everything he wants?

"Naturally, you and I are one.

This voice sounded again, still full of arrogance.

However, it seemed that it had just woken up, and it soon felt something wrong (Mano's).

"You seem to be in something wrong with your state. How can you be so weak, even your physique, but it doesn't matter. Sooner or later, I will shape you into a good fortune body, pushing you across the world, invincible in the world."

The voice said so, very confident.

Hearing this, Jiang Chen was also excited, feeling surging, good fortune Saint Body, this sound is very powerful!

Moreover, Jiang Chen found that he suddenly understood the conversations of the surrounding creatures.

This discovery made him ecstatic, and then he restrained it, fearing that he would be found to be abnormal.

"I can just listen to Ruoyin what she and that son Gu are talking about."

Jiang Chen took a deep breath, calmed down, and concentrated all his attention on his ears.

In the first place, Gu Changge, who has noticed something, his face has always been lightly smiling, flashes of interest in his eyes.

He suddenly asked Xiao Ruoyin next to him, "What is the relationship between that young man and you? I think he seems to have been paying attention to you?"

Hearing this, Xiao Ruoyin was slightly surprised, followed Gu Changge's line of sight, just to see Jiang Chen who was bowing his head and drinking alcohol.

"His name is Jiang Chen, and he is one of my former suitors."

She replied, for some reason, she didn't want Gu Changge to misunderstand anything, so she was very straightforward.

Of course, Xiao Ruoyin didn't lie. In everyone's eyes, she and Jiang Chen are very good match, but that's all.

She also knows that Jiang Chen has a good impression of her, but she only has the idea of ​​searching for the ruins and the truth in her heart.

For her, Jiang Chen can only be regarded as a good suitor, or a friend.

"Oh I got it."

Gu Changge smiled, "No wonder he keeps looking at you."

And Jiang Chen, who had concentrated all his attention, naturally heard these words, his face couldn't help being pale, and then he felt that the corners of his mouth were very bitter.

He can't refute anything, own is really just a suitor.

"That woman seems to be the master! No way!"

Just when Jiang Chen was full of bitterness, the slightly immature voice in his mind sounded again.

But this time, it was full of shock, anxiety, tremor, and fear.

"The man next to her master is dangerous."