Ch 373

Time was hurried, and several days passed in a blink of an eye.

The upper realm was quite agitated because of Gu Changge's dispatch of an army to search for the thirteen thieves.

There are cultivators and creatures discussing this matter in almost every ancient city every day.

The thirteen thirteen thieves are full of evil, notorious, burned, killed and looted, ~ every evil is committed.

But because of the chaotic star field terrain, it is extremely difficult to hunt down.

After attacking the passing caravans, they snatched supplies and fled every day, making the passing forces and caravans miserable.

Moreover, the Chaos Star Territory borders every day, and it is the only way to transport goods in the Zhenbing God Territory, which is famous for its refining tools, and it can be called a throat-like position.

For millions of years, the thirteen thieves have not known how many resources have been snatched from the caravans of Zhenbing Shenyu.

After being wiped out by Gu Changge, the resources obtained have made many Taoist forces jealous.

Of course, many people know that the army that Gu Changge sent in order to destroy the thirteen thirteen thieves is enough to destroy ordinary forces.

And he suffered a lot. In this battle, there were hundreds of ancient warships damaged.

For this reason, in the eyes of many people, Gu Changge sent terrorist troops to search for the thirteen thirteen thieves.

This incident has also sounded the alarm in the hearts of many Taoist and cultivators, who can no longer treat Gu Changge as a young talent.

He has gradually become more and more prosperous, and he has begun to show his edge and minions in the upper realm.

The destruction of the Purple Mansion is the best start.

Now once you offend Gu Changge, you have to consider the horrific consequences you have to bear.

Subsequently, after eliminating the thirteen thirteen thieves in the chaotic star field, Gu Changge instructed the ancient tribes to secretly send the powerful people within the clan to integrate the scattered bandits near the chaotic star field.

After all, if you don't have a good resource, that's an idiot.

Gu Changge is naturally not a good person. After solving the Thirteen Thieves, he intends to re-support a new force to occupy the chaotic star field.

The thirteen thirteen thirteen thirteen thirteen years have been rich and rich.

No matter which orthodoxy it is, it looks good in that area. Although I dare not say anything in the open, but in the dark it is just around the corner.

Now that Gu Changge secretly integrated this new force, the rest of the Taoism dare not say much.

The gangsters with the support behind them and the gangsters without the support are two different things.

The chaotic star field is vast, located far away, bordered by many continents, and there are countless caravans and cultivators coming and going every day.

Not to mention the many teleportation formations and ancient altars occupied in the middle, as long as the cultivator that has to pass through here has to pay an extra fee.

If things go on like this, it will naturally become a cornucopia of burning land in the eyes of many forces.

Gu Changge is optimistic about the favorable terrain here, and it is not troublesome for him to control the chaotic star field.

Before this, apart from the thirteen thieves, there were hundreds of gangsters, large and small, within a radius of one million li. Although they were scattered, the victory was large in number.

Even the Thirteen Thieves, it is difficult to integrate them.

And this group of gangsters are all licking blood, slaying and fierce. They have experienced many life and death fights, and their strength far exceeds that of the same cultivator.

With all the thirteen thieves wiped out, these bandits, large and small, also have ambitions, and they all want to dominate their surroundings.

However, their ambitions did not last long, and they were quickly suppressed by a large army and knights sent by Gu Changge.

The conditions Gu Changge gave them were simple, either surrender or die.

With the lessons learned from the thirteen thieves, these scattered little gangsters naturally did not dare to resist.

In this way, the many stray bandits in the chaotic star field gradually converged into a rudimentary form.

Although still not as good as the thirteen thirteen thieves at the peak.

But because Gu Changge is supporting him behind him, the overall strength is far surpassing the previous thirteen thieves by countless times.

Although the many ethics and cultivators in the chaotic star field know who is leading all of this behind the scenes, they just dare not say anything.

I can only pray silently that this group of rogues, under the control of Gu Changge, can converge a little bit, and not be as innocent as the previous thirteen thieves.

Gu Changge then arranged for Ji Qingxuan to take charge of the management temporarily.

Through observation for a period of time, he has seen Ji Qingxuan's ability and ambition.

It happened that this newly integrated rogue could be used as a sharpening stone to help him test Ji Qingxuan's ability.

For vases or something, one or two is enough. For Gu Changge, he still appreciates it more. It has an effect on him. It is best to be a woman who can help him.

At the beginning, Ji Qingxuan didn't expect Gu Changge to trust her so much and let her take on this big responsibility. At one time, she was very nervous and ambitious, but it was more of a kind of expansive ambition and excitement.

She vowed in her heart not to let Gu Changge down.

After all, this is also the opportunity Gu Changge gave her to show her abilities, she must take it well!

Seeing Ji Qingxuan leave the True Immortal Academy, holding his token and heading to the chaotic star field, Gu Changge also retracted his gaze.

He silently picked up the tea on the table, took a sip, and then picked up the messenger.

The above is related to Xiao Ruoyin's practice during this period, and Yan Ji reported everything in detail.

What Gu Changge cares most is whether Xiao Ruoyin has restored the memory of the High Priest of Destiny.

But now it seems that Xiao Ruoyin will take a long time to recover her memory. As for what kind of Realm she has in the Cultivation Base, Gu Changge doesn't care.

"Master, there is news about the thirteen thieves remnants you are about to arrest.

At this time, a follower outside the hall suddenly came to report.

Gu Changge returned his thoughts and asked faintly,

"Oh, what news?"

"The mysterious military division behind the thirteen thieves seems to be related to the chaos of the demon world six thousand years ago."

The followers looked respectful and authentic, "According to the information obtained, it seems that the mysterious army division is related to the Xuanyang Demon Emperor who used to be in the demon world. Then, she was chased and killed by the Empress Xi Yao and escaped from the demon world. I have been traced, but I never thought I was mixed into the Chaos Star Territory and became a military division of the Thirteen Thieves."

"It has such a relationship with the demon world? Is it possible that it has this relationship with my Karma?"

Hearing this news, Gu Changge was a little surprised, and then waved his hand, "I see, go on, once there is a trace of it, I will send someone to catch it as soon as possible."

"Yes, master."

Soon, the followers left.

Gu Changge thought about paying for a moment, and he picked up a pen to write a letter. He thought that this matter might have something to do with the son of the demon emperor who had returned from the demon world.

According to the news he had learned, there were six demon emperors in the previous demon world, among which the Xuanyang Demon Emperor and the Medical Moon Demon Emperor had the closest relationship.

The son of the Demon Emperor Xuanyang, named Jun Bufan, and Empress Xi Yao, who is now in charge of the demon world, are childhood sweethearts and have a marriage contract.

It was just that this marriage contract was abolished six thousand years ago, and then the demon world was in great chaos. The parents and children of the Demon Emperor Xuanyang died in this great chaos, and the five great demon emperors were missing.

Although Youyue Demon Emperor is the mother of Empress Xi Yao, she is rarely seen nowadays.

It is claimed to be in Closed Door Training, but no one knows whether it was under house arrest by Empress Xi Yao or was killed long ago.

After the rebellion of the Demon Realm six thousand years ago, Empress Xi Yao's reputation was not good. She did this kind of thing, and it seemed normal to many people.

Poisonous killing of fiances, killing of the demon who resisted, and the demon world's creatures who died in his hands are almost countless.

The cruel method is heart palpitating, and there are even rumors that the voice of Queen Xi Yao can stop the children's night cry.

Gu Changge remembered the Qi Luck event triggered when he first entered the Zhenxian Academy some time ago.

The returning son of the demon emperor.

At that time, he reminded Queen Xi Yao, but he didn't take it to heart because of something going on at the time.

"Now it seems that the son of the demon emperor has become the climate? Sure enough, the son of luck is involved in the people of good luck. For me, it is also a good harvest opportunity."

When Gu Changge contacted the blind middle-aged man, he suddenly had such a guess.

"If this is the case, then this person is actually the most likely to escape to the demon world."

Gu Changge squinted his eyes and summoned his followers again, so that they would always pay attention to the teleportation array to the ancient cities of the demon world.

After arranging the matter, Gu Changge began to write a letter, intending to explore the tone of Empress Xi Yao.

The last time I met Empress He Xiyao at the True Fairy Academy, although she flattered her a few words, it seemed to have a good relationship with her.

But Gu Changge knows that with his mind, it is impossible to trust him easily.

At best, it's a kind of appreciation at first sight.

Moreover, he didn't know exactly what kind of attitude the Queen Xi Yao treated her fiancé who had been poisoned.

Therefore, it is necessary for him to decide the next plan based on the tone of Empress Xi Yao.

If the Empress Xi Yao was ashamed of that Jun Bufan, he wouldn't mind helping him destroy it.

Demon world.

A glorious palace standing on the top of a mountain surrounded by clouds and mist.

A graceful and impeccable woman in Huang Yi was writing something in front of the case.

Her features are beautiful, her eyes are deep and calm, and there is a little reddish makeup on her eyebrows, which looks a little weird.

Beside her, standing four tall women holding pens, ink, paper and inkstone.

Yan Feihuan is thin, attractive, green silk is supple, facial features are exquisite, looks or charming, or cold, or indifferent, or demure, each is different.

"Your Majesty, this is a letter from the Young Master Gu from the Upper Realm True Immortal Academy."

At this time, a female officer outside the temple, with a respectful expression, came forward with a letter.

Hearing this, the four female officials around the woman in Huang Yi seemed a little surprised.

Among them, the woman with demure temperament came, closed the letter, and presented it to the woman in Huang Yi.

"Gu Changge?"

"Why did he write to me?"

Upon hearing this, the woman in Huang Yi also put down the memorial in her hand, her eyebrows were slightly raised, and she seemed to be a little surprised.

At the same time, what Gu Changge said to her could not help but reappeared in her mind.

Very rare, the woman in Huang Yi tickled the corner of her mouth, gently took the envelope, and unfolded it.

The four female officials next to her all watched this scene in surprise. As the closest female officials to Empress Yao Xi, they also exist in their confidantes, so they naturally know the character of the empress.

She was always indifferent and majestic, and when she met her difficult to get close to, she smiled rarely?

And it was because of a man.

They naturally know who Gu Changge is, and they know that he is the most popular and dazzling young talent in the upper realm in recent years, and he is powerful.

Some time ago, even the supreme orthodoxy was wiped out, shocking and trembling, and even chilling, feeling incredible, incredible, and dreamy.

Is this still something the younger generation can do?

Even the most dazzling Tianjiao in the Demon Realm was eclipsed in front of him, far from comparable.

Moreover, when did the queen meet Gu Changge? The two sides actually contacted each other by letter?

"You have time to care about how I am now?"

The arc of Yao Xi's mouth couldn't help getting deeper, and she seemed to be in a good mood. The four female officials around her felt her emotions.

This makes them a little dazed, how long has it been since the last time the empress showed such an expression?

Probably the last time there was a minister who opposed all opinions in the court, agreed with Her Majesty's reform, and explained Her Majesty's good intentions?

Afterwards, Yao Xi read the contents of the letter carefully again.

Then Yu took the pen next to him and began to write on the paper with his wrists hanging down. Rarely, he wrote by himself, and didn't let the female officer next to him ghostwriting.

This shocked the four women again.

How much does Her Majesty attach importance to this?

They were suddenly curious, and wanted to see the legendary Young Master Changge with their own eyes.

It didn't take long for Yao Xi to write the content, read it carefully again, showing a very satisfied look, and then handed it to the female officer next to it, and said lightly, "Send it to Young Master Changge as soon as possible.

…For flowers…


The demure female officer took the letter, and then hurriedly left the palace.

"This period of time has given Zhending a good place for the teleportation formations leading to the upper realm. The remnants that have not been cut out six thousand years ago have a tendency to recover again." Yao Xi then faintly commanded.

"Your Majesty, is someone going back to the demon world?"

The woman with a cold expression seemed a little surprised and authentic when she heard this.

Yao Xi glanced at her, she trusted her female officials, she didn't mean to hide from them, she said lightly, "Young Master Changge has wiped out the thirteen thirteen thieves in the Chaos Star Territory during this period, and one of them is remnants. , Is the demon master Bai Kun next to the Demon Emperor Xuanyang six thousand years ago."

"After offending Young Master Changge, now the Upper Realm will no longer have a foothold for this person, so he guessed that Bai Kun would escape back to the Demon Realm.

"Bai Kun? It turned out to be this person? I heard that he has an insight into the secrets of heaven and the ability to reverse the universe. He was only able to escape through the layers of hunting and siege, and he has been missing since then."

"It turned out to have fled to the Chaos Star Territory.

Hearing that, several female officials looked a little shocked.

Only the cold-tempered woman who had been questioned just now had a slight change in her complexion, she seemed a little nervous, but it was only fleeting.

Yao Xi was still reading Gu Changge's letters and did not pay attention to her expression.

"In the past few years, the rebel remnants have revived again. Someone should be leading the way in secret, who will it be?

She frowned and began to consider the issues involved in the reply.

In the face of Gu Changge, she has a confidant feeling of "I am born, but I am old".

So many of the problems encountered were told to him in the letter, and there was no concealment.

When she met Gu Changge for the first time at Zhenxian Academy, she paid attention to what Gu Changge said.

So after returning to the demon world, he began to order to search for the five emperors remnants.


And Yao Xi was very cautious, arresting people with the same name and surname as her original fiancé in various places in the demon world.

She knew that this method was tantamount to finding a needle in a haystack, but it was also the only way that she could think of. She understood Jun Bufan's character and knew that if he hadn't died, he would probably continue to use his original name.

As for Yao Xi, why she suspected that Jun Bufan was not dead.

It was because she discovered that Jun Bufan's tomb was now empty, and she didn't know when his body was stolen!

Faced with this matter, she has no clue now, so she hopes to get a solution from Gu Changge.

Although Gu Changge is just a junior to her, some of Gu Changge's opinions and statements gave her a sense of clearing the clouds and seeing the fog.

"Hehe, it really is."

"This son of the demon emperor seems to have become a climate, and we have to find some time to go to the demon world."

"It's hard to see the mature leeks, how can you easily let it go.

Inside the Zhenxian Academy.

Gu Changge stood with his hands in his hand and smiled faintly. After reading Empress Yaoxi's letter, he was not very surprised.

Some of the questions she asked, Gu Changge had actually guessed before this.

When the son of the demon emperor returns, how can it be like six thousand years, repeating the respect again?

As long as Jun Bufan is not stupid, he will choose to develop in a low-key manner, show up as little as possible in front of Queen Yaoxi, and minimize his presence as much as possible.

With the help of the big demon world, if you want to find a son of the demon emperor, how difficult is it? It is more difficult than finding a needle in a haystack.

It's strange that Empress Yaoxi can find him, and maybe even she is not sure whether Jun Bufan is dead or not.

Since it can't be found, let him take the initiative to show up, isn't it easy?

Afterwards, Gu Changge started writing.

Since Empress Yaoxi asked him for a solution, there were solutions. In his opinion, Empress Yaoxi was still not cruel enough.

He has more ways to let Jun Bufan take the initiative to show up. If he remembers correctly, Jun Bufan also had a Big sis back then.

His Big sis had never participated in the demon world chaos six thousand years ago, and it was a forbidden area in the demon world, and no one dared to approach it for thousands of years.

At the same time, in the upper world, in an ancient city.

A young man in disguise is setting up a street stall in a remote street.

There are many weapon fragments stained with rust and dirt on it, as well as many unrecognizable strange ores. The age is very old, it seems that it has just been unearthed, and it is very fresh.

It's just that while setting up a stall, young men will choose to take a look at the passing cultivator and Tianjiao from time to time, and their eyes flicker.

"Gu Changge.."

"Thirteen thieves remnants, unfortunately none of these have anything to do with me now."

Listening to the talk of the nearby cultivator, the young man muttered to himself, thinking of something, hatred and anger flashed in his eyes.

This person is naturally Jiang Chen.

If it weren't for Gu Changge's gift, how could he have fallen to this point now? Need to dig the grave under the tomb, dig the tomb owner's burial goods and sell them for a living.

If you are lucky, you can meet the owner of the tomb who has just died and devour the magic left in his body.

If you are unlucky, encounter a corpse that has been immersed in the Spiritual Qi, Essence of the Sun and Moon, it is likely to cause the corpse to change, and there will be a disaster of blood and light.

Before going down to the tomb, he had to worry about it, and he had to beware of being discovered by the family of the owner of the tomb.

In order to temper him, the black-robed old man hadn't appeared for a long time.

And Jiang Chen didn't know where the black-robed old man was now, so he could only search for the Tibetan tombs in the mountains and practice the Cultivation Technique that the black-robed old man left for him by the way.

During this period of time, it can be regarded as a small accomplishment and opened up a sea of ​​spirits.

Jiang Chen also planned to go to Dafang City to gamble on stones according to his methods.

But when he thought that the final consequence was that he couldn't take things away, he might be left there, so he gradually gave up.

In the past few days, he happened to hear the news that an ancient god tomb was about to be born, and he planned to try his luck. superior.