Ch 388

Jiang Luoshen gritted his teeth, stared at him, forced himself to calm down, his eyes looked cold.

"Gu Changge, do you think you can force me to retreat if you kill them?"

"I'm telling you, what you think is too simple."

She said that in her bare hands, a piece of golden paper emerged, with many divine texts written on it.

Jin Cancan is like a small sun, with a mighty breath emerging, which seems to be able to suppress the demons in the Quartet.

The coercion revealed in it has reached the supreme level!

Hajime filled the void as soon as he appeared, vast and unparalleled, incredibly powerful, as if he could make heaven and earth retreat!

"Really? You want to deal with me just by using a page of paper that has sealed the Supreme Full Attack?"

Gu Changge looked at her and spoke lightly, with a slightly mocking tone.

"Besides, you seem to have made a mistake. I didn't kill these people.-"

"They died in the hands of the Taixu God Race, and the forces behind them will only seek revenge from the Taixu God Race, and it has nothing to do with Gu."

"Gu Changge you"

Jiang Luoshen obviously didn't expect Gu Changge to say that. He was taken aback for a moment, his heart was filled with anger, and his expression was even more indifferent. You will be as unique as the rumors.

"Sorry, I disappointed you. Gu never said he was a good person."

Gu Changge has a casual tone and walks towards her unhurriedly.

Although holding a page of gold paper containing the supreme full blow, Jiang Luoshen still couldn't help but retreat to the back and was extremely afraid of Gu Changge.

"You killed four archbishops, and I'm not the only one to see here."

"Gu Changge, do you really think all this will be unknowingly?"

Jiang Luoshen said coldly, and when he spoke, he glanced at Wang Zijin at the entrance of the tunnel, intending to create a conflict between her and Gu Changge.

"Princess Luoshen, you are so cruel. Not only did you plan to kill everyone, and let the four masters of the great masters tragically kill you, but now you are also trying to frame Brother Gu."

However, Wang Zijin didn't seem to be surprised when he heard this. He spoke so with a smile, and even blinked at Gu Changge, looking rather mischievous.


Jiang Luoshen didn't expect Wang Zijin to say this, his face was slightly stagnant, and then a little ugly.

As the Holy Maiden of Human Ancestral Hall, he opened his eyes and said nonsense.

She is quite knowledgeable.

No wonder we can go together with Gu Changge.

Gu Changge glanced at her and spoke without hesitation, "Have you finished explaining your last words?"

"Gu Changge, are you really going to kill me? If I fall here, what good will it do to you?"

Because of his words, Jiang Luoshen couldn't help but feel a chill in his back.

"Princess Luoshen is serious, how could I kill you. It's just that you were killed by them when you were fighting with the rest of the leader for the Supreme Void Godhead, and you accidentally fell here."

Gu Changge shook his head slightly, smiled, and corrected her statement.

"Gu Changge, you are so humble and vicious as the first person in the younger generation."

Hearing this, Jiang Luoshen gritted his teeth, Jumei's face was as cold as frost, and his back was even more chilly.

Gu Changge not only intends to kill her here, but also intends to throw her death in the pot to the other arch leaders.

In this way, it is naturally easy to provoke the hatred of the Taixu God Race and other forces behind her.

"Speaking of nonsense, are you procrastinating for time?"

Gu Changge said faintly, the vast Sword Qi appeared in his hand, like a Celestial Immortals sword, a strand of Sword Ray in the disillusionment, peerless and dazzling, slashed towards the god Jiang Luo ahead.

Jiang Luoshen's face turned pale, and a terrifying chill suddenly rose on his back. He had no time to react. He hurriedly sacrificed the page of gold paper, urging Magic power away.

But before it could be fully deployed, he was knocked into the air by Gu Changge's Sword Qi. The terrifying wave blasted open and then fell directly to the ground.

She gritted her teeth, sealed her hands again, and displayed an ancient magical power. The blonde hair was flying, and the golden light was gushing, which made people unable to open their eyes.

Such strength is far stronger than many young supreme, and can even compete with the six-time champion.

But under this Sword Qi, there is still no resistance.

The whole person wowed, and the golden blood spurted out, flew out, and hit the wall behind him.

If it weren't for the magical armor on her body to shine at a critical moment and contend with this Sword Qi, or just this strike just now would kill her.

"On this point, even if it is delayed, what effect can it play?"

Gu Changge walked over with a mocking tone.

Almost instantly, he appeared in front of Jiang Luoshen, strangled her neck and lifted her up.

"Cough cough"

For the first time in his life, Jiang Luoshen was still strangling his neck like this, feeling that he couldn't breathe and wanted to breathe.

But she was still unyielding, raising her neck, and her golden eyes staring at Gu Changge indifferently, with a deep hatred.

If her eyes can kill people, she doesn't know how many times she has killed Gu Changge.

"Gu Changge, sooner or later you will regret what you did today."

She said coldly.

"Really?" Gu Changge's tone seemed indifferent.

"Princess, hurry up.

However, at this moment, the blonde old Ji suddenly yelled, and her whole body seemed to be shining.

Golden bone blood spurted from the pores, and the place covered by the sky spirit rushed out of the misty chaotic mist.

The breath of her whole person has become stronger than before. I don't know how many times.

But the flesh is getting thinner quickly.

She quickly rushed towards Gu Changge to save Jiang Luoshen from his hands.

However, Gu Changge's expression was still indifferent, and his eyes never fell off. The palm of his hand was pressed hard, and the magic power moved, and the horrible wave suddenly exploded in his eyes.

"You actually want to kill me…"

There was still a trace of disbelief in Jiang Luoshen's face, and there was trembling and fear in his voice.

Then the whole person collapsed and exploded, turning into a bloody mist in the sky.


The blonde old slave's eyes were about to split, it was hard to believe this scene.

The two monks Jiang Chen and Pudu were also stunned, seeming to be stunned in place.

"This guy is really cruel."

Wang Zizhen's expression was also slightly unnatural.

"Gu Changge, I played with you."

The blonde old lady was also stunned by this scene, which was unbelievable.

The whole person is crazy, desperate to kill Gu Changge, using various powerful secrets and magical powers.

Terrifying fluctuations erupted here.

Even the Taoist platform was shaking, and the Taixu Godhead floating in it was mysterious and magnificent.

However, Gu Changge's expression remained unchanged, and he raised his hand and patted her on top, causing her to cough up blood and fly out.

"why "

The blond old woman was yelling.

As the quasi-sovereign, and still used the taboo secret technique, but in the hands of Gu Changge, there was still no power to resist, and soon he vomited blood and almost exploded.

Gu Changge's strength made her desperate.

Now that Princess Jiang Luo fell here, even if she could return to the clan alive, she didn't know how to explain it.


"A little trick."

At this moment, Gu Changge raised his eyebrows suddenly, seeming a little surprised, then raised his head and swept into the void not far away.


The golden rays of light condensed there, and a wave of fluctuations emerged.

Jiang Luoshen's figure reappeared, but his face was very pale. He looked at Gu Changge with some fear and fear, as if he hadn't recovered from the state just now.

She didn't expect that Gu Changge would actually kill her just now, and she was merciless, without any hesitation.

This determination and cruelty made her tremble, and it was the first time she realized what Death was.

It is indelible.

"For the dead puppet, I actually have this kind of thing." Gu Changge thought about it for a while and knew what she had just used.

It's just that the refining method to replace the dead puppet has long been lost and is extremely precious.

Even the quasi-supreme will be heart-warming. If you use one, you will lose one in this world, which is an invaluable treasure.

Jiang Luoshen actually possessed such a thing, which surprised him.

"Golden Po"

Looking at the appearance of the blonde old Ji, Jiang Luo looked unbearable.

This is the secret technique of the Taixu Protoss to burn the origin of life.

Although the Cultivation Base can be improved in a short time, the sequelae are terrifying and almost irreversible. Even if it is a breakthrough in the Cultivation Base, it is impossible to make up for the source of life.

Until the most desperate time, the Taixu Protoss will not use it.

Obviously, in the eyes of the blonde old lady, Gu Changge has reached an invincible level.

If she doesn't work hard, she can't delay Gu Changge at all.

"Princess, you'll be fine if you have nothing to do." The blonde old Ji smiled, but couldn't help coughing up blood.

"Golden Po"

"You don't need to be like that."

Jiang Luoshen gritted his teeth and suddenly crushed a jade charm in his hand.

Suddenly, behind her, a vague and vast golden figure appeared, terrifying and majestic, like a golden god walking out of the long river of time.

This golden god is as bright as the sun. The Cultivation Base is unfathomable, unable to see his face, only a pair of eyes, indifferent and noble, overlooking everything.

"The Dao Law Body of the Quasi-Emperor Realm?"

Wang Zizhen watched this scene with some surprise. He didn't expect that Jiang Luoshen's life-saving things would be so many.

And Gu Changge also raised his eyebrows, and then slowly sacrificing a big seal from his sleeves, the breath of mountains and rivers was blurred, as if it could transform everything.

The Great Seal!


However, at this moment, Jiang Chen, who was staring at Gu Changge and Jiang Luoshen, suddenly gritted his teeth and finished communicating with the good fortune immortal boat spirit in his mind, letting it touch the formation pattern here.

Suddenly, the four walls glowed, and the entire palace rose with a vast brilliance, covering all parties.

Then a series of star-like veins emerged, shining brightly and dazzlingly.

Here began to collapse, and there was a terrible sound.

All the formations revived, bursting out of great strength.

And Jiang Chen also took this opportunity to flee to the position that he had discussed with Good Fortune Xianzhou Qi Ling.

"Donor Jiang, wait for the little monk.

Monk Pudu has been paying attention to Jiang Chen's actions.

At this time, his eyes were also bright, and he quickly turned into a divine light, chasing Jiang Chen, trying to escape from here.

"what happened "

Jiang Luoshen didn't expect such a huge change in things suddenly, and he was stunned.

However, Gu Changge didn't seem to have any accidents. When he moved, he walked towards her and killed her again, as if to kill her again.

"Gu Changge, I have no grievances with you!"

"What am I going to kill me?"

She gritted her teeth and urged the Dao Ze Dharma body behind her to fight Gu Changge.

…For flowers…

That was the law body bestowed by an ancestor when she left the clan, possessing the strength of the quasi-emperor level, but at a critical time, it could save her life.

Jiang Luoshen knew that as Gu Changge, he must have this kind of thing too.

So she didn't expect this thing to stop Gu Changge, she just hoped to delay him for a while.

"It's okay not to kill you.

"Stay and be a maid for me. I can consider not killing you." Gu Changge looked casual and spoke lightly.

"Gu Changge, I won't believe you.

"You just want to kill me."

Jiang Luoshen Yinya was about to bite into pieces, his face as cold as frost.

Naturally, she would not believe Gu Changge's words, she just felt the terrible killing intent, overwhelming, and rushing towards her, almost swallowing her.

"Since you don't believe it, then forget it. But it's a pity, I don't want to be a smasher."

Gu Changge shook his head slightly, his tone seemed a bit regretful.

The chill in Jiang Luoshen's beautiful eyes.

Gu Changge can really say such things?

If she hadn't had a replacement puppet, she would have died in his hands.

For a time, terrible lightning sprang up in the void, and various fairy shadows appeared, the fairy light was surging, and the golden rune flickered.

"Here is going to collapse. If you don't leave, you really have to stay."

The prince glanced at Gu Changge and murmured, knowing that Gu Changge's methods were beyond imagination. This matter should have no effect on him.

So when she moved, she turned into a divine light, planning to leave here along the same path.


Suddenly, this underground palace began to collapse. The cultivator and Tianjiao in the other directions felt the change, their complexion changed slightly, and they also began to escape along the original road, not daring to stay for a long time.

"It's just the right time to collapse."


Gu Changge took this opportunity and swept his figure, letting go of Jiang Luoshen for the time being, and walked towards the Taoist platform, grabbing the amethyst crystal-like substance on it.

The majestic and vast aura is emerging, and it is faintly visible that there is a world-famous god sitting cross-legged in it, lingering in the scriptures, overlooking the ages, and it is extremely powerful.

But when he was about to grab, there was a terrible resistance.

"Is it only reserved for the descendants of the Taixu Protoss?"

Gu Changge's face is still cold.

Black light appeared in his palm.

Waves of black light fell down like a waterfall, swallowing towards the purple crystal envelope, like a terrifying black hole that can swallow the heavens.

Suddenly, the resistance that came from it faded away a lot, and there was a faint sense of terror.

"It seems that in the past few years, gods have been born.

Gu Changge's eyes are deep, and he has no plan to let it go. With this godhead, he can make his Cultivation Base breakthrough another level.

"Golden Po, let's go!"

Seeing this, Jiang Luoshen breathed a sigh of relief in his heart and glanced at Gu Changge coldly, knowing that he could not get out.

Then directly urged this Taoist law body, and quickly broke through the space of this place.

Immediately after turning into a magical rainbow, supporting the blonde old Ji, he also hurriedly evacuated from here.

At this time, she naturally didn't plan to ask for the ancestor's Taixu Godhead.

Life-saving is naturally more important.

Gu Changge raised his eyes and glanced at her, but did not set off to chase her.

"Everyone left, that's better.

He didn't care about the collapsing underground palace at all, and with a wave of his hand, an aquarium on the avenue appeared, hanging in the sky.

The many origins scattered here rose up into the sky like wolves and were swallowed into them one after another.

"There are still many leader-level figures who haven't left."

Afterwards, he began to set off and took the initiative to look for these goals.

Unlike many young Tianjiao, although the underground palace collapsed.

But for the leaders who reach the Great Sacred Realm, and even the quasi-sacred realm, it does not have much influence.

So at this time, they will definitely not leave, and will look for opportunities in this cemetery.

Everyone outside was shocked to see the crack getting bigger and bigger, and it collapsed in an instant. Many cultivators were buried in it without time to escape.

"The young master hasn't come out yet?"

Everyone in the Gu family frowned slightly and saw that the six-time champion Junyao, who was the most advanced, had also come out now, as if he had gained a lot.

The other disciples in Zhenxian Academy also rushed out.

"Could that guy Gu Changge meet something good and reluctant to come out?"

Gu Xian'er glanced at the collapsed underground palace, but didn't worry about Gu Changge's safety.

In her eyes, there is no need to worry about Gu Changge in this world.

"Aren't you walking with Gu Changge?"

"Why didn't you leave together.

Jiang Chuchudai frowned slightly and stared at the prince.

The prince stood on tiptoe, glanced in the direction of the underground palace, and muttered, "At that time, the underground palace was about to collapse. I saw that the situation was not good, so I ran away and didn't even notice him."

At this time, among the many orthodoxy in the distance, wailing and shocked voices sounded, accompanied by disbelief.

"The leader's token is broken

"How could it be possible that the leader has stepped into the quasi-supreme existence with half his feet, how could he die here."

"How can this be!"

Many disciples and Elder were yelling, and they were so sad that it was impossible to imagine.

Many leaders of the leader have fallen, and all of a sudden, the place is in chaos!

Wang Zijin looked at this scene with a smile on his face. superior.