Ch 374

Jiang Chen knew that the ancient gods' tombs in this world were completely different from ordinary imaginary gods and true gods cultivators.

That is a race with gods, and the number is extremely rare.

In this kind of god tomb, the opportunities contained in it are beyond imagination.

He believes that by virtue of his and good fortune's abilities, he can get a lot of benefits more or less.

"Donor, where do you come from?"

And just when Jiang Chen was stunned, a smiling monk suddenly appeared in front of him.

The monk looked not very young, his face was greasy, and he was wearing a tattered rack, holding a bowl that looked a bit tattered.

At this moment, he was pointing at a few pieces of weapons on the floor and asked.

Jiang Chen didn't even think about it, so he said, "Of course I picked up these everywhere."

"Really?" the monk asked back.

Jiang Chen nodded, "Naturally."

"Hehe, in that case, the poor monk sees that the donor is predestined with my Buddha, so let's go with the poor monk." The monk said with a smile.

"What do you want to do?

Jiang Chen raised his head, stared at him vigilantly, and quietly grasped a weapon in his sleeve.

He has selected all these things on the street stalls, and there will be no special places.

And the monk in front of him clearly saw something coming, otherwise he wouldn't speak to him like that.

Hearing this, the monk's gaze fell on Jiang Chen's face, and he noticed his Cultivation Base. He appeared interested and said, "The donor is extraordinary, and the poor monk is here just for something. You can cooperate with the donor."

"Relax, when the time comes, the benefits are indispensable for the donor.

Jiang Chu's heart sank, and he only felt that the monk's Cultivation Base was unfathomable. What kind of cooperation he was talking about, and how did he know?

"The monks don't go shopping, don't worry, the benefactor, the poor monks never deceive people in their lives."

Seeing Jiang Chen's silence, the monk vowed to promise again, "If the donor doesn't believe it, the poor monk can only say sorry."

Having said that, why Jiang Chen still doesn't understand, if he refuses again, the monk in front of him will be violent.

He couldn't help laughing wryly, "I'm just an ordinary person who resells these tattered things, why should the master be like this?"

"No, no, no, in the opinion of the poor monk, the donor is not simple. The Cultivation Base is not high, but it is possible to enter the horrible tomb "Five Zero Seven" and find these weapon fragments. How can the method be used by ordinary people? Can it be compared?"

The monk didn't care about Jiang Chen's self-deprecation, he still smiled and said straight to the point, pointing out Jiang Chen's extraordinary features.

Hearing this, Jiang Chen's heart sank, but his complexion was still calm and composed.

When he went to the tomb, he did encounter a lot of trouble.

Among them, the cultivator will be discolored and threatened with blood loss.

In the tomb, although he got a lot of good things, he almost died.

Thanks to the help of good fortune Xianzhou Qi Ling, otherwise it will be difficult for him to escape.

But the monk in front of him can see these at a glance, it is really not easy.

After that, Jiang Chen had no choice but to leave the place with the monk, not even the stall, anyway, it was nothing precious.

The monk led him to a magnificent mansion, and the cultivator and Cultivation Base guarding him at the door were very powerful, shrouded in splendor and blood.

After arriving here, the monk's attitude was obviously a lot more cautious, and he didn't dare to be as casual as before.

"Don't talk nonsense about the donor here, or even the poor monk can't protect you." The monk whispered and said to Jiang Chen.

Jiang Chen's expression was also a little cautious, and he was involved in this kind of thing somehow, and he also felt very aggrieved.

"Who are we going to meet?"

Jiang Chen couldn't help but asked in a low voice.

"Taixu Protoss."

The monk looked back at him, as if to make Jiang Chen pay more attention, then explained.

Jiang Chen's pupils shrank, his complexion changed slightly, and he suddenly thought of something.

The news that an ancient god tomb is about to be born has caused turmoil everywhere in the past few days.

And he heard that the so-called god tomb actually buried a strong man of the Taixu god race.

Taixu protoss is very mysterious.

In the entire upper realm, it also belongs to an extremely rare race, and the number of tribes is not large.

But it can be called the gods, and its strength can also be seen.

If the number of clansman is a little bit more, it is not impossible to become the strongest clan in the upper realm.

But now the person he wanted to meet was the Taixu God Race.

This caused Jiang Chen's heart to be throbbing, with some uncontrollable tension.

"Don't talk nonsense when you go in for a while."

The monk still seemed to be very uneasy, and then turned around and carefully exhorted Jiang Chen.

Jiang Chen nodded, cold sweat appeared in his palms.

In the faint, he saw the divine light shining in the depths of the mansion, and there was an extremely noble slender figure sitting there, his eyes seemed to penetrate, as if he could see through him completely.

Seeing Jiang Chen stepping into this place, the black-robed old man who had been hiding in the sky moved his eyes and did not follow him.

Zhenxian Academy.

When Gu Changge sent an army of terror to search for the thirteen thirteen thirteen remnants.

In a magnificent mountain.

In the palace, Elder, whose face was blurred and shrouded in chaos, was also discussing matters.

"This time a tomb of the Taixu God Race was born. This is also a good trial opportunity for the Tianjiao of our academy."

"Last time the disaster of absolutely cloudy skies was destroyed by the inheritors of magic power, I hope this time it will go well."

"How about the candidate for the team leader this time as the sixth crown king Junyao? Gu Changge is now becoming more and more prosperous, and the True Immortal Academy can no longer tolerate him. He probably wouldn't care about this kind of thing."

Several Elder spoke, deciding the leader of this trial.

Gu Changge has now been excluded, not that they think Gu Changge is not qualified.

It's about whether Gu Changge is willing or not.

The opportunity of the tomb of the gods is precious to the rest of the disciples, but for the current Gu Changge, it is not worth mentioning.

Soon, this decision was made, and as soon as the news came out, it immediately caused a sensation among the disciples of the entire Zhenxian Academy.

The birth of the tomb of the gods naturally means chance and danger.

And this time the leader is actually the six-time champion Junyao, not Gu Changge.

This surprised many people, wondering if Gu Changge was really sharp and sharp recently, which led to Zhenxian Academy's determination to suppress him so as not to cover the sky with his hands in Zhenxian Academy.

But this speculation was quickly overturned, because then Elder announced that Gu Changge did not need to participate in this trial.

Many disciples suddenly realized that Gu Changge's identity and status are now completely different from them, and cannot be treated as ordinary disciples of Zhenxian Academy.

The gap between them and Gu Changge has long been invisible, and the more and more it widens, an invisible gap has appeared.

Gu Changge's status in the True Immortal Academy has reached the point where he can sit on an equal footing with the Elders of the Supreme Realm!

In the next few days, Zhenxian Academy began to get busy, and the rainbow burst through the sky, and the blood burst into the clouds.

Many disciples prepared for this trial.

The six crown kings Junyao, Divine Phoenix Girl, Yue Mingkong, Gu Xian'er, Jiang Chuchu, Wang Zizhen, Golden Cicada Buddha, etc., will all enter the tomb of the gods born this time and compete for their own chance.

After Gu Changge heard the news, he didn't take it to heart. As many Elder guessed, even if he was allowed to participate, he would refuse.

This level of trial is just a waste of time for him now.

He is more interested in the whereabouts of the thirteen thieves remnants.

Of course, if you hear good things appearing in the tomb of the gods, it's a different matter.

"Are you really not interested in the tomb of the Taixu God Race?"

In the hall, Yue Mingkong had some doubts.

In her memory, the Taixu Protoss who was born this time had a crystallization of God's position, which was equivalent to the Supreme Dao Fruit.

Gu Changge would not let it go.

"For now, I want to catch the remnants even more. If there are good things in the tomb of the gods, I will naturally go there." Gu Changge smiled and explained.

Yue Mingkong nodded, "Then I will help you pay attention."

With her words, Gu Changge is naturally relieved.

"Thanks for your hard work." He smiled.

Yue Mingkong shook his head slightly, "This is what I should do."

Although the two are still unmarried, she is already conscious of being a wife.

Then she left.

Soon after Yuemingkong left, a message came.

"Master, the mysterious military division behind the Thirteen Thieves, we have found the trail, and is now sending troops to intercept it." The follower reported respectfully.

Gu Changge got up, squinted his eyes and asked, "Where?'

"Now in the ancient city of Beize, the surrounding teleportation array has been blocked by us, all cultivators and creatures have been intercepted, and they are not allowed to leave the city."

"Even if that person has wings, he can't escape our net of heaven and earth!" The visitor believed himself.

"Good. Good job."

Gu Changge nodded, waved his sleeves, and walked away from here, and then a mighty figure rose to the sky, he directly opened the space channel and drove in the virtual space.

The momentum of terror resounded in the sky.

The disciples of Zhenxian Academy and Elder watched this scene in shock, and they were speechless for a long time.

Then they speculated about where Gu Changge was going to go and what his purpose was.

"It should be the thirteen thieves remnants have whereabouts."

Prince Jin said confidently.

Jiang Chuchu beside him glanced at her and said calmly, "You seem to know Gu Changge well?"

Wang Zijin smiled, "It's not that I understand, but I can guess what he is going to do."

"Do you suddenly feel that I know him better than you?" She provocatively revealed a pair of pears.

Jiang Chuchu ignored her provocation, turned and left.

Gu Xian'er, who just broke through to the Holy Realm, stared blankly at Gu Changge leading the person away, and then lowered her eyes, there seemed to be some lingering sadness between her eyebrows.

The ancient city of Beize.

This is a magnificent ancient city with a population of several billions.

With a radius of nearly 100,000 miles, it is like a fierce beast crawling on the ground. The city wall alone stretches like a mountain without seeing the edge.

At this moment, outside the four gates of the ancient city of Beize, the black cloud of Wuyangyang is like a dark cloud.

Among them, the colorful feathers flowed, the magic wings covered the sky, and the scales shone.

Various powerful and terrifying creatures appeared in the sky, completely blocking all directions.

The clouds ride in the fog, and the body alone is like a hill, entwined with purple lightning and red glow, and its power is amazing.

It is difficult for any cultivator and creature to leave this place for half a step, nor can they enter the city.

If there were any violators, they were all killed on the spot.

Just now, a cultivator was dissatisfied and tried to resist, but was shot to death in the sky, and his body and spirit were destroyed on the spot.

Everyone trembled, their backs were chilling, and their souls trembled.

I don't know what happened, why so many creatures and army suddenly came.

Even the city lord of Beize ancient city, at this time, appeared outside the city wall, very carefully wiped the cold sweat on his forehead, and did not dare to say a word.

He naturally recognized who was the master behind these terrifying creatures in front of him, so he dealt with it carefully and didn't dare to offend.

The cultivators behind him are all big figures in Beize Ancient City.

But now he is also cautiously accompanied, not daring to show a trace of dissatisfaction.

The huge ancient city of Beize seemed very silent at this time, and everyone was worried about being destroyed.

This force outside the city is really terrifying, vast and vast, covering the sky and the sun.

Let alone an ancient city, even a small orthodoxy can be easily destroyed.

"My master has an order. Anyone who dares to protect the thirteen thieves and remnants is deemed to be against him, and the consequences are at his own risk."

At this moment, a creature with the appearance of Yaksha stood up, surrounded by red glow, opened his mouth and sneered, and his voice echoed high in the sky.

"Thirteen thieves? Damn it!"

"The damn thirteen thieves actually dragged me down!"

Hearing this, many cultivators became discolored, and then they realized

It turned out that the matter was actually related to the thirteen thieves remnants.

During this time, Gu Changge chased and killed the thirteen thirteen thieves, and there was a lot of trouble in the upper realm.

In this way, there is no need to say who the people behind these creatures are.

Many cultivators smiled bitterly. Apart from Gu Changge, in today's upper realm, who has such great power, in order to chase and kill a person, send such a terrifying force.

At the moment, many people are also letting go. Since it is to hunt down the thirteen thieves remnants, it must have nothing to do with ordinary people like them.

They did not cover their remnants, and naturally there was nothing to worry about, but they hoped that they would not suffer from unreasonable disasters.

"Don't worry, since the thirteen thieves remnants have appeared in the ancient city of Beize, I must cooperate with you and find them out and give Young Master Changge an explanation."

City Lord Beize breathed a sigh of relief in his heart, then spoke, vowing and vowing to promise.

He also hated the remnants of the thirteen thieves in his heart.

If he didn't go to other places, he ended up in Beize Ancient City.Isn't this purely causing him misfortune?

"If I had known that the thirteen thirteen remnants were in this city, I would have sent people to search around long ago. How could I bother the young master Changge so much. If someone protects the thirteen thieves remnants, I will definitely catch them and cut them. Don't forgive!"

After the city lord Beize said this, the other big figures behind him also opened their mouths one after another, showing their position, and absolutely did not shelter the thirteen thieves remnants.

Hearing this, many young cultivators were shocked.

Such a big man, they would never see it at all.

But today, because Gu Changge wanted to search the thirteen thieves remnants, they all showed up and made such a careful assurance.

Such power is simply too scary to imagine.

"With the words of City Lord Beize, I will rest assured that we are not unreasonable generations. The master told me to wait for the thirteen thieves and remnants. It will not embarrass everyone in Beize Ancient City."

Seeing that City Lord Beize and others are so acquainted, Yaksha-like creatures also smiled faintly.

"You guys, please rest assured, we will cooperate fully with the search, and will not let anyone suspicious." City Lord Beize assured.

Afterwards, a mighty army descended on Beize Ancient City and began a search of mansions and palaces.

The entire Beize ancient city was a sensation, and everyone was anxious, for fear of hiding the remnants of the thirteen thieves.

Spring Breeze Biyu Building, listening to Yuxuan.

This is the land of smoke and willows in the ancient city of Beize.

But today is exceptionally quiet.

In a box inside, a pale, middle-aged man who couldn't help coughing up blood was sitting in a wheelchair.

He was covered with black cloth over his eyes, besides, his lower limbs were also completely useless, and he had no ability to move.

This is not an ordinary trauma, even many holy medicines are difficult to cure.

Just like his eyes, this is a secret to see too much backlash, and it is hard to get rid of the backlash that has been exhausted for a lifetime.

Behind the middle-aged man, a young man with a sad expression could not help but sigh, "Master, do we have to wait to die today."

These days, hiding in Tibet.

All the time, he was worried and cautious, just like a mouse living in the dark, without seeing any light.

Such a life made him desperate, and he didn't understand why the Master, who expected things like a god, would be chased and killed one day.

The huge upper bound has no place to stand.

Hearing this, the middle-aged man seemed to have touched his injuries again and coughed up blood.

He shook his head slightly, and his voice seemed very calm, as if he had expected it a long time ago.

"I didn't expect Gu Changge to come up so quickly. I thought I could hide for a few more days after 3.7. All this is my fault. If it weren't for greed, how could it have caused all this?"

"Disciple, go, take pity, I am the one Gu Changge wants to arrest, and it has nothing to do with you.

"This is a secret treasure I refined at the beginning. After you two use it, hide in the void and leave quietly. No one will be able to detect your traces. Then you take the opportunity to escape to the demon world and find someone called Jun Extraordinary person, give him this kit."

The middle-aged man said all this calmly.

At the same time, he took out two things from his arms.

A very ordinary kit, a very ordinary jade charm, there is nothing surprising, even if it is thrown on the ground, no one will pay attention to it.

But now these two items have been handed over to them by him dearly.

Behind the young man, there stood a woman with a graceful figure, enchanting, white as snow, and green silk as beautiful as a mirror.

At this moment, her expression seemed a bit unbearable, but in the end she didn't say much.

"Master, what do you do if we leave? You are now seriously injured. Once we leave and you are caught by Gu Changge, that's a dead end!"

When the young man heard this, his face became even more sorrowful, his eyes were red, as if he could shed tears at any time.

"Disciple, you have now obtained the true teachings of being a teacher. Even if you are not a teacher, you can live well. You don't need to bury your life in this place just to be a teacher."

The middle-aged man's smile seemed a bit relieved, but the words were still categorical and there was no room for any doubt.

"Pity you, the most ashamed of your father is you and your mother, but his father is also involuntarily doing this. For these years, my father has not come to you because he doesn't want to see you, but because he doesn't want to hurt you.

"It hurts you. I built the huge spring breeze jasper building by myself."

Afterwards, he looked at the Miao Man woman again, a little guilty and authentic. Although he could not see it, he knew that his daughter was actually looking at him.

This somewhat relieved the middle-aged man.

Who would have thought that the master behind the famous assassin organization of Chunfeng Biyulou would be the daughter of his demon master Bai Kun?