Ch 354

Hearing this, the quasi-emperor in the purple mansion showed a murderous look and made a strong move, but in an instant, it was as if thousands of stars exploded in terror.

That kind of energy was too majestic and terrifying, and the void kept moving like torn paper, and was blown up.

The rest of the purple mansion roared and rushed forward again. Many disciples and Elder also showed a desperate posture and wanted to fight with Gu Changge.

But before they had time to get close to Gu Changge, the Great Seal of the Mountains and Rivers suddenly became hundreds of times larger, with endless power and surging power.

Puff puff

Everyone exploded in the void, turned into a blood mist, and disappeared.

"Junior, you are too self-confident, you really think that there is a strong emperor who protects the way for you, so you can do whatever you want?"

However, at this time, the quasi-emperor of Zifu existed and seemed to perceive something.

He suddenly sneered, the figure came strong, and he stepped all distances in one go.

The next moment, he appeared in front of Gu Changge, crushed by the terrible quasi-emperor, to kill Gu Changge.

This shocking change caused everyone's complexion to change drastically, and they couldn't help but become shocked, and couldn't help worrying about Gu Changge.

The quasi-emperor is killed, how can he fight?

The imperial realm's decree has passed its effect, and with the supreme weapon in his hand, it is difficult to compete with the quasi-emperor unless the mysterious guard Daoist of the day makes another move.

"Oh, isn't it?"

Gu Changge raised his brows slightly, and a faint light appeared on his body, like a god sitting cross-legged, chanting the Supreme Heavenly Sutra.

In the eyes of everyone, he didn't seem to care about this person's killing, it looked more like he had expected it a long time ago.

"Is not it?"

And at the moment Gu Changge's words fell, a voice came from a distant place again, seeming to be asking Gu Changge.

It's so ethereal, it's hard to find its trace.

This supreme great sound seemed to have descended from Nine Heavens, piercing through time and space and emptiness, roaring in the depths of the sky, even the quasi-sovereign palpitations were appalled.

All directions resonate, and the world trembles!

The next moment, a big black hand covering the sky, surrounded by countless black rays and chaotic mists, suddenly stretched from a distant place, higher than the sky and wider than the starry sky.

Under this palm, a Star is even "forty-nine-seven" smaller than the dust. The chaotic air entangles with the sun and the moon star.


"How can it be "

"Could it be that the real enlightened person? There is still such a strong person hidden in the purple mansion."

"Definitely an enlightened person, and a person who has walked a long way on this road. This kind of breath is far from comparable to ordinary enlightened people!"

In this scene, everyone was shocked and horrified to the extreme, their scalp was numb, and their heads were about to explode.

The leaders of the great sects retreated from a distance, using the Sky Eye to observe the battle.


The sky exploded!

When this giant palm fell, it instantly obscured the starry sky and the sky, boundlessly, facing the immortal ancient army in front of it, and Quasi-Sovereign could hardly beat a ray of Qi, and it broke directly.

The creatures at the other levels also collapsed quickly, and their form and spirit were destroyed. Under this palm, they were as weak as an ant.

The army of a million seems to be hard to beat, and it will be wiped out in an instant.

"Finally showed up?"

Gu Changge raised his eyebrows slightly, and his complexion changed a little, but he still looked bland.

There was speculation before, that the Zi Mansion was ruined, and all the details were brought here.

It now appears that this speculation has become a reality.


At this moment, all ancient warships glowed, intertwined into star-like patterns, drawing on the power and rules in the void, and fighting against this palm.

However, this palm is really too strong, these light pictures only shattered in an instant, and they couldn't resist even a breath. Cracks appeared in many ancient warships, and they would be erased by this palm.

And his goal was also the Ziyang Tianjun who was imprisoned there.

With this palm, everyone coughed up blood and backed up, not daring to approach, and he also grabbed the cage in his hands, and wanted to quickly retrieve it to save Ziyang Tianjun.

When it came to the near future, all the talents could clearly see that the person who took the shot was an old man with an immortal spirit.

It's just that the eyebrows are extremely indifferent, the lips are thin, the big sleeves are fluttering, and the body is full of chaos.

"I have seen the big Elder!"

The rest of the people in the purple mansion, Qi Qi met him in courtesy way, even those who were very old in their generations, they were so respected.

Hearing this, the many cultivators hidden nearby were also shocked. Some cultivators of the older generation wanted to pay, and recalled in their minds who the Elder of the Purple Mansion really was.

Afterwards, their faces changed drastically, and there was a kind of deep astonishment.

"It is said that Elder of Purple Mansion once set foot on the immortal road, but I don't know why, but the most retreated, this is an unfathomable existence!"

"Unexpectedly, he would actually take the action personally. With his strength, it is not easy to save Ziyang Tianjun. It should be like this?" Someone was shocked, but said that he was puzzled. Shot.

Could it be because of fear that Gu Changge's other methods failed?

"Purple Mansion Elder? It seems everyone should be there now?"

At this moment, he noticed many divine thoughts in the distance talking in a low voice, Gu Changge smiled faintly, and his eyes fell in front of the quasi-emperor in front of him.

The next moment, in his sleeves, a sword tactic suddenly rushed out, with brilliant brilliance, with a boundless aura of killing.

The earth turned upside down, the sun and the moon were dim, and the immeasurable killing and robbery suddenly appeared.


"what "

The quasi-emperor didn't react at all, his eyes widened, and blood spurted out directly.

He was full of amazement, and there were blood holes on his body that could see through light from the front and back, which looked extremely frightening.

In his original plan, he was to delay the imperial realm protector who was holding Gu Changge, so that the big Elder had a chance to save Ziyang Tianjun.

But I never thought that Gu Changge still possesses such a secret treasure, its power is so terrible that it even penetrates his body directly.

And now, Gu Changge, the extremely mysterious protector, has not yet appeared, which makes him feel uneasy.

However, Elder has already taken action to rescue Ziyang Tiankanjun, and their goal has been achieved. It is time to evacuate, otherwise, waiting for the army of the Changsheng Gu family to kill, they will not be able to leave.

And this scene shocked everyone again.

I thought that Gu Changge just possessed a golden decree, but who would have thought that he still had a secret treasure.

Although it was only a blow, it could severely damage the existence of a quasi-emperor.

Everyone doesn't know how many methods Gu Changge still possesses, or does he have a foreboding of all this, the Changsheng Gu family has been prepared for a long time, and has specially given Gu Changge many life-saving things?


However, at this moment, the Grand Elder of the Purple Mansion, who had always been indifferent, suddenly roared.

This voice contained palpitating ice and killing intent, as if it could crack the sky.

The discoloration of those who hear it changes, and those who see it are frightened, trembling involuntarily, and their soul and light will collapse.

Everyone felt the anger and murderousness of Elder, the Grand Purple Mansion.

Zifu Grand Elder's eyes were cold, and Gu Changge stayed tightly.

"By the way, I forgot to say that Ziyang Tianjun is now a waste person. Even if you save it back, it will probably be of no avail. So Junior doesn't understand very well. Why did senior try so hard to save a waste person back? "

"Besides, Ziyang Tianjun colluded with the inheritors of the magic arts, and the sin was deserved, and Junior left him for his life, which is considered benevolent."

Gu Changge looked at him and smiled, but his voice was slightly mocking and dismissive.

As soon as he said this, there was an endless frenzy in this place, and everyone felt a sense of horror, which had already been horrified to the point where it could not be added.

On the one hand, it is because of Gu Changge's unabashed tone.

The other aspect is his actions.

It turns out that the Purple Mansion has spent a lot of hard work, but the Ziyang Tianjun who was rescued in the end turned out to be a useless person?

"Hongmeng Dao Bone and Xian Dao Tian Eyes are gone

The quasi-emperor powerhouse who was injured by the Gu Changge secret treasure just now, his eyes fell on the rescued Ziyang Tiankanjun, his complexion suddenly changed, extremely angry, even iron blue.

"Junior, you are so courageous!" There was endless anger in his voice.

Ziyang Tianjun was unconscious, and the Hongmeng Dao bones, Hongmeng Ziqi seeds and other objects had already been searched and cleaned by Gu Changge.

As he said, Ziyang Tianjun is now a useless person.

And what they saved in the end was just a useless person?

How can everyone in the Purple Mansion not be surprised or angry?

"What a poisonous mind, everyone in the world says that you are the young leader and the first person in your generation. Hehe, what a big irony. If you don't hand over Ziyang's bones today, no one can save you!"

The face of Zifu Grand Elder was so gloomy and terrifying that he seemed to be extremely angry.

What is his purpose in cultivating Ziyang Tianjun?

It is not because of the person who deduced the future of Zifu on him.

But now Ziyang Tianjun has become a useless person. The accompanying Hongmeng Dao bones, the cultivated Immortal Dao Tianyan, and the fusion of the Hongmeng Purple Aura were all taken away by Gu Changge?

He also showed great righteousness, saying that it was for the people of the world?

Such a cruel and shameless person, worthy of the title of young leader?

"Senior's words, and I forgive Junior's hardships. Moreover, Ziyang Dao brother's bones are not in Junior's body.

Gu Changge still smiled, looking calm and breezy.

"you wanna die!

Hearing this, Elder of the Purple Mansion finally couldn't help it. In the cold eyes, it was as if there was a universe change, the birth of all things Star, which was terrifying.

Just a ray of light, it seems to penetrate through the years and the past and present, and understand everything.

The void trembled and was easily torn apart!

This is the power of an enlightened person, a terrible emperor!

No one can stop, even the supreme and the quasi-emperor must all surrender and tremble.


"I want to see, who can save you today!"

His voice is indifferent, even if he knows that there may be an imperial guardian behind Gu Changge, he doesn't care, he is sure to kill him together!

When this palm fell, the sky suddenly became dark, and there was no trace of light.

The army, which had already suffered heavy casualties, was even more horrified.

The terrifying emperor pouring down, weighing like hundreds of millions of sacred mountains, the void shattered, and all the formations on the ancient warship were destroyed.

In his kind of breath, the sky and the universe were overturning and trembling. It was too terrifying, as if they had crossed the ages of eternity.

All the stars on the four sides are also broken, and directly turned into children's powder, forming a chaotic emptiness.

Everyone was desperate, and the Hierarch hiding in the dark was also in horror. His body was splitting apart, and he retreated extremely quickly and left the place.

Faced with this palm, Gu Changge's expression remained unchanged. He knew that Gu Qingyi could feel all this.

With her strength, it shouldn't be difficult to compete with Elder of the Purple Mansion.

For Gu Qingyi, he trusted a lot, so he did not resist.

But The next moment, did not wait to come to Gu Qingyi.

"This is." Gu Changge raised his eyebrows slightly, feeling a familiar wave coming from his blood.

"this …

Zifu University Elder was so indifferent to his eyes, he didn't know what he saw.

In the next moment, there was a shock, and then it became disbelief, and amazed!


The sky was dim, like a cloud bursting, the light shone in, and the palm of his hand was suddenly split!

It was a long black knife that didn't know where it came from. It was unremarkable, but it was entwined with a simple and mysterious Taoist rhyme.

ーWhen the knife falls, it directly penetrates its palm and splits it in the air!

Blood dripping, with colorful imperial prestige, falling from the sky.

A drop of blood is like a Minor World containing a party, which is extremely amazing, but there are indelible rules of the sword, strong and domineering!

Everyone looked at this scene with horror.

What a terrifying powerhouse, he cut off the palm of Elder of the Purple Mansion with a single knife, and it was a complete mess.

"who is it?"

The voice of Zifu Grand Elder, mixed with a trace of fear and tremor, made him incredibly shocked.

He stared at the direction where the black long knife had just fallen.

But there was no wave there, like a lonely darkness.

"These days, any cat or dog dare to deceive my family."

"With a handful of old bones, I finally crawled out to look at the younger generations, but when I encountered this awful thing, the old man even pointed him when the Patriarch of the Purple Mansion was a cowherd baby."

There was a slight helpless sigh, but it seemed to be frivolous.

Everyone's eyes widened suddenly, and they were horrified by the words.

The next moment, an old figure slowly emerged from the void.

He has a gentle face, a childlike face and a hefty face, and the spirit is correct, revealing an aloof tolerance.

When he was young, he was bound to be handsome and handsome.

However, as he continued to walk, his old face became younger, his facial features were handsome, his hair was crystal clear, his hair was immortal, and his gestures were invincible like mountains and seas.

Who is this mysterious man who suddenly appeared?

Doubts grew in everyone's mind.

"who are you?"

Zifu Grand Elder felt fear on the mysterious man in front of him. This is the first time he has been practicing in countless years.

This person is stronger than ever!

"who am I?"

"The old man's name is Gu Lang." The Xuanyi man smiled.

The next moment, he suddenly slapped his palm forward, just like the action of Elder in the Purple Mansion just now, understatement, but strong and domineering.

This palm is very simple, even without any Tao flowing.

However, this icy sense of life and death has changed the color of Elder in Purple Mansion.

Because he hasn't felt it for countless years.

The ultimate killing intent can shatter everything and make his scalp numb.

The next moment, he shouted angrily, and the rule of the emperor appeared beside him.

Various rays of light emerged, and the supreme goddess turned into true wind, true dragon, Black Tortoise, etc., soaring into the sky, shaking the universe of Xiaohan.

The aura of the Emperor Dao recovered, and it swept directly, causing a sensation in many areas

Countless peak powerhouses were awakened from the long-sleeping place and looked away.

The Elder of the Purple Mansion displayed the most powerful strength. The Dharma body appeared in the universe, far exceeding one million feet. At the same time, he sacrificed a shot of purple gold floating dust to destroy the universe.

However, Gu Lang's expression was still careless.

At the beginning, this palm was only the size of a millstone, and it stretched out quickly, and billions of gods bloomed, like the Galaxy Cluster hanging down, like the heavens and the earth, suppressing and falling forward.

Many methods have all been obliterated.


"Impossible, there is no fairy in this world."

This scene made the Grand Purple Mansion Elder look astonished, and despair appeared in his eyes.

"Canxian is also an immortal."

The eighteenth ancestor of the Gu family shook his head slightly, "But this is not Realm's strength, but you are too weak."

As his words fell, the palm fell, with a puff.

Hundreds of millions of divine light flooded here, and blood rushed to the sky!

There was a dead silence all around!

"This is impossible "

3.7 "How can he be a big Elder?"

Everyone in the Purple Mansion was desperate, shivering all over, shuddering, and did not dare to move.

"The ancestor?" Gu Changge's eyes flashed with a different color, and the army was killed again with a wave of his hand.

Finally, this war is over.

Among the shocking gazes of many Taoist traditions and cultivators, an ancient existence who was suspected of enlightenment countless years ago was shot to death in the air.

The scene just now was so amazing that many people couldn't help but shudder.

Who would have thought that the last thing would be like this? I thought the big Elder of the Purple Mansion appeared, powerful and invincible.

This battle is doomed and cannot be changed.

No matter how strong Gu Changge is, he is only a young man in his twenties.

How is he against?

But who could have imagined that a Gu family invincible existed suddenly.

"The longevity Gu family's background is terrifying. I don't know what kind of identity this mysterious man is in the Gu family. He can easily kill the Elder of the Purple Mansion. He is at least an enlightened person!"

"Even if the strength of the Purple Mansion Elder is among the enlightened people, it is estimated that they have gone a long way."

"Is it really the power of immortals?"

The shock of this scene is too great for everyone to forget, and it is still trembling now.

"Is this the background behind Gu Gongzi? It's horrible

It was the first time that Xiao Ruoyin saw such a horrible scene, and his expression expressed. If it hadn't been for firm willpower, he might have fallen to the ground at this time.

She only learned from Master Yanji that the background behind Gu Changge was terrifying, and she was the most outstanding standing in the upper realm, unmatched by her peers.

Now it seems that her imagination is still too poor.

One thought determines the life and death of countless people, and this terrible power alone makes people feel deeply suffocated.

Xiao Ruoyin felt that she was lucky. If she hadn't met Gu Changge, she would have no chance to connect to this level.

Perhaps in the eyes of Gu Changge, her kind of talent is actually the same as ordinary people, there is no difference.

Thinking of this, she was a little grateful. ,