Ch 397

Upon hearing Gu Changge's words, Empress Xi Yao thought he didn't believe it.

Instead, she explained it seriously and said, "For this banquet, I prepared more than 20 years in advance, and even went to the True Immortal Academy in exchange for a long-lost brewing method from an old monster."

"In addition, I personally went to the extremely cold place of the Demon Realm and picked a lot of eight million years of ice lotus, just to dilute the medicinal effect in the imperial wine, because I was worried that they would not be able to attract them and burst into death. ."

She had never said these words to anyone, even the closest female officer behind her did not even know it.

No one knows how long she has prepared for the Tianjiao Banquet over the years.

But in front of Gu Changge, she unabashedly explained all this, because she felt that Gu Changge could understand her good intentions.

"Really? Changge will have to taste this royal wine for a while. If they knew that Her Majesty the Queen had put so much effort into this Tianjiao banquet, I am afraid they would be even more grateful."

Gu Changge raised his eyebrows slightly and smiled.

He also didn't expect Empress Xi Yao to pay attention to this banquet of Tianjiao.

He even did so many things personally.

"I don't need them to be grateful to me.

Hearing that, Empress Xi Yao pointed her finger at the many arrogances below, laughed, and said, "They are the hope of the demon world in the future. I do all this nothing."

But there is still some pride in the words.

After all, looking around, this endless and magnificent territory is hers.

These countless creatures in the demon world are her people.

For her, all the hard work and effort put in for more than six thousand years is worthwhile.

"What her Majesty has done really impresses Changge."

Hearing this, Gu Changge laughed.

Immediately after looking at the banquet, he was sitting cross-eyed with his eyes closed, refining Bodhi Dao Guo, and he couldn't see the slightest strangeness of Jun Fan, and he continued to ask at will.

"But, your Majesty, do you think it's worth it?'

Empress Xi Yao frowned slightly, thinking about the question of Gu Changge seriously.

"They will serve me sincerely in the future and inject fresh blood into the demon world. I don't think it's worth it."

She didn't hesitate for long, and said bluntly.

Gu Changge snorted, his smile looked calm and calm, and asked, "Is that so? So Her Majesty thinks that they will all serve you, so you trust them?,

"They are all selected by my eyeliner, and I will trust them naturally.

Empress Xi Yao gave Gu Changge a strange look, but she didn't understand why he asked this today.

Is it possible that he is suspicious of 517 in front of the group of arrogances?

Empress Xi Yao felt that this was unlikely. Tianjiao, who was able to come here, had entered her sight a long time ago.

If they had another plot, she would have known it a long time ago.

"Is that so?"

Gu Changge nodded, noncommittal.

At this time, he understood the thoughts of Empress Xiyao a little bit.

This principle is like black under the lamp.

Before that, he was still guessing whether Queen Xi Yao would have any means to prevent the big event that would happen at the Tianjiao Banquet this time.

But from these words, he found that he seemed to overestimate her.

Just now, I helped her test Xiajun's extraordinary reaction, but Empress Xiyao didn't even notice it.

In that case, I am afraid that she will only react when Jun Bufan sends the blade to her.

Perhaps in the eyes of Empress Xi Yao, even if Jun Bufan was not dead, she would not dare to show up in front of her at this time.

Empress Xi Yao is a qualified demon queen, but she is not a qualified emperor.

In Gu Changge's opinion, how can the so-called emperor easily trust others, even if it is his own confidant.

He felt that if he didn't go to the demon world this time.

In this Tianjiao banquet, Empress Xiyao will definitely suffer a big loss, and even suffer a serious loss, it is very possible.

According to the general routine, the current rule of the demon world is overthrown.

After that, Empress Xi Yao became a prisoner, and the fiance Jun, who was poisoned by her, reappeared in the world, proclaiming the crime of Empress Xi Yao, and since then took control of the demon world and became the new master of the demon world.

Even if it is another possibility.

The turmoil was finally calmed down, and Empress Xi Yao would have to spend a lot of effort to find the mastermind behind the scenes.

After all, Jun Bufan was right in front of her now, but she turned a blind eye to it. On the contrary, she was optimistic about it and somewhat cherished her talent.

If there is no luck, Gu Changge would never believe it.

"In that case, this is the normal plot and trajectory. It's strange if nothing happens." Gu Changge shook his head slightly.

Then, Gu Changge narrowed his eyes, looked at Empress Xi Yao, smiled and said, "But I am afraid that everyone in the demon world will never know that their always cold-blooded and cruel Empress will have such a simple and lovely side.'

"Young Master Changge, what do you mean?"

"Are you complimenting me or scolding me?

Empress Xiyao was taken aback when he heard the words (cedh). After reacting, she almost couldn't turn her head. It was difficult to maintain the empress' majesty in daily life.

She had to wonder if she had heard it wrong.

This is the first time I have heard someone say that she is innocent and cute.

She suddenly felt very uncomfortable, and her heart was even a little flustered inexplicably.

From beginning to end, she knew that she had never touched these four characters.

Not to mention her image in the hearts of everyone in the demon world, has always been cruel and cruel, murderous, cruel and merciless.

In order to suppress the five emperors remnants, he did not hesitate to send a large army to fight everywhere, and many big clans of the demon world perished in her hands.

Because of her relationship, the demon world creatures who died directly or indirectly were countless.

How can she get involved with innocence and cuteness like this?

Subconsciously, she felt that Gu Changge was probably laughing at her stupid idea just now.

However, Gu Changge looked calm and smiled and said, "Naturally not scolding your majesty. It's just that when you suddenly see the other side of your majesty, I feel that the contrast is quite big and gives me such a feeling."

"The other side of me?"

Empress Xiyao's eyes locked on him tightly.

In the end, she really couldn't stand Gu Changge's straightforward gaze, she moved her head away, and looked at the many young talents below.

Gu Changge chuckled and did not refute.

Of course, it is impossible to call her stupid at this time, to be a little bit euphemistic, it is naturally simple.

If you beautify it, it will naturally be simple and cute.

Regardless of how Empress Xiyao said, she is also an unmanned woman, of course, the premise is to ignore her age.

With his status and status, a little nice words can easily impress her.

At this moment, under the first place, after taking Bodhi Dao Guo, almost all the young Tianjiao are refining and assimilating.

The body surface was surrounded by divine light, and Baohui flickered, and he did not let go of this once-in-a-lifetime epiphany opportunity.

Everyone is watching.

This process is not long, and soon the sky gradually dimmed.

Countless creatures from the demon world around the mountain range stared at them, with envy and jealousy in their eyes, only feeling that all the aura of Tianjiao was getting stronger.

The twilight was falling, and the orange afterglow was falling, and the whole sacred mountain was shrouded in pale gold, solemn and magnificent.


"I also made a breakthrough, worthy of Bodhi's Tao fruit."

Many Tianjiao began to wake up, opened their eyes from a state of epiphany, and suddenly exclaimed joy.

The colorful clouds shone, the golden clouds intertwined, filled with a powerful breath, and even sprayed out all kinds of brilliance from the pores.

The first thing they did was to perceive the changes in their own strength, and they were very pleasantly surprised.

They had heard about the preciousness of Bodhi Dao fruit.

Before that, I had never thought that one day I could refine and absorb such a fruit.

The many opportunities at the Tianjiao banquet made them feel grateful to Empress Xi Yao.

"Cultivation Base has indeed made a breakthrough in a small Realm. This Bodhi Tao fruit is indeed extraordinary.

Jun Fan also opened his eyes from his epiphany, his expression appeared natural, and like the rest of Tianjiao, he bowed to Empress Xi Yao and thanked him.

Although he will assassinate Queen Xi Yao for a while, he is not a fool, so don't let it be so cheap.

But Jun Fan didn't know if it was his own illusion.

Gu Changge kept looking at his gaze, making him feel that all his own secrets seemed to be invisible.

That look is more like a cat and mouse joke.

He frowned secretly and looked away calmly.

"Could it be that Gu Changge discovered something, it must be my abnormality just now, and he has noticed it?

With this in mind, Jun Fan became more vigilant.

Now that everything is ready, only the east wind is owed. The meat feast and fruit feast are over, and then the feast is over. That is the time for him to do it.

"Come here, serve wine for the arrogance of heaven."

At this time, the first Empress Xi Yao got up again, waved her sleeves, and ordered the female officer behind her to serve wine.


In the nearby mountains, countless creatures in the demon world heard this sound and they all quieted for a while, and then erupted with excitement like a mountain whistling and a tsunami.

At this moment, almost everyone's eyes fell, implying expressions of curiosity, excitement, and excitement.

After all, the first two banquets are so precious, let alone the banquet as the finale.

Every banquet at the Tianjiao Banquet will attract everyone's attention in the demon world.

There were even cases where the cultivator just smelled a scent of wine and made breakthrough in place.

So this time the banquet made them look forward to and curious, wondering what kind of finale Xi Yao Queen prepared.

With the words of Queen Xi Yao, many beautiful women filed out behind her, with fluttering dresses and earthen jars in her hands. They were simple and simple. Although the surface was sealed, there was still a strong aroma of wine.

They walked in front of many Tianjiao.


Pour wine.

The series of actions are simple and direct, without any cumbersome steps.

The pale golden liquor rolled down from the crock, as if containing spirituality, falling into the white jade bowl in front of many Tianjiao.

"what is this "

Many Tianjiao's eyes widened. Just smelling the scent of wine, their faces became red, their feet staggered, and they almost couldn't sit still.

The amazing medicinal properties are pervasive, and there is a majestic energy, as if it can break the internal organs.


The void shuddered, coming in and giving out a variety of glows, interweaving and flowing there.

This is a terrible scene. Many people have even seen various visions appearing in the wine bowl.

The sun and the moon are rising and falling, the mountains and rivers are surging, the stars are swaying, the mountains and rivers are king, and the thunder and lightning become ashes.

"Is this demon wine, isn't it rumored that the brewing method has been lost?"

"Hey! It turns out to be the demon celestial wine, this is in the old rumors, only the demon celestial is qualified to drink wine.

"Where did Her Majesty the Queen get its brewing method?"

At this moment, many shocked voices sounded around.

Many big figures in the demon world recognized what kind of wine this imperial wine was, their eyes widened, and their hearts were extremely shaken.

As far as they know, the method of brewing Yaoxian wine has actually been lost very early.

However, there are still records of Yaoxian wine in the classics.

Its magical effect is indescribable, and even has a reborn effect.

Of course, Empress Xi Yao could never brew the real demon wine, she could hardly find all kinds of rare materials.

It can only restore one-tenth of the utility at most.

Even so, this bowl of Yaoxian wine made everyone's eyes red and maddened with envy and jealousy.

"The handwriting of this Tianjiao Banquet is beyond imagination."

Tai Fu Heping Chaotian Wang and the others were also shaking. Before that, they didn't know what kind of wine Queen Xi Yao had prepared.

"After this banquet, it's your death date.

Seeing this scene, Jun Fan was not surprised at all, sneered in his heart, and the first one raised his head and drank the golden liquor in the bowl.

He started sitting cross-legged and waiting.

Empress Xi Yao has been preparing for this for a long time.

But for this Tianjiao banquet, he also prepared for a long time.

Until now, Empress Xi Yao didn't know that the winemaker she was looking for had actually been secretly dropped by him.

In order to be foolproof, Jun Fan controlled the many ministers in charge of Yujiu this time, and firmly controlled the lives of them and his wife and daughter.


With Jun Fan's sip of wine, the rest of the young Tianjiao, also learning his appearance, began to drink, and they all understood this kind of good thing. It is estimated that they can only see this once in their lifetime.

"It turned out to be the fairy wine that has been lost in the rumors."

Song Youwei's heart was similarly shaken, but before drinking, she habitually raised her head and glanced at the first place.

"Young Master Changge, taste it?"

Empress Xi Yao personally poured wine for Gu Changge, her mouth twitched slightly, and she was very happy seeing the shocked expressions of everyone.

Gu Changge sniffed with interest, and said, "The fairy wine is indeed well-known. Just smelling it will make the pores refreshed. In order to brew this wine, Her Majesty should have spent a lot of energy?"

"Now it seems that it is worth it.

Empress Xi Yao smiled, also full of herself.

The female officer behind her came forward to test her for drugs, just in case.

And Jun Fan, who had been sitting cross-legged down, watched Empress Xi Yao drank the bowl of wine, and smiled suddenly at the corner of his mouth.

"The time is finally ripe!"

However, he has not crushed the jade charm in his arms, because it will take a while for the poison to attack.

This is a mixed poison. If you drink it alone, it will not have any effect. Naturally, you don't worry about being detected by others.

Now, the pill powder that Qingzhu used in Empress Xi Yao's meal before has an unimaginable miraculous effect.

Suddenly, the place is filled with rich aroma and splendor.

Many Tianjiao are a little bit addicted, trying to refine the medicinal effects in the liquor.

"The taste of this wine is really good."

Gu Changge gently shook the bronze wine glass in his hand, and took a sip, somewhat authentic as admiration.

"Xiyao respects Young Master Changge for a cup."

"Thank you, Young Master Changge, who came to the Demon Realm for hundreds of millions of miles to inform me of this."

Perhaps because of drinking, a faint haze rose on Xi Yao's white and delicate face.

But she still hooked her mouth slightly, raising her hand to raise a glass to Gu Changge.