Ch 381

Above the sky, the blood mist drifted, and the fragments of the broken saints fell in all directions, extremely splendid.

The weapon that existed at the peak of the Great Sacred Realm of the Taixu Protoss was also shattered and turned into fragments in this battle.

Gu Changge stands among them, his robe is as new, slender and dust-free, his hair is gleaming, shimmering like a jade, and the light between his white palms is shining, and the two colors of black and white like Samsara slowly fade away.

But the feeling of horror that makes the heart palpitating and trembling still remains in the void, making the scalp numb.

Everyone looked at all this in shock and astonishment.

In particular, many great patriarchs have a stormy sea in their hearts, and their scalp is numb.

They thought that Gu Changge was already strong enough to make them take it seriously, but they still didn't expect that he would be so strong.

In his early twenties, he killed a great holy realm peak so easily, and even half-footed into the quasi-sacred realm?

This is too far-fetched.

If it were in the past, they would never believe that this kind of thing could happen, but today it completely happened before their eyes.

They have to accept this fact.

"Wings are getting richer"

At this moment, the many powerful men of the Changsheng Wang Family, Tianhuang Mountain, and the Primordial Leaf Clan had only this idea in their hearts, looking at the flying robe in the sky, their eyes were extremely complicated.

The young Tianjiao behind them were also roaring with their heads, their eyes widened, and they were plunged into a deep shock.

As the younger generation, why is the gap between them so big?

Many people are already out of breath, invincible Dao heart trembles, unable to give birth to the idea of ​​fighting.

Gu Changge is like an insurmountable mountain, lying on the heads of many young talents, and everyone has a kind of despair and powerlessness from the heart.

"Being in the same era with such a character is sad for the younger generation."

An older generation sighed and looked around for a week.

Seeing the faces of many young Tianjiao all with pale expressions, it was clear in my heart, not surprising.

Before that, they knew that Gu Changge was powerful only through many rumors and deeds.

But what I saw today was really shocking in people's hearts and caused an uproar.

"The strength of the young master is already so strong, I am afraid it will not be long before he can catch up with the owner.

"The Patriarch also swept the invincible existence of his peers, but compared with the Young Master, he still looked bleak.

"Young Master is really a monster!"

The strong men and disciples of the Changsheng Gu family sighed with emotion, and their eyes were full of admiration.

"This son has become the climate, and it has already reached the point where I can sit on an equal footing with me." Many archbishop leaders glanced at each other, their eyes flickering, and their moods were complicated.

The disciples of the Sixth Crown King Junyao, Tianhuang Girl, Jin Chan Buddha, and other true celestial college students naturally felt shocked in their hearts.

The strength of Gu Changge has long been deeply rooted in the hearts of the people.

Many people are wondering how strong he is.

What I have seen today is that they finally got their wish.

"This is a monster

The red lips of the Tianhuang female lightly opened, and the beautiful eyes were full of colors, "We are sequence disciples, but there is a gap between us and him."

If in peacetime, the sixth crown king Junyao would definitely refute this.

But now he was silent, looking very speechless.

"The strength of Young Master Changge has always been this way."

Buddha Jin Chan's expression was calm, but doubts arose in his heart at this time, "How did the inheritors of magic skills escape from his hands?

"Is it possible that the inheritors of magic skills are also strong to this extent."

And just when everyone's minds were different, Gu Changge's figure fell from the sky.

He looked at the embarrassed and terrified Taixu Protoss, especially Jiang Luoshen, the smile on the corner of his mouth seemed very indifferent.

"Princess Luoshen, don't you plan to avenge them?"

"I wonder what this misunderstanding is?"

Hearing this, Jiang Luoshen Yinya clenched his teeth, his face turned pale, and his jade hands clenched tightly.

As strong as her, I dare not look directly at Gu Changge's indifferent and deep eyes at this moment, and he can't help turning his head to the side, but still insists, "Gu Changge, I admit that you are very strong, but I am too imaginary. , It's not that easy to bully."

At this moment, her tone was weaker than before.

All the people present were naturally human beings, and they all heard that she lacked confidence in her words.

After all, he was a strong man who was about to enter the Quasi-Supreme Realm with half his foot, and he was killed on the spot like this.

It is impossible to say that it is not shocking.

Unless the Taixu Protoss dare to smash Gu Changge, but in this situation, they can't be ignored.

There are many traditions in the tomb of Taixu God, and they all look forward to it. As the future emperor of Taixu God Clan, her identity is beyond words.

At this time, even if the heart is extremely angry and aggrieved, he still has to be suppressed and patient, not daring to explode.

Jiang Luoshen naturally understood this truth.

Although today's matter is Losing face, she has no way to wash away the humiliation and get this face back!

Gu Changge smiled when he heard this, but his voice was still indifferent, "Really? That Princess Luoshen has shown some skills to let Gu see what you are capable of, too virtual gods."

Hearing this, everyone's complexion changed again, and their expressions were terrified, and they couldn't help but feel a chill in their backs.

Gu Changge is planning to let Jiang Luoshen go off in person?

Although Jiang Luoshen is powerful, he is the most powerful person in the generation of the Taixu God Race, but compared with Gu Changge, it is definitely far behind!

Especially after witnessing Gu Changge's strength with his own eyes, no one thought that Jiang Luoshen would be his opponent.

Obviously she will be defeated, and even be killed by Gu Changge directly.

Thinking of this possibility, many people can't help but feel chills in their backs.

They don't doubt Gu Changge's methods, after all, since Gu Changge's birth to the present, the heavenly arrogances and creatures in his hands are almost innumerable.

Although I usually look at the warm and elegant, and the gods are like jade, there is no doubt that he is cruel!

Jiang Luoshen didn't expect Gu Changge to say that. Suddenly, his complexion was very ugly, and even felt very humiliating.

She naturally knew Gu Changge's attempt.

If she fights against Gu Changge, then she is likely to be in danger of life and will not be Gu Changge's opponent at all.

She still has this self-knowledge.

But if it shows the intent of being weak and avoiding war, it is to lose her face in front of all the orthodoxy and cultivator, and at the same time lose the face of the Taixu God Race.

"Princess, we have to endure this matter and can't conflict with them anymore."

"Gu Changge's strength is terrifying, you are not his opponent."

"Don't be impulsive.

Upon seeing this, an unfathomable blond-haired old lady beside Jiang Luoshen, with a heavy face, persuaded her to persuade her, fearing that Jiang Luoshen would be impulsive when she was young and might break a major event.

Jiang Luoshen Yinya bit secretly, and naturally understood this truth.

She quickly took a deep breath, calmed down, a touch of unwillingness flashed in her golden eyes, Gu Changge said,

"Gu Changge, as the first person in the younger generation, knowing that I am not your opponent, but bullying people so much, is this your usual style?"

Hearing this, everyone present was shocked.

Before this, we all knew how arrogant and indifferent the personality of Jiang Luoshen, the princess of the Taixu Protoss was, overlooking everything.

They couldn't believe it would come from her mouth.

Among the disciples in Zhenxian Academy, Yue Mingkong narrowed his eyes lightly when he saw this scene.

In her memory, after the tomb of Taixu God was born, Jiang Luoshen sent people to seek the relics of ancestors.

However, he encountered Gu Changge in the tomb hall. The ancestor godhead he obtained was taken away by Gu Changge, and was defeated strongly by Gu Changge, almost killed here.

Afterwards, I didn't know what was the reason, but Jiang Luoshen depended on Gu Changge and went to Gu's house to see him from time to time in the name of visiting.

Regarding Gu Changge taking away the ancestral godhead, and even being almost killed by him, it is regarded as if it had never happened.

However, Gu Changge in the previous life was very indifferent and bored with her. Many times when Jiang Luoshen went to visit, he felt ashamed and couldn't see anyone.

However, she has always persisted, and even made many Gu family members admire it at that time, and she couldn't figure it out at all.

Of course, Jiang Luoshen's end was miserable in the end.

Rumor has it that on the way back to her clan, she unfortunately encountered the inheritor of magic arts and was killed by him.

In the previous life, Yue Mingkong still sympathized with her a little bit and felt that she was unlucky. Of course, he was more relieved. He didn't like her persevering attitude and worried that Gu Changge would be moved by her.

Now it seems that Jiang Luoshen was also brutally murdered by Gu Changge in the end.

But now, looking at the scene before him, I have to say, let Yuemingkong also have an indescribable taste in his heart.

Gu Changge didn't expect Jiang Luoshen to subdue so quickly, but his tone still didn't change much, "Bullying? Why do you see that? Princess Luoshen didn't say that just now.

Hearing this, Jiang Luoshen stared at him coldly, "My clan knows that it is wrong, but Jiang Ming and the big Elder just now have already killed you, Gu Changge, what else do you want to do?"

"Could it be possible to kill me together?"

As soon as she said this, many Orthodox leaders changed their expressions slightly and gave Gu Changge a calm look.

For today's matter, the Taixu Protoss has paid its due price.

After all, the cultivator at the peak of the Great Sacred Realm is not the rotten cabbage that can be seen everywhere.

Even Taixu Protoss will feel distressed, and it is impossible to remain indifferent.

And if Gu Changge continues to hold on, it will be a bit unreasonable, and it will make people think that he is too domineering and strong.

Even if he was the young master of the Changsheng Gu family, he couldn't justify it.

Many strong people of Taoism and Dajiao will not sit back and let the Changsheng Gu family dominate.

I have to say that Jiang Luoshen is very smart and puts himself in a weak position easily.

Moreover, in addition, she herself is extremely beautiful, blonde hair is like a waterfall, her facial features are exquisite and flawless, and her skin is as white as snow, and she can be broken by blowing. There is a sculptural three-dimensional feeling, which makes many young arrogant people feel unbearable. .

Gu Changge smiled disapprovingly when she heard this, and naturally knew what she meant.

"Princess Luoshen joked. Gu thinks that he is not a cruel person, nor a cruel person, how could he do such a thing."

"Of course, if Princess Luoshen doesn't believe it, you can try it yourself, do you think I will kill you?

His smile still seemed calm, as if he was talking about a trivial matter like eating and drinking.

However, Jiang Luoshen couldn't help but feel cold and anger on his back, feeling that Gu Changge really wanted to kill himself, give it a try?

Who knows what will happen after the trial?

She is not stupid.

Everyone present had different expressions at the moment, and their hearts were shaken by Gu Changge's words, and they felt shocked and uneasy.

Could he really dare to kill Jiang Luoshen under the crowd?

"Believe, why don't I believe it. Since Gu Changge you have said so, then I will believe it naturally.

Jiang Luoshen was not an ordinary person. Although he felt chills and uneasy, his complexion was still calm, and he looked at Gu Changge indifferently, and chose to avoid the battle without hesitation.

Of course, this is also a wise move in the eyes of everyone, and there is nothing wrong with it.

Put yourself in a weak position first, and then let people know Gu Changge's vicious intention to kill her. In this way, you can naturally avoid the battle smoothly, and you don't have to worry about losing your face.

This method has made many older generations of strong people admire in their hearts. They are indeed the princesses of the Taixu Protoss, and they really can't be underestimated.

*~ Haha, in that case, I hope that next time you meet Princess Luoshen, you can let Gu know your methods. "

Hearing this, Gu Changge smiled casually, and didn't seem to continue to embarrass her.

But at this moment, everyone heard the threat in his words.

This made everyone's complexion slightly changed, and they felt a terrible chill.

This is still unstoppable!

Jiang Luoshen naturally heard Gu Changge's threat, gritted his teeth, then gave a cold snort, his figure flashed, and he had already left the place and went to another area near the ancient temple and the crack.

Seeing this, the rest of the Taixu God Race did not stop, and turned into divine rainbows, rushing in that direction.

Monk Jiang Chen and Pudu among the crowd also hurriedly followed.

Fairies fight, mortals suffer.

Neither Gu Changge nor Jiang Luoshen can offend them.

What I saw today made Jiang Chen's heart tremble with horror, and for the first time deeply felt the strength of Gu Changge, which made him feel a deep despair and powerlessness.

Even in his eyes, Jiang Luoshen, who is always indifferent and noble, and who overlooks all the living beings, can not ask for any benefit in front of Gu Changge, only to be humiliated.

This has it all.

After the departure of the Taixu Protoss, the cultivator powerhouses of the other Daoist sects also dispersed one after another, no longer onlookers.

Today's big show shocked them and was amazed. Until now, it is still difficult to calm down in their hearts.

At this moment, Gu Xian'er glanced at Gu Changge, her eyes were clear and coldly, she couldn't help asking,

"Will this matter today have any impact?"

"What effect can it have?"

Gu Changge didn't take it seriously.

Gu Xian'er heard what he said, and knew that Gu Changge didn't take the matter to his heart.

But speaking of it, this incident was caused by her again.

(Lee De's)

Gu Changge did this entirely to help her out.

She was thinking about whether she should reluctantly thank him for it, although she felt that Gu Changge did this for granted, who would let him always bully herself.

Isn't it right to stand up for her?

"Can you trouble me less in the future?"

"I need to wipe your butt every time."

However, Gu Changge sounded with a little helpless voice, interrupting Gu Xian'er's thinking.

She was a little stunned, but she didn't expect Gu Changge to blame her for coming.

"Can you blame me for this? I picked up a broken inscription, but the guy came up and said that I had robbed him and asked me to hand it over. If I didn't pay it, he would kill me.

"Could it be that I have to give him things?"

Having said that, she couldn't help but feel a little wronged.

Didn't I just pick up a piece of inscription and break the inscription? Then it fell at my feet.

Can this cause trouble too?

"Is that so?" Gu Changge raised his eyebrows, as if he didn't believe it.

"I feel that you are fooling my IQ. How can a broken inscription lead to so many things."

Gu Xian'er looked at him with a bit of dissatisfaction, "What did I lie to you for? You think everyone is like you, and you can't hear a word of truth."

"Really?" Gu Changge still didn't believe it. "It's just a broken inscription. Is it possible that there is something extraordinary?"

Hearing that, Gu Xian'er took out the broken lavender inscription from the Sumeru ring. There was a faint luster flowing on it, and there were several indistinguishable divine writings.

The age is quaint, with some weird patterns carved.

"Hey, this is the inscription," she said.

Gu Changge took it from her hand, glanced at it casually, and nodded, "Well, it is a bit extraordinary, no wonder it will cause a tragedy."

After all, this inscription disappeared out of thin air from his hands.

Watching this scene, Gu Xian'er's big eyes showed a touch of confusion, bewildered, and then looked at him, only then did she realize what had happened.

Gu Changge actually snatched her good stuff like this!.