Ch 360

"This is the puppet left by Samsara Gu Tianzun to his descendants in the ancient continent?"

Yue Mingkong watched the black robe old man leave with interest, and couldn't help asking.

Naturally, she could see that in the last life, Ye Ling even used these puppets to break into the prestige.

But now these puppets have been obtained by Gu Changge, and they have even been re-refined.

If Samsara Gu Tianzun knew about this and didn't know what he would think, he would probably be out of anger and would like to slap Gu Changge to death.

However, Yue Mingkong likes his feeling that everything is in control and strategic.

"You have good eyesight." Gu Changge smiled.

"Then what are we going to do next?"

Yue Mingkong asked, his voice a little curious.

Just came to the Tianxuan Mountains, but Gu Changge had already arranged everything.

Although he knew his means to reach the sky, he still felt very shocked by seeing it with his own eyes.

"Naturally, it's fine to wait. Someone will help us find the Tower of Heaven. Just go and fetch it directly at that time."

Gu Changge smiled and said, his eyes fell down the window, and the endless mountains and ridges could be seen in the distance.

"Obviously you have already calculated everything, so why do you call me to accompany you?"

Hearing this, Yue Mingkong rolled his eyes slightly, his tone a bit fierce.

But without the coldness before, it's a bit more charming.

She feels that Gu Changge is very Damn it. She seems to want to come by herself, seeing that he can easily get the Tower of Palms now.

After all, she needs to work hard to calculate, and in the end, she can even say if she can grab it.

Comparing the two, she found that she was a bit of a waste.

"After all, it is always boring to come by myself. With you by my side, you can accompany me to relieve my fatigue.

Hearing her violent words, Gu Changge's tone was taken for granted, smiling on his face, "I can't wait to tie you by my side now and don't want you to go anywhere."

Although Yue Mingkong knew that he was deliberately making him happy, but he couldn't help being happy, and the corners of his mouth couldn't help but arouse.

"Don't worry, no matter what happens in the future, I will always be by your side."

She tilted her head, her hair was soft, her fairy face was flawless, and she could be broken by a blow. She took the initiative to hug Gu Changge and spoke softly.

Once the true identity of the inheritor of magic power is revealed, Gu Changge will definitely face the situation of enemies all over the world.

At that time, even the family behind him might not be able to keep him.

Although Yue Mingkong didn't want that day to come, but if it really happened, she would stand beside Gu Changge without hesitation and be an enemy of the world with him. 24

The various past lives seemed to her now that it was not important anymore.

She knew that Gu Changge had her in her heart, and that was enough.

"It won't happen that day." Gu Changge seemed to know what she was thinking about, so he couldn't help holding her in his arms, smiled, and said softly.


Yue Mingkong's eyes fell on his face, his heart was joyful, and red clouds suddenly rose on his face.

The marrow knows the taste.

She was emotional.

At the same time, in the mountains not far from Shenxu Gate.

A tall and tall man with golden hair like gold is standing here, seeming to be waiting for someone.

He has deep eyes and a golden robe. Even if he hears a talk to him not far away, he doesn't show any waves. The whole person has a calm and introverted temperament.

It is Ji Yaoxing, the god son of the hidden Ji family.

Not far from him, a group of young men and women, with extraordinary temperaments, enveloped Baohui, with various powerful beasts, watching what he was saying.

The person in the lead is a young girl who is only two decades old, in a red dress, sitting on a Qilin-like Rui Beast.

The skin is fat, the eyes are misty, the red lips are little bit, very beautiful, but it gives people a feeling of unattainable, with arrogance.

Behind the girl followed a wrinkled old girl, the Cultivation Base was unfathomable.

"Brother Yaoxing Dao, I don't know what your Ji family can gain this time?"

At this time, the girl came riding a beast, with some smiles on her face, asked.

When Ji Yaoxing heard this, he turned his head and looked at him, shook his head slightly, and said, "There is no gain yet."

His voice is calm, not turbulent, and gives people an unusually calm feeling.

The girl in the red dress was still smiling, not surprising.

"Chen Ning'er, where did your Chen family get the news that the Tower of Heaven is about to be born this time?"

Afterwards, but it seemed that something came to mind, Ji Yaoxing asked.

The girl named Chen Ning'er was a little surprised when she heard that, she didn't seem to expect Ji Yaoxing to ask this question.

"I don't know, it was the family who ordered me to come here to find the Tower of Heaven.

She said so, as if she didn't want to say more.

Ji Yaoxing nodded without saying much.

"It seems that we have not gained anything. Otherwise, Brother Yao Xing Dao will cooperate with me and we will look for the whereabouts of the Zhangtian Tower together. Then we will seize it by means. What do you think?

Chen Ning'er spoke again, and her eyes flowed as she asked with a smile.

All the arrogances behind her are faintly headed by her. Now they are not surprised to hear this, it is very natural.

Ji Yaoxing took a deep look at her, and finally shook his head, "I think it's better to act separately for this kind of thing."

Chen Ning'er is a girl with many tricks, and the city is not shallow. If you cooperate with her, you don't know when she was scammed by her.

After hearing this, Chen Ning'er was a little disappointed, but did not say much.

"Big Brother!

At this time, a clear and pleasant sound rang out, and above the sky, Ji Chuyue brought Jiang Chen to this place, driving in the clouds.

"Ji Chuyue actually came? Who is that man?"

Chen Ning'er was slightly surprised.

Then his gaze fell on Jiang Chen who was behind Ji Chuyue, and he took a closer look, and saw that there was no Cultivation Base fluctuation, and he couldn't help showing a little contempt and disdain.

"Chuyue, who is this person?"

With a scrutinizing gaze, Ji Yaoxing fell on Jiang Chen, his brows frowned.

This turned out to be just a mortal who had not yet embarked on the path of cultivation, and he was brought here by Ji Chuyue without knowing why.

Ji Chuyue had not mentioned Jiang Chen's identity to him, so Ji Yaoxing didn't know Jiang Chen's identity.

As soon as Jiang Chen landed, he naturally looked at the group of young men and women in front of him.

I have to say that the Cultivation Base of each of them is very strong, covering all kinds of Baohui, making him feel a lot of pressure.

However, Jiang Chen had confidence in his heart, and he still seemed very indifferent.

"Big Brother, this is what I told you before."

Ji Chuyue glanced at Chen Ning'er. It was obvious that he had known him a long time ago, but the relationship was not so good. He snorted and didn't say hello.

Chen Ning'er didn't care either, jokingly, "Dang Ji's Little Princess, is it shameful to look like this now?"

"You control me?"

Ji Chuyue frowned, a little displeased. Naturally, she deliberately disguised her face like this for the purpose of not being noticeable.

On the contrary, it was Chen Ning'er, arrogant and swaggering like a swan.

"Big Brother, his name is Jiang Chen.

Later, Ji Chuyue introduced.

Jiang Chen cupped hands to see the ceremony, "I have seen Ji family god son."

"Really, since it is what Chuyue said, then believe you for the time being.

Ji Yaoxing nodded and didn't ask more about Jiang Chen's origin. There are still people from the Chen family here, so there are many things that can't be said.

Ji Chuyue also understood, and gave Jiang Chen a look.

Jiang Chen nodded to express his understanding. It could be seen that the beautiful girl in red dress, Ji Chuyue and others were not all the same.

Seeing that Ji Chuyue and Ji Yaoxing seemed to have something to hide from themselves, Chen Ning'er couldn't help but stare.

She once again looked at Jiang Chen, how did a mortal who didn't even have a Cultivation Base be valued by Ji's Little Princess?

"Big Brother, today another group of young cultivators have arrived at the Shenxu Gate. From the perspective of the Cultivation Base, they are powerful and should not be underestimated. I suspect that other big sects have come to blend in."

After that, Ji Chuyue said, mentioning the group of young cultivators she saw when she left the Shenxu Gate.

"A group of young cultivators?" Ji Yaoxing frowned.

"E? ​​Are there disciples from other great teachers here?"

Chen Ning'er naturally heard these words too, her eyes couldn't help but she was waiting to find someone to cooperate.

"Can you see the origin of those young cultivators?" Ji Yaoxing asked with a frown.

"No. I was anxious when I left.

Ji Chuyue shook her head, "I feel that their origins will not be younger than ours."

"In that case, I want to see these tianjiao groups. Now that the palm of the tower is unknown, one more person also has more power." Chen Ning'er couldn't help laughing.

"I don't know what is Yao Xingdao brother's opinion? Maybe something else can be asked from his mouth."

When Ji Yaoxing heard this, he fell into thinking. It has been almost a month since the two brothers and sisters came to the Tianxuan Mountains, and now they still have nothing.

If you can ask someone else, that would be great.

And this Jiang Chen in front of him, to be honest, he doesn't believe very much, what can a mortal do?

Just now Ji Chuyue is temporarily living at the gate of Shenxu, and sooner or later he will meet with each other.

Thinking like this, Ji Yaoxing couldn't help but nodded.

Seeing this scene, Jiang Chen's expression changed slightly. In fact, he wanted to tell Ji Chuyue that the man was actually Gu Changge.

But in this way, Ji Chuyue is bound to wonder how he met Gu Changge.

If Ji Chuyue knows that there is hatred between him and Gu Changge, can Ji Chuyue keep him?

Although he has a good impression of Ji Chuyue's heart, he has not yet come to trust her so much.

So Jiang Chen thought about it, the best way is to return to the Shenxu Gate, he can't stay in the house of his own handyman disciple.

With Gu Changge's identity, he would definitely not go to such a place, so as long as he couldn't see himself, Gu Changge wouldn't know that he was at the gate of the gods.

"Xiao Chenzi, you can reveal to this girl surnamed Ji a little bit and tell her that you and the girl surnamed Gu have a grudge.

"The Yinshiji family is also a former family of ancestors anyway, it is impossible to not even have this courage. Your current identity is the descendant of the gods, as long as this girl surnamed Ji is smart, you will understand what to do."

However, just when Jiang Chen hesitated to think, the good fortune in his mind spoke up and made suggestions for him.

Hearing what it said, Jiang Chen was also relieved.

Not to mention that there is still the black-robed senior in secret, if something happens, let the black-robed senior take him away as soon as possible.

Later, Ji Yaoxing summoned his followers and planned to return to the Shenxu Gate with Little Sister.

When they came, the two went to different Sects separately, in order to make it easier to explore.

On the way, Ji Chuyue told some news about Jiang Chen, including his mysterious physique, and his identity as a descendant of Shenyuan Master.

After hearing this, Ji Yaoxing was also taken aback, a little unbelievable.

This look is very rare in him, who has always been calm and restrained.

"Shen Yuanshi?"

He muttered these three words, without doubting his Little Sister's eyes.

Instead, he glanced at Jiang Chen who was at the back, and said in a low voice, "If he really has a physique that is not weaker than mine, then we can find a way to let him enter. My Ji family."

The inheritance of Shenyuan Master has long been cut off.

If Jiang Chen had his inheritance, the sensation it caused would be self-evident.

Of course, Ji Yaoxing is an upright person, and has no plan to seek Jiang Chen, the only idea is to introduce him into the Ji family.

The sound transmission process of the two was very secret, but Jiang Chen still guessed what the two were talking about.

Chen Ning'er's gaze had been staring at Jiang Chen, even if he was stupid at this time, he understood that there should be something special about Jiang Chen.

Otherwise, the Ji family brothers and sisters would not treat him like this.

Her eyes flickered slightly, and she soon had an idea in her heart.

Soon, the group returned to the gate of Shenxu, and when they arrived at the gate of the mountain, Jiang Chen took the excuse to walk to the handyman peak where he lived.

Ji Chuyue glanced at him strangely, but didn't ask much.

"Miss the first month.

The veteran in front of the mountain gate respectfully said. At the same time, he glanced at Ji Yaoxing, Chen Ning'er and others, and his eyes flashed with surprise.

How is this going?

Why are there so many young Tianjiao coming to such a remote place as Shenxu Gate today? Is it that what they are looking for is so precious? Attracting so many people.

However, he did not dare to ask more.

"Where will the young talents who came to Shenxu Sect today rest?" Ji Chuyue asked, Shenxu Dao Sect is a subsidiary force of the hidden Ji family, and Shenxu Sect is a branch of Shenxu Dao Sect. .

In the Shenxu Gate, her status is countless times more honorable than the head.

The old Tao didn't dare to neglect, and said hurriedly, "Return to Chuyue Miss, the group of Tianjiao is on the east side of the palace.

In his opinion, no matter how amazing the identities of those Tianjiao groups are, they should be inferior to Ji Chuyue.

After all, Ji Chuyue is the princess of the Yinshiji family, and his identity is beyond words. In the upper realm, the Yinshiji family is also a huge existence.

Afterwards, Ji Chuyue, Ji Yaoxing and others, under the leadership of the gatekeeper, went to the palace on the east side.

On the way, the head of the Shenxu Sect and others got the news, and they also rushed to it, very shocked and surprised.

However, the identities of Ji Chuyue and the others are very clear, and it can be judged that Ji Yaoxing, Chen Ning'er and others are extraordinary.

"Could it be that the face of the head of the Shenxu Sect, who came to look for the trouble of the Tianjiao group, has slightly changed, for fear that this group of young Tianjiao will be ruined by the battle for a while.

But Ji Yaoxing seemed to see his worry, and said, "We are just curious that the Tianjiao group belongs to that power, and want to visit it.

"Psychic White Jade Horse, Snow Treading Black Cloud Hole, Lei Lin, these mounts"

At this time, Chen Ning'er's complexion changed slightly, and she noticed the group of strange beasts in the distance of the palace, 500 who were bowing their heads and drinking water.

These mounts are all valuable, with a variety of rare bloodlines, among them there are even some alien species with powerful blood.

This made her feel stunned.

If it is a mount, it's okay to say, but this is a group, it can only show that among these young arrogances, many people are not inferior to them.

"It seems that the identity of this group of Tianjiao should not be simple."

Ji Yaoxing's complexion also changed slightly, becoming more cautious.

Although the Hidden Shiji family is now down, but fortunately, it has once been brilliant. He has all the vision that he should have.

"Who are you?"

However, before they walked a few steps, they were stopped by a group of powerful creatures outside the palace, all of them, very young, with divine light in their eyes, and a kind of pressure that made one's heart palpitating.

"In the Xiayin Shiji family, Ji Yaoxing, I have met fellow daoist."

Ji Yaoxing slightly cupped hands and said, he could see that among the young creatures in front of him, many of them didn't need to be weak.

But here it turns out to be just a follower for people, what does this mean?

Ji Chuyue's expression also became awe-inspiring, she didn't dare to be so casual as before.

Only Chen Ning'er looked into the Great Hall with brilliant eyes, as if she wanted to see who it was.

The upper realm is vast and vast. How many orthodoxy and influences there are, it is innumerable, and countless, although the hidden Chen family behind her can be called a giant.

But compared with the real Immortal Daoist giants, it was still far behind.

In the eyes of those forces that truly stand Immortal, they probably have never heard of the family behind them.

The head of Shenxu Gate and the others, although they did not have the eyesight of Ji Yaoxing and others, but at this time they also saw that the young men and women living in the palace now have identities far beyond their imagination.

In their eyes, the hidden world Ji family is an unimaginable behemoth, standing at the pinnacle of the upper realm.

"Hidden Shiji Family?" The young creatures at the gate of the palace frowned slightly, and began to recall the origins of this family in their minds.

"Hidden Chen Family Chen Ning'er, I've seen you Dao brothers."

Chen Ning'er also stepped forward at this moment, slightly cupped hands said, the arrogance on her face had already faded.

"I have a little impression of the Hidden Shiji Family, but the Hidden Chen Family, which family is this? I don't seem to have heard of it." A burly and tall young creature with a third eye on the eyebrows, covered with a layer of gold scales. , Asked with some doubts.

"I have never heard of such a family.

The young creature next to him shook his head and said, the aura on his body was terrifying.

And hearing these words, Ji Yaoxing and others' complexion changed slightly, and then some wry smiles. The hidden families are relatively low-key, and rarely have any reputation in the outside world.

But it's not that the hidden family's background is not strong, like the hidden Ji family behind them, with a long heritage, even older than the time of Zifu.

Chen Ning'er's expression was also a little embarrassed. It was the first time that people looked down on the family behind her, but she didn't dare to say anything.

After all, the hidden world Chen family came from the hidden world Ji family. The background is indeed much worse, and the existence time is far less than that of the hidden world Ji family. If it were not for the gradual decline of the hidden world Ji family over the years, she would not dare to talk to Ji so casually. Chuyue and others speak.

And now, Chen Ning'er was quite sure that the identity of the people in the palace was far beyond her imagination, a level she had never touched before.