Ch 396

Upon hearing this, Empress Xiyao came back to her senses, her gaze also fell, and she looked at the man in blue.

She frowned slightly, then stretched out, and said, "This person's name is Jun Fan, who is the third son of the Heavenly King of Peace, and now in my demon world, he is also an extremely dazzling Tianjiao.

"But in the past few years, I have been hidden by the Heavenly King of Peace and Chaos, and it has only recently begun to show up.'

As the Queen of the Demon Realm, her eyeliner is distributed everywhere, and she naturally clearly understands the many young talents.

Tianjiao like Song Youwei and Jun Fan actually fell into her sight a long time ago.

The purpose of her creation of the Black and White Academy at the beginning was also to capture the Tianjiao from all over the demon world, and finally used it for her.

If there is no accident, Junfan will surely reach the top three in today's Tianjiao Banquet.

Thinking of this, she was in a good mood. She had rarely seen such an outstanding Tianjiao, and she was bound to become famous in the demon world in the future.

Gu Changge heard the words and said with interest, "The third son of Pingluan Heavenly King, this name is a bit special, Jun Fan.

"What's the relationship with Jun Bufan?"

Hearing this, the green bamboo, standing behind Empress Xi Yao with his head down, turned pale, but fortunately, he lowered his head and no one could see it.

Empress Xi Yao glanced at Jun Fan at the foot of the mountain, nodded, and said, "When I learned all this, I was a little surprised.

"However, Pingluan Tianwang is my hand, and I know that his children were born, so I didn't care too much about this matter.

The King of Peace and Chaos belongs to her knowledgeable figure.

So she didn't doubt the name of this very similar offspring.

Moreover, Junfan's talent for cultivation is also really dazzling, giving her the heart of cherishing.

She thought Gu Changge was suspicious, so she explained this more.

Gu Changge smiled and continued, "Now it seems that this man named Kanfan is a bit extraordinary. I think his strength is much stronger than the rest of his peers.

"Jun Fan and Youwei surprised me a bit."

Empress Xi Yao also smiled and looked at another dazzling Tianjiao, Song Youwei.

Her climbing speed was not much slower than Jun Fan.

Moreover, she seemed to have not exerted all her strength, she appeared relaxed, her dress was fluttering, and she had a sense of scholarship.

Always do not fight, fall behind Jun Fan a little bit far behind.

Many Tianjiao who shot at her have already rolled down, and my heart is shocked.

Song Youwei's strength should not be underestimated.

"I think it's not just a surprise

Gu Changge's gaze is still very interesting, meaning something.

Near the sacred mountain, everyone watching this scene was also amazed in their hearts.

Especially Jun Fan's father, the King of Peace and Chaos, his face is even more difficult to conceal his joy.

He didn't expect that Jun Fan would even ride Juechen, crush his peers, and have already reached 108 steps. Many demon world arrogances were suppressed by him and were not his opponents.

This gave him a face, listening to the compliments and Jiang Mu's voices from many colleagues around him, his smile never stopped.

"Fan'er really didn't let my father down!"

He sighed incomparably. Dage and the second sister of Junfan behind him also had a smile on their faces and they were proud of them.

"Sister Lian'er, you said that young man is the one we are looking for.

Bai Hua and Bai Lian'er, who were hidden in the crowd, were also staring at the many scenes on the sacred mountain at this moment.

The speaker is the white painting, and his face is full of shock.

Bai Lian'er looked indifferent, and said, "It can't be wrong, that person is definitely him. Apart from him, no one in the younger generation of the demon world has such strength."

Listening to the affirmation in Bai Lian'er's words, the color of the white picture also changed several times.

"Then why does he have to climb to the top of the holy mountain at this time? According to reason, isn't Empress Xi Yao the person he hates most? Why is it still like this?"

"Isn't he afraid of being discovered by Empress Xi Yao?"

He was a little unbelievably authentic, unable to understand what Jun Fan was doing.

Bai Lian'er said lightly, "I just want to prove myself, even if he is resurrected from the dead, he is equally good."

"Hate is born of love. Today, he is absolutely full of hatred and anger. He will go to Xi Yao to avenge him.

However, in the words, it is difficult to conceal the sneer and disdain.

Having grown up with Jun Bufan somehow, she naturally knows his character.

Bai Hua listened thoughtfully, and asked, "Sister Lian'er, do we still give him things as the Master said?"

Bai Lian'er heard this, but his face was a little hesitant.

She naturally also saw Gu Changge, who was on the top of the sacred mountain, talking and laughing with Empress Zhang Yao, a man who made her completely invisible.

As for why Gu Changge appeared in the demon world.

She guessed that it was for her, or it was for the kit in her hands.

After all, her father fell into Gu Changge's hands. As long as Gu Changge has a little means, he can easily torture things out of his mouth.

Otherwise, how could the timing be so coincidental?

As soon as she arrived in the demon world, Gu Changge followed?

So now she actually has two choices, one is to give the kit to Jun Bufan according to her father's request.

The second is to find Gu Changge and make a deal with him, asking him to let his own father go, and he gave him the kit.

So now she is wondering how to choose.

Gu Changge is worthy of belief.

If Gu Changge can be trusted, she will choose to give him the kit in exchange for her father's life.

Jun Bufan is just a stranger to her now.

They used to grow up almost together. Although they were not brothers and sisters, their relationship did not lose to their brothers and sisters.

But all this changed after meeting Xi Yao.

She had great hopes for Jun Bufan, and wanted him to become a demon emperor like the Demon Emperor Xuanyang, overpowering all directions.

As a result, Jun Bufan's many actions deeply hurt her.

Even though she warned Jun Bufan many times that Xi Yao's mind was impure, not as pure as she had seen on the surface, Jun Bufan never listened to persuasion, loves no regrets, and died as expected in the end.

During this period, Jun Bufan even maliciously slandered her because of Xiyao's affairs.

All these, too much, too much.

In the end, she cared about Jun Bufan the most, but in the end she became the person he hated most.

Thinking of this, Bai Lian'er couldn't help showing mockery at the corner of her mouth. She was so stupid at the beginning that she now wants to be able to cross the long river of time and choke her once to death with her own hands.

If it weren't for the fact that this matter was my father's last commission, how could she agree to it?

And just when everyone's minds were different, the top of the holy mountain, as Jun Fan's body glowed, many magical runes flowed, and the last step fell.

On the 108 steps, there was a humming sound.

In the end, there was a bright brilliance, red, orange, yellow, green, blue, blue and purple, all colors were intertwined, and the colorful clouds flowed, extremely dazzling and dazzling, to show his first place.

Suddenly, there was a sensation in all directions, and the sound of mountains and seas roared.

All the people of the Monster Race looked at the blue-clothed man walking towards the top of the sacred mountain, with expressions of wonder, admiration, and envy in their eyes.

"It's him々"!"

"The third son of the Heavenly King of Peace, this speed, I'm afraid it has broken these thousands of records, right?"

"It's terrifying! His strength is so strong? He is completely crushing everyone behind!

"Even Tai Fu's only daughter, Song Youwei, is behind him. It's incredible."

Everyone looked at it in shock. They didn't expect someone to break the six thousand-year record at the Tianjiao Banquet.

What I saw today, I'm afraid it will cause a lot of shock in the Demon Realm!

"Break the record

Empress Xi Yao also rarely smiled in front of outsiders, looking at Jun Fan who was walking towards her.

This talent is indeed rare, and it really surprises her.

Gu Changge's face didn't change at all, and he was full of interest. Now that Jun Fan stands higher, when he falls, he will naturally fall more miserably.

With a look of neither humble nor arrogant on his face, Jun Fan quickly landed on the top of the sacred mountain.

Seeing Empress Xi Yao and Gu Changge who were sitting in front of him, he felt a little weak in his heart.

Just now under the top of the mountain, he had been paying attention to the movement above, knowing that Gu Changge and Empress Xi Yao had a very happy conversation.

Although the behavior has never been intimate or transgressive.

But after all, it made him very uncomfortable, so he showed his own real Cultivation Base, breaking the record of Tianjiao Banquet in one fell swoop.

There is no difference in the limelight now.

However, Jun Fan still maintained a somewhat humble expression and walked over.

"Jun Bufan, right?"

However, the next moment, Gu Changge's smiling voice came, making Jun Fan's heart shake.

My mind was even more buzzing, as if being hit by Huang Zhongda Lu, there was a rumbling, blank.

His complexion changed slightly, and his first reaction was to be fully alert, intending to smash the jade charms in his sleeves and let the subordinates lying in ambush do it.

He couldn't believe it.

How did Gu Changge know his own identity?

Is it possible that Qing Zhu betrayed him? Tell all this truthfully?

"Oh, no, your name is Jun Fan, I confuse these two names."

However, just when various thoughts flashed in Jun Fan's heart, the vibration was abnormal, and he was about to do it.

The voice of Gu Changge from the front came again, with a sudden and slightly apologetic voice.

Upon hearing this, Jun Fan was taken aback for a moment, and then he was relieved, but he was also a little surprised in his heart.

He didn't expect that he was too cautious and nervous. It was because of Gu Changge's words that he had such a big reaction.

Jun Fan didn't know whether his performance just now would reveal anything abnormal.

He doesn't do this on weekdays.

The most important thing is that Gu Changge asked too unexpectedly, making him unable to react, especially in front of Empress Xi Yao.

"Jun Fan has seen Young Master Changge and Her Majesty the Queen."

Soon, Jun Fan regained his composure, and when he met the two men, he returned to his natural behavior.

Gu Changge looked at him with an inexplicable expression. Then he smiled and said, "You don't need to be polite. It is a worthwhile trip to see such a arrogant person today, which makes Gu an eye-opener.

Upon hearing this, Jun Fan showed an expression of neither humble nor arrogant expression, and said, "Young Master Changge is absurdly praised. In front of you, how can Junfan be called Tianjiao?

Empress Xi Yao glanced at Gu Changge, and she didn't know why Gu Changge called Junfan as Junfan.

Could it be a ridiculous ridicule?

However, Jun Fan's slightly changed and suddenly nervous expression was also seen in her eyes, and she felt a little funny in her heart.

In her opinion, Jun Fan's reaction is also normal.

After all, anyone who has known Jun Bufan understands what his name represents.

Suddenly hearing Gu Changge shout like this, Jun Fan's first reaction must be panic. She would show this emotion, but she felt nothing.

The main reason is that she knows the roots of Junfan.

"Young Master Changge, don't scare him."

Empress Xi Yao smiled and glanced at Gu Changge slightly, she rarely showed a smile in front of outsiders, and then waved to the female officer beside her to give Junfan a seat.

Jun Fan's eyelids twitched and thanked him respectfully. Then he sat down, watching his nose and nose, his heart gradually calmed down.

Xi Yao just crossed the look of Gu Changge's look, but it fell completely in his eyes.

He couldn't believe it.

Xi Yao is now the Queen of the Demon Realm, how can he show such an expression to the man and appear so intimacy?

Thinking about this, Jun Fan was even more restless.

However, he is still thinking about Gu Changge's intentions just now.

Then, he glanced at Qingzhu secretly.

Seeing Qing Zhuchao shook his head slightly, there was no other meaning, and he couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief. It seemed that Empress Xi Yao hadn't noticed anything abnormal.

And soon, listening to the conversation between Queen Xi Yao and Gu Changge.

Jun Fan's complexion was a little faintly unsightly, but he was still restrained and suppressed, and he did not reveal any abnormality.

He heard that some of the conversations between the two of them were already spoken by people who were very familiar with them.

Especially the Empress Xi Yao, who is cold and dignified on weekdays, does not laugh, and no strangers enter, but now she and Gu Changge are chatting and laughing like this.

Jun Fan took a deep breath to calm himself quickly.

A small leak will sink a great ship.

And soon, several more figures appeared on the White Jade Ladder, all of whom were young talents with advanced and powerful talents from the other Cultivation Base, including Song Youwei.

Jun Fan broke the record of the banquet of Tianjiao for six thousand years, which shocked their hearts, envied them, but also gave birth to unwillingness.

But in front of Empress Xi Yao, they didn't dare to say anything. After seeing the ceremony, they began to take their seats, waiting for a while for her majesty to personally give the royal wine, as well as many palace-specific spiritual foods, and so on.

These things all contain unimaginable energy and good fortune.

In addition to the imperial wine, the spiritual food set at the Tianjiao Banquet is also a divine object that they can't touch at all. It is of great value and can help them make breakthroughs.

However, the Tianjiao Banquet only has 108 seats, which means that among the tens of thousands of Tianjiao, only the top 108 are eligible to sit, which shows the fierce competition.

"~ The strength that Brother Junfan showed today really surprised You Wei.

After seated, Song Youwei looked at Jun Fan who was not far away from her, showing a sense of surprise, and said with a smile.

Jun Fan smiled and replied, "After all, it is an opportunity to show off my strength in front of the Queen. It is so rare, I naturally want to hold it firmly.'

His words have been recognized by many Tianjiao. At this moment, they all looked at the first Empress Xi Yao, and many young men were obsessed with it.

Although the face of Empress Xi Yao was hidden by a layer of chaotic fog, she couldn't see clearly.

But from the simple appearance of the voice and appearance, it is already beautiful enough to make people intoxicated, willing to fall into it.

Song Youwei didn't ask much about Jun Fan's answer.

It's just that she felt that the Jun Fan she saw today was slightly different from the one she had seen before.

In the past, Jun Fan would not be so ostentatious, and would act afterwards.

However, she didn't think too much.

After all, this is at the Tianjiao Banquet. There is an opportunity to be famous all over the world. As a young man, he will naturally seize it firmly.

Soon, the top of the sacred mountain, 108 seats were full.

Everyone looked at the first Empress Xi Yao, with respectful expressions.

"The banquet is full, let's have a banquet.

Empress Xi Yao got up, her eyes swept across all sides, and finally fell on the faces of Jun Fan, Song Youwei and others, and then said lightly.

The remaining Tianjiao didn't have time to catch up. Hearing that there was a female officer above it announced the end, he immediately retreated in regret.

All the people of the demon world in the nearby mountains, and even many big figures, were also eagerly waiting, watching this scene very enviously.

In every Tianjiao banquet, although they are just watching the ceremony, they can also feel the many good fortunes contained in it.




With the ringing of three huge bells, the sound spread to all sides, and the Tianjiao Banquet officially began.

During the banquet, a series of shimmering, shining spiritual foods were brought up by many maids.

The scent is tangy and contains unimaginable divinity, which makes the pores seem to relax.

First, it is spiritual food, which is cooked by various powerful beast meats, and then supplemented by many Spiritual herbs, which have amazing effects.

Many Tianjiao only took the first bite, and the blood spurted out of the pores, turning into a small continuous red mist.

The power of qi and blood was as turbulent as a river, and then hurriedly meditated on the spot, not daring to waste a bit.

Jun Fan paid attention to Empress Xi Yao's actions with an unmoving expression.

Seeing that she asked the female officer around her to test the poison first, and then eat it, so cautiously, it didn't surprise him.

However, these are trivial matters in the first place, and the main thing is in the back.

"Tianjiao Banquet is divided into three banquets, first a meat banquet, a fruit banquet, and finally a wine banquet."

In the first place, Empress Xi Yao smiled a little and explained to Gu Changge.

(Li Dezhao) Gu Changge nodded and exclaimed, "These meats are not simple, they contain unimaginable energy and good fortune. If you want to refining on weekdays, it is quite difficult, but after cooking After that, it was much milder."

He tasted a few mouthfuls and was not worried that there would be poison in these meats.

He can refine and swallow even Jue Yin Origin at will, let alone the many poisons in this world.

In the field, the first meat feast began. Many young Tianjiao began to be unable to support it. They began to sit in the same place and choose to refine.

After all, it's no wonder others, they can hardly absorb so much good fortune.

Soon, the second fruit banquet began, and all that came up were crystal clear spiritual fruits containing many Taoist rhymes.

The appearance is different, the glow of the sun is gushing, and some of the surfaces are even surrounded by divine light, with strange lines, and the effect of enlightenment faintly.

At the moment when they saw this fruit, many Tianjiao's eyes were straight, and their hearts trembled, making it difficult to calm down.

All the big people watching from a distance are also envious and jealous, and they can't wait to replace them.

"It seems that this time Her Majesty the Queen was preparing for this Tianjiao banquet, but she laid down the blood, and even Bodhi Dao fruit was taken out."

"Even if it's the imperial palace, it might be considered for a long time to come out with so many of them suddenly."

Many big figures sigh with emotion and envy, even when they arrive at their Realm, they are extremely eager for the fruit of Bodhi.

Because of this thing, it can help them make a breakthrough, and if they encounter a bottleneck, they are more likely to break through and go to another world.

Empress Xi Yao also took out such a good thing, which really shocked them.

Soon, many Tianjiao did not hesitate, picked up the Bodhi Tao fruit in their hands, and began to swallow the refining.

Even Song Youwei took it carefully, rarely showing a cautious expression.

Jun Fan's expression remained unchanged, and he swallowed the fruit quickly, not wanting to be noticed by others.

Suddenly, the place began to diffuse a strong fragrance, the glow of the sun intertwined, reflected in the sky, and the sound of the Tao reverberated, resounding from all sides.

"After the meat banquet and fruit banquet are over, is the highlight of this banquet?"

Looking at the many Tianjiao who had fallen into a state of enlightenment, Gu Changge couldn't help asking with interest.

Empress Xi Yao nodded, with a mysterious smell in her smile, and said, "For this banquet, I have specially prepared for a long time.

Gu Changge looked at her, smiling a little inexplicably, and said, "Then I will wait and see." Yu,