Ch 366

Zishan has an open terrain, which is different from the steep and high-reaching seen by the outside world.

The internal roads criss-cross, shining with brilliance of all colors, leading straight to all directions.

The purple light fell, as if there was a huge mountain hanging above the head, giving people inexplicable pressure.

The rocks are scattered, and the stone walls are covered with all kinds of marks, knives, swords, halberds, and claw marks, which seem to be telling the battle that happened here that year.

The moment Jiang Chen and the black robe old man escaped here, they felt a majestic and terrifying coercion, falling from the top of their heads, as if to crush them.

"Amidst this purple mountain, is it possible to suppress what's wrong?"

The black robe old man frowned, found a path casually and walked, and then couldn't help but curse, and threw Jiang Chen to the ground with dissatisfaction.

"Thank you Black Robe Senior for saving your life again, Junior is unforgettable."

After Jiang Chen hurriedly got up, he did not blame the black-robed old man for his rude behavior. Instead, he respectfully saluted him and was very grateful.

He was really desperate just now, and there was no way to resist.

Even the good fortune Xianzhou Qi Ling in his mind has no time to save him.

However, he never expected that the old man in black robes would have been following in the dark, and he once again tried to rescue him, which made him grateful and excited. It was a cold sweat for the rest of his life.

"Forget it, when you can save the old man's snacks, it is the greatest gratitude to the old man.

Hearing that the black-robed old man snorted coldly, he was very dissatisfied, "You said that you are not good at practicing at the Shenxu Gate? When the Cultivation Base is successful, I think about those revenge things, but I don't listen to the old man's words. I feel that I am a little capable, so I want to get involved in everything."

"The old man can save you once, but you can't save you all the time. You don't know how terrible Gu Changge is, but you want to provoke him."

"If there is another time, the old man will never save you."

Although the black-robed old man was babbling himself, but knowing that he was really worried about him, Jiang Chen couldn't help but feel the warmth in his heart.

Although the black-robed old man is not a good person, he has tried to rescue him many times.

On the other hand, Gu Changge, Ji Yaoxing and others, although they have a righteous face, they do not know how many times they act harder than the black-robed old man.

"Senior, I know. After the matter here is resolved, I will find a place to practice the magic power of Wanhua and wait until the Cultivation Base is successful.

Jiang Chen promised to say with a firm face.

From the events of the past few days, he has deeply felt the importance of power in this world.

Why can Gu Changge easily oppress Ji Chuyue, Muji Yaoxing and others, and make them respectful and incomparably awe? Isn't it because Gu Changge is better than them!

"It's useless to say that these are useless. Gu Changge will definitely not let you go. This purple mountain is very mysterious. The old man here is also very restricted and it is difficult to help you.

"If you can't find a way out here, it will be a dead end in the end. Revenge? Haha."

The black-robed old man sneered, looking quite disdainful.

Jiang Chen also understood the importance of this matter. There was no way out before and there were chasing soldiers behind, so he quickly communicated with Good Fortune Xianzhou Qi Ling in his mind.

Before, Good Fortune Xianzhou Qi Ling said that after entering Zishan, it has the means to counter the other enemies.

This gave Jiang Chen a glimmer of hope.

"Xiaochenzi, don't worry, I feel the familiar breath here, which is very similar to the old acquaintances left by the old acquaintances of the fairy palace. You and I, as the spirit and body of the good fortune Xianzhou, will not be encountered here. What's dangerous."

Good fortune Xianzhou device spirit self-belief.

Hearing this, Jiang Chen was also overjoyed and did not doubt.

Although sometimes good fortune is very unreliable, but at this time, the two are grasshoppers on the same rope, how can it be joking?

"No, someone broke in from outside. Go deep, and the old man will block for you.

However, at this moment, the black-robed old man seemed to be aware of something.

His expression suddenly changed, and he said to Jiang Chen, looking a little anxious.

"Are they chasing?"

Jiang Chen's complexion also changed suddenly, realizing the urgency of the matter, his stay here would only become a burden for the black-robed old man.

But he still didn't run away immediately, instead he asked, "What about you senior?

"Don't worry. After the old man blocks them, he naturally has a way to get out and come to meet you. Before that, you must find a way out, or Gu Changge will catch up and we will both die."

The face of the black-robed old man was heavier than ever.

After all, his figure walked toward the road when he came just now.

The terrifying aura. On all sides, a black long knife surrounded by black light appeared in the palm of the hand, and it was slashed at the many cultivators that were chasing after it. It seemed to break through the void, extremely powerful.

The people who chased him vomited blood and retreated, and they were not the opponents of a strong man in the Great Sacred Realm.

"Then senior, you must be careful. I will leave the route according to the Cultivation Technique taught by you, you must follow me [!"

Jiang Chen gritted his teeth and didn't dare to stay for a long time. After saying this, the figure fled to the depths of the Purple Mountain.

Although the majestic and terrifying aura above the head would fall down at any time, as if it was a mighty weight that would crush people completely.

But he didn't care about it, believing the good fortune fairy boat spirit, and fled to the depths, not daring to stay.


The terrifying sound of the battle instantly resounded in the purple mountain, alarming the mysterious creatures sleeping in many corners, and went to the place where the battle was.

The journey is unobstructed.

The closer you get to the depths of the Purple Mountain, the more you can feel its horror.

Between some rocks, a purple mist will seep out, which is very mysterious, but also very dangerous.

Jiang Chen saw with his own eyes a mysterious creature in the purple mountain, in the purple mist, it turned into a blood mist in an instant.

This shocked his heart, and a terrible chill appeared in his back.

And with the help of the good fortune fairy boat spirit, the imperial envoy reversed the terrain of this place, and he also went deep into it all the way without any danger.

After some terrifying creatures noticed him, they never did anything to him. They just glanced at him, as if they saw the same kind, and didn't take care of them.

This made Jiang Chen a sigh of relief, and his tight heartstrings finally relaxed.

"Xiaochenzi, keep going forward. I already feel the location of the palace. If I guess correctly, we will develop."

Good fortune Xianzhou's spirit voice contains excitement and excitement, as if they have seen the treasure open for them.

Jiang Chen nodded, did not stop, and continued to walk into it according to the words of Good Fortune Xianzhou Qi Ling.

Only after reaching the cave, his expression changed drastically.

It can be seen that the walls are covered with blood and dried up long ago, but they are shocking and shocking. I don't know what happened here.

A layer of white withered bones can be seen under the feet, with different shapes. The human race also has other races, which are shining like jade, and have a skeleton like black ink. They are extremely tall and look like a hill.

After arriving here, the road ahead was cut off, not cut off.

Instead, a sturdy and indestructible stone wall appeared, and the whole body showed the same light and material as the purple mountain. With his strength, it was impossible to blast it away.

The material of this purple mountain is extremely strong and very special.

"Is it a dead end here?"

Jiang Chen frowned. He didn't expect to follow the guidance of Good Fortune Xianzhou. After arriving here, he was still stopped.

"Don't worry, there must be a way here, so I want to find it." Good Fortune Xianzhou Qi Ling said.

Jiang Chen nodded.

Afterwards, the phantom of a bronze flying boat emerged from the center of Jiang Chen's eyebrows, and then slowly merged into the stone wall in front of him, as if it was about to penetrate to the other side.

"There really is a way here

The sound of good fortune Xianzhou Qi Ling's surprise sounded.

"Really?" Jiang Chen was also surprised.

"I'm just opening this stone wall. No one except me can open it. The hardness of this purple mountain is far beyond imagination. I suspect that it is not a thing in this world. Even if Gu Changge walks here, he can't think about it. Can go through!"

Good fortune Xianzhou Qi Ling confidently said.

At the same time, a kind of misty brilliance appeared, seemingly star-like veins, intertwined here, finally manifested on the stone wall, and then connected together.


Suddenly, there was a huge sound like an open sky, the rocks gave way, and the stone walls opened wide!

On the other side, Chen Ning'er, Ji Chuyue, Ji Yaoxing and others, who were searching for the traces of Jiang Chen and the black robe old man, did not walk together.

After all, the internal roads of Zishan are well developed. If you don't find them separately, it is impossible to find Jiang Chen's location.

Its difficulty is no different from finding a needle in the sea.

As for the location of the palm tower, there is no clue.

"Chuyue, are you blaming me?"

Ji Yaoxing looked at Little Sister who had been silent, and finally couldn't help but speak.

"No, I know Big Brother, you have troubles, and you are doing this for your family."

Ji Chuyue shook her head when she heard this, but her expression was still very sad.

She is a kind-hearted person. Before this, she had always thought that Big Brother Ji Yaoxing was the same, just calm.

But what she saw today was really hard for her to accept.

Especially Jiang Chen's cold expression cut her heart like a knife, after all, they involved Jiang Chen in this matter.

As a result, they escaped smoothly, threw all the trouble to Jiang Chen, and now they have to send someone to chase him down.

This really makes Ji Chuyue unbearable.

"You are still too innocent. When Jiang Chen came to you, he actually tried to test it back. You have to know that there is a great holy realm behind him, but why he still worships the gate of the gods. These are you. Have you considered it?"

"On the contrary, Jiang Chen has been throwing our sins against Gu Changge. Do you really think he has no other intentions? You think people are too kind."

Ji Yaoxing sighed, his voice said without turbulence.

Hearing these words, Ji Chuyue couldn't help but widened her eyes in surprise. If she thinks about it, there is nothing wrong.

After all, when Jiang Chen approached her from the beginning, it seemed that he had other intentions.

Thinking of this, she felt a lot better.

However, Ji Chuyue thought of another thing, and she was a little bit unwilling to give up, "Big Brother, do we really want to dedicate the Heavenly Palm Wheel that we finally got to Gu Changge?"

They knew very well how much the hidden world Ji family had spent in order to obtain the Heavenly Hand Wheel.

But now, I can only donate the cupped hands that I have finally obtained, how can I be willing?

Hearing this, Ji Yaoxing couldn't help showing a bit of a bitter smile on his face, and said, "This is no way. Would it be a good person?"

"Just like this time in the Purple Mansion, if Gu Changge is really gentle, how could he take the initiative to abolish the Ziyang Heavenly Monarch? In my opinion, all of this is just an excuse he made for the Purple Mansion.

"As for the enmity between Jiang Chen and him, we shouldn't take care of it, and don't be curious, just treat it as if we don't know some things."

Ji Yaoxing's words were approved by Ji Chuyue, she nodded and fell silent.

The rumors cannot be fully believed, and she now has a deep understanding of these words.

"It doesn't matter if you can't find the Palm Sky Tower, but Jiang Chen's trail must be found, otherwise we won't be able to deal with Gu Changge for a while."

Ji Yaoxing said, and then he and Ji Chuyue continued to lead people to chase forward.

It's just that the two of them didn't go far, and suddenly saw many mysterious creatures with powerful auras killed in front of them, black clouds billowing, majestic momentum.

From the appearance, it is similar to the ten thousand clan, but the aura is obviously different.


Successive brilliance shots across the void like a sword, with tyrannical power, making people frightened.

"not good."

"I just met this kind of creature at the time. Retreat quickly. Even if Jiang Chen could escape our tracking, he wouldn't be able to survive."

Ji Yaoxing's complexion changed drastically, and he quickly led Ji Chuyue and others back.

He had noticed before that the powerful black-robed old man stayed behind and dragged them off for Jiang Chen, which meant that the two had escaped separately.

Jiang Chen is capable of this, if he encounters these creatures, is there any chance of surviving?

Ji Chuyue pressed her lips, but did not dare to stay, and hurried back along the original road.

Just as Ji Yaoxing said, unless Jiang Chen has the means to reach the sky, after separating from the black-robed old man, how can he survive in the face of these mysterious creatures?

Before long, the Ji family brothers and sisters also retreated to the outside of Zishan, but to their surprise, Chen Ning'er actually withdrew one step before them.

It's just that she is in a very bad state now, her face is pale, her breath is wilting, and her expression is frightened.

Of the men who had been brought in just now, there were only two or three left, and they were all seriously injured.

It seems that she encountered great danger after entering, and she was lucky to be able to escape alive.

The Ji family brothers and sisters looked heavy.

They planned to report the situation to Gu Changge, but Gu Changge waved their hands and interrupted them.

*~ It seems that there are a lot of dangers in this purple mountain, and everyone who enters is lost. "

Gu Changge squinted his eyes and seemed to speak to himself.

"There are many roads in the purple mountain, the four links are well developed, and no one leads to the deepest point.

"That Jiang Chen and the black robe old man are separated. I think he is also a dead end. The mysterious creatures in it are very powerful. Once Jiang Chen is not protected, he will be torn to pieces in an instant.

Chen Ning'er hurriedly said, with fear and lingering fear on her face, she did not expect it to be so dangerous in the purple mountain.

If it hadn't been for her to have a powerful bodyguard, she might have been bloodied in it at this moment.

"E? ​​No matter what, I'm sure to win the Palm Sky Tower. It seems that this Zishan, I still need to go in."

Gu Changge raised his eyebrows and said with interest.

"I'll go with you." Upon hearing this, Yue Mingkong said without hesitation.

"No need, if you stay outside, I can rest assured if anything happens."

Gu Changge waved his hand and smiled.

After all, he didn't wait for Yue Mingkong's reply. As he moved, the void was blurred. A golden avenue appeared in front of him, directly piercing through and falling in the purple mountain.


There was a terrible sound that made the heart tremble, and the soul wanted to burst.

The mountains trembled and the ground collapsed.

The sight is horrifying.

Ji Chuyue, Ji Yaoxing, Chen Ning'er and others all watched this scene in shock, but Gu Changge did it himself.

However, judging from his strength, although those mysterious creatures are powerful, they may not be his opponents.

It's just that the danger in the purple mountain is not all on the mysterious creatures.

(Li's) "Although Gu Changge is powerful, there are many creatures in the purple mountain, and the roads crisscross, it is easy to get lost in it, not to mention there are many natural formations, and there are murderous opportunities."

Ji Yaoxing frowned slightly, thinking so in his heart.

He glanced at Yue Mingkong and saw that his expression was indifferent and deep from beginning to end, as if he was confident in Gu Changge and didn't worry at all.

In the purple mountain, many creatures roared with cold faces, fighting against the cultivator still in it, and rushing out from the various stone caves like a tide.

It's so dense that it's innumerable.


And as Gu Changge stepped into this place, strange sounds suddenly sounded in the void, like bells and tower sounds, echoing everywhere.

"It seems that this is the induction between the seven weapons of the palm of the sky, and the pagoda of the palm of the sky is indeed here. If there is no Jiang Chen, it will take a while to find it.

Gu Changge perceives Jiang Chen's location, which is not far from where he is now.

It's just that many formations and obstacles need to be passed through in the middle.

Fortunately, he can follow the route that Jiang Chen has traveled, as long as he hides his figure in the void, it will be unimpeded.

Jiang Chen would never think that the route he left for the black-robed old man was finally left to Gu Changge.


Gu Changge stepped inside Zishan, shaking his hands in the void.

A simple and terrifying breath exploded and turned into a big star, weighing billions of dollars, crushing and falling.

All the creatures approaching him exploded in an instant with a puff, disappearing in form and spirit, and evaporated into a child's powder.

The tide-like creatures, even if they don't know the pain and fear, at this time can't help but back away to avoid him.

"This wave of fluctuations, it seems that Jiang Chen has already found the Heavenly Palm Tower."

Gu Changge walked unhurriedly, seeming to perceive something, and a little surprise suddenly appeared on his face.

"It didn't disappoint me.

He smiled, his figure blurred, and stepped forward, intending to pick ripe fruits.

It has to be said that Zishan is indeed strange, there is a special field, covering every corner, and even every rock has this kind of atmosphere.

It can even affect the judgment of the cultivator and suppress Divine Sense.

The degree of rigidity is beyond imagination and cannot be destroyed by ordinary people.

Without Jiang Chen's path-finder, Gu Changge would not be easy to find the Zhangtian Tower.