Ch 389

The chaos here is full of the crying and shouting of many disciples, and their faces are extremely sad.

Many Orthodox Elders and disciples have found that their family leader's life card has been broken.

What does this mean?

It means that their leader died tragically in the underground palace and encountered unimaginable dangers inside.

This shocked them and couldn't believe it.

Many people were directly limp to the ground, feeling that the sky was about to collapse.

The fall of the leader is something they dare not even imagine.

A leader-level figure, that is the existence that stands at the pinnacle of the upper realm.

Dominate one party's orthodoxy, the territory is endless, the power is terrifying, and the lifespan can reach tens of thousands of years.

What kind of characters, who can kill them?

Moreover, it was not a leader, but a few.

This can only show that they encountered an unimaginable danger in the underground palace.

"It must be a trap set by the Taixu God Race, in order to make the many ethics and forces who come here pay their due price."

"Too Damn it, they insist on being an enemy to all of us! They dare to kill our leader!

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh that he dare to slay our leader!"

Many Elder trembles with anger at the thought of this possibility.

Above the face, hatred and anger appeared even more, and I wished to go and seek revenge from the Taixu Protoss now.

"Could it be that there was some danger encountered in the underground palace? After all, this is the cemetery of the ancestor of the Taixu God Race, and maybe there are methods left by him.

There are also people who are speculating about this possibility, thinking that the Taixu Protoss cannot have such courage.

Killing so many leaders will inevitably cause the world to shake.

Could it be that he wants to be the enemy of all the others?

"The Cultivation Base of the Taixu God Race surpasses the Supreme! Even if it is not him, it must be inseparable from him."

"Until now, I haven't seen people from the Taixu God Race come out. They must have taken the relics and escaped from another direction!"

Hearing this, the "May 13" old man retorted immediately, his eyes turned red and contained hatred.

No matter what kind of possibility it is, it is absolutely inseparable from the Taixu Protoss.

They are bound to seek an explanation from the Taixu Protoss.

Many Tianjiao in the True Immortal Academy looked at them with different colors.

The underground palace collapsed and it had been wiped out long ago. Although there was still a lot of glow coming out, the previous threats were no longer there.

"Gu Changge, what is he doing in it?"

The six-crowned king's eyes seemed to penetrate the ruins and penetrate into it.

It's just that although this place collapsed, there are still many formation patterns that can block everyone's exploration.

"The young master hasn't come out yet. Although I know that the young master is very strong, many archeologists have fallen into the cemetery."

"Young Master will have no trouble, right?"

Longevity Gu's family is also worried about the strong.

Seeing the fall of the Patriarch of the other Taoist families, his brows were very tight, worried that Gu Changge would have an accident.


At this moment, there was a sudden movement. When everyone heard the sound, they all looked over, looking shocked.

A figure rushed out of the collapsed underground palace, with a calm expression, and quickly fell towards this place while walking.

"It's Gu Changge!"

Many young Tianjiao shook their heads slightly, a little regretful.

If Gu Changge had fallen into it like the group of great leaders, it would be a good thing for them.

All day long, I feel that there is an insurmountable mountain above my head. It really makes them breathless and feel pressured.

Unfortunately, let them down, Gu Changge doesn't seem to be a big deal.

It's just that his complexion is a little pale, and there are a lot of blood stains on his robe.

"Gu Changge was also injured, what happened in it?"

Many of the older generation of strong men looked at Gu Changge's injuries in surprise, and didn't understand that with his strength, he would also be injured.

However, many archbishops have fallen in it, and it is normal for Gu Changge to be injured in this way.

Now they are very curious about what happened in it.

Yue Mingkong took a deep look at him, walked over, and asked, "Is it all right?"

Although she knew that Gu Changge must be fine, it was not the first time that he pretended to be injured and deceived everyone.

But at this time, especially in front of everyone, it is best to cooperate with him and show his concern, otherwise it will be easy for people to see the abnormality.

"Young Master, are you okay?"

The strong members of the Changsheng Gu family gathered around and asked worriedly.

Gu Changge glanced at the crowd and shook his head.

Hearing this, everyone in the Gu family was relieved and relieved.

"Worries you." He smiled at Yue Mingkong.

"You are fine."

Yue Mingkong glanced at him coldly, took out a clean embroidered handkerchief from his sleeve, and gently wiped the faint blood on the corner of his mouth.

Jiang Chuchu, who originally wanted to come forward to show his concern, saw this scene, his expression suddenly stagnated, and then silently froze in place.

"Brother Gu is blessed to have such a considerate fiancee."

The prince felt abruptly that he was stuffed with dog food in his mouth, but he still said with a smile.

In her opinion, apart from the four archbishops who were killed by Gu Changge in the main tomb at that time.

The rest of the leaders who have fallen today obviously also encountered Gu Changge's poisonous hands.

Although she had left at that time, she did not see what happened afterwards.

But she trusts her own intuition very much.

With Gu Changge's strength, even if he took advantage of the chaos to solve the group of archeologists, it would not take long.

It's just that the prince couldn't figure out why Gu Changge would kill the group of archbishops?

Is it to blame the Taixu God Race and provoke the conflicts between them?

"Gu Changge will get hurt too. Isn't he trying to lie like he did last time?"

Gu Xian'er put the veil back on her sleeves calmly, but her eyes were a little suspicious.

She doesn't believe that Gu Changge will be injured anymore.

I made her worry every time, but in the end I found that he was alive and kicking, nothing happened, and he could even continue to bully her.

"What happened to Young Master Changge? Why did the underground palace suddenly collapse, besides, have you seen the people of the Taixu God Race?"

In the distance, many Elders from the rest of the Orthodox tradition also gathered around at this moment, asking Gu Changge what happened in it.

No matter what the cause, they have to find the cause of the death of the leader, otherwise there will be no reason for revenge at that time.

Hearing this, Gu Changge looked at them, shook his head slightly, and sighed, "Jiang Luoshen and other members of the Taixu God Race should have left."

"As for what happened at that time, I actually don't know very well, because I was fighting with Jiang Luoshen for something, and there was no time for him to take care of it.,

"Then the underground palace suddenly began to collapse. I suspect it was the hands and feet of the mysterious man and the mysterious monk beside her."

"At that time, the many formation patterns in the palace instantly recovered, and then Jiang Luoshen took people to break through the space and leave. I broke through the formation patterns all the way, and then I was able to come out."

He simply recounted what he had experienced at that time.

As for how the group of archbishops died, how did he know? After all, no one saw it.

After listening to the crowd, although there were still many doubts in their hearts, they did not ask any more.

Although Gu Changge didn't just say what he was fighting for with Jiang Luoshen.

But many people have guessed that it is actually the godhead left by the ancestor of the Taixu Protoss.

As for whose hands it ended up in, this is not something they can care about now.

"Jiang Luoshen, the monk and mysterious man next to her, the old man had noticed at the time, and felt that the young man should have a good understanding of these topographic changes and he has a lot of accomplishments.

"It seems that at that time, he triggered the formation pattern here, which caused the underground palace to collapse and bury everyone in it."

The old man holding a Feng Shui compass in the water, Xiang. While he was still, he could not help but sigh like this when he heard Gu Changge's words.

He agreed with Gu Changge's statement.

Many people at the scene knew the old man rickety and knew that he had deep learning in tracing the source.

Even he said so.

There is almost no second possibility for this matter.

"No wonder it was weird at the time. Why did Jiang Luoshen bring such a weak man in the Cultivation Base room with him. It turned out that this was the reason.

Someone suddenly sighed.

If they had noticed this early, how could their leader be killed?

"I have written down this enmity. The Taixu God Race will pay the due price, as well as the mysterious man and monk.

Many of the older generation of strong men began to flicker with murderous intent and coldness in their eyes.

Wang Ziyan looked at all this with some surprise.

Good guy, in this way, the Taixu Protoss has a black pot of killing everyone on its back.

In a short period of time, there is no way to wash away all this.

This was the first time she saw clearly and straightforwardly how Gu Changge buckled the black pot on someone else's head. She trembled and frightened slightly, but it was more novel and interesting.

She is very sure now.

The real human ancestor's reincarnation certainly did not know when he had already encountered Gu Changge's murderous hand.

"How did this guy do it?"

She stared at Gu Changge with beautiful eyes, almost for an instant.

Jiang Chuchu glanced at her suspiciously, "Wang Wangzi, what are you looking at?"

The prince came back to his senses and smiled at her and said, "I'm looking at someone who makes my heart move."

Subsequently, Elder and disciples of many Orthodox forces, with their respective ancient chariots and mounts, began to evacuate from here, to report what happened today to Sect.

It is conceivable that after what happened here, it will cause much sensation and waves.

There are a total of eight leader-level figures who died tragically in the tomb of Taixu God, enough to cause a sensation in the upper realm.

Even the last time there was a longevity war, it was not so tragic.

After all, a leader-level figure, that represents a party of orthodox forces, and rarely falls.

This kind of thing is almost endlessly dead end.

Many people expected a major earthquake in Upper Boundary.

In the next period of time, the Taixu Protoss will face squally rain and will not be calm.

Said the people of Celestial Immortals Palace, come to say goodbye to Gu Changge and want to leave here.

Xiao Ruoyin witnessed Gu Changge's terrifying strength with his own eyes, and his persistence and yearning deepened.

However, she also knew that she did not have any advantage in front of Gu Changge.

Therefore, Xiao Ruoyin secretly made up his mind that the next time he saw Gu Changge, he must at least let him face himself and not appear to be useless.

Dao After everyone in Celestial Immortals Palace left, everyone in the Gu family also left to return to the family.

This time Gu Xian'er is not going to return to Zhenxian Academy, but intends to return to the family to deal with some of her parents and grandfather's affairs.

Although the last time Gu Changge sent a tribe to help her find the world where her grandfather and parents are now.

But because of some things, her parents stayed in that world and had not been reunited for more than ten years.

However, a piece of news came recently, which made her feel a touch of sorrow.

But she didn't tell Gu Changge that she didn't want to trouble him and let him intervene at will.

Gu Changge glanced at Gu Xian'er and saw her figure away. Although he guessed what happened to her, he didn't ask.

After that, the disciples of Zhenxian Academy and the other Tianjiao also left one after another and returned to their respective Sects.

The news spread quickly, causing an uproar.

Every day in the upper realm, there was also a sensation because of what happened to the tomb of Taixu God, and everyone was shocked by it.

No one thought that the Taixu Protoss was so bold, killing many Tianjiao and eight great masters here.

For a time, many Taoist ancestors have awakened, and the gods are soaring to the sky, planning to go to the clan where the Taixu Protoss belongs to seek justice.

The sentiment is exciting and murderous.

Although the cemetery was left by the ancestors of the Taixu Protoss at the time, all the great leaders sent Elder and other strong men to it, which is somewhat unreasonable.

However, it would be too much for the Taixu Protoss to kill everyone in it.

This is planning to offend many Taoist traditions to death!

Of course, in this matter, another incident also shocked many people's hearts, and they couldn't recover for a long time.

Gu Changge's strength is already strong enough to be comparable to that of Quasi-Supreme.

Even with the existence of the peak of the Great Sacred Realm, it is impossible to escape death in his hands.

At that time, everyone witnessed with their own eyes that a strong man at the peak of the Great Sacred Realm of the Taixu God Clan was killed by him alive above the sky.

The shock caused by this incident was no less than that of the eight great masters.

Many people feel that their scalp is numb. How old is Gu Changge in his early twenties?

Many older generations were silent. Compared with Gu Changge, they felt that they had lived as a dog at an age.

Many people can't believe it, how did Gu Changge cultivate?

Even if it is the reincarnation of a true immortal, it is impossible to reach such a Realm at the age of more than 20 years.

Even if they were born with Sage, Wang Zizhen, Jiang Chuchu and others who possessed the Nine Apertures Immortal Soul, Cultivation Base is no more than the Holy Realm.

Some time ago, Chu Hao, the descendant of the Taishang Cave, who shocked all parties, became a quasi-supreme Realm at the age of hundreds, and the scenery is boundless.

If he hadn't offended Gu Changge, many forces would all want to extend an olive branch to him.

Now in front of Gu Changge, even Chu Hao seemed bleak and irrelevant.

How did Gu Changge cultivate?

For a time, all parties were shaken.

Of course, many people are also speculating that the younger generation may be the only one who can fight Gu Changge, the mysterious inheritor of magic skills.

And during this time, the inheritor of magic skills, although there is a tendency to disappear.

However, in some places, you can still hear the news that someone has been undermined by him, and many orthodoxy are looking for their traces.

On the other side, Jiang Luoshen, who had returned to the Taixu clan, immediately found her father, who is now the Taixu God Emperor.

She recounted what happened this time, without any concealment.

Naturally, it also includes how to offend Gu Changge, how to suffer a loss in his hands, and finally how she escaped in 3.7.

Many things happening outside today are inseparable from this matter.

After listening to it, even the Emperor Taixu, who was incapable of emotions and anger, was extremely angry, and his face was full of anger.

The breath of terror surging in the palace, as if to repeat the world and divide the universe.

"Luo Shen, what you said is true? If so, this Gu family child is really deceiving people too much. The behavior is so nasty and despicable, it is really not worthy of the title of the first person of this young generation!"

Taixu Shenhuang is tall and burly, dressed in a golden robe, his eyes are as deep as the vast starry sky, giving people a feeling of anger and self-prestige.

At this moment, a horrible phantom even appeared behind him, and he could break through the clouds at any time, obviously because of this incident, he was extremely angry.

Nowadays, it is said that the Taixu god clan killed the leaders of various Taoist sects in the tomb of Taixu god, seeking justice from them.

Now I sent someone to ask about it.

If this matter is not handled properly, the Taixu Protoss will definitely arouse public anger.

"My daughter said everything is true, there is no half-word, if my father hadn't given me a substitute for the puppet, I'm afraid my life would be there this time."

"Gu Changge is powerful, Cultivation Base is unfathomable, and cruel, and the methods are despicable. This time, it is Gu Changge who is leading the way.

Jiang Luoshen gritted his teeth and said, his calm complexion still had a hint of fear and fear.

From birth till now, she is as proud as her, always looking high above all beings, this is the first time I know what death is.

That feeling made her tremble.

Even now, there are still uncontrollable panic and chills.

What's more, what makes her feel more frightened and uneasy now is that as long as she thinks of Gu Changge, or even mentions these three words, she has a feeling of soft legs.

She really hated and feared Gu Changge, and never thought that one day she would almost die in his hands.

Gu Changge's indifferent and merciless eyes at the time still appeared in her mind from time to time, making her uneasy.