Ch 387

Outside the tunnel, a man and a woman came and walked side by side, like a couple of gods and goddesses.

The man smiled and was a little surprised as he spoke, as if he accidentally disturbed everyone.

"Gu Changge!

"How will you be here

The cult leader-level figures who were fighting were also extremely shocked. After reacting, they all stared at him tightly, with unprecedented gazes.

They had no idea that at this critical time, Gu Changge would suddenly show up and become the oriole behind the mantis catching the cicada.

As a result, the battle between them just now, I was afraid that he had already been able to see all of them, but he still didn't show up, just to wait for this moment.

Thought of this.

For a while, everyone's expressions were very solemn, and they looked at Gu Changge's back a little nervously.

Seeing that there was no other strong person following him except him, he breathed a sigh of relief.

Before that, they treated Gu Changge as a younger generation.

But since he was outside the underground palace and witnessed that great sacred realm peak powerhouse, he was easily killed by him.

They have already understood that Gu Changge has become a climate now, and his strength is extremely powerful, far from being comparable to other young talents.

The horrible Sword Qi just now explained everything and made them frightened.

The existence of the general Great Sacred Realm was afraid that it could not be stopped at all, and it was directly beheaded.

So they are all on their own guards, and they will not be the simple ones if they can get to this point.

In a flash, I understood the current situation, and I had already fallen into the hands of Gu Changge.

Not to mention the Holy Maiden, the celebrity ancestral hall next to Gu Changge.

Although I have never seen her true strength, it is naturally impossible for her to be weak enough to stand with Gu Changge.

"Why can't Junior be here?"

"The so-called treasures live in the virtuous people. From Junior's point of view, this too-virtual godhead is predestined to me."

Gu Changge smiled and said, walking slowly into the Great Hall.

Wang Zijin followed him with an expression of interest, and he looked at the neighborhood.

She doesn't know how Gu Changge got here all the way.

No one knows where the main tomb is, but he seems to be able to see through this place completely.

All obstacles are in vain.

This made her curiosity more vigorous.

"Gu Changge, do you plan to swallow this thing by yourself?"

Hearing this, an archbishop who was wearing a red robe and even his eyebrows was red, with an ugly face, stared at Gu Changge coldly, and his tone was very rude.

The other three archbishops also looked wary, staring at him, worried that Gu Changge would suddenly do something.

The blonde Lao Ji, Jiang Luoshen and others on the side were put down by them first.

In their eyes, Gu Changge's threat is far greater than that of Blonde Lao Ji and others.

"510 Gu Changge"

Jiang Luoshen looked at Gu Changge with hatred in his eyes, and his jade hands clenched tightly.

At this moment, she did not dare to act rashly, feeling that Gu Changge's breath was locking her.

If she dared to take away the purple crystal-like substance, she would definitely face the thunder strike of Gu Changge.

After seeing the horror of Gu Changge, she couldn't help but tremble slightly.

She would rather face the four archbishops than Gu Changge.

As for how Gu Changge found this place, this is not something she is considering now.

"Qi Ling, what should I do now? Gu Changge, why did he find this place?

Jiang Chen's heart was also trembling, and he could only pray that Tao Gu Changge would not recognize him.

"I do not know either.

"Be careful, don't let Gu Changge see the anomaly. This guy is too scary. If you let him recognize you, we will not be able to escape today.

Good fortune Xianzhou Qi Ling's voice also trembled uncontrollably.

"How could he find it."

Monk Purdue also had a very headache expression, and began to think about the next escape strategy in his heart.

"Junior has taken a fancy to this thing, so please leave."

Gu Changge did not answer when he heard the words, but smiled slightly, his eyes slowly sweeping across the crowd.

Finally, it fell on Jiang Luoshen's face and saw her unnaturally moving away, and then he looked at the Taixu Godhead on the Taoist platform.

Many of the patterns on it have been cracked, as long as you walk over, you can easily get this thing.

In order for Jiang Chen to crack these formation patterns for him, he just waited on the side for a long time.

Otherwise he would have appeared long ago.

"Contains many of the Cultivation Base origins of an ancestor of the Taixu Protoss, this thing can indeed help people climb to the sky in one step."

Gu Changge slightly admired and said, as if he was admiring own's possessions, everyone in the vicinity was completely indifferent.

Hearing this, no matter it is the Taixu God Race or the four Archbishops, they all looked ugly.

Gu Changge didn't put them in his eyes at all, he had already regarded that piece of imaginary godhead as his possession.

This is how Zhang and strong.

"Gu Changge, this thing is not as good as me, otherwise you will not be able to compete with the four of us alone."

"Don't be too greedy.

"Otherwise you won't get anything at that time."

However, a great teacher still took a deep breath, spoke, and thought of a compromise. The purple meaning in his eyes was all around, and there was a powerful Taoist rhyme, which was natural.

He was wearing a Da Luo Dao robe, holding a Dao Sword in his hand, his sharp edge was amazing, as if he could kill through the void at any time.

The other three archbishops had heard this, their eyes moved slightly, and did not say anything. They apparently acquiesced to this method of saying (cedh).

If Gu Changge wanted to get a share, they would naturally agree.

Five people split equally and four people split equally, in fact, they are almost the same.

If it's not a last resort, they don't want to fight Gu Changge.

"Did you not put us in your eyes? They are already discussing how to divide them."

Seeing this scene, Jiang Luoshen's complexion was even more ugly. Neither the four archbishops nor Gu Changge paid her attention to her.

You know this place is the tomb of her ancestors of the Taixu God Race!

At this moment, she was already holding a piece of golden paper in her bare hands, which she could offer at any time.

This is one of her hole cards.

Before the critical moment, she really didn't want to sacrifice.

"No, did you guys misunderstand something? Junior means that I like this thing."

"Does Junior need to repeat this kind of thing again?"

Gu Changge shook his head slightly, and walked randomly, as if he was going to the road.

There was still an understatement on his face, as if to say a trivial thing.

"Gu Changge, don't be too greedy as a human being, otherwise you are afraid that you won't get anything for a while.

A grumpy leader obviously didn't expect Gu Changge to say that, and his face showed anger.

The next moment, a thunder-shrouded weapon appeared in his palm, crackling and shining, causing the void to tremble constantly, as if it was about to explode.

It looks like this, it's obviously a disagreement, and it's about to start.

At this point, the Taixu Godhead is within reach, how can they easily give up?

The other people's brows are also frowning.At this point, who would give up easily?

However, Gu Changge's tone remained unchanged, "Junior never likes to repeat one thing a third time."

"If you don't want to die, please leave this place."

When he spoke, although he was gentle and elegant, with a fairy-like appearance, everyone felt a terrible murderous aura rushing toward them, and their complexions changed slightly.

"Gu Changge, I'm waiting as your elders, don't show yourself too much.'

At the moment, a gentler-tempered leader of the archbishop is also a little hard to look at.

"Respect you senior, that is to give you a face, don't you understand?"

"If you want to die, then I can naturally fulfill you."

Gu Changge shook his head slightly, but the words still did not waver.

As the words fell, he directly covered the front with a palm, the terrifying multicolored divine light, intertwined in the virtual space, had a surging aura like a mountain and sea, and fell to the town of the archbishop who had just spoken.


The head of the archbishop changed his face. He didn't expect Gu Changge to suddenly start his hand. He sacrificed a terrible Sword Qi and collided with Gu Changge's palm, trying to resist.

But The next moment, he changed his color again, unbelievable.

"impossible "


When this palm fell, it was like a colorful mountain of gods condensed. It was solid and vast, heavy and chaotic, and the Sword Qi burst.

Afterwards, his arms snapped instantly, his bones collapsed, and a terrible sound was made.

Immediately after that, the whole person snorted for a lifetime, blood spurted out, flew out, and instantly suffered a heavy blow!

"How can it be "

"The gap is so big?"

The other three archbishops watched this scene, and they were also extremely shocked. They never expected that the battle would end so quickly.

Gu Changge's strength is really unfathomable!

Jiang Luoshen also looked at Gu Changge in a daze, trembling because of his strength, and there was a feeling of numbness in her scalp.

"Gave you a way to survive, don't walk by yourself.

"Now you are looking for death, don't blame me."

Gu Changge walked unhurriedly. His voice was calm, but at this time he looked extremely cold.

Wang Zijin, who was standing in the corridor, did not follow Gu Changge. Watching his actions at the moment, he felt his heart beating very fast.

In her opinion, Gu Changge's actions are not wrong.

Although he is very strong and indifferent, hasn't Gu Changge already said that he is too fancy Godhead?

As a result, these archbishops did not know what was good or bad, and still did not want to give up.

Knowing that he is not Gu Changge's opponent, he is so stupid.

Isn't this looking for death?

Sure enough, as long as you look good, Sanguan runs with the five senses.

When the prince was stunned, in the void, Gu Changge's palm was still falling.

Then they closed, grabbed the archmaster who had just done it, and suddenly made a toothless sound of broken bones.

"you "

"what "

"Gu Changge, let me go!"

"I don't want too virtual godhead!

The leader looked terrified, and it was hard to believe all of this. With his strength, he had no resistance to fight back in front of Gu Changge.

It's like facing a real supreme ancestor!

Everyone's complexion changed again, a little frightened.

A great master, that is the existence of a great master, who has practiced for at least tens of thousands of years. When he was young, he was also a great arrogant.

But now, like an ant, he was grasped by Gu Changge and could be pinched to death at any time.

I have to say that the shock caused by this scene is too great, making them tremble, their scalp numb, and they are terrified.


"Let go of you, that's okay. It's just that I gave you a way to survive, but you don't cherish it."

Gu Changge shook his head slightly, his tone seemed helpless.

The next moment, in his desperate and horrified expression, the five colored hands condensed in the void closed.

With a puff, the blood mist collapsed and the body and spirit disappeared.

"You actually killed the leader of Qiyang."

Watching this scene, the other three archbishops' complexions changed drastically, a little pale, and their voices trembled, and they couldn't help feeling regretful.

"Don't worry, you will be with him soon."

Gu Changge looked at them, his expression unchanged, as if he had done a trivial understatement.

"No, let's shoot together, otherwise they won't be his opponent.

The leader in the Da Luo Dao robe couldn't help but let out a low cry.

At the same time, the Dao Sword in his hand was sacrificed, just like the Sword Qi that shattered the heavens and the earth, containing the power of destruction, it killed Gu Changge.

The other two were not stupid, they reacted quickly, quickly offering their Magical Items, showing powerful means, and killing them towards Gu Changge.

For a time, a brilliant brilliance broke out here, thunder gleamed, and the chain of rules broke apart, like a road of thunder, causing the void to be shattered.

But The next moment, Gu Changge's expression was flat, just a wave of his hand, the sword finger scoffed with a bright sword light, breaking through the void, with an endless peerless edge.


With a soft sound, the man screamed, and his arms flew horizontally, splashing blood.

Even the weapon in his hand was exploded in the first place, bursting to pieces on the spot, and the whole person became a cloud of blood.

His soul is desperate and horrified, planning to escape through the void.

But Gu Changge's eyes swept away, as if it turned into a dazzling sky sword, clattering, and immediately beheaded in the void, both form and spirit, and followed in the footsteps of the Gang オ people.

This sword light contains endless power of attack.

It not only contains the ultimate power of Gengjin, but also the ultimate power of rule evolution, which can be said to be unbreakable.

Not to mention them at the Cultivation Base at the peak of the Great Sacred Realm, even if the real supreme is here, they have to deal with it carefully.

Suddenly, it was another archbishop who died, without any resistance.

Even Wang Zizhen was slightly frightened.

She felt her own strength, completely exploded, at most able to deal with an archbishop.

It is impossible to beheaded as easily as Gu Changge.

This can only show that Gu Changge's hidden strength is even more terrifying and simply unfathomable.

Up to now, what is the strength that Gu Changge has shown?

The expressions of the blonde old woman were shocked and horrified. They didn't expect that the four master leaders in Gu Changge's hands would not even have the power to contend, and they were completely crushed unilaterally.

"Princess, what do we do? Do you still need this ancestral godhead? If you run for your life now, the old man still has a lot of confidence."

"Since Gu Changge has killed these people here, it means that he definitely won't leave us alive.

The blonde old Ji had a solemn expression, and she was extremely worried. She was talking to Jiang Luoshen and asked.

Jiang Luoshen was still holding the piece of gold paper tightly in his bare hands.

She was very unwilling to hear this.

After all my thoughts, I didn't get anything, but now I am still running away in embarrassment?

This makes proud as her, how can you accept it?

But now if she still insists on taking that piece of too virtual godhead, it is likely to die here.

"Qi Ling, let's run away like the last time. Gu Changge is so strong that he can't even meet the master of the archbishop in his hands."

Jiang Chen's lips were white, and he looked at the man standing in the void, like the man in white covered with endless divine light, trying to keep his own words from trembling.

He finally knew that his own enemy was terrible, and this was a desperate gap in strength.

Killing the patriarch like butchering a dog?

At this moment, he even gave birth to the idea of ​​giving up revenge.

"God Jiang Luo is bound to fight Gu Changge in a while. I took the opportunity to touch the formation pattern here and let this palace collapse. You don't need to look back and run to the east. There is a secret path where you can leave this place and lead to the outside world."

"I can only do this now and I will fall asleep, and then I will rely on you.

Good fortune The sound of Xianzhou Qi Ling is unprecedentedly heavy.

Jiang Chen nodded, his palms in cold sweat.

"Our team is not his opponent, let's run away."

At this moment, the other two archbishops turned pale and couldn't believe all of this. They were already fearful and knew that they were not Gu Changge's opponents.


They urged the secret method, burned Blood Essence, and glowed all over. At this moment, their aura reached the peak of this life, but only to escape for their lives.

"Can you escape?"

Gu Changge's voice still didn't have any ups and downs.

His sleeves were raised, and the void around him suddenly became stagnant, as if every inch was packed with billions of equal weights.

Immediately afterwards, the mighty power patted it, as if a shocking wave, with a thud piercing through the place, turning the earth upside down.

Accompanied by the trembling blood, the bodies of the two archbishops collapsed, exploded directly, and died tragically on the spot. Their appearance and spirit were destroyed, and they could not escape the palm of Gu Changge.

This scene made the blond old Ji who was about to flee with Jiang Luoshen look cold, and couldn't help but give a cold face.

"Now it's your turn.

Gu Changge shook his sleeves lightly, as if to wipe off the blood that had never been stained on it.

He looked at Jiang Luoshen and others, his tone was still calm, as if Gang just trampled on a few ants. .