Ch 359

"It seems that it's not just our Ji family who learned about the birth of the Tower of Heaven.

"I thought this thing would go smoother. If there is no news from Big Brother, wouldn't it be possible for us to return without success this time?"

"In this way, many arrangements will be in vain?"

Ji Chuyue's two slender brows were twisted together and couldn't help whispering.

These days, she has seen too many knights and cultivators passing high above the sky.

Tengyun rides the fog, the breath is strong, and it seems to be looking for something.

The other party's purpose is obviously the same as theirs, and the scope of the search is wider, even the area far away from the Tianxuan Mountain Range has not been missed.

However, for the sake of caution, Ji Chuyue did not send anyone to investigate, to avoid stunning the snake.

But this incident soon surpassed her expectations. In addition to the group of people in the first few days, several batches of cultivators have arrived in the past few days.

She even knew some of them, but they belonged to the hermit Chen family.

Although the other party's family is not as old as the Yinshiji family, there are also enlightened people in the family.

And over the years, the Chen family of the hidden world has produced many talented and arrogant generations, and the family power is growing day by day, and there are occasional frictions between the family of the hidden Ji family.

In this way, once they have a conflict with the hidden Chen family, the news here will inevitably be heard, and it will inevitably attract the attention of all parties.

After all, when the time comes to compete for the control of the Sky Tower, it is certainly not only the younger generation who will participate, but the older generation will definitely want to get a share.

Not to mention that the Heavenly Palm Tower is one of the keys to unlock the remains of the Immortal Palace, its terrifying power alone is enough to make countless cultivators flock to it.

What's more, according to the rumors, the seven weapons of the palm of the sky are all surpassing the existence of the emperor, but it is rarely seen that people push them, let alone show their strongest power.

"Miss, Jiang Chen outside asks to see you."

At this time, a general voice suddenly came from outside the pavilion, making Ji Chuyue a little startled.

Those big beautiful and bright eyes couldn't help but mound, like a crooked moon.

"What is he doing?"

Although she knew that Jiang Chen had a strong physique, she had never broken it. On the one hand, she felt that it was fun to watch him forcefully pretend to be indifferent, and then get embarrassed after eating and sleeping. "Four Nine Seven"

On the other hand, I also want to support him in secret and pick good seeds for the family, so I will send someone to give him some elixir these days.

In Ji Chuyue's view, Jiang Chen's physique is a bit mysterious, and in some respects, it is not inferior to her Big Brother's Shining Eucharist.

This is an almost instinctive intuition.

"Let him in."

Ji Chuyue nodded, also a little curious why Jiang Chen was looking for herself.

"I have seen the first month Miss."

Soon, Jiang Chen walked in, Ji Chuyue, whose eyes fell on the pavilion, said slightly with cupped hands.

"Are you looking for me for something?"

Ji Chuyue had a smile on her face, even if it was only the first time she saw her, she couldn't help but feel good.

"Is Chuyue Miss looking for something?"

Jiang Chen was very direct, straight to the point, and asked directly.

Ji Chuyue narrowed her eyes, then her face remained unchanged and said, "Do you have anything you want to say?"

Although she didn't say what she was doing at Shenxu Gate, anyone with a little eye should know what she was looking for.

This is no secret.

Jiang Chen suddenly asked, what are you planning to do?

"First month Miss don't have to worry about anything.

Seeing Ji Chuyue's expression, Jiang Chen couldn't help showing a smile, and said, "Actually, I can help Chuyue Miss. These days, thanks to the elixir sent by Chuyue Miss, I can cultivate diligently. Jiang Chen is unforgettable for such a great favor."

Hearing this, Ji Chuyue didn't believe it, her slender eyebrows raised her and said, "It's up to you?"

Jiang Chen hasn't formally stepped into practice now, and even Linghai hasn't been opened up yet, so he lied to help her?

You must know that the hidden world Ji's house behind her has no clues.

It is even more unclear where the palm tower will be born.

Ji Chuyue felt that Jiang Chen had come to have fun.

"Miss Chuyue, believe in the next. Although I haven't officially embarked on the path of practice, in fact, I still have another level of identity as the source of God."

"The ancestors got the inheritance of Shenyuan Master by chance."

Jiang Chen smiled confidently and said so according to the words explained by the good fortune fairy boat spirit.

"Shen Yuanshi?"

Ji Chuyue's eyes widened and she was stunned. It was unbelievable, and it felt incredible.

As the Tianjiao of the Hidden Shiji family, she naturally knows what the three words Shenyuanshi represent.

Jiang Chen, whose appearance is not good, actually said that he is the source of the gods?

In this era, the Shenyuan Master has disappeared.

It is said that because he has touched something that shouldn't be touched, it has caused curses and ignorance, and the inheritance has been cut off in the long river of years.

But the mysterious power of the Shenyuan Master is beyond doubt, because they can control the terrain of mountains and rivers, fortune and numerology, raise their hands to launch murderous intent, and turn the world upside down, unpredictable, and terrible.

"If you dare to deceive me, you should be very clear about the consequences." Ji Chuyue's expression became serious.

"Don't dare to deceive Miss Chuyue.

Jiang Chen nodded, believing in himself.

Afterwards, Ji Chuyue nodded, took Jiang Chen with him, and left the Shenxu Gate, planning to find her brother Ji Yaoxing, this kind of thing still needs her brother to make an idea.

If Jiang Chen is really the source of the gods, with his patience, maybe he can really help them find the palm of the sky.

"Is this the Sky Jade Mountain Range? It's really remote."

"It's really remote, but there are a lot of cultivator tracks here. It seems that some people have gotten the wind and rushed here during this time.

And at this moment, outside of the void not far from the gate of the gods.

Accompanied by the sound of chuckles.

In the void, a wave of fluctuations came, followed by a door opening, and several figures walked out of it.

The leader is a man and a woman.

The man has a slender figure, a handsome face, a slender white robe, and a rich spirit like jade. Even the hair seems to be shimmering, and the eyes are brilliant, expressing the meaning of Transcendent.

The woman wears a palace dress long dress, with a picturesque fairy face and a light gauze. She is being held by a white man with a jade hand, her eyes are deep and calm, her hair fluttering, she has a peerless posture.

The two stood side by side, like a couple of gods and goddesses, surrounded by fairy spirits, and seemed to be able to take the wind away at any time.

It was Gu Changge and Yue Mingkong who came here from Zhenxian Academy.

Behind the two of them are their followers. The strange beasts riding are extraordinary, all of them are very rare alien species, or the scales are thick, or the whole body is like jade, dazzling thunder.

All the breath is amazing, the radiance is shrouded, the eyes are open and closed, and the runes flicker, giving people a sense of fierce horror.

"The most powerful force near the Tianxuan Mountain Range is the Shenxu Gate. During this time, the Shenxu Gate can help us search for it."

Yuemingkong's eyes swept across the vast mountains in front of him, and the incomplete map page appeared between the jade hands.

She pointed to the area where the Shenxu Gate was located above.

"Then it's what you said."

Gu Changge smiled, "But it doesn't seem that we arrived here first. How did the rest of the cultivator know that the Palm Tower will be born here?"

Yue Mingkong shook his head, his eyes also a little confused, "I don't know, I also use this broken page to speculate that the Palm Heaven Tower will be born here.

"Maybe there are other means besides this broken page.

"Factories like Tianji Pavilion and Qiankun Tower are very good at deduction. As long as they can afford the price they want, even if they pay the price of backlash, they should be able to find the Tower of Heaven."

If her previous life memory is correct, the location of the Heavenly Tower of the Palm Hall was really pushed by the Tianji Pavilion, and then the news was sold to a certain force at a high price.

It was only because that force leaked the news that many cultivators knew that the Tower of Heaven was about to be born.

"It doesn't matter, these trash fish can't rob us."

Gu Changge smiled casually, not seeming very much, "Let's go."


Soon, there were several rainbows flying up here, everyone rushed into the sky, and then went to the place where the Shenxu Gate was.

In addition to the Shenxu Gate, there are many forces near the Tianxuan Mountain Range.

But compared to the god-tier market, it is much weaker. It would be too troublesome to use a strong god-tier market gate to drive those forces.

Moreover, according to the report of the magic puppet, son of luck Jiang Chen is now at the gate of Shenxu.

Such a coincidence made Gu Changge also quite surprised.

He just ordered the magic puppet to throw Jiang Chen to a Sect and let him develop.

But I never thought that Jiang Chen would appear here. It is indeed a son of luck, and it would appear wherever there is a chance.

Before long, a huge mountain range appeared in front of Gu Changge and others.

Qionglou Yuyu, Lingwu lingering mist, Feiquan Waterfall, Jiamu lush, a scene of immortal family.

"I don't know why you young talents came to my Shenxu Gate?"

The veteran who was in charge of guarding the gate of the mountain changed his complexion. Looking at the clouds and mist, the young cultivator appeared in front of the gate of Shenxu Gate, and his heart became nervous and vigilant.

His words were very respectful and polite, and he did not dare to be disrespectful.

He couldn't see through the Cultivation Base of anyone in front of him.

Especially the white-clothed man in the lead gave him an unfathomable feeling of horror and palpitations between his gestures.

At such a young age, this strength is so powerful that it makes the scalp numb.

The group of Tianjiao behind should all be his followers. One can imagine how terrifying their identity is, and it is not something that a small goddess gate can provoke.

"My host plans to live nearby during this time

Hearing this, a powerful creature with the appearance of Yaksha stepped forward and said lightly.

The special horns on his head flowed a chilling aura, and it seemed that even the void could be split at will.

Hearing this, the look of the old way changed even more, and he hurriedly said respectfully, "You all, this is the blessing of my god's ruins and the brilliance of the grass. Please follow the old way in, and then notify the head and others to come. "

He didn't dare to say a word to let these Tianjiao wait a moment outside, hurriedly lead the way, and then led Gu Changge, Yue Mingkong and others into the mountain gate.

Along the way, the veteran was guessing the identities of Gu Changge and others, and his back was covered with cold sweat and trembling.

Whether it's clothes, mounts of strange animals, or dignity, they all reveal suffocating majesty.

The white-clothed man was okay, his expression was casual and self-conscious. Although he was aloof, he didn't show anything.

The coercion on that beautiful woman made him feel suffocated, and every glance was with indifferent majesty, like a female emperor over the world.

Gu Changge and Yue Mingkong looked calm, did not have any waves, and did not mean to speak. They were the followers behind them who spoke, clarifying all their intentions.

"Why did he appear here?

In the distance, he was being taken by Ji Chuyue, planning to go to find his brother Jiang Chen.

At this moment, his eyes widened suddenly, he stood frozen in place, his body was chilly, his back was swept by the terrifying cold, and his voice was faint.

He never expected to see Gu Changge in such a remote place.

Although it was just a casual glance just now, he saw clearly that the young man with the stars and the moon, the abundance of gods like jade, the transcendent of vulgarity, and the likeness of an immortal, is Gu Changge.

This appearance and temperament can't be forgotten as long as one has seen it.

This caused Jiang Chen's complexion to change drastically, his feet were a bit weak, his limbs were cold, and he even gave birth to the idea of ​​fleeing here quickly.

He has witnessed how terrifying and cruel this man is.

On the surface, it seems to be as gentle as jade, but in fact the methods are extremely cruel, killing many of his companions.

If he hadn't met the old man in black robes, he would have been brutally attacked by Gu Changge just like the rest of his comrades.

You must know that now his good brother Niujian is still missing, his life or death is unknown.


At this moment, a shadow of love appeared in his mind, and a wave of unwillingness and anger rose in Jiang Chen's heart.

The woman next to Gu Changge just now, he saw clearly, it was definitely not Xiao Ruoyin.

The other party's noble and peerless temperament, like a female emperor, can imagine that the background behind him is absolutely extraordinary.

In front of this kind of character, he is really inferior to a building ant. When he was going to worship the gate of Shenxu, the old ways at the gate blocked it in every possible way.

But now in front of Gu Changge, he is flattering and flattering, humble like a dog.

This made Jiang Chen a strong hatred in his heart, clenching his teeth and clenching his fists.

But he was still trying to endure it, calming himself down quickly, and didn't dare to show the slightest strangeness.

After all, he cannot guarantee that Gu Changge will let him go after Gu Changge notices his presence.

Ji Chuyue glanced at him suspiciously, "What's wrong with you?"

Following Jiang Chen's gaze, she just saw a group of young men and women with powerful auras covering Baohui in the Shenxu Gate in the distance, riding various beasts towards it.

However, she did not see Gu Changge, Yue Mingkong and others walking in the front.

"I'm fine." Jiang Chen shook his head, his expression quickly calmed down.

"It seems that this period of time has become more and more unstable. The Cultivation Base of this group of people is so strong, and they all went directly to the Shenxu Gate.

Ji Chuyue frowned, feeling that things were getting more and more troublesome.

She said that she took Jiang Chen to the mountain range agreed with her Big Brother Ji Yaoxing.

"What happened to Changge?"

Yue Mingkong noticed that Gu Changge's mouth was burning with interest and smiled, and couldn't help but ask curiously.

"It's okay. I saw a little ant jumping around. I suddenly felt that it shouldn't be too difficult for us to find the Tower of Heaven this time."

Gu Changge smiled and squeezed her slender and soft jade hand.

Yue Mingkong glanced at him slightly, "You say that, I feel that you seem to have calculated it very early."

"It really didn't happen this time, it was totally an accident." Gu Changge shook his head.

Jiang Chen would appear here, he hadn't even thought about it before.

If it hadn't been for this time to descend on the Tianxuan Mountains and perceive the existence of the magic puppet, then I knew that Jiang Chen was here.

After all, Son of Luck needs to be stocked before he can grow up.

"I have seen all of you young masters, who are in charge of Tianshen Market in Xia Shenxu."

Soon, the old road ahead took them to a quite quiet palace.

But before entering, an old man with white hair and beard, young face, hefa, and spirit Zhai Shuo brought many high-level people at Shenxu Sect, and his cupped hands were courteous and respectful.

Gu Changge slightly foreheads, but he didn't say anything, and had no reason to think.

Yuemingkong looked cold and calm, like a flawless immortal jade carving. His skin was white and delicate, and it looked like an iceberg forever.

"My host is looking for something in the Tianxuan Mountains during this period of time."

The creature with the appearance of Yaksha who spoke just now said again, clarifying the purpose of this visit for the people of the gods.

Hearing this, the head of the Shenxu Sect, Shenxuzi, looked slightly solemn. Although he was secretly looking at Gu Changge just now, he didn't think of who he was for a while.

Shenxu Daozong was originally built in the ruins, but it was called Shenxu for the sake of a better name.

And it can only be regarded as an influential force in the upper realm of the broad table.

As its branch, Shenxu Gate is even more so.

In the 3.7 remote places of Shenxu Gate, Shenxuzi can't come into contact with higher forces, but he can still feel the unusual identity of Gu Changge and others.

"You guys don't worry, as long as you can use my Shenxu Gate, just open your mouth. My Shenxu Gate will definitely help." Shenxuzi said solemnly.

He thought of Ji Chuyue who had come over this period of time. Behind her is the hidden Ji family, and in the upper realm, it is also a huge existence.

I just don't know if she knows the group of young talents in front of her.

"Do things well, my master will not treat you badly either."

Hearing this, the Yaksha-like creature gave a sneer, with a flash of divine light in his hand, and a large piece of rare spiritual source appeared, like amber, flowing with xenon chlorine mist.

The moment they saw these rare spirit sources, the eyes of Shenxuzi and others became straight, and then they hurriedly went down to make arrangements to vacate the best palaces and pavilions in the mountain gate.

"It can be seen that before we came, someone should have come to Shenxu Gate.

Then, after waving away everyone.

Yue Mingkong's eyes couldn't help but narrowed and said, it looked a little long and narrow, it looked less indifferent and more feminine.

After all, after hearing their purpose, Shenchengxuzi and others were not very surprised. They wanted to come here before, and they were also looking for something.

"It's okay, no matter who came here first, as long as you snatch my things, you can't leave here alive." Gu Changge smiled, his tone still understatement.

"I haven't seen the Palm Sky Tower yet, is it all yours now?" Yue Mingkong gave him a look and hummed slightly at the same time.

"What I want is naturally mine."

Gu Changge smiled, and then his heart moved slightly, and he summoned the black robe old man who had been arranged by Jiang Chen's side.

"I have seen the master." The black robe old man quickly appeared from the void and said respectfully.

"Jing Dingzhu's whereabouts, if there is any change, please report to me at any time." Gu Changge said lightly.

"Yes, master.

The black-robed old man came quickly, and disappeared quickly. After all, it was the strength of the Great Sacred Realm. In the place of the Shenxu Gate, there was no need to care about anything. He instantly crossed the void and moved thousands of miles.