Ch 411

"I've heard about this. It may be due to my father's inability to do things this time, which caused the displeasure of Queen Xiyao. Don't worry about Big sis. Maybe after a while, the Queen's anger is gone, so I will kill my father. They let it out."

Seeing Jun Yao's expression, Jun Fan then comforted.


Jun Yao seemed to be relieved when he said this, and said nothing.

Song Youwei had been watching the two of them all the time, her expression was particularly calm, and she didn't say anything.

To be honest, she was a little disappointed in Jun Fan. At this time, there was nothing wrong with her identity, and she had to cover it up.

However, since Jun Fan didn't intend to admit it, she was too lazy to deal with it.

This time, it was the last time to explore the relics with him. Since then, the relationship between the two of them should be broken.

Her plan to come here was to inquire about Jun Fan's attitude, but in the face of own Big sis, she was so concealed that she was disappointed in Jun Fan.

If Jun Fan gave her a reasonable explanation, then she might still find a way to help him.

If it is not a guilty conscience, why should he hide it?

"It is said that there is a very mysterious portal hidden in the Demon Realm, which contains indescribable opportunities."

Jun Fan spoke and talked to the two of them. He planned to find the dead door first. During this time, he had explored many areas and could avoid some dangerous places.

"Really? This place does contain some weird fields. According to what you said, some differences can indeed be found."

Song Youwei nodded and took out a Feng Shui compass, with various runes flashing on it, which was extremely dazzling and gorgeous.

Seeing this, Jun Fan smiled and said, "If we can crack the field of this place, we may be able to find the mysterious portal, which contains unimaginable opportunities."

Afterwards, he was on the road ahead, and at the same time, an ancient route emerged in his mind, and it was the key left by the Demon Emperor Xuanyang that was working.

This ancient route, like a starry sky, instructed him to go, so as to avoid accidentally touching some life Jedi.

Here, a few people saw a lot of tattered weapon corpses, stained with black blood, as well as broken pieces of ancient warships, flying boats, and divine swords.

It is conceivable that there was indeed a great war.

They hurried to the depths, cracking many patterns and mists.

Song Youwei is very capable, plus Junfan holds the key, has a specific route, and has almost no obstacles, so he walked to a deep place.

Only Jun Yao looked at the two of them with a surprised look, followed behind her silently, and at the same time squeezed the bodyguard Gu Changge gave her.

Soon, everyone saw a desert-like scene, with yellow sand rolling, covering the world.

On the other side are also bare mountains, lacking lakes and green hills, and full of volcanic craters.

The magma is black and red blood.

Streaks of black and red flames, with divine and bloody scents, kept wafting in. I don't know how many years it took to form.

They can't see the scene farther away clearly, but they feel that the rules of heaven and earth here are not suitable for the cultivation and survival of creatures in the demon world.

"What happened here, Junfan, you seem to have a map of this place, and many places are unblocked."

Song Youwei glanced at Jun Fan and said.

"I just happened to get a broken picture, Jun Fan said with a calm face," so I thought about inviting you to come and see if I can decipher the sight of this place.

Song Youwei frowned, nodded, and said nothing more.

They continue to go into it. There are many fierce beasts here. They are powerful. Because they are infiltrated by death all the year round, they are far stronger than ordinary fierce beasts. They also took a lot of work to get through here. , To go deeper.

After Jun Fan and others left this place, a group of powerful figures appeared here, following them, their bodies were all concealed with aura, and they were not revealed.

"It seems Jun Bufan, they can indeed find the exact route."

"The so-called dead door is really here."

Jiang Luoshen was tall, dressed in a golden robe, with slender jade legs, and fluttering blond hair. Among the golden eyes, the runes gradually disappeared, some said with interest.

After Jun Fan and the others stepped into this place, they rushed to the place quickly, but they didn't show up, they were always at the very end, keeping their distance, and would not be noticed by Jun Fan and others.

"Gu Changge, how on earth did you make Jun Yao so obedient, you are willing to be a tool man who leads the way?"

She couldn't help but asked Gu Changge, who looked flat and did not fluctuate next to her.

In her opinion, women are emotional, even if they know that Junfan is doing harm to the family, it is difficult to make up their minds to deal with Junfan.

The deeper she knew about Gu Changge, the more terrifying she found Gu Changge, whether it was strength, Cultivation Base, or means.

"Is this important?" Gu Changge retracted his gaze and glanced at her.

"Just forget it."

Jiang Luoshen snorted coldly, feeling a bit wronged in his heart, how honorable his own identity is, and now she was called by him as a maid by his side today, and she didn't say a word too tired.

But sometimes she asks something, Gu Changge doesn't bother to take care of her, and his attitude is so indifferent.

Although she knew that this was the real face of Gu Changge, she was gentle with her on weekdays, it was just the appearance of asking for something.

But sometimes he really feels that he can't feel emotions.

"The princess of the Taixu Protoss, has there been such a day of cruelty and grievance 々 "?"


In the void, a dark black mist filled the air, Bai Lian'er appeared, seeing Jiang Luoshen's appearance, could not help but say with some interest.

"You are in charge?" Jiang Luoshen looked at her coldly.

Bai Lian'er laughed, did not say much, and the figure disappeared with a bang again.

Jiang Luoshen's face was as cold as frost, because Bai Lian'er felt more and more uncomfortable.

"What you should tell you will naturally tell you. If you shouldn't tell you, it's useless if you ask."

Gu Changge shook his head slightly and said, then turned into a rainbow, and went to the place where the three of Junfan were.

Jiang Luoshen snorted coldly. Although Gu Changge's attitude was very perfunctory, it made her feel better. He would still care about her emotions.

In the hills and gully in the distance, there was a strong sense of death.

There can even be seen the corpses of many huge Demonic Beasts, like a hill, lying here quietly. There is no flesh and blood on it for a long time, only a layer of withered bones is left.

There is also a collapsed palace here, which once seemed to be a force. In many places, the outlines of pavilions and squares are still faintly visible.

"According to the route, in the depths of the gateway, I also perceive its breath."

Jun Fan spoke, with a little excitement in his words, and finally lived up to expectations. He will soon be able to see his father and ask many things about the six thousand years.

Song Youwei nodded. Behind these collapsed palaces, there was a forest filled with thick red fog.

What kind of trees are those trees, she has never seen them before, of course the most important thing is her

Even with her means, it took a lot of time to get rid of the obstacles, and it also spent a very precious treasure for breaking the formation.

At this moment, she couldn't help but become a little curious about this place.

"These thick red fogs contain strong corrosiveness, and it is almost like blowing from the Nine Nether Lands. If they are in contact for a long time, they will inevitably lead to disasters."

Song Youwei took out a secret treasure from the ring of Sumeru, like an armillary sphere, and caught some red mist in it. It turned out that the red mist seemed to be spiritual and even squirming.

This scene made her shudder.

However, she was able to block her body with Spiritual Qi outside her body surface for the time being.

Soon Jun Fan and the others went deep into the red woods in front of them. At the junction of several mountains in front, they saw an incomparably majestic portal, flowing with radiance, which had the meaning of immortal immortal, standing there.

Behind is an invisible mountain, which seems to lead to another world.

"what is this "

Jun Yao felt a chill, as if they had come before the real ghost gate.

Streaks of red mist are filling out from the door, which is creepy.

"Dead Door"

Song Youwei wrinkled her eyebrows, and learned from it, she recognized the two ancient characters on the portal in front of her. They were Xiantian demon writings from an extremely ancient period, but now they are almost lost.

Everyone began to circle around the portal, wandering around and looking around.

At this time, Jun Fan felt that a misty brilliance appeared in the space of his own sea of ​​knowledge.

The key was glowing, manifested from the corner, and could be taken out with his mind.

At this moment, he had determined that the door of death that Demon Emperor Xuanyang had told him was here.

Only the person with the key can enter this door.

"This is the opportunity Xiaofan you are looking for. Is it behind this door?" Jun Yao asked, very nervous, holding the protective body Gu Changge gave her in her hand.

Jun Fan couldn't help smiling, and there was nothing to hide at this time.

He nodded and said, "Behind this door is hidden the secret of the great chaos in the Demon Realm six thousand years ago. As long as I walk in, everything will be known."

He believed that as long as he found the Demon Emperor Xuanyang, the situation in the demon world would be reversed instantly.

The situation of Empress Xi Yao's dominance of the nine domains will soon be broken, and all problems will be solved.

"There is also a line of small characters here, which seems to say that only those who have the key can pass through this door and enter the big formation.

"It turns out that within the portal, there is a big formation. Who did it?"

Song Youwei approached, her eyebrows furrowed, and she stared at a line of small characters next to the door, carefully identifying and recognizing it.

After all, she looked at Jun Fan, and judging from his expression, he obviously knew about it.

So Jun Fan actually has the key to enter the portal.

"You have the key in your hand, right?" Song Youwei asked.

"This is the key"

When Jun Fan heard this, there was nothing to hide. There were no outsiders in the presence.

After speaking, the brilliance flashed in his palm, and then a scale-like thing appeared, radiant, with some strange lines on it, which looked like some kind of Demonic Beasts scale armor.

If it weren't for Jun Ruoxi's reminder, he didn't even know that the scales that had been thrown in the corner of the sea of ​​consciousness at that time turned out to be a key.

"After I enter it, you can leave, or you can wait for me here, but I feel that after entering, you may not come out from here."

Jun Fan then said again, looking at the door, intending to walk in with the key.


But at this moment, a terrible murderous aura suddenly struck from behind him, making him chill, and the whole person's soul seemed to be frozen.

With a blue short knife, passing through the void, killing intent filled all directions, and the space seemed to be stagnant.

"Little master, be careful."

At a critical moment, a strong man behind Jun Fan roared, urging his whole body's blood, muscles and blood vessels were glowing, burst out the most powerful force of this body, and pushed Jun Fan away.

But he himself was pierced through the center of his eyebrows by this short knife, killing him instantly, his body and spirit disappeared.


A dark black mist appeared in the distance, Bai Lian'er appeared, holding a short knife in his hand, and looked a little regretful.

"It's a pity, if the reaction is slower, you would have died just now. But your luck is really good, this can be avoided."

"It's you "

Jun Fan's souls are all gone. He didn't expect that he almost died just now because of carelessness. He stared at Bai Lian'er with a gloomy face, extremely angry and cold.

The many powerful men behind him were also vigilant at this moment, offering various Divine Armaments and staring at Bai Lian'er to prevent her from continuing to do it.

"what happened "

Song Youwei and Jun Yao were also taken aback by the sudden scene just now and broke out in a cold sweat.

Although Bai Lian'er is the daughter of the demon master Bai Kun, there are not many people who can recognize her at a glance after six thousand years.

They did not recognize it at the moment.

"Hand over the keys obediently, otherwise no one can save you today. Everyone around you will die with you."

Bai Lian'er looked at him faintly, her voice did not fluctuate, and she seemed extremely cold.

Jun Fan said with a gloomy face, "Are you following me all the way?"

"It's not important. The important thing is that if you don't hand over the keys, you will die today."

Bai Lian'er did not answer, but stared at the scale in Jun Fan's hand.

"If you want a key, you can come and try it."

Jun Fan didn't hesitate to take out a golden decree from the ring of Sumeru. After the Magic power was activated, it began to rise in the wind and envelope the sky.

There are many star-like divine texts flowing on it, magnificent and heavy, like a sky, which can be pressed down at any time.

Moreover, every divine text is like a star fight, where the strongest Sword Qi evolved there, sharp and shocking, even the sky is shaking.

This is one of his hole cards, which can explode with unparalleled power after being activated.

He was confident that he could stop Bai Lian'er.


The dazzling sword lights fell, and the vast expanse flooded the place, powerful and terrifying, like thousands of divine swords.

*~ If you don't see the coffin or cry, I think you are planning to die. "

Seeing this, Bai Lian'er looked indifferent, and did not change at all because of Jun Fan's methods. At the same time, her figure turned into a mist and disappeared, as if she had melted into the void.

The shocking murderous aura is permeated, and everyone has a feeling of coldness and soul tingling, and even the eyebrows seem to be split.

This is a monstrous killing intent.

Bai Lian'er is worthy of being the descendant of killing the emperor. As soon as Hajime showed strong means, everyone was trembling, as if being dragged into the Jiu Ni He, to perish forever.


However, the golden decree was not simple. With the recovery, many divine swords began to be chopped off and clank, so that Bai Lian'er had nowhere to hide, and could not get close to Junfan and was forced out of the void.

She frowned, raised her head and glanced at the golden decree, showing her figure.

"How long do you think this decree can protect you?"

Bai Lian'er said lightly, did not choose to continue to kill, but stood still.

Jun Fan thought she was jealous, so he sighed and said with a sneer, "I don't need to protect me for long. I only need to enter the door. This time is enough."

"Then it seems that you are going to give up everyone here, regardless of their life or death?" Bai Lian'er couldn't help mocking.

Hearing this, Song Youwei and the others' expressions changed slightly. They naturally knew the horror of Bai Lian'er. If Jun Fan didn't care about their life or death, then they would definitely not be Bai Lian'er's opponents.

"Are you threatening me?" Jun Fan looked ugly, holding the scales tightly in his hands, he was very unwilling, obviously the door behind him was not far away.

But if he enters, Jun Yao, Song Youwei and others here will die without a place to be buried.

It's impossible for Bai Lian'er to let them go.

"Handing over the keys, I can let them go. If someone behind me arrives, it won't be so easy to solve."

Bai Lian'er stood in place with a pity-like mockery, gently wiping the short blade in his hand.

"Don't think about it, I won't give you the key (Li Lazhao) key. If you dare to hurt them a vellus hair, no matter where you escape in the future, I will have the means to kill you. Bai Lian'er, you It was not like this at the beginning, but now that Jing is helping to become a abuser, I don't know what Baikun Uncle will feel when he learns about it?"

Jun Fan sneered, seeming to have grasped Bai Lian'er's weakness.He believed that as long as he entered the portal and found his father, what fear would Bai Lian'er have?

"Shut up, my father just obeyed your father's words, so he ended up in such a field, and it made my mother die prematurely."

"By the end of the day, when you say this, you are looking for death.

Hearing this, Bai Lian'er's expression suddenly became cold and murderous. If it weren't for this golden decree to protect Jun Fan, she would definitely break his body into pieces.

"What's the use of saying so much? It won't change the fact that you betrayed Uncle's words and betrayed me.

Jun Fan calmed down, and there was another thing in his hand, and he began to calculate the timing, ready to sacrifice it for a while, and give Bai Lian'er a fatal blow.

"I almost fell into your tactics, a dead man, I don't need to be angry because of you.

But at this moment, Bai Lian'er seemed to react, his emotions returned to calm, and his eyes were very cold.


At this time, violent fluctuations appeared above the sky, and then a golden avenue spread out, with many figures standing on it.

The headed person is dressed in mysterious clothes, with crystal-clear hair, covered with colorful lights, and his expression is plain, expressing the meaning of overlooking.

The next moment, a giant palm fell from the sky, with majesty of the world, covering the world, and suddenly tore off the golden decree in front of it.

"Gu Changge.." Seeing this scene, Jun Fan's face changed drastically, very shocked.


Suddenly, hundreds of millions of golden lights erupted there, terrible fluctuations, surging like a tide.

The golden decree tried to fight, but the giant palm was extremely powerful. It came from there and was surrounded by chaos. It was not a simple illusion, but a strong physical manifestation.


The golden decree split, and many terrifying Sword Qi were calmed by this palm. The scene was extremely frightening, making everyone shudder and speechless.

"Hand over the keys.

"Otherwise I will kill her tour."

Gu Changge fell from a high altitude, his expression was not turbulent, he was holding a figure in his palm, and he could kill him at any time. .