Ch 382

"Gu Changge you"

"You give me back my inscription. I picked it up."

Gu Xian'er couldn't help grinding her teeth, and she felt itchy with hatred for Gu Changge.

"Who said that it was yours if you picked it up. Now that it is in my hand, it is mine. Why, do you still want to grab it?"

"You can try it."

Gu Changge shook his head slightly, with a natural look, not caring about her way of wishing to bite herself.

"You are too mean to be so mean, rob me. You bastard.

Gu Xian'er was almost blown up by him, her body trembling.

It's a pity that the figure is as poor as a bamboo board, and there is no change in it.

She had no idea that she would be fooled by Gu Changge.

He said that just now, just to let himself take out this inscription.

It's a pity that I was so stupid that I believed his nonsense.

"You are too stupid, can you blame me?" Gu Changge sighed slightly and shook his head.

"Gu Changge, please return my things to me, or I will really get angry, the kind that doesn't coax me well."

Gu Xian'er stared at him angrily, gritted his teeth and looked very angry.

As a money fan, how can she allow the good things in her hands to be snatched in front of her?

This is simply a shame to her.

Gu Changge chuckled, "You really want to be beautiful, do you want me to coax you?"

"Mingming? Gu Changge, you bullied me again. Why are you so disgusting? When Gu Xian'er saw that he was not getting in, she suddenly whimpered and sobbed.

However, Gu Changge reached out and pinched her nose, and shook her head slightly, "You pretend to cry and pretend to be like me. When I cry like this, I don't have any sense of accomplishment."

Of course, it is impossible to return this inscription to her.

There is a trace of too virtual origin in it anyway, except for the 510 refining device, it has no effect on Gu Xian'er.

On the contrary, Gu Changge can swallow it and refine it for his own use.

"Give you a great saint weapon as compensation, this thing is useless if you want it." Gu Changge then said again.

"No, at least five, otherwise I will ignore you in the future."

Gu Xian'er sniffed.

"At most two. If you don't want it, there will be nothing." Gu Changge shook his head.

"Two items, are you sending a beggar?" Gu Xian'er was dissatisfied.

"Okay, then there is nothing left now." Gu Changge smiled.

"That's okay, if you want to give it, let's just have two of them.

Hearing what he said, Gu Xian'er was afraid that he would repent, so he quickly agreed.

However, on the surface, it still looks reluctant and has suffered a great loss.

She could also tell that no matter how extraordinary the inscription was, it couldn't compare to a great saint weapon.

After all, the Great Sage Weapon, it is enough to be passed down as the inherited sage among many ancient traditions. It is very precious and extremely difficult to refine.

At most, there is something special in that inscription.

It looks like Gu Changge is at a loss.

Of course, since Gu Changge promised to give Gu Xian'er two great saint weapons in exchange, he would naturally not lie to her.

Amidst her staring expression, she randomly picked two weapons of the great saint level for her, Gu Xian'er's wrinkled little face finally showed a little smile.

"You still have a conscience."

She snorted and was in a good mood.

He returned to the former cold and detached, immortal spirit that was indifferent to everything in the world.

Perhaps she has been accustomed to being poor since she was a child, and she always has a natural obsession with various Divine Armament treasures.

In the face of these things and in front of Gu Changge, one can't help but reveal himself and become a fan of money.

Afterwards, Gu Changge took her to meet Yuemingkong at Zhenxian Academy. As for the Changsheng Gu family, they all followed him.

Since Gu Changge appeared here, he was naturally headed.

Elder, the disciples of Zhenxian Academy, looked at Gu Changge with unnatural gazes.

Although he was afraid of him before, it is not the same level as today.

The six crown kings Junyao, Tianhuangnv and others subconsciously avoided Gu Changge's gaze and did not look at him.

"Brother Gu was really awe-inspiring just now, but it's a pity that I didn't see you suppressing Jiang Luoshen and robbing the princess. It's a pity."

The prince smiled and spoke.

She was wearing a water-blue dress with a beautiful face, and her beautiful eyes could not help but bend into a crescent shape while she was speaking, and she looked very delicate and charming.

I have to say that in terms of appearance, she is almost beautiful to the extreme, which is comparable to the flawlessness of Yuemingkong.

The difference is the temperament of the two.

She is like an empty valley or orchid, the forest is clear and foggy, and she has a quiet and moving temperament, but what she says contains incredible boldness, just like a demon.

"It was just a joke just now, it made Miss Zizhen laugh."

Gu Changge seemed to be accustomed to her joking words a long time ago, and didn't care. After smiling slightly, he glanced at Jiang Chuchu.

Seeing her look calm and calm, she didn't take the initiative to say hello.

As far as he is concerned, this kind of Face skill is actually dispensable nowadays.

It's just that the human setting in front of the human cannot collapse.

The prince smiled unabatedly, and took a deep look at Gu Changge, but didn't say much.

Although Gu Changge still has the identity of the reincarnation of human ancestors.

But in her opinion, it was nothing more than a certain agreement reached between Gu Changge and Jiang Chuchu.

Of course, in the view of other orthodoxy, this is a transaction between Gu Changge and Renzu Temple. The identity of Renzu's reincarnation is only a means by which Renzu Temple is used to stabilize people's hearts.

How could Gu Changge suddenly become the reincarnation of human ancestors, and not many people would believe it.

This is a tacit secret that stands among the top orthodoxy in the upper realm.

However, after witnessing Gu Changge's strength today, Wang Zizhen suddenly felt that the guess that he said casually before might be true.

Based on her knowledge of Gu Changge, she naturally knows that he and the so-called ancestor are not at all involved.

So why does Gu Changge have the (cedh) nirvana green lotus body of the ancestor?

This is very intriguing.

Of course, this is only Wang Zizhen's guess, she herself has no sense of human ancestors, and even has a slight disgust.

What she is curious about now is how Gu Changge did this.

"Are there gains?"

When all kinds of thoughts flashed in Wang Zijing's heart, Gu Changge walked to Yue Mingkong and asked with a smile.

"There may be something hidden under that palace.

Yue Mingkong nodded slightly, pointing to the crack that was spraying thin glow not far away and said.

From this angle, it can be clearly seen that there is a splendid brilliance emerging in it, an ancient temple like a colorful fairy jade, up and down there.

A lot of big people have already felt the change in it just now, and they have stepped in, but there hasn't been any movement yet.

At this moment, the gazes of many archbishops' leaders are also tight.

A little farther away, everyone from the Taixu God Race also stared at it carefully with some worry and tension.

As for the forces such as Tianhuang Mountain and the Taikoo Ye Clan, they also sent strong men to wait nearby, and the lights of various colors were intertwined and reflected on the sky.

Ancient chariots and white jade immortals stopped everywhere, with many fuzzy figures standing on them.

Farther away, there are cultivators and creatures coming.

The tomb of Taixu God is really too big, and now they are only in a small area in the depths, because of the unusual movement here, everyone has attracted.

"The real tombs and the fake tombs are mixed together, and a little carelessness is the end of life.

Gu Changge's eyes flashed with a different color, and he noticed the movement of Jiang Chen from the Taixu God Clan.

Jiang Chen and a mysterious monk were mixed into the team of the Taixu God Race, which was reported to him by the magic puppet before.

So Gu Changge didn't care.

What he wants to know now is that the Taixu God Race has spent so much time coming here, is it really just for the relics of that ancestor?

It is still said that there are hidden secrets here, but of course what he cares about is its godhood.

That is something comparable to the Supreme Dao Guo.

Nowadays, if he wants to make a breakthrough, it is already difficult to find a goal, and if he can get a piece of Godhead, it is also a surprise.

"Gu Gongzi."

At this time, a voice with a strong surprise came into Gu Changge's ears.

He looked over and found that when he was not paying attention, all the Elders and disciples of Celestial Immortals Palace had already arrived here.

The person speaking at this moment is Xiao Ruoyin.

Haven't seen it for a while.

At this moment, her pure white dress fluttered gently with the wind, and there was a dusty breath that did not eat human fireworks. Perhaps because of her practice, her skin now shone with a crystal clear luster, snow-white and delicate, like a beautiful jade.

The whole person exudes amazing beauty.

"I have seen Young Master Changge."

Dao The Elders and disciples of Celestial Immortals Palace met with courtesy Dao one after another. They respected Gu Changge. After all, Gu Changge had another identity.

Heir to Celestial Immortals!

"Miss Xiao, why are you here?"

Gu Changge showed a slightly surprised look, as if he had only noticed her.

The disciples of Zhenxian Academy were also silently looking at the woman in the white skirt, and many male disciples couldn't help but flash in surprise.

This is for beautiful things or people, shocked because of their beauty.

Jiang Chuchu frowned slightly, and then returned to his original expression calmly.

Wang Zizhen looked at it with interest, especially on the other person, and felt a completely different feeling from the others.

The attitude of this woman in white dress towards Gu Changge is obviously different from other cultivators, and she doesn't have the kind of awe rooted in her bones.

But she still felt the tension, not as natural as it seemed on the surface.

"It's quite scheming."

She smiled in her heart and found things interesting.

Play scheming on a sea king, squirting.

"Gu Changge, who is she?"

Gu Xian'er's cold voice sounded, very straightforward.

But after asking, she felt that there was something wrong with the atmosphere, and subconsciously looked at Yue Mingkong, "I asked for the flight attendant Ming."

Yue Mingkong smiled slightly, took her little hand, and said, "This should be the Xiao Ruoyin, Miss Xiao who Changge said before, rescued outside the Xiangu restricted area."