Ch 361

"No matter, you guys wait first, I'll tell the master, see or not, that's the master's business."

"We can't be the Lord."

A silvery creature warned Chen Ning'er, Ji Chuyue, Ji Yaoxing and others at the gate of the palace with an impatient look.

Then he turned and walked towards the hall, the indifference and impatient look on his face immediately turned into respect.

"I'm tired." Ji Yaoxing cupped hands slightly.

"I don't know which Taoist force's Tianjiao will intervene in this matter. In this way, it seems more difficult to control the sky tower."

Hearing this, Ji Chuyue's expression in front of the palace couldn't help being slightly solemn.

Now, what she worries most is, if the palm of the sky is born later, and the person in front of her intervenes, how should their Ji family deal with it?

Judging from this posture, the identity of this person is absolutely different.

This caused the Ji family brothers and sisters to have ghosts in their hearts.

The Tower of Heaven is related to the secrets of the Immortal Palace, and if the Ji family behind them wants to regain its former glory, they must find the remains of the Immortal Palace.

If the cupped hands are kept in the fairy palace, how will they be willing?

However, Chen Ning'er and their thoughts were different at this moment.

Her eyes were slightly curious and brilliant.

Although the Heavenly Palm Tower is important, it is only a weapon. Even if it has something to do with the Immortal Palace Relics, you need to find seven Heavenly Palm artifacts.

Looking for seven heavenly weapons?

This is tantamount to finding a needle in the sea, and the difficulty is self-evident.

And the opportunity presented to her right now was to be able to reach a level that she hadn't touched before.

You can know at a glance which one is more important.

"Master, outside the palace, the people of the Yinshiji family and the Yinshichen family are asking to see you."

This silvery creature stepped into the hall and reported to Gu Changge on the high platform.

"Would you like to meet?"

Gu Changge naturally heard the words coming from outside. He put down the tea cup in his hand and couldn't help but said with great interest.

"Not interested in."

Yue Mingkong shook his head with a lazy expression. He lay sideways on the bed, with the blue silk hanging between his eyebrows and eyebrows. The indifference from the past was lost, and it was more of a sense of coldness and incompetence.

Gu Changge smiled, got up and walked outside the temple.

In fact, some time ago, he set about asking Yin Mei to investigate the affairs of Yin Shiji's family.

The biggest reason is that Gu Changge feels that Ji Qingxuan has ambitions in her heart. She will not be willing to be persecuted by the hidden Ji family all the time.

The seeds of this ambition have been planted, waiting for the moment to break the ground and germinate.

Ji Qingxuan, who has a different kind of enthusiasm for power, will not let go of such an excellent opportunity.

It just happens that there is such an opportunity to control the Hidden Shimji family, and it is not a bad thing to have one more pawn.

"How could Gu Changge be him? How could he be here?"

But when Gu Changge walked out of the Great Hall, Ji Yaoxing and the others in front of the door changed their expressions, their pupils couldn't help but shrank, and they were shocked.

"This Ji Chuyue also has a small mouth, unbelievable.

They naturally recognize the young man walking in front of them, so they are shocked.

"I heard that you have something to look for me?"

Gu Changge turned a blind eye to the shocked expressions of everyone, smiled, and asked casually.

"I have seen Young Master Changge, Ji Yaoxing in the next Ji family."

Ji Yaoxing cupped hands said, he has always been calm and restrained, and he is also very respectful at this time.

"Ji Chuyue met Young Master Changge."

Ji Chuyue who reacted, in the big and bright eyes, seemed to be shining, and he quickly met with courtesy.

No one expected to see Gu Changge here, didn't he just destroy the Purple Mansion, is it said that he returned to the True Immortal Academy?

Gu Changge's appearance is no secret in the upper realm.

As long as it is a force with some background, even if you have not seen him in person, you have seen his portrait, just to avoid accidentally provoke him one day.

I have to say that after the destruction of the Purple Mansion, Gu Changge's power in the upper realm has reached an unprecedented peak.

Even those emperors, Buddhas, and ancient emperors did not have such power when they were young.

"I have seen Young Master Changge.

Chen Ning'er's heart couldn't help beating, forcing herself to calm down, revealing what she thought was the sweetest smile, and polite to Gu Changge.

In the upper realm today, if there is any young Tianjiao who can be known by everyone, it must be Gu Changge.

So seeing Gu Changge here made Chen Ning'er very excited and excited, and even her voice was a little trembling that she couldn't restrain herself.

In the past, she had only seen Gu Changge among those portraits and photo-taking stones, instead of seeing a real person suddenly like today.

It is no exaggeration to say that for many of the heavenly ladies of the upper realm, the most ideal and perfect future husband is Gu Changge.

Appearance, temperament, strength, talent, power and background, no matter what it is, there are almost no flaws, let alone a man comparable to it.

Of course, they also have self-knowledge and can only imagine in their hearts that they are far from worthy.

Gu Changge's smile is gentle and gentle, his forehead slightly, "You don't need to be polite.

However, there was no intention to invite everyone into the temple.

"It turns out that Young Master Changge also came to this place."

"I'll just say that such a powerful person is not an ordinary person."

Ji Yaoxing smiled bitterly in his heart, feeling that the opportunity to seize the Tower of Heaven was becoming more and more illusory.

Actually it is not that he will give up when he meets Gu Changge.

But I feel that my own power is compared with Gu Changge, I don't know how much difference, let alone Gu Changge has many strong followers of Cultivation Base.

He can only hope that he can find the Tower of Heaven before it is born. In this way, even Gu Changge will not have the righteousness to snatch it from him.

However, Ji Yaoxing has another plan in his heart. If Gu Changge is bound to win the Heavenly Palm Pagoda, then he can also borrow flowers to offer Buddha at that time.

Although Ji Yaoxing has an upright temperament, it does not mean that he is stupid.

There is no need to say how terrifying Gu Changge's power is now, and even the Purple Mansion has been destroyed because of it.

The head of the Shenxu Sect and others were also shocked at this moment, it was hard to believe, and they felt that all this was like a dream.

Although they are short-sighted, how can they not know Gu Changge? To them, they are really dragon-like characters of Nine Heavens.

Before, I had only heard of those rumors, who would have thought that there would be a day to meet a real person?

Up to now, their heads are still buzzing, it is difficult to calm down, their attitude is simply respectful to the extreme.

In front of such a person, they are far inferior to the dust that shatters at the touch of a finger.

"Everyone here is also looking for the palm tower ""?"

Gu Changge smiled.

"Don't hide the truth from Young Master Changge, we are here indeed to find the Tower of Heaven, but now we have no clue." Ji Yaoxing said with a wry smile.

"E? ​​I thought you have any clues. If you have any clues, you might as well inform Gu that he is willing to pay a high price.

Gu Changge still smiled, his figure is slender and tall, his robe is fluttering, and the dust is not stained.

"If there is any clue, I will definitely inform Young Master Changge.

Ji Chuyue also spoke at this time, her bright eyes were always looking at Gu Changge.

In order to be able to make a good impression in front of Gu Changge.

She also revealed her original face at this moment.

The palm-sized face, the skin is like snow, the eyes are big and bright, the eyelashes are very long, and the eyebrows are slender.

"Then bother you all.

Gu Changge smiled, his tone of voice was casual and natural, without any superiority.

But everyone can still feel the huge gap of identity like a chasm.

This kind of Transcendent exuded from the gestures of gestures is refined, natural fairy and noble, it can't be cultivated without deep horror.

"Young Master Changge can rest assured that if Ning'er gets any news or clues, she will definitely come to Young Master Changge as soon as possible."

"Since Young Master Changge, you also want to look for the Palm Sky Tower, then Ning'er will surely be attached to your subordinates and help you find it together.

Chen Ning'er's heart was beating pounding, and at this moment he heard the words and said quickly.

She was only two years old, she was slender, her skin was fat, her eyes were darkened with autumn water, and her red lips were little red. She was very beautiful and smart. She immediately expressed her own ideas and her own position.

She didn't want the Zhangtian Tower, she just wanted to be able to help Gu Changge.

Although this decision was made by her arbitrarily, it was not approved by the family.

But Chen Ning'er knew that if the family behind him knew her decision, they would definitely support it.

Upon hearing this, Ji Yaoxing and Ji Chuyue looked at each other, and both noticed the prudence in the eyes of both parties.

Chen Ning'er's approach seemed to them nothing wrong.

After all, the Yinshi Chen family is different from the Yinshiji family, and the background is not enough. If she seizes an opportunity to please Gu Changge, she will definitely not give up.

Although the Yinshiji family was in despair, they were still arrogant.

Not to mention the existence of the Seven Palms, which is an opportunity for them to become stronger again. It is clear at a glance which is lighter and heavier.

"Oh? Thank you girl Ning'er."

Gu Changge seemed a little surprised when he heard the words, and then smiled slightly at her.

"Young Master Changge, you are polite. It is Ning'er's honor to be able to do things for you.

Chen Ning'er's voice trembled slightly, and she hurriedly lowered her head to say.

She felt her heart beating very fast, and she was nervous and sweating in her palms.

It was Gu Changge who took the initiative to speak to her, which made her feel a little sincere.

However, Young Master Changge's temperament is really good, as rumored, he treats others peacefully and gracefully.

It's too much to describe them as Fengshen Ruyu, and I didn't despise or despise them because of their status.

This made Chen Ning'er couldn't help but feel admiration and a touch of extravagant hope in her heart.

But having said that, is this not an opportunity for her?

If we can seize this opportunity, let alone her, even the hidden Chen family behind her will undergo earth-shaking changes.

Chen Ning'er is confident about her appearance.

Thinking of this, she quickly forced herself to calm down and looked up at Gu Changge, revealing what she thought was the sweetest smile.

"Young Master Changge, if you have anything you want to order, you can tell Ning'er.

"Near the Sky Jade Mountain Range, I have sent my subordinates to search for a week, and I am very familiar with it. If there is any change in the Palm Sky Tower, I should be able to know the first time."

Chen Ning'er's legs were straight and slender, and her skin was as white as snow.

He smiled while speaking, and his eyes were crescent-shaped, very clever and charming, so Ji Chuyue, who was very familiar with her character, couldn't help but curl his lips and secretly disdain.

In the past, Chen Ning'er was arrogant like a swan, with eyes higher than the top.

Many young arrogances are not in her eyes, only her young supreme of Big Brother can be slightly valued by her.

Now Chen Ning'er's almost flattering behavior can be seen by anyone with a discerning eye.

But having said that, at this time, even if it is the sweet girl of the rest of the day, encountering this kind of opportunity to please Gu Changge, she will not let it go.

Many disciples of the Chen family behind Chen Ning'er are also very envious of her at this moment.

However, as a member of the Chen family, if Chen Ning'er can be valued by Gu Changge, it is also a good thing for them to be able to ascend to heaven alone.

Thinking of this, they couldn't help showing a little complacency on their faces, and secretly glanced at the Ji family.

Everyone in the Ji family didn't look good when they saw it, they looked at Ji Chuyue ahead, but as the Little Princess of the hidden Ji family.

Ji Chuyue revealed her true face just to show respect to Gu Changge, but she had no other idea.

Although she is curious about Gu Changge, she has not yet reached the point where she is almost flattering. She is proud of herself.

"Ms. Ning'er said so, Gu thanked you in advance."

And hearing Chen Ning'er's words, Gu Changge smiled gently and naturally.

As if the spring breeze was blowing, it gave people an unspeakable favor.

Chen Ning'er's face was a little red, and she hurriedly waved her hand, "Young Master Changge, you are too polite. This is an honor for Ning'er."

As she said, she glanced at Gu Changge secretly, and then plucked up the courage to ask, "Young Master Changge, you are going on this trip, Ning'er sees that there doesn't seem to be anyone next to you, if you don't mind."

She said this boldly, and it was no different from recommending herself.

Ji Chuyue couldn't help staring her eyes wide in surprise, feeling incredible.

Chen Ning'er, as a Miss from the hermit Chen family, has a distinguished status and many pursuers. Even among the clans behind him, there are many young people who love her.

It's just that she is usually very proud, with her eyes above the top, and those so-called Tianjiao are not in her eyes.

Who would have thought that she would go to this place boldly today and say this in front of everyone in front of Gu Changge.

But it can only be said that Chen Ning'er is bold and does not let go of every opportunity.

Otherwise, in her capacity, she would not be able to contact Gu Changge in normal times.

Ji Chuyue admired her a little.

At this moment, hearing this, many followers behind Chen Ning'er's complexion was already dejected.

They clenched their fists, their hearts were full of jealousy and unwillingness, but they didn't dare to show it on their faces, watching Fairy they admire, and recommending their pillow seats in front of other men.Who can stand it?

Gu Changge didn't seem to expect Chen Ning'er to say this.

Some surprise appeared on his face just right.

But he hadn't spoken yet, and a faint voice came from behind him, "No, he doesn't mind, I do."

Along with the words, a slender figure appeared at the door of the hall.

The blue silk is dancing, the white clothes wins the snow, the fairy face is picturesque, the facial features are beautiful, and it is cold and frosty at a glance, but it has a suffocating terrifying power.

Chen Ning'er couldn't help whitening her face, her expression was terrified, she couldn't help but stepped back, and a terrible chill came out of her back.

At this moment, she seemed to be watched by a supreme empress, and the whole person was as small as an ant.

"Mingkong Chudi

The expressions of Ji Yaoxing, Ji Chuyue and others also changed, and they recognized the white-clothed woman who suddenly appeared.

"Mingkong, you scared people."

"Didn't you say you are not interested?"

Gu Changge smiled.

Yue Mingkong gave him a faint look, and said nothing.

That look seems to say, if I don't come out, do you have to agree?

Although she knew Gu Changge's character, she definitely couldn't have any thoughts about this girl named Chen Ning'er.

But seeing him joking with other women made me very uncomfortable, and I wanted to slap Chen Ning'er in front of him to death.

Gu Changge's smile remained unchanged and said, "~ You scare people like this.

Yue Mingkong glanced at him slightly, still silent.

It's just that the cold and frosty terrifying aura made everyone present a little suffocated. They didn't dare to talk much, but only dared to secretly think in their hearts.

She deserves to be called the future female emperor, and she gives people a terrifying power in every move, and she is almost suffocating.

Even Cultivation Base is unfathomable.

"It's Ning'er who has overstepped, and he hoped that Emperor Mingkong was magnanimous and forgive Ning'er this time."

Chen Ning'er naturally recognized Yue Mingkong, her face was pale, her back was a bit chilly, and she hurriedly apologized.

She knows the identity of Yue Mingkong, she is the future empress of Wushuangxian Dynasty, and also Gu Changge's fiancée, her status is indescribable.

She never thought that Yue Mingkong would follow Gu Changge to this place, and she regretted it a little bit in her heart.

When I said this just now, I expected Gu Changge to travel this time without following the maid.

After all, there is no reason why Gu Changge has already appeared, and the maid has never appeared.

But who would have thought that he did not follow the maid, but followed his fiancée.

"Ms. Ning'er is also kind, so don't be familiar with her, Mingkong."

Seeing this scene, Gu Changge couldn't help but smile and persuade.

Yue Mingkong's police glanced at him coldly, snorted, and disappeared from the hall door.

She also knows that if this continues, it will give people a feeling of small belly and chicken intestines.

It's just Chen Ning'er, why should she care so much?

Now that he is showing up, it is only to let Gu Changge know that when she is there, he will never want another woman to appear next to him.

"Mingkong has such a strong personality, which makes everyone laugh." Gu Changge smiled.

Hearing this, everyone hurriedly waved their hands,

"How come, Young Master Changge joked."

"Emperor Mingkong's true temperament makes me wait for admiration."

"Yeah, Young Master Changge and Emperor Mingkong are so good-matched, they are gods and goddesses, so I really envy others.

They spoke one after another, not daring to say anything disrespectful, and their hearts were even more awe-inspiring. Not only was Gu Changge appearing in the Tianxuan Mountains, but now even the moon and the sky appeared, and it was more difficult to compete for the control of the Sky Tower.

Afterwards, after the visit was over, Ji Chuyue and Ji Yaoxing also left and left here one after another, intending to go back to discuss the next thing.

Although Chen Ning'er was still a little scared, she quickly eased over, still carrying hope in her heart.

After all, this was an opportunity she had finally encountered, so how could she give it up easily?

In her opinion, as long as she can help Gu Changge find the location of the Palm Sky Tower, she will definitely be valued by him.

Today's small setback did not hit her.

Soon, she returned to her previous swan-like appearance with a touch of arrogance.

"The man (Li's) next to Ji Chuyue at that time, there should be something special, otherwise it is impossible for the Ji family brothers and sisters to value it so much because of the mortal body.

"If I have time, I have to start with him."

Chen Ning'er squinted her eyes, and already had the next plan in her heart.

After returning to the palace, looking at Coldly's own Yuemingkong, Gu Changge smiled unconsciously.

Yue Mingkong gave him a glance, "In front of me, you are not allowed to treat other women well."

"You are really overbearing." Gu Changge shook his head, his tone a little helpless, "A good chess piece, which scared you away. Anyway, people muster up the courage to recommend themselves, why don't you learn from others?

"I do not care."

Yue Mingkong gave him a look, and then the corners of his mouth curled up, his voice was cold and murderous, "If I see it again, I'm afraid I can't help but slap her to death."

In the next few days, the vicinity of the Tianxuan mountain range became less and less peaceful, and many Changhong and ancient chariots could be seen rolling over and rumbling over the sky.

More and more cultivators and creatures have come here to learn about the upcoming birth of the Tower of Heaven.

In addition to the younger generation, there are many older generations of strong men who have come, and even some holy realms are revealed.

Many nearby forces are trembling and feeling deeply disturbed. Once, remote as the Tianxuan Mountains, will there be so many cultivators?

In addition, the news of Gu Changge's presence here also spread, causing an uproar.

Many cultivators were shocked and stunned. They did not expect that Gu Changge would come here after destroying the Purple Mansion, intending to intervene horizontally to fight for the Tower of Heaven.

However, some people still know that Gu Changge actually has a Palm-Sky Bottle with the Seven-Hands of Heaven in his hand.

It is no surprise that he will come to fight for the control of the Sky Tower.

After hearing this news, many people also retreated and chose to leave, knowing that Gu Changge could not be robbed.

Of course, there are still very few cultivators holding such an idea.

When the time comes to snatch, it is not by means of individual means.How can there be reasons to choose to give in because of the terrifying background?

On the other side, Ji Chuyue, Ji Yaoxing and others, after leaving Gu Changge, did not leave the Shenxu Gate, but went to the Handyman Peak where the handyman disciple was located, and asked Jiang Chen to discuss matters.

In front of the thatched hut, Jiang Chen was sitting cross-legged on a bluestone, feeling the signs of the Spiritual Qi flowing between heaven and earth.

Hearing Ji Chuyue's voice from a distance, he opened his eyes, smiled a little, and looked over.

"What a nice view!"

However, when he saw Ji Chuyue the first time, he couldn't help being stunned. With a strong concentration, he was also stunned for a while. .