Ch 380

The sound is not too loud, but in the quiet field at this moment, it seems particularly clear.

Suddenly, like Huang Zhongda Lu, there was a bang in everyone's mind, causing an uproar.

Everyone's complexion changed, whether it was the young Tianjiao, or the older generation of strong, leader-level figures, all looked in the direction of the voice.

The faces of all the disciples in Zhenxian Academy changed.

Sixth crown king Junyao frowned and looked, "Didn't Gu Changge come here? How could he come suddenly?"

Yue Mingkong ticked the corner of her mouth and didn't say much.

Jin Cicada Buddha, Jiang Chuchu, Wang Zizhen, Tianhuangnu and others all looked together, with different expressions in their eyes.

Above the sky, a young man walked up with a fuzzy face and fluttering robes. Transcendent was refined and looked unhurried.

An invisible golden avenue stretches under its feet, as if all kinds of rules and mysteries are intertwined.

But the moment before was still far away, and the next moment he appeared in front of everyone, as if he appeared out of thin air.

Shrink the ground into a foot, close to the end of the world.

This method made many big people's pupils shrink, and their expressions were deeply shocked and shocked.

The strong men of the Longevity King Family, Tianhuang Mountain, and the Taikoo Ye Clan frowned deeply and felt the breath that made them unable to figure out.

"I have seen Young Master!

Seeing the visitor, everyone in the Changsheng Gu family immediately met with courtesy.

The grim old man who was contending with the strong man of the Taixu Protoss just now also showed a smile on his face.

"It's Master Gu! He is here too!"

Among the disciples of the Celestial Immortals Palace, Xiao Ruoyin also looked surprised.

When Song Qin and the other disciples saw her look, they were even more envious. If they weren't familiar with Gu Changge, how could they be like this?

"Gu Changge!"

"He actually came."

Jiang Luoshen looked across Wei Mu, frowning her brows tightly. Although she was not long before she was born, she had heard the name many times.

Various shocking rumors.

The first person in the younger generation!

The dazzling brilliance is simply unimaginable, overwhelming the same generation, like a mountain, making everyone breathless.

In today's upper realm, no matter who it is, the first reaction to this name is to respect or awe, and dare not have any disrespect.

She had also settled the tomb of the Taixu God. After 24, she decided to pay a visit to see where Gu Changge was Sacred.

But I never thought that I would meet here today in such a way.

For the first time, Jiang Luoshen felt that things had become tricky.

At this moment, even many archbishop leaders and the older generation of powerhouses looked at Gu Changge's gaze with deep jealousy.

They found that they couldn't see the strength of this junior at all.

According to the rumors, he has been able to fight against the quasi-extreme strong.

In their opinion, this is the strength that Gu Changge has with the supreme weapon.

At best, he himself is only a bit better than the rest of the young supreme.

But now in their opinion, this difference in strength can be called a fault level!

I am afraid that apart from the inheritors of magic arts, this borrowed upper realm will have no younger generation, and will be his opponent!

"Gu Changge, why would he come to this place too?"

Seeing the visitor, Jiang Chen's back was cold, and he couldn't help but step back a few steps toward the back.

Although he has changed his face now, who knows if Gu Changge will see anything.

His fear of Gu Changge has deeply penetrated the bone and soul.

"kill him."

Gu Changge's figure appeared next to Gu Xian'er, looking at her in a daze, as if she hadn't reacted yet, she couldn't help repeating it lightly.

Jiang Ming was lying on the ground at the moment, and his painful injury made it difficult for him to move.

I thought that after the emperor Jiang Luoshen said that, he would be saved.

But who would have thought that Gu Changge would suddenly show up, and the first thing he said was to let Gu Xian'er kill him.

His back was instantly covered with cold sweat, and his face turned pale.

He naturally knew who Gu Changge was, so when he heard this, he was already desperate.

At this moment, Gu Xian'er finally reacted, and the clear and good smell that made her familiar was heard in front of her.

"Aren't you coming?"

She raised her small face and couldn't help muttering in a low voice.

But the voice was very low, and no one could hear it clearly except for her and Gu Changge.

"If I don't come, don't you have to suffer this grievance again?"

Gu Changge glanced at her and said casually.

When he was outside the tomb of Taixu God, he sensed what was happening here, and then abandoned his followers and came first.

So he knew what happened just now, and he naturally knew what Gu Xian'er was struggling with just now.

In his opinion, there is nothing to entangle with.

Kill it.

Hearing this, Gu Xian'er was overjoyed, but she still snorted and said stiffly, "I didn't intend to kill him."

Gu Changge knows her distrustful personality.

So I didn't bother to expose her at this time.

"That's because I think this person is not pleasing to my eyes, and I want to kill him. Isn't it okay now?" However, he still smiled.

Gu Xian'er glared at him, "You are not allowed to laugh at me."

Gu Changge looked at her pretending to be cold and wanted to pinch her nose to see how she pretended to be.

But Gu Xian'er seemed to see through his plan at a glance, and gently hid behind, looking at him disgustingly, "Don't want to take advantage of me again."

Everyone looked at the scene in front of them, with different thoughts and sighs, but it can also be seen that Gu Changge is really indulging in Gu Xian'er.

On weekdays, who would dare to speak to Gu Changge like this?

And Gu Xian'er dare.

Gu Changge also let her and didn't care.

This makes a lot of beautiful girls envy, why don't you have such a Big Brother?

"Emperor sister, save me."

"I don't want to die."

At this moment, even though Jiang Ming was desperate, he still didn't want to let go of the chance to survive, and shouted in the direction of the Taixu God Race.

Jiang Luoshen and a group of Taixu God Race powerhouses couldn't bear it when they heard his call for help.

They couldn't do what they saw Jiang Ming being killed without being indifferent.

"Gu Changge, this matter is that we made a mistake first. We are willing to apologize and compensate. This is not an insoluble hatred."

"Jiang Ming didn't know the identity of this girl before, otherwise he wouldn't be like that. This is just a misunderstanding."

At the moment, Jiang Luoshen spoke, and very rarely lowered her body. You must know that before this, she was always high above, indifferently overlooking the crowd.

This also shows how much she attaches importance to Gu Changge.

Hearing this, Gu Changge raised his eyes and glanced at her, and said lightly, "It's okay, since it's a misunderstanding, then kill it."

Everyone's complexion changed, and they felt a terrifying oppression and power.

Although I didn't get anything from the tomb of Taixu God, I saw a good show.

As rumored.

Even if there were a group of powerful protoss in front of him, Gu Changge was still strong, and he didn't mean to take a step back.

Many archbishops have a headache. Fortunately, I didn't offend Gu Changge.

"you "

The faces of the Taixu gods were very ugly.I didn't expect Gu Changge to say that, and didn't care about them at all?

Although he has been famous for a long time, he is only a junior after all.

At this time, are you really planning to provoke the hatred between the two races for a small matter?

Jiang Luoshen took a deep breath and calmed himself down.

It was also the first time she met someone like Gu Changge who was stronger than her.

"Gu Changge, how do you want to let Jiang Ming go? Please mention any conditions."

Jiang Luoshen said with indifferent eyes.

In her opinion, Gu Changge just wanted to take the opportunity to open his mouth and make a request.


Gu Changge couldn't help but smile, but his eyes seemed a little playful, "Since Princess Luoshen asked, well, there is still a maid serving tea and water beside me. How about Princess Luoshen's wishes? If it was Princess Luoshen. If you are dissatisfied with this status, the concubine room is actually okay."

"I just don't know if you want to save your so-called Little Brother.

After hearing this, everyone couldn't help but be in an uproar, extremely shocked.

Especially the younger generation felt incredible and smiled bitterly in their hearts.

Gu Changge would dare to say this kind of discourse.

Of course, no one thought he was speaking seriously, and it was probably purely to humiliate Jiang Luoshen.

The people of Taixu Protoss's complexion was blue and white, and they were extremely angry.

Jiang Luoshen is the face of their family. In the future, he will even take over the Taixu God Clan and become the next Taixu God Emperor, with a respected position and overlooking the upper realm.

But in Gu Changge's mouth, only worthy of being a maid's room?

"Gu Changge you"

Among Jiang Luoshen's indifferent eyes, the jade hand clenched tightly, his murderous intent was awe-inspiring, and the cold was about to freeze the void.

She had no idea that one day she would be so humiliated in front of everyone.

In her capacity, in this huge upper realm, who would dare to let her be a maid's room?

Isn't this a sincere humiliation?


The curtain that fell in front of her broke open directly, it was difficult to bear her current breath.

Suddenly, Jiang Luo's superbly beautiful face appeared in front of everyone.

The blond hair is bright, the facial features are exquisite and three-dimensional, and the immortal jade is carved out of flawlessness.

It's just that those cold eyes penetrates the bone.

I have to say that this lofty and indifferent aura is enough to make all the proud children of heaven become filthy by themselves, and bow their heads in front of her, not daring to look directly.

"Can't it?" Gu Changge smiled lightly, as if there were no accidents or disturbances.

"Gu Changge, are you insisting on embarrassing me?"

Jiang Luoshen looked at him coldly.

"If you can't, don't try to waste my time."

Gu Changge's expression also became cold.

When the words fell, his palm crossed down and grabbed Jiang Ming directly.

"Stop it!"

Jiang Luoshen's face was ugly, and his jade hands clenched tightly.

Gu Changge's attitude of despising them and not putting them in her eyes at all made her feel infinite anger.

How about Gu Changge's strong talent, terrifying strength, and tyrannical background?

She is inferior to him, why does he despise himself so much.

However, Gu Changge didn't intend to talk nonsense with her, and shot directly, with his palms in the air, rolling down against Jiang Ming.

It's like slapping a little fly!

"Gu family junior, stop the old man!"

The powerhouse of the Great Sacred Realm of Taixu Protoss had the same ugly expression, ignoring the Gu family powerhouse in front of him, his figure flickered and turned into a golden light and shadow, and he wanted to come and rescue Jiang Ming.

In full view, Jiang Ming was shot to death by Gu Changge.

And they don't dare to move, how will the rest of the Taoism treat the Taixu God Race?

How can they accept this humiliation?

Not to mention today, Gu Changge has humiliated them again and again.

"act recklessly."

Gu Changge's expression has not changed, he is still indifferent, "Since you are with him sincerely, then I will see you off."

When the words fell, his palm turned, the horrible colorful light, like a world-destroying millstone, appeared there, and then killed the strong man of the Taixu Protoss.

This palm was extremely powerful, and the power contained in it made the sky tremble, and it seemed unbearable to break apart.

Everyone was shocked, many young Tianjiao, even more pale and trembling, felt the insurmountable gap.

The six crown kings, the golden cicada Buddha son, and the Tianhuang woman also looked silent and solemn.

Even the leader of the great patriarch still feels a little frightened.

"The old man wants to see, you, the first person of the younger generation, what is it capable of, so arrogant, that you don't put everyone in the eyes."

The Taixu Protoss powerhouse gave a cold snort and was irritated by Gu Changge's indifferent attitude.

He shouted angrily and evolved a supernatural power.

There are dazzling golden clouds blooming, and there are hundreds of millions of ways, turning into gateways.

The rules are intertwined and turned into chains of avenues, which seem to suppress people into another eternal and silent world.


Suddenly, unimaginable fluctuations erupted here, the sky was turned upside down, the mountains collapsed, and many formations were instantly wiped out.

"How is Gu Changge so strong that he is so strong?"

There was horror and trembling in Jiang Chen's heart, even if he was hiding behind Monk Pudu, he still felt like his body was about to explode.


In the virtual space, blood was splashing, and the strong man of the Taixu God Race was coughing up blood, and his arm nearly burst and collapsed.

510 Gu Changge's palm was blocked by him with this strong supernatural power.

But he was still shocked, his five internal organs trembled, and he couldn't help but step back a lot, leaving blood footprints in the virtual space.

This breath is too terrifying, as if countless stars exploded, everyone felt a sense of skin cracking.

Soon, the two fought again, but the Taixu Protoss powerhouse was invincible, constantly coughing up blood and flying, shocking everyone.


The void exploded, and the place became gorgeous and fuzzy, various rules and waterfalls swept across, and the mystery between the universe and the universe was performing.

"Is this your confidence?"

Gu Changge's robe fluttered and his expression remained unchanged.

Black and white appeared in the palm of the hand, and there seemed to be six heavens and the breath of Samsara Yellow Springs faintly looming.

Between the six portals and the heavens and the earth, a yellow, filthy river, buried with countless souls and dead bones, flows quietly there.

A vision emerged, and everyone's spirits seemed to be coming.

This is a frightening breath, as if to be dragged to death.

"No, Elder returns!"

Jiang Luoshen sensed something was wrong, and couldn't help but shout, and let the strong man back.

But it was too late.

Taixu Protoss, the strong man, had already been injured. At this moment, affected by Samsara's breath, his eyes were slightly tranced.

The soul of the whole person seems to have left the body, going to the world that belongs to the dead.


The next moment, Gu Changge looked indifferent, a palm fell, and the void suddenly split, and a terrifying aura, like a blue sky falling.

The body of this person instantly collapsed, fell apart, turned into a blood mist, and vanished.

Suddenly, countless blood was splashed here.

This palm cast did not diminish, Jiang Ming in despair was instantly photographed into a cloud of blood, following the strong man's footsteps.

There was dead silence nearby, and everyone watched this scene in amazement, with a terrible chill coming out of their backs.

It was so easy to kill a strong man at the pinnacle of the Great Sacred Realm.

And it's not ordinary people, but Taixu God Race, in the same realm, the existence of formidable combat power.

Doesn't it mean that Gu Changge actually has a quasi-extreme level of combat power!

Everyone was horrified, and their scalp was numb in amazement. How old is he?

Without using the supreme weapon, to forcefully kill a great sacred peak powerhouse, this was simply unbelievable in the past, just like a dream.

But today it really happened in front of everyone.

Gu Changge is not only strong, but also strong enough to make his peers desperate.

"How can it be "

The people of the Taixu Protoss were also completely dull and coughed, unable to believe all this.

From beginning to end, Gu Changge downplayed and didn't use his full strength. Doesn't it mean that his true strength is more terrifying?

Jiang Luoshen Yinya clenched his teeth, deep anger and unwillingness emerged in his heart, as well as panic.

She thinks that Taixu Protoss has been rare in the world for thousands of years. The Cultivation Base is powerful and the best among her peers. She is destined to be invincible when she is born.

But all of what I saw today made her invincible Dao heart, unable to help but shake.

Gu Changge, why is he so strong?