Ch 353

"Is there only one?"

On the ancient warship, Gu Changge watched this scene. Although the corner of his mouth was smiling, his expression seemed thoughtful.

If the Zi Mansion only dispatched a quasi-emperor realm powerhouse, it would be impossible to rescue Ziyang Tianjun from his hands.

"The Purple Mansion shouldn't be so stupid~ to the point.

"It seems that there should be something hidden in the secret, waiting-do you take a shot at a critical moment?"

Gu Changge didn't think that Zifu had the guts to break the cauldron-sink the boat at first.

For the sake of Ziyang Tianjun, even the mountain gate station is not needed, and all the forces are dispatched here.

But now it seems that he was thinking wrong.

All the hopes of Zi Mansion are now gathered in Ziyang Tianjun.

Nowadays, although the army of the Purple Mansion looks very tragic and has been defeated steadily, Gu Changge can see clearly that this is intentional by the other party.

As for the purpose, it is easy to guess, in order to paralyze him, let him relax his vigilance?

"Interestingly, since this is the case, it seems that the many backgrounds of the Purple Mansion have been brought here at this moment, and I will wait to save the Ziyang Tianjun, and immediately leave. Now there should be only one mountain gate in the Purple Mansion territory. It has an empty shell."

"All the avenues are pupa up, it seems that in the end it should be nothing."

Gu Changge couldn't help narrowing his eyes, thinking of this, and waved his hand.

Behind him, several quasi-supreme existences suddenly appeared, all of which were the ancestors of the various races of Xiangu, with a terrifying aura, suppressing the nearby void.

"I wonder what the son has ordered?"

This group of beings asked respectfully, instead of fighting with the army, they stayed in the ancient warship to protect Gu Changge.

"You go and kill all the young disciples in the army of the Purple Mansion, without leaving one. Pay attention to those with good qualifications. If you encounter those with mediocre qualifications, don't worry about it for the time being.

Gu Changge said lightly and emphasized.

Actually, he is not kind, but a disciple of average aptitude, and he won't play much role in the back.

Since Zifu plans to play yin with him, Gu Changge doesn't mind letting Zifu understand that he will extinguish the so-called last fire.

Nowadays, Zifu is in great trouble. In order to prevent the inheritance from being cut off, some disciples with good aptitude will definitely be taken away.

According to the current situation, these disciples should all be mixed in the army of the Purple Mansion, and they are fighting with the immortal beings.

"Yes, son!"

When ordered, the quasi-supreme powerhouses did not dare to ask the reason, and their figures flashed directly into the army ahead.


The divine light is surging, the palms cover the sky, and in the battle, the cultivator falls in pieces, densely packed, and countless!

With the joining of the quasi-supreme powerhouse, the battle situation once again changed greatly.

The army of the Purple Mansion had been defeated steadily, and now it is even more helpless to fight back, constantly retreating towards the back.

Various fighting and roaring sounds shake the sky.

The blood was splashed with wine, the bones piled up in the mountains, and the smell of blood was smelled from a distance, which made people creepy.

Chu Hao and Qin Wuya who were fighting were also separated because of this scene. For Qin Wuya, what he wanted to do was to fish in troubled waters when the Zi Mansion was at war with Gu Changge. Rescue Ziyang Tianjun.

But now Chu Hao was eager to split his eyes, he was mad with hatred, and witnessed the territory of the ancient Vermillion Bird country. In this instant, the mountains collapsed and the city was destroyed.

The inheritance for hundreds of thousands of years is cut off at this moment.

"Ah ah ah Gu Changge, you and me will never die."

Chu Hao couldn't help screaming, his eyes scarlet.

At this time, if he doesn't escape, he will definitely end up in the same way as Vermillion Bird in the ancient country.

Now in the imperial capital, there are voices of panic and despair.

All the cultivators finally understood what they would face today and began to flee away, but many of them had no time to escape. In mid-air, they encountered a wave of escaping fluctuations, which instantly turned into childish powder and disappeared in smoke.

For the ancient country of Vermillion Bird, this is the greatest catastrophe and doomsday.

Qin Wuya sneered at the corner of his mouth, not sympathetic at all, and turned to look at Tang Wan, who was still a little sluggish, and remembered important things.

Afterwards, his figure flashed, he quickly left the place, and notified the ancient existence of Lake Samsara to come and rescue Ziyang Tianjun with him.

"All this is coming after all

Tang Wan also reacted very quickly. She glanced at Chu Hao with a slightly complicated gaze, and then became cold, and her figure fled in the other direction, leaving him alone.

In her words, Chu Hao now does not deserve her to think about him as before.

"This is the cruelty of the spiritual world."

Xiao Ruoyin came over with a pale face. The first time he saw such a cruel and vast war, he almost felt weak in his legs and could not stand firmly.

Each of the cultivators and creatures who fought in it was tens of thousands of times stronger than her, but they only lost their lives in an instant.

It collapsed and exploded there, becoming a rain of blood, and disappearing.

She couldn't help her stomach churning, forcing herself to look directly at all this, after all, she would survive in such a world in the future.

But after a few glances, she felt that she couldn't stand it. Under this kind of battle, human lives were like weeds, and tens of thousands of lives were wiped out at the touch of a finger.

"Master Gu did not even change his face even in the face of such a war."

Xiao Ruoyin felt his admiration for Gu Changge.

At the same time, there was a touch of fear and fear that even she didn't know.

Prior to this, Gu Changge gave her a sense of Transcendent refined, abundance and handsome.

But now that deep and cold, like darkness, the indifference of seeing sentient beings like ants made her feel a kind of fear and anxiety.

"Gu Gongzi, have you seen such a war?"

Xiao Ruoyin forced herself to calm down, walked to Gu Changge's side, and couldn't help asking.

"This is the first time I have seen this kind of war."

Hearing this, Gu Changge turned his head and glanced at her, showing a smile that made Xiao Ruoyin feel familiar.

Xiao Ruoyin was a little surprised in her beautiful eyes, "I thought Master Gu was used to seeing this.

"No. If it wasn't for the inheritors of magic skills, I wouldn't want to start this cruel war, but if we don't stop all this done by the Purple Mansion, more cultivators and creatures will be killed in the future."

Gu Changge shook his head, with a slight sigh in his voice.

Xiao Ruoyin nodded. Although he heard a little vaguely and didn't understand very well, he also knew that this was the war that Gu Changge launched in order to save more people.

"As expected, Master Gu, with great righteousness, it seems that this Purple Mansion is not a good thing either.

Xiao Ruoyin thought to himself that his expression had returned to calm.

She already knew from the mouths of the rest of the creatures that the purple-robed man in prison in front of him had colluded with the inheritors of magic arts and had harmed the world.

Many cultivators died in their hands.

Such a scourge is indeed worthy of death.


And just when Xiao Ruoyin's thoughts were flying.

A cold snort suddenly came from the front, which made her suddenly come back to her senses.

Jiao's body trembled, his face turned pale, and he felt that his ears were about to be shattered.

If it hadn't been for Gu Changge to take the initiative to disperse this voice for her, it is estimated that the whole person would have exploded just now.

"very scary

There was a kind of fear in Xiao Ruoyin's heart.

What a terrible power is this?

The distance is so far, but just a sound is enough to make nearby Star explode.

"Does the old thing intend to bully the small with the big?"

Gu Changge said lightly, taking a step forward, his robe is fluttering, his hair is shining, and his eyes are gleaming with multicolored lights, and the whole figure is about to evolve and leave.

He looked into the distance, and he seemed to be surrounded by various colors of sunlight, turning into various orders, rules, and runes.

Then evolved many Divine Armament, axe and hook fork, knife, gun and sword halberd, a horrible atmosphere emerged.

"Junior, are you provoking me to wait?"

This magnificent figure appeared in the depths of the army of the Purple Mansion, and its eyes were like two sharp Sword Qi, which can split the sky and break the universe, circulating an amazing Sword intent.

There seemed to be endless divine light flowing around it, and the whole body was shrouded in chaos.

Surrounded by endless sounds of sacrificial offerings and kowtows, it is vast and boundless, as if it had come since the beginning of the world.

All those who were looking directly felt an astonishing tingling pain and almost shed tears, shocked in their hearts!

This is the existence of a Quasi-Emperor Realm!

Looking at this era, supreme seldom appears, and quasi supreme is an invincible existence.

Now that a quasi-imperial realm powerhouse appeared, it made the many cults and cultivators who secretly followed this battle feel extremely shocked.

If this battle took place outside the territory, it could definitely be called earth-shattering.

I have to say that the background of the Purple Mansion is really terrifying, which makes many people feel palpitated.

We must know that the current army was sent out of the Purple Mansion abruptly in the face of desperation from all sides.

Afterwards, he directly broke through the space channel and came to rescue Ziyang Tianjun.

Although it can be seen that Zifu places great importance on Ziyang Tianjun, on the other hand, it is enough to explain the madness of Zifu.

no way no money?

Even the mountain gate is not needed, just to save Ziyang Tianjun? Why is this? Is it worth it?

Of course, many cultivators are puzzled, and the more they feel shocked, is it possible that Ziyang Tianjun has something special?

The Zi Mansion did not hesitate to fight against many Daoism for him, even if doing so would make the Zi Mansion go to ruin.

In the eyes of many people, this is simply not worthwhile.

Among the mighty Purple Mansion army.

The three Supremes appeared, their faces blurred, all with chaotic fog, and the Dharma bodies stood on top of the sky, as if standing under the stars.

In the wave of his hand, the terrible chain of order pierced through the void, and he was about to fight forward and fight with the other Xiangu Zhunzhi.

At this moment, the majesty of their bodies swept across all directions, their eyes were extremely cold, and they stared far away at Gu Changge who was on the other side.

Just now, they naturally saw Gu Changge taking Ziyang Tianjun out and threatening to save them, so they would try.

Now, such provocative and rampant words make their complexion even more gloomy.

When they were the supreme, they would be ridiculed in such a way.

But the three of them didn't dare to act rashly. After all, they had learned from the past, and Gu Changge had hidden an emperor's existence beside Gu Changge.

The supreme who came to rescue Ziyang Tianjun last time died tragically at his hands.

At the moment, the three supreme beings stood on the sky, raising their hands into giant hands covering the sky, which seemed to transform into a world, infinitely helpless, facing the ancient ancient army in front of them, planning to destroy these army first.

The three of them looked very ugly. They found some seedlings hidden in the army, which were being shot and killed. Gu Changge had clearly seen through the plan.

Such behavior can be said to be the last fire to exterminate them!

But at this moment, among the immortal ancient army, the brilliance that suddenly floated, was as dazzling and dazzling as the bright sun.

"Provoking you? At this point, don't you still understand?"

Gu Changge's smile still looked calm and calm, and at this moment he sacrificed something.

It was a golden decree. I don't know what kind of divine text was written on it. It was complicated and ancient. It manifested in the virtual space, revealing a frightening atmosphere.

Faintly, everyone saw the golden decree turned into a golden giant sword, entwining hundreds of millions of golden clouds, and it was about to fall from the sky, the sun and the moon would shatter, and the star would burst.

This is an unmatched superpower, which has surpassed the category of supreme.

"This is "

"Imperial Realm Decree?"

"It seems that Young Master Changge had anticipated all this a long time ago, but with his strength, even if he sacrifices the emperor realm's decree, he may not be able to compete with a quasi emperor!"

The cultivator, who was watching all this closely in secret, was shocked, and couldn't help his voice trembling slightly.

Although the power of the imperial decree is not as good as the real imperial weapon, it contains the full force of the existence of the imperial realm.

Even if the three supreme beings joined forces, they couldn't be opponents of the emperor's decree on this page, and they were likely to suffer heavy losses or even fall.

…For flowers…

But in addition to the three supreme, there is also a quasi emperor, which makes the situation a bit delicate.

"Gu's child, you are in vain as the leader of the young righteous way. You are so good-looking, you conceal evil intentions, frame my descendants of the Purple Mansion, and do so many deplorable things, which is simply intolerable.

"Even if my Purple Mansion will be destroyed after today, someday someone will come and take you!

The three Supremes, with cold eyes, stared at Gu Changge with hatred.

"Up to now, I'm still trying to pour dirty water on me. It's a pity."

Gu Changge looked at them calmly, and then smiled slightly, "No matter, since the Purple Mansion insists on ruining on its own, don't blame it, Yellow Springs is a long way away, everyone go well."

After all, the golden decree rising behind him suddenly appeared endless golden mist, as if it had been blown from a distant era, where various ancient magic techniques evolved.

Gu Changge's body lit up with dazzling brilliance, and even the hair seemed to be shining. With the vast Magic power, this decree was activated to make it burst out of the most powerful force.

Finally, a word "delete" appeared in the air, and it can be overwhelming forever!

This is an unspeakable horror scene.

The three supreme's discoloration changed, and Qi Qi sacrificed their own weapons, covering the universe, as if even the world could be loaded in.

This kind of breath swept the sky and the earth, if the emptiness and the waves slapped, shrouded the starry sky and the universe, countless creatures and cultivators knelt on the ground in horror.

The big battle broke out, and the range it affected made people frightened!

The rest of the forces Sect, a million miles away, were swept by this kind of breath.

Even if there is a holy realm, if you accidentally get involved at this time, there is only a dead end, and there will be no second possibility.

The endless brilliance exploded there, gorgeous to the extreme, all kinds of supreme means, powerful to the extreme, it is no longer what ordinary cultivator can see.

It's almost like when we have come to open up the world, all kinds of Dao and Dharma are deduced, and all kinds of rules and orders are intertwined and shattered.

The heavenly palace trembled, the Star collapsed, and countless killing sounds resounded throughout the sky.

The longevity war, Immortal calamity, how many times have happened since eternity? Absolutely few.

There are very few cultivators who have witnessed or participated in this kind of battle.

The upper bounds are boundless, and each Immortal Great Sect or Orthodoxy has a lot of subsidiary forces, rooted in mistakes, and dependent on each other.

It is extremely difficult to destroy one party's orthodoxy, unless it has a crushing power, otherwise no force dares to act rashly.

Because once the battle of longevity is started, it means that the two sides will never die.

Even the best result will hurt both sides. The rest of the orthodoxy will sit on the mountain and watch the tiger fight, and finally the fisherman will gain.

After all, it is not as stupid as the Orthodoxy. Knowing that the enemy is peeping in secret, there is a war with the rest of Orthodoxy. Regardless of the final result, the vitality will be greatly injured.

But now, Zifu has encountered a catastrophe, besieged by many Taoist forces, and its destruction is inevitable.

At this point, many people are even speculating whether the Zi Mansion will be dead, and even if Ziyang Tianjun cannot be rescued, Gu Changge Town will be killed here.


This is a terrifying battle that shocked everyone. Above the sky, millions of armies continued to fight and blood flowed into rivers.

The endless divine light flashes across, it is the interweaving of order, but also the collision of thousands of rules.

The huge momentum resounded thousands of miles, the sky trembled, and the Star shattered.

No cultivator can stand safely under such fluctuations, his legs are weak, his back is cold, and his soul trembles, and he can't wait to run away and leave here.

The big figure in the dark observed the battle with the eyes of the sky, and finally saw the three supreme coughing up blood. Under the golden decree, they were constantly regressing, and they couldn't bear the momentum at all.

Even if Gu Changge's Cultivation Base is not as good as theirs, but after urging the emperor's decree, its power is as vast as the sky fell, causing the three supreme to cough up blood instantly and almost burst their bodies.

Strands of air were swept down by the machine, just like the autumn wind sweeping fallen leaves, directly smashed to the ground.

Drops of supreme blood floated from the sky, crystal clear, containing terrifying energy.

As heavy as a mighty force, the void burst with a thump, and the land of tens of thousands of miles suddenly turned into ashes.

The ancient country of Vermillion Bird, which was in the center of the battle between the two armies, was like a piece of crisp paper at this moment, and it broke with a snort.

As expected by all cultivators before.

The whole country turned into ashes in the aftermath.

Even the Star in the distance could not bear the aftermath of the battle, trembling and trembling, and would fall from the sky at any time.

Regardless of whether it is the ancient army or the army of the Purple Mansion, at this time, they will not care about the life and death of a small ancient country of Vermillion Bird.

After all, in his eyes, this is nothing more than it is. Stop the ants. During the battle, I accidentally trampled on an ant. Does anyone care?


The golden decree reflected the sky, although it was only a blow, it swept down, and the three supreme coughed up blood together.

"At this point, don't you plan to make a move?"

Gu Changge walked in the imaginary space, with a handsome face, fluttering robes, and an unclear way of detachment.

The ancient army along the way made way for him, blood intertwined and bones piled up.

And he walked in it, white clothes wins snow, fine dust, and many cultivator traditions who paid close attention to this battle, very horrified, because of this extremely shocking scene, he felt his scalp numb.

Above his head, in addition to the golden decree, there is also a supreme instrument that sinks and floats, vast as mountains and seas, quiet and boundless.

"Junior, you are so deceiving! Sooner or later you will be punished!

The quasi-emperor powerhouse in the Purple Mansion has never made a move. While watching all this and waiting for his move, he has swept through the people who suffered heavy losses in the Purple Mansion.

His face was as deep as water, and his words contained terrible coldness.

"Retribution? I am the retribution of your Purple Mansion.

Gu Changge's face was calm. superior