Ch 406

The pavilion is magnificent, the fairy mist is lingering, and many beautiful and moving demon women dance gracefully, gracefully and gracefully, with a kind of ethereal and ethereal.

The scent of tea is lingering and permeates the void, which makes the pores feel more relaxed. This is an elegant room.

A woman in a green robe sat with her legs folded, her legs under the robe were straight and slender, delicate and flawless.

She has an extremely beautiful long face, a thin powdered face, exquisite features, her skin is like fat, it can be broken by blowing, and her hair is like clouds.

It is difficult to hide the figure under the loose robe, and it looks tall, graceful, and uneven.

Opposite the woman, a young man sat on his legs, with an easy-going look on his face, with a gentle smile on his face.

Many dancers couldn't help but look secretly, with envy and hope in their eyes.

"This is the tea I just made, what do you think of Young Master Changge?"

Jun Yao's face is a little bit shy, and the arrogant and generous expression in front of outsiders in peace days is completely different.

If someone familiar with her is here at this time, such as Junfan, she will definitely be surprised and feel incredible.

Gu Changge heard the words, held up the white jade tea cup in front of him, took a sip, and couldn't help but exclaimed, "As expected, it is Jun Yao girl, this is the first time I have seen such tea."

"Bitterness is astringent, and astringency is sweet. If you taste it carefully, you can feel the various forms of sentient beings, the seven emotions and the six desires, it is really wonderful.

Hearing Gu Changge's admiration, Jun Yao's face also showed joy, and she seemed even more shy.

"Young Master Changge has praised it, as long as you like it."

Her fingers pinched the corners of the skirt, not as natural as the surface.

For today's appointment with Gu Changge, she prepared for three full days and barely closed her eyes.

Not only that, but today she has also been seriously dressed up, even the makeup looks completely different from day to day, looks exquisite and beautiful, without losing the demeanor of everyone.

"I naturally like it. I didn't expect that this time I went to the demon world and I could see the tea art like Jun Yao girl, which is a pity for me."

Hearing this, Gu Changge smiled and sighed, "I heard that Jun Yao girl was good at making tea. I was still puzzled at the time. After seeing it today, I can only say that it is true."

"Young Master Changge praised, I just like to delve into these since I was a kid, and this is just something that is not on the table.

Jun Yao hurriedly waved her hand when she heard the words, "I have more masters than I am proficient in tea art."

Gu Changge shook his head and looked at her and said, "Why girl Junyao should be ignorant of herself. Since ancient times, everything can be entered into Taoism. Tea ceremony, painting Tao, and chess Tao are all avenues, so how can there be such a saying that it is not on the stage.

"In my opinion, above the tea ceremony in the future, there must be a place for Jun Yao girl."

Jun Yao felt that Gu Changge had too much thought of herself, and she was embarrassed to praise her so much, but it was more of joy.

On weekdays, even if the other young Tianjiao flattered her, she would show no excuses.

But today, I like it because of Gu Changge's few compliments.

Afterwards, the two talked for a while, Gu Changge seemed to remember something, found an excuse, and planned to get up and leave.

"If Young Master Changge likes it, Jun Yao will make tea for you every day. If you have time, you can come here…

Seeing this, although Junyao was reluctant to give up, she also knew that in her capacity, being able to sit with Gu Changge for tea was something she had never imagined before.

How dare she ask for anything.

However, at this moment, she didn't know where her courage came from, and suddenly said this to Gu Changge.

After saying this, a haze appeared on Jun Yao's face.

She felt bold and her heart was pounding.

Hearing this, Gu Changge seemed a little surprised, and then smiled and said, "If this is the case, I would like to thank Miss Jun Yao first."

After that, he left the attic straight away, and his figure gradually disappeared.

"Young Master Changge, go slowly." Jun Yao felt that she couldn't even speak completely, and she trembled and stammered a little.

Before that, she had never thought that she would be able to come into contact with Gu Changge one day, even sitting opposite him and talking like this.

After separating from Gu Changge, Jun Yao still has a dreamlike feeling.

She still felt that her heart was beating very fast, and it was still beating violently until now.

She just thought that Gu Changge would reject her and told her not to think about it.

But she really didn't expect that Gu Changge actually said that in the end.

"However, what Young Master Changge said, did he agree or refuse?"

Jun Yao's brows wrinkled, and her heart was full of joy and entanglement, as well as troubles and gains and losses, for fear that all this would become a dream today.

In the next few days, Gu Changge would come to see her from time to time, the reason is naturally to find her to discuss tea art or something.

Jun Yao naturally couldn't refuse. It was too late to be happy, and even at some point, she felt that she had a chance.

Gu Changge's speech and manners, in her opinion, are extremely polite and gentle, and are not superior because of their status and status, and they are approachable.

This fits better with the perfect image in her heart.

This feeling is getting stronger and stronger. If it weren't for the family's father and Little Brother Junfan who had gone with the army to conquer the life restricted zone, she would like to share this good thing with them.

"Judging from the luck of Jun Yao, she is different from the rest of Jun Yao's family."

"Presumably, Junfan should pay much attention to his cheap Big sis.

Gu Changge naturally didn't have any idea about Jun Yao, at most he planned to use her to calculate Jun Fan.

Such a goddess of heaven has a very high self-esteem, with eyes above the top, she is the goddess in the eyes of ordinary people, and the brilliance is dazzling, and the ordinary goddess is no longer in their eyes.

They have their own set of selection criteria in their hearts, so it is easier for them to post them upside down.

As long as she satisfies the beautiful fantasy in her heart.

Jun Yao has a lot more Qi Yun points than Qing Zhu's. In Gu Changge's opinion, this is due to the relationship between Jun Yao and Jun Fan.

Even if it was Junfan's father, Pingluotian Wang, he didn't have much luck.

This shows that Jun Fan has a close relationship with Jun Yao and his father Pingchao Tianwang.

In the next few days, the Demon Realm also gradually returned to calm and calm.

After the assassination of Empress Xi Yao some time ago, now she controls everyone around her confidants even more severely.

All the high-ranking officials in the court were cleaned up. Although there was a lot of noise, they gradually calmed down.

Many big demon world families are in danger, for fear of encountering the liquidation of Empress Xi Yao.

Because of Gu Changge's relationship, the awe of Empress Xi Yao among the big clans of the demon world is much deeper than before.

"During this time, you seem to be avoiding me 々 "?"

At this time, in the palace, Empress Xi Yao was processing the memorial, and suddenly heard Gu Changge's voice.

I don't know when, Gu Changge has already appeared in the hall, with a little interest.

He simply appeared out of thin air, without a trace of fluctuation.

If it hadn't been for Gu Changge to speak, she would not have noticed anything.

"I have seen Young Master Changge.

Seeing this, Qingmei, Qinglan and others hurriedly saw Li Dao, then looked at the nose, the nose and the heart, and honestly bowed their heads.

"I have been too busy during this time, why, have you left out you?"

Hearing this, Empress Xi Yao glanced at Gu Changge. After a slight astonishment, she quickly recovered herself and continued to look at the memorial in her hand.

"Your Majesty the Queen is very busy every day. Since you don't come to see me, I can only come here." Gu Changge smiled, and then waved his hands to let Qing Meimei, Qing Lan and others retreat.

Empress Xi Yao was very uncomfortable to see from his line of sight.

Although the two have had the closest relationship, she felt very uncomfortable, even unspeakable, uncomfortable when thinking that all of this was intentional by Gu Changge and not sincere to her.

So they all deliberately avoided him, but I didn't expect that Gu Changge would take the initiative to find him today.

"What's the matter with you?" Empress Xi Yao asked, still looking down at the memorial in her hand.

Gu Changge looked down at her delicate swan-like neck, then smiled, bent around her, and said, "Am I here to help you solve the trouble?

"Trouble?" Empress Xi Yao stiffened, but she quickly recovered, she asked knowingly.

"Naturally." Gu Changge smiled.

"Can you be sure that Junfan is Jun Bufan?"

Seeing Gu Changge's smile, Empress Xi Yao turned her head and glanced at him slightly, but she also naturally lay down in his arms.

She had been skeptical about this all this time, but unfortunately she couldn't find the slightest evidence.

She felt that Gu Changge should know something, but she never told her.

Thinking like this in her heart, Empress Xi Yao's face looked abnormally calm.

"I'm sure it's useful? Aren't you the queen?"

Gu Changge smiled and said, "Don't ask me anything, you have to think about it yourself."

Empress Xi Yao shook her head and said, "If I knew, would I still ask you? What did you say that day? After you lied to my body, just ignore it?"

"What you love me, can this be called a lie?"

Gu Changge smiled and denied, "Junfan's things will soon have results. You will know what to do when you read it."

Hearing what he said, Empress Xiyao nodded and didn't ask any more questions.

In the next few days, Gu Changge occasionally went to the palace to ask her to explain something.

After Empress Xi Yao discovered the true face of Gu Changge, although her heart was grievous, Gu Changge is the closest person to her in today's big monster world.

Therefore, she has never expressed this emotion. Naturally, she will not refuse Gu Changge's various requests.

She also wanted to know, what exactly Gu Changge plans to do?

Jun Bufan and Jun Ruoxi, what impact will the two have on Gu Changge?


The army rolled over, the sky trembled, the ground trembled lightly, the beasts roared, and the birds were startled away.

This is an endless and luxuriant ancient forest, with dense fog and colorful clouds in many places.

Numerous knotted trees are like mountains, covering the world. Spiritual herbs, Feiquan waterfalls, and deep shrubs can be seen everywhere, revealing vastness and vastness.

If it weren't for seeing it with their own eyes, many people would never believe that this turned out to be a life forbidden zone in the demon world. The creatures who strayed into this place for more than six thousand years have disappeared without a trace, just like sinking into the sea.

From the outside, it looks like a fairy house Sacred Land.

"The front is where the life restricted zone is. Everyone stays in the same place and is not allowed to move."

The mighty demon world army appeared here, Killing intent soaring to the sky.

Heavenly King Pingluan appeared on a mountain, looked ahead, and said.

He wears a bronze armor, holds a big axe, and his eyes are bright and brilliant, flowing with radiance, and many runes are intertwined, turning into a billowing divinity, with a breathtaking deterrent.

"Father, do we really want to clean up this place?"

By the side of the King of Peace, Jun Fan wrinkled his shield slightly, looking at the life forbidden zone in front of him, feeling helpless and unwilling in his heart.

This is his real Big sis, Jun Ruoxi's reclusive place.

Even if he lives a lifetime, he has never been here, because he does not want to disturb Jun Ruoxi, and does not want to involve her in this matter.

But now, I can't help him.

Even he was sent to clean up this place, involuntarily.

"Isn't this nonsense? Her Majesty ordered it herself, not to mention that there is a possibility that Jun Bufan is hidden here, but it is the envoy who planned to assassinate Her Majesty the Queen behind the scenes. If he is caught, will I worry about my monarch's family not being overwhelmingly powerful?"

Pingluan Tianwang glanced at Jun Fan, which was meaningful and authentic.

With ambition in his eyes, he stared at the vast ancient forest ahead, where he seemed to have seen his promising future.

Jun Fan remained silent when he heard the words. He also thought of many ways to stop all of this, but none of them were of any use.

With his current strength, he couldn't stop Gu Changge's will.

He didn't believe that Empress Xi Yao had done this kind of thing. Gu Changge definitely ordered it under the name of Empress Xi Yao.

Its real purpose is to force him to show up.

For various reasons, he was very thorough.

At present, the question before him is how to rescue Jun Ruoxi and prevent her from being caught.

"Six thousand years ago, Big sis was about to step into the Quasi-Supreme Realm, but now that 6,000 years later, even if she is not as talented as me, she should be the Quasi-Supreme Cultivation Base at this moment."

"It's really troublesome if she wants to escape safely."

Jun Fan frowned. Before he was born, his Big sis was already the Cultivation Base of the Holy Realm. After so many years, it is impossible for him to make progress without the slightest progress.

To him, Jun Ruoxi is much more important than his cheap father, the King of Chaos.

The person who can make him value this life, except Jun Yao, is Jun Ruoxi.

However, it is also a coincidence that both of them are his Big sis.

"Father, I'm going around first to investigate the situation here. If there is any abnormality, you can send it to me.

Afterwards, Jun Fan spoke, intending to leave the team first, and enter the restricted life zone from another direction, first to find Jun Ruoxi before the King of Chaos.

Hearing this, Pingluan Tianwang didn't doubt anything, nodded, and asked, "Do you want to give you a team?"

"No, it's a lot more convenient for me alone." Jun Fan refused, and then didn't wait for the consent of the Heavenly King of Peace and Chaos, and the figure swept away, turning into a rainbow and heading away in the other direction.

The King of Chaos did not take control of Junfan, and began to order the army to be stationed, and at the same time dispatched people to look at the situation here.

After Jun Fan left the team, he turned into a rainbow and went to the depths of the mountains. Although this place was designated as a life restricted zone, it did not set up many Restrictions. As long as you pay attention to some fluctuations, you can easily walk into it.


However, when he hurried away, a faint ripple suddenly spread in the void, followed by an inexplicable wave.

"who is it?

Jun Fan noticed this abnormality, his complexion changed slightly, and he stopped very vigilantly. He offered a weapon, a snow-white long sword, with a sharp aura.

"Long time no see, that's how you treat old friends."

In the void, there were fluctuations, and then a Daoist shadow walked out, his face was enchanting and cold, with amazing charm.

"Are you Lian'er?"

When Jun Fan saw this Daoist shadow, his face was taken aback for a moment, then his eyes widened in disbelief, and he became a little excited.

"have not seen you for a long time."

"I didn't expect you to be here, how did you find me?"

However, Jun Fan quickly calmed down, and looked at Bai Lian'er's calm and indifferent expression, and couldn't help asking.

He didn't expect that after more than six thousand years, he would meet his former acquaintances like this.

However, Bai Lian'er's appearance was completely different from before.

If it weren't for him and Bai Lian'er that he knew very well, and almost didn't recognize it just now, this would have been the weak little girl who used to follow him like a follower.

For a while, Jun Fan was quite emotional, but he was even more curious about how Bai Lian'er found him and how did he know his true identity?

""~ Seeing an old friend, you turned out to be this way, Jun Bufan, after more than six thousand years, you still haven't changed. "Bai Lian'er said lightly, looking very cold.

Jun Bufan frowned when he heard this, feeling that Bai Lian'er's attitude had some problems, it was as cold as a block of ice without emotion.

Then he realized the reason, and he couldn't help smiling a little bitterly.

He also knew that some things in the past had hurt Bai Lian'er, and he didn't care about her advice, and even listened to Xin Xiyao's words to maliciously slander her.

For this woman who used to be like his Little Sister, he actually felt a little guilty in his heart.

"The things that used to be are all over, how can there be barriers that can't be passed in this world. Lian, how did you know my identity and how did you find me?"

Jun Fan gave a wry smile, and then thought of important things, and couldn't help asking seriously.

Bai Lian'er just sneered at what he said, and then said lightly, "I'm looking for you because of something. As for how I found you, it's up to you to ask yourself. It's so blatant to assassinate Xi Yao. Everyone is the same as her, are they idiots?"

Jun Fan's face changed slightly, and he was a little uncomfortable with Bai Lian'er's sarcasm, but he still understood what Bai Lian'er meant.

When he assassinated Empress Xi Yao, Bai Lian'er already knew his true identity?

"So these days you have been hiding near the Pingluan Tianwang Mansion, but now you have the opportunity to show up alone?"

Jun Fan couldn't help asking, he quickly figured out the cause and effect, and was very curious about why Bai Lian'er came to him.

"It seems you are not stupid yet."

Bai Lian'er sneered, and then said lightly, "I need you to help me rescue my father."

"Your father?

Jun Fan's face changed slightly, and he actually knew what Bai Lian'er's father was in the hands of Gu Changge.

But with his current ability, how could he be Gu Changge's opponent?

Not to mention that Bai Kun was rescued, and even Gu Changge's current will cannot be countered.

Unless he subverts the rule of Empress Xi Yao and becomes the new master of the demon world, otherwise everything will be for nothing.

Thinking of these, Jun Fan's expression changed slightly, and his heart began to get tangled.

Bai Lian'er was his childhood sweetheart, and Bai Kun also watched his elders grow up, and logically he could not die without saving.

But now he can't do anything, how could he leave the demon world and go to the upper world to rescue Bai Kun.

Isn't this difficult for strong people?

"Don't rush to refuse. Although you are not Gu Changge's opponent now, it does not mean that you will not be the future.

Seeing his look, Bai Lian'er instantly understood what he was thinking in his heart, and couldn't help but said indifferently, "At the time, your father asked my father to give you something when the time was right, but my father was killed by Gu. Changge grabbed it, and he gave it to me, asking me to come to the demon world to find you, and give it to you.

Hearing this, Jun Fan's heart was slightly shaken. He thought of what the Demon Emperor Xuanyang had confessed to him, saying that someone would come to him and give him something.

At this moment, he has no doubt about Bai Lian'er's words.

"No problem, you can rest assured, Lian'er, your business is my business, it is impossible for me to (Li Lehao) Uncle Bai Kun can't save him."

Thinking of this, Jun Fan breathed a sigh of relief and assured him.

He knew that if he didn't agree, Bai Lian'er would definitely not give that thing to him.

Hearing this, Bai Lian'er nodded somewhat satisfied, and then took out a kit from his sleeve.

It looks extremely simple, without any patterns and patterns, and the fabric is extremely simple, not surprising.

This kit is the one that Gu Changge gave her.

On the way, she tried to open it, but found that it also contained terrifying power.

If you open it forcibly, not only this kit will be destroyed, maybe even her will be injured.

"This is "

The moment he saw this kit, Jun Fan's heart was slightly shaken, and a strong impulse came out, as if there was something in this kit that belonged only to him.

This feeling was extremely strong, causing his complexion to change for a while, and finally revealed a deep surprise.

"Thank you, Lian'er, you don't hesitate to take such a big risk and give me this thing. I don't know how to repay you for this kindness."

Jun Fan smiled and said that he planned to confess to Bai Lian'er to take it, but Bai Lian'er sneered and didn't give it to him, but took the kit back again.

"Lian'er, what do you mean?"

Jun Fan's expression stiffened slightly. He didn't expect that Bai Lian'er, who had not been seen for six thousand years, would become such an appearance.

"I want you to swear by Dao heart, you will definitely rescue my father from Gu Changge, otherwise I won't give you this kit."

Bai Lian'er looked at his expression, her eyes flashed with a different color, she thought of Gu Changge's order, and she was a little pitiful to Jun Fan.

The whole person was played in the palm of his hand without knowing it.

Gu Changge had already known the true identity of Jun Fan, but Jun Fan didn't know it at all, and even thought he had a chance to win.

Hearing this, Jun Fan frowned. He didn't expect Bai Lian'er to distrust him, but this also dispelled the last trace of doubt in his heart.

Later, he swore with Dao heart. After saying that, Bai Lian'er nodded with satisfaction, and then gave him the kit.

However, Jun Fan did not open this kit in front of Bai Lian'er.

Instead, he put it away carefully.

Bai Lian'er didn't care about this either, Jun Fan was no longer that stupid boy for more than six thousand years.

Now he has the means and scheming city. Although he believed her, he did not believe her.

"What are your plans now?"

After receiving the kit, Jun Fan couldn't help asking, because he found that the present Bai Lian'er had a very strong aura, at least a Quasi-Supreme.

Such a strong person, he naturally has to find a way to let her use the level for himself.

"Now I have no plans, just waiting for you to rescue my father." Bai Lian'er said coldly. .