Ch 395

The black jade chariot stayed on the sacred mountain, and the many knights and army behind them also fell in the four directions, vigilant, strong breath, amazing blood.

This is an elite group of Empress Xi Yao.

Fighting everywhere over the years, Killing Intent is terrifying, and when seen from a distance, it is like an indestructible torrent.

"Your Queen is down!"

"Even Shura Wei took it. It seems that Her Majesty the Queen is very wary of this banquet of Tianjiao."

At this moment, the gazes of almost everyone in the Demon Realm fell all over, or with awe, admiration, admiration, fear, or whatever.

Empress Xi Yao seldom leaves the palace on weekdays, and there are very few demon world creatures who have seen her true appearance.

No matter what kind of important decree, it was distributed from her hands and ordered the female officials to do it.

Nowadays, many people are staring curiously, wanting to get a glimpse of her majesty's peerless beauty.

There are rumors that Empress Xi Yao is the number one beauty in the demon world for over 6,000 years. She is as beautiful as Celestial Immortals, and she is overwhelmingly beautiful.

Although such rumors are quite disrespectful, it still has an unparalleled attraction for ordinary people in the demon world.

At the foot of the sacred mountain, all Tianjiao looked up at the black jade car parked on the top of the cloud.

Regardless of whether it is young men or women, they are all in awe and respect.

Even many young men have different ideas in their hearts, just about to move.

For more than 6,000 years, I have never heard of any man appearing next to Her Majesty the Queen.

Even the confidants around him are also a group of women.

Regarding Her Majesty, who is overwhelmingly powerful, dominates the demon world, and has a brilliant crown, they have no other thoughts in their hearts, it is impossible.

Now this Tianjiao Banquet, is it not an opportunity for them to show off in Her Majesty the Queen?

Thinking of this, they are even more aggressive and high-spirited.

"Xiyao, have you ever thought that the first time you meet me in 6,000 years, will this be the opportunity?"

Standing in the crowd, Jun Fan was tall and handsome, with a handsome face and a different style.

At this moment, he clenched his fists, staring at the black jade car above, with a sneer at the corner of his mouth, and quickly regained his former indifferent self-confidence.

Above the sacred mountain, clouds and fog all around, like a fairyland, magnificent and vast.

Soon, the four female officials of Empress Xi Yao, Qingzhu, Qingmei, Qingju, and Qinglan walked quickly to the front of the vehicle.

With a respectful expression, Qingzhu stretched out a pair of jade-like hands and opened the curtain of the black jade carriage.

The next moment, the Queen Xi Yao, dressed in phoenix robes and with a peerless grace, walked out of it.

She is as blue as ink, tall and tall, with a touch of red makeup between her eyebrows and her eyebrows, with great majesty.

But the face is not clear, as if covered by a layer of chaotic fog, the exposed eyes are indifferent, with dignity and loftyness.

"Young Master Changge, please."

However, as she spoke, her expression suddenly became cold and gentle, as if the snow melted, and she had a different style.

"It's the fact that Empress Xiyao Lao is so greeted, Changge is a little flattered.

Accompanied by the sound of a light smile, a man in mysterious clothes walked out of his car.

There is a sense of transcendence between gestures, as if the world and everything are centered on it.

There was a brilliant divine light gleaming in the hair, like a young god, the breath was like an abyss, and it was unfathomable. Many creatures in the demon world did not dare to look directly, and their hearts were shocked.

"Young Master Changge, he is in the same car as Her Majesty the Queen."

This scene changed the appearance of many big figures in the demon world slightly.

Her Majesty Yu is in the same car, how much attention must be paid to this?

Although they know that there is no space in the car, it is not so small as seen from the outside, and it will not be said that it is very close to each other.

But you must know that even the female officer closest to Queen Xi Yao is not qualified to be in the same car with her.

Let alone a young man, especially in front of the big figures and people of the monster race in the world, walked out of it.

Before this, it was simply unimaginable.

But thinking of Gu Changge's status and strength, they couldn't help but smile silently.

There is nothing wrong with this kind of thing, thinking about it carefully.

It's just that before that, the temperament of her Majesty the Queen had always been indifferent and ruthless.

Suddenly seeing this scene, it really made them feel shocked.

However, unlike the shocked and unbelievable expressions of everyone in the Demon Realm, Jun Fan's expression looked a little gloomy when he watched this scene.

Although he disguised well, he still couldn't hide the coldness between his brows.

He didn't expect to meet Xiyao again after six thousand years. He would see her and another young man walking so close. Although there was no intimate behavior, it made him feel very uncomfortable.

He wanted to kill Xiyao to avenge her, but as his fiancée, how could he walk with other men?

However, Jun Fan's disposition was not simple, and his complexion quickly returned to nature without the slightest change.

Not far from him, Song Youwei noticed Jun Fan's expression just now, with a slightly confused expression.

But she didn't ask much, Lianbu moved lightly, her skirt fluttering, and walked towards him.

"Brother Junfan." She smiled and said hello.

Jun Fan looked at her with a smile on his face, "Youwei."

"I thought you would return to the Black and White Academy during this time, but I didn't expect you to stay in the Taifu Mansion, and now you are here."

Song Youwei smiled slightly, "There is no way, father confessed some things, and can't get out of him, is it possible that Brother Junfan has something to ask me for?"

When she spoke, she appeared very generous, gentle and natural, as if facing everyone in this way.

Jun Fan smiled upon hearing this, and said, "I originally planned to ask you about the big man in the upper realm for the last few days, but now it seems that it shouldn't be necessary."

While speaking, he looked at the young man sitting on the top of the sacred mountain, talking to Empress Xi Yao very happily, like a god descending to the earth.

Song Youwei was a little surprised, and then bluntly said, "It turns out that Brother Junfan wanted to ask about Young Master Changge. Although I only have a relationship with him, the first feeling he gave me is very good. This is perfect. The man has even reached the perfect point that makes people feel unreal.

Hearing Song Youwei's words, Jun Fan felt a little uncomfortable.

But he still said naturally and casually, "Is it? It's rare that you give a person such a high evaluation.

He had asked Song Youwei what he thought of him before. Although the evaluation was also very high, it was never as good as Gu Changge.

In comparison between the two, he now looks very bleak.

Song Youwei pursed her mouth and said with a smile, "I have never seen such a perfect man before, giving me an unreal feeling like a beautiful mirror."

Jun Fan nodded, and didn't continue to struggle with this issue.

In any case, even if Gu Changge is standing next to Empress Xi Yao today, he will still choose to assassinate this way.

This is a matter of the demon world, and Gu Changge is just an outsider after all.

If Gu Changge doesn't intervene, it will be easy to handle.

If Gu Changge wants to intervene, he doesn't mind any more trouble.

Besides, if Gu Changge had any accident in the demon world, Empress Xi Yao would definitely not be able to bear this responsibility.

Afterwards, Jun Fan and Song Youwei continued to talk, and asked her father how many people were with her this time.

He and Song Youwei are also very familiar with each other, and they are like confidants and friends.

I have practiced together before, and I have also played against each other in the black and white college competition.

Because of their relative background and appearance, Cultivation Base is a good match, many good people think that they have a very close relationship.

However, Jun Fan is very clear that Song Youwei treats everyone like this, seemingly gentle and generous, with a degree of advancement and retreat, but has always maintained a distance not far or near.

He was moved by Song Youwei, but he was not very clear about Song Youwei's attitude towards him.

Hearing these questions, Song Youwei didn't doubt him, so she told him one to one.

"Really? Then I'm relieved."

Jun Fan nodded slightly in his heart, and began to think about how to do it for a while.

For him and his subordinates, this is a rare opportunity that should not be missed.

"I wonder how Young Master Changge feels that the Tianjiao of my demon world is inferior to the Tianjiao of the upper realm?"

At this moment, on the top of the sacred mountain, Empress Xi Yao and Gu Changge are sitting together.

She pointed to the vast and mighty demon world Tianjiao below, and couldn't help but smile and asked.

She didn't ask how it compares.

Because she knew that no matter how she compared it, the Tianjiao of the Demon Realm was not as good as the Tianjiao of the Upper Realm after all.

Whether it is talent or background, these are far behind.

However, she wanted to know what kind of Tianjiao in the demon world looks like in the eyes of Gu Changge, the first person in the upper realm of the younger generation?

Gu Changge smiled when he heard the words, then his gaze fell, and he scanned the mighty young figure, saying, "In Changge's view, the only difference between Tianjiao in the demon world is the difference in the practice environment. Considering their vision and the characters they come into contact with, from the Cultivation Base, the demon realm group of arrogances can only shoot and rank in the upper realm.

Below the midstream and even downstream. "

Empress Xi Yao nodded thoughtfully when she heard the words. She didn't think Gu Changge's words were ugly, but rather true.

How could the Tianjiao of the Demon Realm compare to those disciples who were born in the longevity family and the Immortal Master?

"That's why I want to change the environment of the demon world, but there are always people who want to stop me and choose to stand still." She sighed lightly, and there was a faint sadness between her brows.

Gu Changge glanced at her and smiled, "The merits and demerits, and later generations will comment, and I think you can do all of this with the queen's ability, don't worry about it."

"Does Young Master Changge believe me that way?" Empress Xi Yao looked at him deeply, the blue silk dancing lightly under the mountain breeze, her facial features were like paintings, and she couldn't pick out the slightest flaw.

Gu Changge smiled, and then sighed with regret, and said, "Why don't you believe it? If there is a will, it will happen. In my eyes, the empress is such a person, she has thoughts, and this thought fills the mountains and seas."

"It's a pity that I'm just an outsider after all.

Hearing this, Empress Xi Yao stared at him in a daze, and she didn't know why she would give birth to an account in her heart.

He knows himself so well, but after all, he is just an outsider.

Seeing her expression, Gu Changge continued to smile and said, "Now this huge demon world is like a pan of quicksand. The harder you try to wipe it tightly, the more it will dissipate from your fingers. Under internal and external troubles, the queen can How can it not be admired to achieve this level with one's own strength?"

The corner of Empress Xiyao's mouth was slightly raised, but the arc quickly dissipated.

She asked with some interest, "Then Young Master Changge, are you flattering me?"

She was tired of listening to all kinds of flattery and flattery.

If the others had said this in front of her, she would have sent someone to drag him down and beheaded.

But when I heard it from Gu Changge, I was always happy.

This emotion made her feel very strange, she was obviously tired of any man around her.

But with Gu Changge, he has never felt this kind of boredom.

No matter it is now, or the last time I met him for the first time at Zhenxian Academy, it is the same.

"Fatty? If your Majesty the Queen thinks so, it is right. I seldom say these things to people unless it is a conspiracy against them."

Hearing this, Gu Changge smiled, very frank and frank.

Empress Xi Yao stared at him again, as if she was interested in his simple and straightforward attitude, "Then Young Master Changge has any plot against me?"

"There are nothing more than two, one is power and the other is body. This kind of question does not seem to be difficult to answer.

Gu Changge still smiled.

Hearing what he said, Empress Xi Yao suddenly felt a little flustered, but she still maintained her usual composure on her face.

"Tianjiao Banquet has begun

She opened the topic, her eyes fell on the many Tianjiao under the sacred mountain, and it seemed that she began to watch attentively.

Gu Changge smiled and stopped talking too much.

For him, this Tianjiao banquet is nothing more than watching a big show.

Just now, under his attention, Jun Bufan has been found.

It would be nice if he kept a low profile.

It's a pity that it was too ostentatious. There were so many Tianjiao present. If Gu Changge wanted to explore the luck points one by one, he didn't know how much time it would take.

However, you want to show up, but you also need to show your own powerful talent Cultivation Base.

Of course, the main reason was Song Youwei.

Gu Changge has been paying attention to her behavior, and seeing her walking towards a man in blue, he suddenly had a guess in his heart.

Then explore the luck point.

Jun Bufan's identity in this life was revealed in an instant, but he didn't startle, so he planned to finish watching the scene first.

The water in the demon world is very mixed.

Even Queen Xi Yao, in Gu Changge's eyes, is just a chess piece used by others.

When she was gambling with Jun Bufan, there were actually a lot of sights staring at her in secret.

In this game, she seems to have the upper hand, but it is not. Even Jun Bufan can easily learn about her many actions and traces.

Not to mention the big fish that are still hidden in the dark.

The five emperors of the Demon Realm who were in the past disappeared in the end, have they really fallen?

For the existence of Jun Bufan, in Gu Changge's view, the greater value is to draw out the big fish hidden behind him.

And just when Gu Changge was talking with Empress Xi Yao.

The banquet of Tianjiao under the holy mountain has already begun. Many Tianjiao display powerful methods, use their strongest magical powers, and continue to climb high.

The cliffs are majestic, with many flickering patterns and runes, exuding powerful coercion.

People with a weak Cultivation Base will find it difficult to support and fall off after a few steps.

And this is just a checkpoint left in the holy mountain.

If you want to climb to the top and go to the top of the mountain, you must not only stick to the checkpoints here, but also need to beware of other people's sneak attacks, which is not small.

Under the top of the mountain, there are 108 white jade stairs, with various colors of glow appearing on the top, and a terrible atmosphere permeates the windings.

All the Demon Realm Tianjiao are trying to reach the top quickly, using their own methods.

There were also two people who had been in conflict. They fought each other here, and the horrible fluctuations swept all directions and attracted everyone's attention.

There are too many scenes like this.

In the Tianjiao Banquet held every twenty years in the Demon Realm, there are almost always conflicts and fights. There are countless young generations who have fallen here.

Even the family forces behind them did not dare to intervene to stop them.

Over time, many people also regard this kind of Tianjiao banquet as an opportunity for a fair decisive battle to make life and death decisions here.

Gu Changge himself has no interest in this kind of thing.

According to normal routines and plots, scenes like Tianjiao Banquet that obviously give the son of luck the limelight, generally there will be no surprises.

Today, even though Jun Bufan encountered several opponents who claimed to be the young supreme demon world, they fought there, and the fluctuations caused a sensation around. Many people looked at them and were extremely shocked.

But Gu Changge knew that such a battle would not last long.

As the son of the demon emperor who has returned from rebirth, Jun's extraordinary means and strength can crush Tianjiao of the same realm without any problems.

In addition, it is normal for the aura of luck to be on the body, hiding power, and pretending to be a pig and a tiger.

Therefore, after sweeping Jun Bufan a few glances, he no longer had the interest to wait and see.

Instead, he turned his gaze to the surroundings, guessing where it would start if there was a chaos.

The Taifu, the Heavenly King of Peace and the Marshal of the Demon Race, these people are hiding nearby with heavy soldiers in their hands.

In addition to this, many great clans of the demon world in the nine regions of the demon world have also come here one after another.How can they lack the strongest?

But it is not clear whether those strong people are theirs.

Looking at it now, Empress Xi Yao is really in crisis.

"Bai Lian'er, the owner behind the Spring Breeze Jade Tower, is probably also here, but I don't know where he is hiding now."

"It seems that except for Empress Xi Yao, Bai Lian'er and others don't know the true identity of Jun Bufan, so they are still watching 517. What is the kit in her hand? It is worthy of Xuanyang Demon. The emperor entrusted it to the demon master Bai Kun in this way"

Gu Changge squinted his eyes and scanned the square. From his current vision, there are too many living things near the sacred mountain, densely packed with people.

If you really want to find Bai Lian'er, it is really difficult.

If she were smarter, she would definitely change her face and could not easily show it to outsiders.

As the daughter of the former demon master Bai Kun, her appearance in the demon world should not be a secret.

Thinking about this, Gu Changge's eyes flickered, waved his hand, and ordered to go down, "Pay attention to the surrounding movement, if you see someone with suspicious aura approaching, just take it down."

"Yes, son."

Tian Ze and a group of powerful men quietly hid in the void and disappeared quickly.

Seeing this scene, Qing Zhu, who was standing behind Empress Xi Yao, looked a little unnatural, but no one paid attention to her at the moment.

She knew that something extraordinary would happen today.

Whether it is to Empress Xi Yao or to the entire demon world, it is likely to have an unspeakable impact.

Now, her palms are full of cold sweat.

A few days ago, Jun Fan gave her the bottle of pill powder. After returning home, she felt anxious and very nervous.

But considering that this matter was about her future life and death, she calmed down and started to implement it.

On weekdays, they are also responsible for the many resources used by Empress Xi Yao's Cultivation Base, as well as the spiritual tea and fairy fruit she drinks daily.

So she easily dropped the pill powder in it, and Empress Xi Yao didn't notice any abnormality.

As Jun Fan said, the ingredients contained in the pill powder do not have any toxicity.

Even if Empress Xi Yao doubted it last, she would not doubt it.

So Qingzhu also put his heart down and waited for Junfan to implement the final step of the plan today.

However, now that Gu Changge is by Empress Xi Yao, it makes her feel that things seem a little tricky.

And just now Gu Changge sent out his men to kill those suspicious people.

Could it be that Gu Changge noticed something?

Qingzhu felt a little uneasy, especially from the conversation between Empress Xi Yao and Gu Changge just now, if there was an accident, Gu Changge would definitely not stand idly by.

In this way, how many chances are there in Jun Fan's plan?

"What's wrong? Did Young Master Changge notice anything?"

Empress Xi Yao was paying attention to the many young Tianjiao below, when she heard Gu Changge's order like this, she couldn't help but raised her eyebrows and asked.

Gu Changge smiled and said, "It's nothing, it's just that I suddenly feel a little worried."

Empress Xi Yao knew what he meant by these words, and the warmth in her heart disappeared, and she smiled and didn't ask any more questions.

Every time Tianjiao feasted, she would actually be attacked and killed, either from the remnants of the Five Emperors, or from the other great demons.

She has long been accustomed to such things.

If there is no accident, this time Tianjiao Banquet, there are definitely many people who can't hold back secretly, and will choose to move their hands.

And Gu Changge sent his men to search for suspicious people, which is undoubtedly protecting her in disguise.

This made Queen Xi Yao regenerate the strange emotions she had before.

For more than 6,000 years, no matter what kind of crisis it has encountered, she has solved it alone.

Sometimes, the Tai Fu will help her think up ideas and make suggestions.

But more often, she faces it alone, relying on iron and blood methods and Cultivation Base to control and clean everything.

After all, I was exhausted and exhausted.

Nowadays, after seeing Gu Changge, she always felt a sense of dependence in her heart.

However, this feeling was finally dispelled by her shaking her head. She was the empress of the people of the immeasurable demon world, and Gu Changge was just a young junior after all.

"What does Empress Xi Yao think of this person?"

When Empress Xi Yao's mood was complicated, Gu Changge spoke, and his eyes fell under the sacred mountain, as if he was riding on Jun Fan, and asked with interest.