Ch 407

Hearing Bai Lian'er say this, Jun Fan nodded and started thinking about words in his heart, but at this moment, he suddenly noticed some subtle changes in the surrounding mountains and terrain.

"what is this "

Bai Lian'er and Dai frowned, also aware of this change.

"Is it you? Uncommon?""

A ethereal and ethereal voice sounded, and then it came into the ears of Jun Fan and Bai Lian'er.

"This is Sister Ruoxi's voice."

"Is that you? Sister Ruoxi…"

Hearing this voice, Jun Fan was stunned for a moment, then his expression was full of joy, and he couldn't help asking.

He was planning to find where Jun Ruoxi was. He didn't expect that at this time, Jun Ruoxi took the initiative to find him.

Although this voice hadn't sounded for more than 6,000 years, he couldn't be more familiar with it.

"It's me, Sister Ruoxi, where are you now?" Jun Fan's voice was filled with joy and excitement that could not be suppressed.

"You can find me by following the voice."

This ethereal and ethereal voice sounded again, and it also contained a little excitement and joy.

"Jun Ruoxi."

Bai Lian'er's eyes changed slightly, and then followed Jun Fan, following the source of the sound, and walked all the way.

At this time, in the depths of the life forbidden zone, there was an ancient low bluestone well. The xenon hydrogen vaporized with purple mist and went straight to the depths of the earth veins.

And there is a vague figure sitting cross-legged, up and down, as if getting up and practicing, and also as if being self-styled in it.

This is a woman, motionless, as if there is no vitality, her skin is as white as mutton jade, her white hair is scattered, covering her face.

If there is a cultivator here, it will definitely be shocked, because the spring water in this ancient bluestone well is a very rare divine spring, flowing with colorful clouds and intertwined rules and chains, which is very strange.

And the aura here is extremely chaotic and terrifying, even if the cultivator stepped into it, it would burst into a child powder in an instant, leaving nothing left.

In addition, in this ancient well, there is also an amazing breath of life, like the legendary fountain of life.

The white-haired woman closed her eyes tightly, motionless, but now she seemed to open her eyes.

Finally, two terrifying divine lights shot out from her eyes, golden, containing peerless power.

"Buffalo, you are finally here, I waited for you six thousand years ago.

The woman's gaze became very soft, but her figure seemed difficult to move, still sitting cross-legged here.

"Sister Ruoxi, are you in this well?"

At this moment, Jun Fan's shocked voice came from outside. He searched for the voice and found this place for the first time, but he only saw an ancient well and never saw Jun Ruoxi's figure, which made him very shocked.

Behind him, Bai Lian'er, under his sleeves, was pinching a jade-like photo-taking stone, calmly imprinting many pictures of this place.

She found that this ancient well was very extraordinary. It seemed to have endless vitality 523, the immortal gas was transpiring, and even her Cultivation Base showed signs of loosening.

You must know that she is the Cultivation Base at the pinnacle of the Quasi-Supreme Realm. In this Realm, there has not been a breakthrough in many years.

Now, because of Yiluojing's sake, I feel the mysterious change.

This shocked her heart.

What is hidden in this well? Is Jun Ruoxi hiding in it?

"I'm here, you don't want to get close to this place now. With your current Cultivation Base, you can't do this."

Hearing Jun Fan's words, Jun Ruoxi in the well opened his mouth, with soft eyes. Although he was looking at the void in front of him, his eyes seemed to fall on Jun Fan's face.

"I know about Big sis."

Jun Fan nodded, but his heart was still shaking, and he also felt the mystery of this ancient well.

And soon, he remembered the important things that came here this time, and prepared to speak, let Jun Ruoxi be careful.

However, before he could say anything, Jun Ruoxi shook his head and said, "I already know these things you want to say. They can't find me here, unless it's the person I want to meet, otherwise it's impossible. See me. At first, I made a contract with Xi Yao just to delay her. I know you have some doubts in your heart, but now it is difficult for me to ask you

What to explain, you only need to know that only by opening the dead door with the key can you find the emperor father and ask him the truth yourself. '

"I can tell you not much."

When Jun Fan heard the words, his heart was shaken. Could it be that what happened more than 6,000 years ago, is there any secret that is not known?

He was poisoned and killed by Xi Yao, and then revived for the first time.

"The key, what's that? And what is the dead door of Big sis, where is it?"

There were too many doubts in Jun Fan's heart at this time, and his mind was very confused.

"I think Father has given you the key. As for the dead door, I don't know where it is. Only the person holding the key can find the dead door." Jun Ruoxi said slowly.

"The gate of life, the gate of death, is the ancient well that you are in, Big sis, the gate of life?"

Jun Fan couldn't help asking, and suddenly remembered a word he had heard from his father, that the door of death came out of life.

At that time, he asked him deliberately, but his father just smiled without saying a word and did not explain.

Now it seems that these two things are very closely related.

Upon hearing this, Jun Ruoxi nodded and said, "What you said is correct, and now I am responsible for guarding the life gate. I cannot leave this place for half a step before the life gate is opened."

"There is not much time left for me now. You need to find the emperor's place quickly. He should have very important things to tell you.

When Bai Lian'er heard these words, the strange color in her heart became deeper. She knew that there were rumors in the demon world that there were two gates between heaven and earth, one was the gate of life and the other was the gate of death.

These two portals (cedh) are arranged by the supreme existence of the monster race in the oldest period, in which there are countless formations and mysterious, and most people will die if they strayed into it.

And these two portals are also related to the biggest secret of the demon world.

Suddenly she was very curious, Jun Ruoxi obviously knew something.

The disappearance of the Six Emperors, it seems that there is still another hidden story now.

In other words, her father's escape for so many years, and even the death of her mother, are actually related to the Six Emperors.

Moreover, her father even stupidly regarded Xuanyang Demon Emperor as a brother, and helped him keep the kit for more than six thousand years, and finally asked himself to send it to Jun Bufan.

These six thousand years of hiding and hunting are really ironic.

Thinking of this, Bai Lian'er looked even colder.

After that, Jun Fan and Jun Ruoxi separated by an ancient well, began to reminisce about the past, telling the experience of these years, Bai Lian'er looked at all this coldly, and the jade hand holding the photo stone became tighter.

She was a little bit worried just now that Jun Ruoxi would notice it. Fortunately, the jade pendant left by her father was finally reliable, and she did not let Jun Ruoxi notice her secret actions.

Bai Lian'er looked at you, doctor.

Just now, Jun Fan was still hesitating whether to save her father, and he never considered why this happened.

Compared to Gu Changge's indifference and hypocrisy, Jun Fan made her feel disgusted even more.

Afterwards, Jun Fan and Jun Ruoxi parted and went to find the Heavenly King of Peace. Bai Lian'er hid in the void according to his request and did not show up.

At the same time, she split up a ray of Dharma Body and handed over this photo-giving stone to Gu Changge, which is considered to have completed what Gu Changge explained.

The clearing and suppression of this life forbidden area naturally ended without any disease. The Heavenly King of Peace led many troops and searched here inside and out, but did not find the traces of Jun Ruoxi and Jun Bufan, and finally returned without success.

He felt that Jun Ruoxi and Jun Bufan had already heard the wind, and they had already escaped before he came here.

Although disappointed, there was no accident. After all, the two were not stupid, so how could they stay there well, waiting for others to come to the door.

However, Jun Fan did not return to the imperial capital with the army. He planned to find the dead gate first. According to Jun Ruoxi, his father left him the key to open the dead gate.

Only with this key can he find the deadlock.

As for where the key will be, he actually already had a guess in his mind.

During this process, he opened the kit that the Demon Emperor Xuanyang had left for him. After learning the information left in it, he was stunned for a long time, and it was difficult to recover. In the end, his mood was extremely complicated, and his heart was mixed. .

Fortunately? Angry? Unwilling? Lost? There are all kinds of things.

He sighed at last, if things are really as stated in the kit, and all this is just a misunderstanding, then what is the meaning of his revenge?

"Your Majesty, the Weichen led troops to clean up the life restricted area for a week, and never found the trace of Jun Ruoxi and Jun Bufan. The Weichen suspected that they had already escaped and did not choose to stay there. The Weichen was late to go."

"I also hope that Her Majesty the Queen will forgive me."

In the magnificent palace, the King of Peace, who has returned from the restricted area of ​​life, is reporting the outcome of the incident at this moment.

Empress Xi Yao, dressed in phoenix clothing, sat on top of the first place. Hearing these words, her expression was very uncertain, she seemed to be angry, but more cold.

She didn't say a word.

Everyone in the Great Hall looked very solemn, with cold sweat on their foreheads, and the atmosphere did not dare to crystallize, feeling that Empress Xi Yao was in a bad mood.

Even the Tai Fu, Zhen Guo Marshal and others were silent and silent, watching the development of the situation.

The forehead of King Pingchao also oozes cold sweat.

In his opinion, this was because of his inability to do things, which made Her Majesty angry.

"Come here, take the King of Peace and Chaos and take them to the prison, and at the same time arrest everyone in the King of Peace and Chaos. Those who violate the order will be killed without pardon."

The next moment, Empress Xi Yao's icy voice suddenly came, containing unquestionable blood and killing intent.


Hearing this, everyone in the Great Hall was stunned, and then their heads banged, it was as if they were hit by Huang Zhongda Lu, and it became completely blank.

Their eyes widened and their faces changed drastically. They couldn't believe that Her Majesty the Queen would have said this personally.

You know, the King of Chaos is her most powerful subordinate, like a sharp knife, invincible and invincible, smoothing out many obstacles for her.

It can be said that Queen Xiyao can have such achievements as today, and it can be said that the King of Chaos is indispensable.

But now, she is competing to punish the King of Chaos for such a trivial matter?

And also harm the whole government?

Such punishment, even in the past six thousand years, has only happened a few times, and it is still the great crime of betraying and colluding with the remnants of the Five Emperors.

Could it be that the Heavenly King Gong Gao Zhenzhu took the opportunity to beat him, or what?

"Your Majesty, Weichen doesn't know."

The complexion of King Pingchao also changed suddenly, and he almost doubted whether he had heard it wrong.

If he was punished for such a trivial matter, it would be unreasonable to reason.

"Watch it for yourself.

Empress Xi Yao seemed to have recovered her calm at this moment, and upon hearing this, she threw a crystal clear picture stone in front of the Heavenly King of Peace.

With full of doubts, Ping Chao Tian Wang picked it up and injected Magic power into it.

However, at the first moment he witnessed the scene, he reacted, and his face suddenly lost all the blood and turned pale.

Only to be heard!

His fingers trembled, and the photo-taking stone could not be held firmly, and it fell directly to the ground.

"How can it be "

The voice of Pingchao Tianwang trembled, and he couldn't believe his own eyes.

With his Cultivation Base Realm, it is natural to know whether the picture in this photo stone is true or not.

This scene silenced everyone in the Great Hall.

Someone saw the picture just now, although it was only a flash, but they also saw it clearly and knew what it meant.

After the shock, the expressions they looked at the Heavenly King of Peace and Chaos were already full of sympathy, emotions and other complexities.

"How did things turn out like this?" Tai Fu sighed.

Who would have thought that Junfan, the third son of the Heavenly King of Peace, would have such an identity.

This is nothing short of contemplation and horror.

"What else can you say?"

Empress Xi Yao's face was cold, "You disappointed me too much."

Pingchao Tianwang looked depressed and inconceivable, and in the end he could only give a bitter smile, and slumped down on the ground. Regardless of whether this matter has anything to do with him or not, now he has established a foundation for thousands of years, which is considered ruined.

"Weichen doesn't know anything about this either

Until now, Pingchao Tianwang's mind is still a bit dazed and unbelievable.

The true identity of his third son, Junfan, turned out to be the parent and son of the Demon Emperor Xuanyang six thousand years ago, Jun Bufan, this news is really shocking.

In the Great Hall, many ministers looked different, and never expected that they would be involved in this matter.

"No wonder Jun Ruoxi disappeared in the life restricted area. It seems that Jun Bufan told her to go."

Everyone was shocked, feeling that Jun Fan was hiding too deeply, and he had concealed it for so many years.

The assassination of Empress Xi Yao some time ago seemed to be Jun Fan's plan to dominate everything behind her back.

The backs of everyone were chilling. If it hadn't been for Empress Xi Yao who had suddenly come up with evidence today, they might still be kept in the dark without knowing it.

Later, the King of Peace was detained. As a quasi-superior level existence, if he wanted to, he could definitely break free.

But if he did this, he would really be in the same group as Jun Bufan, so he didn't dare to act rashly and was honestly detained.

"Today's matter is not allowed to be spread out. Those who violate the order will be dealt with as the crime of collusion and treason."

Empress Xi Yao glanced at everyone coldly, then got up and left the Great Hall.

"Send your majesty."

The Taifu and others all smiled bitterly and looked at each other, not daring to go against the will of the Queen. If this kind of thing were to spread out, it would cause a huge sensation.

However, everyone in the Pingluan Tianwang Mansion was imprisoned in the sky prison.

At the same time, in the other side hall, Gu Changge was drinking tea slowly, seeming to be quite leisurely and contented.

There was still a vague figure standing in front of him. From the appearance, it was no different from Bai Lian'er. It was her ray of law body, which was answering Gu Changge something.

"That's it. If you don't believe it, I have nothing to do." Bai Lian'er said indifferently.

She also brought that photo-taking stone back.

"Girl Lian'er laughed, why would I not believe you?" Gu Changge smiled upon hearing this.

"Life, death, keys, it seems that the secrets of the demon world will soon surface."

"If Jun Bufan is smarter, you should find that you betrayed him, but I have already told Xi Yao that she will forbid many ministers to tell the matter, and it should be possible to hide it for a while. Jun Bufan will not doubt you for the time being. "Gu Changge said again immediately.

"Then do I have to thank you for thinking about me?" Bai Lian'er sneered.

Gu Changge shook his head slightly.

Bai Lian'er rolled his eyes at him, too lazy to say more to him.

At this time, footsteps came from outside the hall, and Empress Xi Yao came, and she recognized Bai Lian'er at a glance. She was once an acquaintance with her.

In her eyes, the former Bai Lian'er was just Jun Bufan's follower, weak and pitiful, and nosy.

It is difficult to connect with this cold temperament demon burning woman now.

"I have detained the Heavenly King Pingchao in the jail in accordance with your request. The same is true for his family members.

To make a long story short, she looked back at Bai Lian'er after taking a look.

But Bai Lian'er didn't bother to look at her, purely as a stranger she didn't know.

If it weren't for Gu Changge's relationship, she would not have appeared in the palace.

"Well, I see." Gu Changge nodded, without explaining anything.

Although Empress Xiyao was a little confused, she did not ask much more interestingly.

In her opinion, Pingchao Tianwang absolutely does not know Junfan's true identity. The so-called ignorant is not guilty, and it is impossible for her to anger Pingchao Tianwang because of this kind of thing.

Over the years, the King of Peace and Chaos has made great contributions to the stability of her dynasty.

She is not the one who crosses the river and demolishes the bridge.

However, since it was Gu Changge who asked for the detention of King Pingchao and his family members, she naturally did so.

"How did you let Bai Lian'er do things for you?"

However, Queen Xi Yao still had a doubt in her heart. As far as she knew, the relationship between Bai Lian'er and Jun Bufan was like a brother and sister.

How did Bai Lian'er betray Jun Bufan and act as an internal response for Gu Changge and provide her with the photo-taking stone.

"Naturally, Lian'er girl is intelligent and rational, and she doesn't want to help her abuse." Gu Changge replied with a smile.

"Naturally because this guy threatened me with my father's life

Bai Lian'er interrupted Gu Changge with a hehe, looked at Empress Xi Yao, and said lightly, "Otherwise, you really think I will help you kindly?"

Empress Xi Yao heard this with an expected expression. .