Ch 367

And when Gu Changge entered Zishan along the path left by Jiang Chen, on the other side, Jiang Chen finally saw the great opportunity he had been waiting for.

Good fortune Xianzhou Qi Ling is confident in his own methods.

After helping to solve the many formation patterns in front of him, the stone wall suddenly opened, automatically separating a cracked road from it, and it was spacious and unobstructed.

Behind this is a simple bridge.

Connected to the other end is an indescribable magnificent palace, magnificent and magnificent, exuding a simple and majestic atmosphere.

"Sure enough, it is the Palm Palace!

Good fortune Xianzhou Qi Ling's excited voice sounded.

Jiang Chen only noticed the three gilded characters above this magnificent palace, which were very simple and vicissitudes, and gave people a strong feeling of suppressing the heavens.

These three characters are extremely ancient and long, and I don't know who left them, but they can also glimpse a trace of their peerless elegance.

"Hall of Palm? What does it have to do with the Tower of Palm?"

Jiang Chen whispered to himself, stepped onto the steps, and walked towards the Great Hall ahead.

Soon, he arrived at the gate of the temple and checked from left to right. Only then did he open the gate of the temple without any obstruction or pressure.

Pause time.

The tide-like purple mist swept in, as if it was about to liquefy, enough to submerge people's knees.

As Jiang Chen walked into it, there was a dazzling brilliance in an instant, making him close his eyes subconsciously.

"This is "

In the next moment, Jiang Chen was stunned, his eyes widened.

Pieces of washbasin-sized source stones are scattered everywhere, crystal clear, surrounded by colorful colors, like the fairy family Sacred Land.

Among some source stones, Jiang Chen even saw some strange creatures and weapons, Jade Slips, jade jars and other objects sealed.

This gave him a sense of shock.

Looking around, the source rock is innumerable. The purple mist here is all formed after the source rock is liquefied.

The wealth here is really amazing, no wonder the spirit of Good Fortune Xianzhou would say that this is an opportunity specially prepared for him.

And he also smelled a strong pill incense, permeating the void.

It makes people's pores stretch out, as if they can feather a flying fairy.

A little further away, there is a medicine field of Spiritual Qi xenon chlorine.

Among them, the sun shines thinly, the fairy mushrooms are everywhere, the fairy flowers are bright, the colorful clouds disappear, and the mist is lingering.

"These opportunities are too many, Spiritual herbs, source stone, Jade Slip, Cultivation Technique, weapons, and even some sealed Medicine Pill."

Jiang Chen's eyes went straight, his breathing was short, his heart was surging, it was the first time he saw so many cultivation resources.

Even if he does not visit any mountain gates after he leaves here, these resources are enough for him to practice for a long time.

He subconsciously started to take away all these things.

"Don't get excited, these are average, and the great ones are yet to come."

"These things are all yours, no one can snatch you.

However, Good Fortune Xianzhou Qi Ling interrupted him, and his voice was a little excited and proud, still calming himself in front of Jiang Chen.

Hearing this, Jiang Chen nodded, also forcing himself to calm down.

He knows that good fortune will not lie to him. Since these are just general, it means that the more powerful ones are definitely behind.

With this thought 503, he continued to walk deep.

"The creatures along the way didn't act on Jiang Chen. It seems that it is because of his special physique."

"Good fortune Xianzhou reincarnated, I just don't know what kind of surprise he can give me in the end. It's a pity, it's still too tender now

Gu Changge walked in the purple mountains with his hands in his hands, his expression relaxed and casual, as if he were walking. No one was following him behind him, and no creatures approached him.

Because all the creatures who had just approached him were turned into ashes, and their form and spirit were destroyed.


Not far from the front, the figure of the black-robed old man appeared, and said respectfully to Gu Changge.

"Has he not noticed anything unusual?"

Gu Changge asked casually.

"No, Jiang Chen trusts his subordinates very much, and does everything according to what the master said. He didn't notice any abnormalities."

"During this period of time, he has trusted his subordinates more and more." The black robe old man replied respectfully.

"That's good." Gu Changge smiled, "It seems that Jiang Chen is quite satisfied with the protector I arranged for him."

"Master, when will Jiang Chen keep it?" the black robe old man asked.

"No hurry, his value is far more than that, at least let him help me to urge Dao Guo to mature.

Gu Changge looked at the stone cave in front and walked slowly over. After arriving here, he could feel the feeling of the majestic coercion over his head.

He felt that Xia Jiang Chen was now.

The distance is not far.

However, Gu Changge still intends to let the magic puppet pass first. After all, in name, the old man in black robe is Jiang Chen's protector.

If there is any abnormality there, Gu Changge might know in advance.

Of course, there are other plans for a while, waiting for Jiang Chen.

The palace is very large, simple and magnificent. Except for the collapse of some of the pillars, there are no other abnormalities.

The magnificent Great Hall, majestic and heavy, seems to be a realm of its own, with fog and mist, like a fairyland.

Jiang Chen walked in all the way, and from time to time he saw huge pillars standing in the Great Hall, as if opening the sky.

Suddenly, a faint voice came from far away.

It was like a high tower trembling lightly, and it was like a huge bell ringing, amazing Hun and Po, ear-shattering.

"what is this?"

Jiang Chen's complexion changed slightly, his head seemed to be suddenly stabbed by a thorn, and he instantly lost his blood color when he was in pain.


He only felt that his own mind was hit by a giant clock, roaring and becoming blank.

In the faintness, he actually felt that in the Great Hall, there was a small tower of golden light standing up and down, floating in the sky, and falling down a vast amount of chaos.

"A golden tower"

Jiang Chen's eyes widened in surprise.

The pain came and disappeared quickly, and he found that he could clearly hear the voice again.

"This is the Palm Tower calling you, it feels your presence."

Good fortune Xianzhou Qi Ling said excitedly, "Follow this voice, you can find it."

Hearing this, Jiang Chen (cedh) reacted, and his face also showed excitement.

Doesn't it mean that the Tower of Heaven that Gu Changge has been looking for will soon fall into his hands.

And Gu Changge has been busy for so long, but in the end he found nothing.I wonder if he will be frustrated?

Thinking of this, Jiang Chen was even more excited. He kept walking and hurried to the source of the sound.


Taoism has a long history, as if it came from Nine Heavens.

The deeper he walked, Jiang Chen felt the louder and louder the sound, making him wonder if it would penetrate the palace and resound beyond the purple mountain.

In a daze, he seemed to see a huge tower surrounded by golden divine light roaring around, and the profound meaning of the heavens flowed on it, mystery and unspeakable.

"I am sure to win the Palm Sky Tower, and I won't let it fall into Gu Changge's hands.

Jiang Chen's eyes were firm, his fists clenched, and he strode towards the source of the sound.

Although the palace was huge, it was unimpeded all the way, so it didn't take long to walk. In the depths of the palace, he finally saw the huge tower.

It is divided into nine layers, and the whole body is golden, as if cast from Immortal immortal gold, suspended in the high sky, like a hill.

There is also a road stand at the bottom.

The Taoist platform is made of immortal jade, simple and natural, with red clouds, golden light and colorful fog intertwined, where xenon.

The golden roar is huge, the rune flickers, hanging on the platform, covering all, it seems that it can suppress everything.

In the Taoist platform, it seems that something is still standing.

Jiang Chen felt that something was attracting him.

However, his attention was all on the Palm Sky Tower. After carefully observing for a week, he found that the sound that resonated in his mind just now came from it.

"This is the Heavenly Palm Tower." Good Fortune Xianzhou Qi Ling exclaimed with excitement, "You find a way to take it away."

"But I haven't practiced yet, so how can I take away the palm tower?

Jiang Chen wandered around, frowning.

Cultivator can refine their own weapons, put them into the spirit sea, and sacrifice them for battle at any time.

But he hadn't even opened up the Spirit Sea yet, even if he got the Heavenly Palm Tower, he couldn't take it away.

Before that, he had never expected that the Palm Sky Tower was so huge, like a tall tower, rather than something that could be held in his hands.

"The Tower of the Heavens is the thing responsible for suppressing the foundations among the seven artifacts of the Heavens.

"Xiaochenzi, you can definitely subdue it. Just now it was calling you, indicating that it recognizes you.

Good fortune Xianzhou Qi Ling confidently said.

Jiang Chen looked serious when he heard the words, and began to wander under the Palm Heaven Tower in any way he could think of.

But then no matter what method he chooses or how he opens his mouth, the palm of the sky is still standing there, and it seems that it will never be shaken.

This made him couldn't help but wonder whether the voice he had heard before had been misunderstood?

In fact, Zhang Tian Pagoda is not calling him.

Otherwise, why it hasn't moved at all now.

"Is there any test that can't be achieved? Only by passing its test will it recognize me?" Jiang Chen looked puzzled.

"It shouldn't be, you are good fortune Xianzhou reincarnation, according to the truth, holding the tower will not recognize you

Good fortune Xianzhou Qi Ling was also puzzled at this time.

And it discovered that the familiar breath it had sensed before, after arriving here, became even more faint.

This makes it very helpless and anxious. After all, its memory is incomplete, and it can't remember many things, otherwise it should be able to identify which old acquaintance it is.

"Let's take a look at what's on that platform first.

Good fortune Xianzhou Qiling sighed.

Jiang Chen nodded, and then walked towards the Immortal Jade Dao platform under the Palm Heaven Tower.

It's just that he hadn't even approached, he felt the palm of the sky suddenly shook, the brilliance fell, and the void rippled.


A majestic and heavy pressure came from the front, and he felt as if there was a huge amount of force on his body for a while, and it was difficult to take a step forward.

"What's going on? Why is the Tower of Heaven preventing me from walking forward?"

Jiang Chen's eyes widened, unable to accept all this, he couldn't help but gritted his teeth, his face turned pale, and cold sweat was oozing from his forehead.

It's just that no matter how hard he exerts his strength, it is difficult to continue to move forward.

There seemed to be an invisible thick wall in front of him, blocking him.

Obviously the Immortal Jade Taoist platform is only a few steps away from him, but these steps seem to be far away.

"Why is this?"

Jiang Chen's teeth were clenched very tightly, and the blue veins on his forehead were exposed, as if he had already exerted his greatest strength.

He wasn't reconciled, he had clearly come close, but why couldn't he go there?

"No, these should belong to you logically, but why is it still like this?

Seeing this scene, Good Fortune Xianzhou Qi Ling was also stunned at this time, completely unable to figure it out.

Zhang Tian Pagoda had no response just now, and now it is still preventing Jiang Chen from approaching the Taoist platform.Why is this?


The next moment, the imaginary space flickered with brilliance, and then a phantom of a bronze immortal boat emerged from Jiang Chen's eyebrows.

"Zhangtian Tower, why are you stopping us?"

Good fortune immortal boat spirit manifested, and an angry but immature child voice came out from it, and couldn't help but ask.

At this time, Jiang Chen also took a deep breath, stopped, and did not make unnecessary efforts.

He understood that this was the Heavenly Palm Tower preventing him, and without its approval, one could not approach the Taoist platform.

Although he was resentful in his heart, he calmed down and prepared to see how the palm tower responded.

According to what the good fortune fairy boat spirit said before, the palm of the sky tower was originally the object of the immortal palace that once suppressed a realm. Like the good fortune immortal boat, it is a thing of the immortal palace.

Therefore, each other can sense each other's existence.

When he entered Zishan before, those creatures would ignore him and let him come to the depths of Zishan because he had the aura of an immortal palace.

Otherwise, it will not be so smooth.

But at this time, Zhang Tian Pagoda actually wanted to stop him, what is this for?

And as the good fortune immortal boat spirit asked, the golden tower in the sky seemed to respond.

It shook slightly and roared in the virtual space.

The next moment, a vague figure, appeared in it, with golden light circling around, not real, like an ancient god.

"Zhangtian Tower, you finally showed up."

Good fortune Xianzhou Qi Ling spoke, with some surprises.

Obviously, the golden figure that emerged was the spirit of the Heavenly Palm Tower.

Because the Heavenly Palm Tower is different from the other Heavenly Palm artifacts.

After forging its existence and intending to use it as the object of suppression, it specially chose different materials and forging methods, so that the spirit of the spirit gods can be cultivated in it.

Now this golden figure is the spirit of the Heavenly Palm Tower!

"Why are you stopping us?"

Good fortune Xianzhou Qi Ling asked, completely unable to understand.

To be reasonable, they should be on one side, even if the palm of the sky tower does not help Jiang Chen, why do they stop him?

"Mochizuki is dead.

However, what surprised Jiang Chen and Good Fortune Xianzhou Qi Ling was that after hearing this question, Zhang Tian Pagoda Qi Ling spoke, but they said something else.

"full moon?"

Jiang Chen frowned, somewhat puzzled.

"Mochizuki is dead? Anyway, the fairy palace has collapsed. No matter how long his life is, Mochizuki will eventually die of old age.

Good fortune Xianzhou Qi Ling was stunned, and then his voice was a little low, as if he was thinking of something.

Seeing Jiang Chen's doubts, it explained to him.

Mochizuki is the fairy beast responsible for supporting the tower of the sky. It is huge in size and has a long life span, just like a Galaxy Cluster.

According to legends, Mochizuki was transformed by the fall of the Moon God on Nine Heavens.

Therefore, although Mochizuki is not human, it is beautiful and indispensable, and because of its long lifespan, it was once called a walking living fossil.

The world is secret, and few people know more than it.

"It turns out that this is what the Heaven-handling Pagoda implement spirit said, so what does it have to do with preventing me from approaching the Taoist platform?"

Jiang Chen guessed that the dead Mochizuki and Zhangtian Pagoda have been with him for a long time, and there may be deep feelings, so it is difficult to accept the fact that he died.

But he also couldn't figure out why Zhang Tian Pagoda prevented him.

"Although I know it's not good to comfort you like this, even Immortal's fairy palace will collapse one day, and Mochizuki will naturally die one day."

"You have to accept this fact, and this is not your reason to stop us. Also, what is in that Taoist platform?"

"Now, the responsibility of Guangfu Immortal Palace's glorious past falls on Jiang Chen. Zhangtian Pagoda hopes that you will read it for the sake of being a part of the Immortal Palace, and don't embarrass him.

Good fortune Xianzhou Qi Ling couldn't help but persuade.

In its view, since there are many source stones, Spiritual herbs and other cultivation resources left in the Temple of Heaven, there are bound to be better things in this platform.

After all, this Zhangtian Temple was originally responsible for storing a lot of heritage in the Immortal Palace, and the Zhangtian Tower was responsible for suppressing it.

How can the good things here be so small?

At this time, Jiang Chen is not easy to interrupt.

But listening to good fortune Xianzhou Qi Ling said that, he also felt that the many cultivation resources here seemed to be reserved for him.

"There is nothing else in the Daotai, except for the heirs left by Hope Moon. I promised her that I will help her raise the heirs."

Hearing this, the Spirit of the Heavenly Palm Tower was silent for a while.

Then he spoke again and said words that shocked Jiang Chen and Good Fortune Xianzhou Qiling.

"What did you say?"

"In Daotai is Mochizuki's heir?"

Good fortune Xianzhou Qi Ling couldn't help but asked loudly.

Its voice hides excitement that is hard to suppress.

Although Jiang Chen didn't know how powerful Mochizuki was.

But from the slightly trembling voice of Good Fortune Xianzhou Qi Ling, I still heard it.

The value of the things sealed in the Taoist platform is simply incalculable!

After all, things that can be related to Xian are not simple, so he couldn't help but look forward to it, a little excited.

Little Mochizuki?

If you grow up, wouldn't it be a real fairy beast?

With a fairy beast, wouldn't he be able to cross the upper realm wantonly, no one can stop it.

Even avenging Gu Changge is easy?

"If this is the case, then you should give us Xiao Mochizuki, Jiang Chen is a good fortune Xianzhou reincarnation

"And what is good fortune Xianzhou, you should know that it is the most suitable for you to give Xiao Mochizuki to him."

"Furthermore, if you leave here with us, you can still protect Xiao Mochizuki from growing up. Wouldn't it be the best of both worlds to do so?"

Good fortune Xianzhou Qi Ling once again persuaded, and the words were very urgent, hoping to move the palm tower, hand over the little Mochizuki to them, and let the palm tower leave with them.

Jiang Chen also had an enthusiasm in his heart, but he still did not speak, his face remained calm.

"He can't do it. I promised Mochizuki that he would raise her heirs and grow up, but he is too weak to protect Mochizuki's heirs."

"Moreover, he doesn't have enough resources to guarantee the smooth growth of Mochizuki's heirs.

However, upon hearing these words, the voice of the Heavenly Palm Tower Spirit still did not have any ups and downs and changes.

It is not to look down on Jiang Chen, but to state a fact. For it now, it doesn't matter what Jiang Chen's reincarnation is.

The important thing is that Jiang Chen must have the conditions for Xiao Mochizuki to grow up smoothly.

If it can't even do this, then why does it give Xiao Mochizuki to him?

"Although Jiang Chen doesn't have these resources now, it doesn't mean that he won't have them in the future. His potential is huge, and there are still many resources in the Palm Heaven Hall?"

Good fortune Xianzhou Qi Ling couldn't help but argued that he didn't want to let go of such a rare opportunity.

Whether it is for it or for Jiang Chen, having a small full moon is an unimaginable benefit. .