Ch 403

"As long as I suppress all my breath, plus the jade pendant left by my father at the time, Gu Changge will definitely not recognize me at the moment."

"After all, he and I have only one side bond, and I didn't even see each other's appearance."

"I just don't know what Gu Changge is planning to go to Pingluotian Wangfu this time? Did he discover the identity of Jun Bufan?"

By the side of the street, soon Bai Lian'er was cold ~ quiet.

She retracted her gaze, lowered her head, and looked at the stall in front of her with an honest look.

When the white painting next to her heard these words, she also forced herself to calm down, hiding her hands in her sleeves, so as not to be seen trembling, and did not dare to reveal any abnormalities.

From the appearance point of view, the two are a very ordinary pair of Yaonong brothers and sisters. They are dressed in plain and simple clothes. It is not surprising that they rely on going up the mountain to collect medicine for a living.

They are trying to reduce the sense of own existence to avoid being seen by Gu Changge at this time.

And on the street, and in the attic palaces on both sides.

Many creatures in the demon world, with their eyes wide open at this moment, were a little shocked watching Gu Changge with many powerful men coming from the other side of the street.

Gu Changge's identity is not a secret in the demon world.

If it weren't for him, Empress Xiyao would definitely be on the top of the sacred mountain.

In the eyes of many creatures in the demon world, Gu Changge's status is no different from that of Queen Xi Yao.

So now looking at him, they all seem to be very reverent, and they retreat one after another.

"I don't know what Young Master Changge is doing here? Is it to Ping Chao Tian Wang Mansion?"

"If there was no Young Master Changge, Empress Xi Yao would have been killed at that time. Young Master Changge is our lifesaver in the demon world."

Many people were talking in a low voice, but at the same time they were very curious, because Gu Changge can't be seen on weekdays.

"Is this the Pingluo Tianwang Mansion?"

Gu Changge walks on the street. His body is long, and his mysterious clothes are like a pendulum. They are woven from silk spit out from the eight million-year-old Xuanbing god of Luotian, embroidered with many ancient patterns.

All kinds of divine brilliance and brilliance flow faintly, and strands of regular chain of gods hang down, revealing noble and mysterious.

At this moment, he seemed to notice the mansion in the distance, and asked with some interest.

"Yes, son. The mansion in front is the place where the Pingluan Heavenly King now lives. It has a radius of 30,000 li, and there is a cave in it, and it has a lot of weather."

The cultivator who was in charge of leading the way replied respectfully.

"It seems that there will be time, so I have to visit the Palace of Pingluotian."

Gu Changge smiled, and then walked down the street.

But when he walked to the stall of Bai Lian'er and Bai Hua, he seemed a little surprised, and then stopped.

Suddenly, Bai Lian'er and Bai Hua looked up at him, their bodies were slightly taut, then their faces showed fear and fear, and they were cautious.

"How do you sell these Medicinal herbs?"

Gu Changge casually swept the herbs in front of the two of them, seemingly interested, and then asked.

"Return to my lord, these Medicinal herbs are not worth the money. If you want them, just take them directly."

Bai Lian'er looked very nervous, she didn't understand why Gu Changge would suddenly stop in front of them.

However, she remained calm in her heart, and then she showed a panic and nervous expression on her face, and she spoke cautiously, her voice trembling a little.

Her voice was a little hoarse and not pleasant, and with the ugly face, it was difficult for people to stop.

However, Gu Changge didn't care at all, looked at Medicinal herbs a few times, and then raised his head to look at her.

Bai Lian'er lowered his head and didn't dare to look directly at him, looking terrified and nervous.

All the creatures and cultivators on this street watched this scene in shock at this moment.

They didn't know why Gu Changge suddenly stopped in front of the pair of Yaonong brothers and sisters.

Is there anything special about the Medicinal herbs of the two?

As for the brother and sister, it doesn't seem surprising.

Although there are weak Magic power fluctuations on the body, Cultivation Base is not strong, at most it is a little better than ordinary people.

Bai Lian'er's performance seemed normal to them. Suddenly he was asked by Gu Changge. It would be the same for everyone else.


Hearing this, Gu Changge suddenly smiled and said, "But I am not someone who will take your things for nothing. These Medicinal herbs are ten times the usual price, and I want them all."

"What? + ten times the price?"

"Thank you, sir."

Hearing this, Bai Lian'er seemed a little unbelievable, his eyes widened.

Then I realized what Gu Changge had said, and I couldn't believe that there would be such a good thing in this world.

She showed a look of surprise and hurriedly thanked her, very excited and happy.

However, her face now looks extremely ugly. Her birthmark covers half of her face, causing the stomachs of many creatures to be overwhelmed, and she can't help but withdraw her eyes, and she doesn't want to look more.

"Where did you pick these Medicinal herbs?"

Gu Changge nodded, and then continued to say with interest, "Take me there, I will give you a hundred times the price."

"What? A hundred times the price?"

Hearing this, Bai Lian'er seemed to be shocked, showing an unbelievable expression.

She couldn't help wondering at this moment whether she was blindfolded.

Was there anything special about the Medicinal herbs I found at that time? Why didn't she see it?

Or is it that Gu Changge recognized her identity and wanted her on purpose?

"A hundred times the price?"

The white painting is also a shocking appearance. This is some Medicinal herbs they randomly found in the mountains at the time, just to cover people's eyes.

He also couldn't help but doubt his own vision.

Is there anything special about these Medicinal herbs that are worth 100 times the price of Gu Changge and let them lead the way.

Although the price of one hundred times is not worth mentioning to them.

In other words, Gu Changge already knows their identities and is teasing them?

Gu Changge looked at Bai Lian'er and asked with interest, "What? Don't you say you don't want it?"

Upon hearing this, Bai Lian'er hurriedly shook his head and said, "Don't dare, if an adult wants to go to that place, our sister and brother can lead the way, and dare not ask the adult for a penny.

Regardless of the possibility, she can't refuse Gu Changge now, otherwise the consequences would be unimaginable.

Even if she bursts out of full strength, it is impossible to be Gu Changge's opponent, and it is difficult to run away in the end.

"That's good." Gu Changge nodded with satisfaction, "Don't worry, help me lead the way, I won't treat you badly."

Afterwards, the strong behind him came forward, took away all the Medicinal herbs in front of him, and threw two crystal-like source stones to them at the same time.

Bai Lian'er carefully collected the two source stones, looking like they had never seen such a precious thing.

"It's really related to those Medicinal herbs?"

Everyone looked at this scene, their hearts were shaken, and they couldn't figure out why.

The only possibility that came to mind at the end was that they seemed to miss something good.

Since it can be valued by Gu Changge, those Medicinal herbs that look ordinary must have something extraordinary.

Hearing that Gu Changge wanted the brother and sister to take him to the place where Medicinal herbs grew, they couldn't help but doubt it.

Doesn't it mean that there is actually something hidden in that place?

These Medicinal herbs are actually contaminated with the breath of that place, and they become extraordinary?

Many people regret it, why didn't they see the extraordinary of these Medicinal herbs just now, and missed a chance.

"This will take me to Pingluotian Palace first with me, and then take me to that place later.

Afterwards, Gu Changge smiled and said.

"Yes, my lord.

Bai Lian'er and Bai Hua did not dare to refuse, and honestly followed Gu Changge.

Their moods are complicated, especially Bai Lian'er, who is even more shocked and uneasy, just following Gu Changge inexplicably?

Did Gu Changge see their identity?

Or they didn't notice it at the time. They didn't notice that the place where Medicinal herbs grows is actually extraordinary, hiding something.

"I have seen Young Master Changge!"

And just when everyone's minds were complicated and speculations abounded, outside the Palace of Peace and Chaos not far in front.

A burly tall man with no anger and prestige walked quickly, with a strong Killing intent on his body, the chaotic energy disappeared, and his strength was strong.

Behind him followed many people, including many big figures from the Pingluotian Palace, as well as direct descendants, and Jun Fan was among them.

It is the king of peace and chaos.

When Gu Changge appeared nearby, he got the news and hurriedly brought a group of family members to greet him. He didn't dare to be disrespectful.

"Young Master Changge is here, and it's really radiant."

He said the cupped hands cupped hands, his expression humble and submissive.

Although he was a lot older than Gu Changge, he didn't dare to call himself an elder in front of him.

Because whether it is Cultivation Base or identity, Gu Changge now needs him to look up.

Many clansmen behind him also saluted Gu Changge one after another. Jun Fan was in the crowd, with his head down, his face could not be seen abnormally.

"You don't need to be polite to the King of Chaos." Gu Changge headed slightly.

Afterwards, the King of Peace led the way and led him into the mansion.

Seeing Bai Lian'er and Bai Hua's sister and brother behind Gu Changge, it shocked many members of the Jun family.

Wearing this look, even the Cultivation Base is only a little higher than ordinary people. Where do they come from are qualified to follow Gu Changge.

The woman is also very ugly and looks quite strange.

But they also didn't ask much wittyly.

"Xiao Fan, this is the first time I saw Young Master Changge so close? Did you think I was dreaming? He smiled at me just now.

"How can there be such a perfect man in this world. Alas, it's a pity, I don't have the identity or qualifications to connect with him."

"Even as a concubine, it is probably the dream of countless heavenly women.

Among the Jun family crowd, a woman in a blue robe opened her mouth, looking at the young man walking with the peaceful and chaotic king in front of her, with admiration and yearning in her words.

She has an extremely beautiful long face, a thin powdered face, exquisite features, her skin is like fat, it can be broken by blowing, and her hair is like clouds.

It is difficult to hide the figure under the loose robe, and it looks tall, graceful, and uneven.

It is Junyao, Junfan's second sister.

Beside her, Jun Fan looked slightly unnatural when he heard this.

Although he has been a human for two lifetimes, the Big sis in this lifetime is very good for him.

He also sincerely treats her as a Big sis.

But now that he heard this, it really made him unbearable and very uncomfortable.

He hated Gu Changge and broke his plan again and again.

This time, if Gu Changge weren't for the trouble, how could he fail the assassination and drag Qingzhu to die?

"What's wrong? Xiao Fan, I think your expression seems a little wrong?"

Jun Yao was talking, suddenly Jun Fan's complexion seemed to be wrong, and she couldn't help asking a little strangely.

…For flowers…

"It's okay, but I suddenly heard Big Sis say this, and I felt weird. With the beauty and identity of Big Sis, in the huge royal capital, how many young talents stepped through the threshold and wanted to marry Big Sis as their wife, they have no chance."

"I didn't expect you to say something like this."

Jun Fan quickly returned to nature, shook his head slightly, seemingly helpless.

Hearing that, Jun Yao's face was a little reddish, she gave him a white look, and said, "What do you mean? Can't I have someone who I admire for your Big sis?"

"Young Master Changge has such a status and status, and there are more people admiring him, so what is my point.

Jun Fan sighed and said, "Yes, it's a pity, as Big sis, you probably don't have the qualifications to connect and touch each other.

"So I still advise you to let go of your illusions and give up completely. People like Gu Changge will not be short of the girl of heaven."

"People probably look down on you.

He knew that if he slandered Gu Changge behind his back, it would have a counterproductive effect, making Jun Yao feel that he was careful.

Moreover, her Big sis's personality has always been this way, and it is difficult to change what she believes.

So he decided to change the way, let her understand that this kind of fantasy is useless, completely give up.

"Are you looking down on Big sis, do you plan to beg me?"

When Jun Yao heard this, she glared at him with some irritation, and said, "But you seem to know Young Master Changge well."

Although she also knew that Jun Fan was telling the truth, she was uncomfortable and unconvinced in her heart.

In terms of appearance, she is confident that she will not lose to any girl in the demon world, even Song Youwei is the same.

"I don't know him, but I don't want you to waste time."

"Big sis, even if you don't give up"

Jun Fan shook his head slightly and said, "If you don't believe me, you can try it. Do you have a chance?"


Upon hearing this, Jun Yao became more unconvinced in her heart, but she was discouraged again when she thought of Gu Changge's status and strength.

When Jun Fan and Jun Yao were talking, Bai Lian'er behind Gu Changge quietly looked at Jun Fan, his expression was rather complicated.

She didn't expect that after six thousand years, she would have such an opportunity to look at Jun Fan so close again.

If she hadn't followed Gu Changge, she wouldn't be able to step into the Heavenly Palace of Peace and Chaos.

Thinking of this, Bai Lian'er began to think in his heart how to find an opportunity to give the kit to Jun Fan.

However, in the Palace of Pingchao Tianwang, especially under the nose of Gu Changge, it is easy to reveal her true identity by doing so.

In this way, on the contrary, it will lead to great risks, and the gains outweigh the losses.

"I wonder when Young Master Changge came to look for this time?"

And soon, when he arrived in the main hall, the King of Peace asked Gu Changge to sit down and ordered someone to bring tea. Then he asked curiously.

As Gu Changge, he did not believe that Gu Changge would come to him for no reason.

There is definitely something in it.

Hearing this, Gu Changge uncovered the tea cup, took a breath, and smiled softly, "Actually, this time I came here for Xiyao's business."

"Your Majesty the Queen?"

The face of Pingchao Tianwang changed slightly, and he didn't care what Gu Changge called Empress Xi Yao.

He couldn't help asking, "Could it be the assassin some time ago? Some news?"

Everyone in the hall looked serious, and even Jun Fan noticed it, although Gu Changge was uncomfortable because Gu Changge's name for Empress Xi Yao seemed quite intimate.

But now, there is no time for him to consider these.

"In fact, it's a bit of a relationship. Xiyao has been unwell recently, and I want to share some things for her, so I just thought of one thing, which may be related to the assassination some time ago.

Gu Changge took a sip of tea slowly, then smiled and said.

"Young Master Changge, please speak." The Heavenly King Pingchao said with a solemn expression, very cautious, and hurriedly said.

"Xiyao is unwell."

When Jun Fan heard this, he was stunned for a moment, then his face was a little blue, and he hurriedly lowered his head, for fear of being noticed by others.

He thought of the news of the past few days.

Empress Xiyao is in ill health and has not been in court for three days.

But during her poisoning period, she was never absent.

Why is this? Especially Gu Changge changed his previous name to Empress Xi Yao and became very intimate.

He only thought of one possibility. Suddenly, there was a wave of nameless anger burning in his heart, which was maddening.

"This bitch has clenched teeth, clenched fists, and even a bit arrogant expression on his face.

"What's wrong, Xiao Fan, are you feeling well?"

Noting Jun Fan's abnormality, Jun Yao gave him a worried look.

Jun Fan's expression changed rapidly, took a deep breath, calmed down quickly, and said, "I'm fine with Big sis, just thinking of that damn assassin, who almost murdered Her Majesty the Queen, became angry in his heart and couldn't restrain himself."

"Really? If you feel unwell, go back and rest first."

Jun Yao still knows Jun Fan quite well, knowing that he, like many demon world arrogances, has a sense of admiration for Empress Xi Yao.

On weekdays, I often inquired about Queen Xi Yao from my father's mouth.

Now I heard Gu Changge say that, as long as you are a discerning person, you know what happened between Gu Changge and Queen Xi Yao.

Jun Fan would have such a big reaction, in her opinion, it is also normal. superior.