Ch 402

A night of swirling, all kinds of amorous feelings.

"A person like you, is it worth entrusting your sincerity?" Empress Xi Yao was a little lazy, but more often, she muttered softly.

Gu Changge stroked her hair and smiled, "Why not?"

"But the deeper I know about you, the more upset I am. Sometimes I really want to know that you are only in your twenties?" Empress Xi Yao did not dwell on this issue too much, but sighed slightly.

For Empress Xi Yao, she really needs a dependency now, and there is no better choice than Gu Changge.

Under this premise, Gu Changge intends to use her to intervene in the demon world, and naturally it is a lot more logical.

Of course, Empress Xi Yao also knew very well that Gu Changge provided her with necessary support in addition to critical times.

Even if he could give the rest, he would not give it.

This is more like a deal.

Gu Changge's approach is not to say that selfishness is at the extreme, but it is absolutely rational to the extreme, and will not change any of his actions because of personal emotions.

So don't expect him to have the slightest emotion in it.

This made Empress Xi Yao still a little bit disappointed and disappointed.

For a while, the entire demon world was panicked because of the attack on Queen Tong Xiyao.

Almost every day, we can see many creatures patrolling near the imperial city.

All the suspects were intercepted and checked repeatedly. If there was something abnormal, they would be immediately imprisoned in a sky prison.

The assassination of the empress affected the minds of many creatures in the demon world.

The rest of the domains were also shaking. In many places, even big monsters heard about this and thought it was a golden opportunity and began to gather forces and try to resist.

The huge Demon Realm was no longer the peaceful and stable it used to be.

Many people in the demon world penetrates the bone with hatred for those traitors who assassinated Empress Xi Yao, spontaneously searched for suspicious people and reported to the court.

I have to say that for six thousand years, under the rule of Empress Xi Yao, people of all races have supported her a lot.

"Over the years, Empress Xi Yao has been able to win people's hearts, but she has spent a lot of thought, and there are so many people who are willing to support her."

In the Palace of Pingchao Tianwang, Jun Fan dressed in blue is quietly drinking tea in the courtyard.

Hearing many rumors from the outside world during this period, his complexion seemed very calm.

It just made him feel a little surprised that the assassination of Empress Xi Yao made many creatures in the demon world anger rather than ecstasy.

In his opinion, this can only show that Empress Xi Yao really spent a lot of thoughts and methods to win over people's hearts.

The demons have a low temperament. In many cases, even if their own relatives have accidents, they will appear very indifferent and indifferent.

An angry situation like this is really rare.

"Uncle Ye hasn't heard any news from 520. According to the information received from his father, Uncle Ye should have escaped from the hands of Gu Chang.

"This is what Gu Changge said personally…but why hasn't Uncle Ye contacted me until now?"

Jun Fan frowned very tightly, and felt a little uneasy in his heart.

Uncle Ye, as his biggest reliance now, and the Xuanyang Heavenly Sword he gave, it is logically impossible for accidents to occur.

He didn't believe that Uncle Ye would abandon him and run away.

"Maybe Uncle Ye was injured, and now he is recuperating somewhere, so I don't have to make a fuss.

Jun Fan thought so and began to fall into contemplation. In his opinion, the next plan was the most important thing.

If he just gave up revenge against Empress Xi Yao, he would not be reconciled.

During this period of time, Empress Xiyao sent people around to search for his traces, and based on Qingzhu's whereabouts, narrowed the scope of investigation to the Black and White Academy.

This is not good news for Jun Fan.

Because of this, sooner or later he will be searched for, and he always feels that Gu Changge seems to know something.

Later, he thought about it carefully. At the top of the sacred mountain, Gu Changge called him Jun Bufan, maybe it was a temptation.

His reaction at that time, although Empress Xi Yao hadn't thought much about it, it was hard to guarantee that she would not think too much about it afterwards.

"This is the only flaw I have left, but unless Xi Yao searches for my soul, she will never know who I am."

Regarding this point, Jun Fan is still very relieved.

As the third son of the Heavenly King of Peace, his identity is extremely dazzling, not to mention that this time Empress Xi Yao was attacked. He and his father fought bravely to kill the enemy and make a contribution.

If Empress Xi Yao suspected him, she would search for his soul, which would definitely chill many people including his father.

All in order to take care of the overall situation, Empress Xi Yao could not attack him even if she guessed his identity before she had no complete evidence.

"Father said at the time that an deceased would come and give me something, and I don't know when it will be."

Jun Fan paced in the courtyard.

At that time, his father's subordinates were not only Uncle Ye.

So during this time, he still needs to find the group of people based on his second hand.

In the palace, the poison of Queen Xi Yao has been solved almost.

Sitting in the first place, she was still dealing with some memorials, except that there were only three female officials next to her.

"Are there gains?"

She asked faintly while reading the memorial.

"His Majesty, all the young talents of the Black and White Academy who have been in contact with Qingzhu have now been identified."

Qinglan respectfully reports.

"Really? Did Qing Zhu have any contact with people from Elder's generation, or was it just the younger generation?"

Empress Xi Yao nodded and continued to ask. At the same time, Dai frowned, and the words Gu Changge had said that night sounded in her mind.

Even if she knows who Jun Bufan is now, she has no way to start.

This is what Gu Changge said at the time.

Empress Xi Yao didn't know what it meant at the time, she just guessed that Gu Changge might already have a goal in her heart, but she didn't tell her.

In response to this, she began a large-scale search, starting with the creatures near the holy mountain that day, and finally locked the scope to the Black and White Academy.

So the biggest suspect right now is among the younger generation in the demon world today.

These people were all she was in front of Gu Changge, and she kept saying that she could be trusted.

In the end, the suspect was among them, which is ironic.

This reminded her of what Gu Changge said at the time, naive.

"At present, there is no Elder of the older generation, because Qingzhu went to the Black and White Academy at that time and took your orders. The Elders of the Black and White Academy did not know where she met who. "Qing Lan replied respectfully.

Empress Xi Yao nodded, and waved her jade hand, "If this is the case, then investigate all the Tianjiao you've been in contact with. I don't believe there are any flaws."

"By the way, give me the list of Tianjiao who have been in contact with Qingzhu the most."

She intends to see for herself who are there.

"Yes, Your Majesty."

Soon, Qinglan handed over a list, which clearly listed all the talents of the black and white colleges today.

On some names, they are specially marked.

"Song Youwei, Luo Tian, ​​Ye Geng, Jun Fan, Chen Xiao…

She whispered these names softly, and her eyes started to flicker dangerously.

After experiencing Qingzhu's betrayal, she did have a lot of memory.

All these Tianjiao in front of her belonged to her knowledgeable existence, and even ranked in the top ten in this Tianjiao Banquet, with a dazzling light, and she fought bravely with many assassins and made credit.

Before changing, she wouldn't doubt it at all.

But now, in her opinion, these people are the most suspicious, even Song Youwei, who is a woman, looks the same to her.

"The heart of defense is indispensable. This sentence is what he said, just like him, and he will never fully trust anyone."

"Isn't what I see is not what they show on the surface."

Empress Xi Yao sighed slightly, then ordered to go down and said, "I will keep an eye on these people's movements. No matter what they do, they must report to me as soon as possible."

"Yes." Qing Lan stepped back quickly after receiving the order.

After that, Empress Xi Yao fell into contemplation.

Since the suspect is among these people, the family behind them must also need to pay attention.

Among them, there are even the family of her master-in-law, the most powerful subordinate, and the marshal of the town who controls the most troops.

If the problem arises with the three of them's heirs, the matter is really difficult to handle. No matter who moves, it is a thorny matter and involves many things.

"So that's what he meant. Even if I know who Jun Bufan is, I can't start. Unless I can come up with complete evidence."

At this time, she remembered what Gu Changge had said, and the smile on the corner of her mouth was a little self-deprecating.

"Right, so to speak, at the top of the sacred mountain, the words he said should also have a special meaning. Junfan, Junbufan? Is there really a problem?"

"Jun Fan's performance at that time is indeed a bit strange to think about now.

Empress Xi Yao frowned, thinking of this, but she had never doubted it at the time.

But now when I think about it, maybe this is the flaw.

"Does he just say it casually, or does he know something?"

Empress Xiyao couldn't help but rubbed her brows (cedh), feeling her head hurt.

In her view, Gu Changge's methods are not only mysterious and unpredictable, but Gu Changge never reveals much what she wants to know.

And just when Empress Xi Yao focused her suspicion on many young talents.

On the other side, Bai Lian'er, who had been watching Gu Changge, finally got news.

"My son, according to your instructions, we have been patrolling around the Pingluotian Palace for this period of time, and finally found a very suspicious pair of men and women. They seem to be no different from ordinary medicine farmers. They come with a basket every day. Packed some simple medicinal materials, set up a stall near the Pingluan Tianwang Mansion.

"But the woman among the two is very perceptive. As long as she walks within a hundred steps near her, she will be aware of it. Therefore, we dare not stun the snake. Moreover, from the appearance, she seems to be a disguise. Dressed up, it looks very suspicious.

In the palace, the fragrance of tea was lingering, and the mist was lingering. Tian Ze stood behind Gu Changge and said respectfully.

Hearing that, Gu Changge put down the chess piece in his hand, smiled and said, "Good job, after waiting so long, this fish finally got the bait.

"It's not in vain that I put this bait for so long.

He knew that at the holy mountain, Bai Lian'er must have known the true identity of Jun Bufan.

Therefore, during this time, she would definitely not help showing up, planning to meet him in order to complete the task given by her father.

And he only needs to be watched nearby, and he can wait for Bai Lian'er to snare himself.

After that, Gu Changge decided to get up and go to collect the net.

This time he didn't believe that Bai Lian'er could slip away so easily as he did in Beize Ancient City last time.

Upon seeing this, Jiang Luoshen on the opposite side was a little dissatisfied, "Can't you accompany me to finish the game first?"

"You can't win anyway, so why bother yourself."

Gu Changge said casually, walking past her, and did not intend to continue playing chess with her.

During this period of time, Jiang Luoshen accepted it, but gradually got used to it.

However, in front of outsiders, she is still a lofty, indifferent and noble princess of the Taixu Protoss, and the future Taixu God Emperor.

"No, even if you lose, you have to accompany me to finish."

Jiang Luoshen turned his head to look at her, very dissatisfied, finally seeing the hope of winning Gu Changge, naturally did not want to let him go at this time.

Gu Changge smiled suddenly, and said, "Who gave you the courage to speak to me like this, are these few days too good for you?"

Hearing this, Jiang Luoshen gave a cold snort, and did not continue to pester him.

During this period of time, she knows Gu Changge very well. When she needs her, she has all kinds of sweet talks. When she doesn't need her, she can't wait to kick her far away.

Soon, Gu Changge took many powerful men to the area where the Pingchao Tianwang Mansion was located. The emperor of the Demon Realm was huge, covering nearly a million li.

The Pingluan Tianwang Mansion is located on the east side.

It was a magnificent and magnificent group of palaces and mansions.

Many patterns are intertwined, and colorful clouds are flowing, like a heavenly palace located in the world.

To the west of the gate of Pingluan Tianwangfu is an extremely spacious street.

The palaces and pavilions on both sides are located, extremely tall, misty, faint, vague, and magnificent.

Many shops, restaurants, and stone gambling shops are located here, which seems quite lively, coming and going are all cultivators and creatures.

"Sister Lian'er, the two of us have been waiting here for five full days, how long will we have to wait here?

At this moment, at a simple stall, a man and a woman are selling some simple medicinal materials, such as Huangjing, Poria, Gastrodia, ginseng, etc., which are still stained with soil and look very fresh.

The talking man had a sallow face, a thin body, and a malnourished appearance. He was talking to the woman next to him in a low voice.

The woman's expression was very cold, and only two of the ten sentences were answered for the man's words.

It's just that his eyes will look in the direction of Pingluan Palace from time to time, seeming to be paying attention to something.

Although she is dressed in sackcloth, she can hardly conceal an amazing charm.

Many passing cultivators or creatures can't help but look at her, and then they are so appetite that they almost vomit.

Because the woman is so ugly, there is not only a big black spot on her face, but her eyes are also big and small, and her nose is crooked.

It looks like this, not to mention scary, but it's almost the same.

It is for this reason that no one patronizes their stall and it is very deserted.

"Wait a second, the demon world is quite unstable during this period. If we rush forward, it will definitely arouse Xi Yao's suspicion and cause a lot of unnecessary trouble."

When the woman heard the words, she spoke lightly, her tone was very cold.

The two of them left near the sacred mountain and then temporarily lived in Bai Lian'er and Baihua in the imperial capital.

After seeing Jun Bufan's failure to assassinate Queen Xi Yao, the two quietly left the Black and White Academy in secret, and they did not attract attention.

After discussing for a while, he decided to follow Bai Kun's request to give the kit to Jun Bufan.

But now it's a great turmoil in the Demon Realm, and all places are in tranquility.

Therefore, the two talents planned to wait and see for a while outside the Palace of Pingchao Tianwang, find a suitable time, go to see Jun Bufan, and give him the things.

Hearing what Bai Lian'er said, Bai Hua also nodded.

After arriving in the Demon Realm, Bai Lian'er was in charge of many things, and he was only responsible for divination and deduction occasionally.

"Lian'er Big sis, look east, that's Gu Changge!"

"Why would he come here."

At this moment, the white painting trembled slightly, and sounded with a terrified voice, causing Bai Lian'er, who had been in the town of Pingluan Tianwang Mansion, to withdraw his gaze and look in the direction that the white painting was looking at.

I saw a man dressed in profound clothes, slender and tall, and radiant like a young god, surrounded by many powerful men.

All the cultivators and creatures near the street, in awe, evaded one after another, not daring to block the way.

Bai Lian'er couldn't help her pupils shrinking.

"What should I do, Big sis, Gu Changge, why did he suddenly appear here?"

The voice of the white painting contained uncontrollable fear and trembling.

In this world, the person he fears most and wants to see most is definitely Gu Changge.

"Don't worry, calm down first and don't show any abnormalities."

"Gu Changge, who is here, is probably planning to investigate the Pingchao Palace. It has nothing to do with us. Don't be nervous and scare yourself."

Bai Lian'er calmed down quickly and calmly spoke.

Over the past few years, he has been in charge of the Spring Breeze Jade Tower and has lived in seclusion.

In her opinion, it is impossible for Gu Changge to know that she is here.

So it is very likely that, just passing through this place, and finally going to the Palace of Pingchao Tianwang. .