Ch 412

"Gu Changge"

"How can my Big sis be in your hands?"

Jun Fan watched this scene in shock and horror. He didn't expect that Gu Changge would tear up his golden decree as soon as he appeared. It was extremely powerful and trembling.

And he noticed that the Daoist shadow that Gu Changge was holding in his hand was his Big sis Jun Ruoxi.

However, she is not in a good state now. The terrible wound almost penetrated through her neck, bleeding was constantly flowing, and it was impossible to heal at all.

Her face was also pale, and she lost her previous agility.

"This is to thank you. If you hadn't led the way for me, how could I find your Big sis."

Gu Changge said lightly, and threw Jun Ruoxi to the ground.

At this time, Jiang Luoshen, Tian Ze and other strong men behind him came and came here, surrounded everyone, offering weapons of all colors, and powerful.

"You are ashamed to say, if it weren't for your evil intentions, how would you do this?" Jun Fan was furious, his fists were tightly clenched, and his eyes were cold.

"I'm so stupid, who can I blame?"

The Xuanyang Heavenly Sword in Gu Changge's hand emerged, and he placed it on Kan Jun Ruoxi's neck, and said casually, "You can try to see if you run away faster or mine is faster."

"If you just run away like this, maybe your Big sis head, The next moment will roll off with a grunt.

"How could the Xuanyang Heavenly Sword be in your hands, is he already killed by you, Uncle Ye?"

"Bai Lian'er is yours, she also went with me at the time

"If it wasn't because I believed her wrongly, it wouldn't hurt Big sis."


This scene caused Jun Fan's eyes to split, his hands clenched into fists, his teeth clenched, and he was mad with hatred.

He did not expect that because of this incident, Jun Ruoxi would be caught by Gu Changge, so that he is now dying.

He still remembered what Jun Ruoxi said at the time, saying that she had a way to deal with it and was not worried about being found.

But now, she has fallen into Gu Changge's hands, life and death are unpredictable.

Jun Fan couldn't even imagine whether his Big sis had suffered the brutal torture of Gu Changge during this period.

Such a big change made his head dizzy, and his eyes were almost black.

"I have said that I will let you hand over the keys. There may be a way to survive. Now no one can save you." Bai Lian'er said with a sneer.

Jun Yao and Song Youwei also watched this scene in shock at the moment, especially Song Youwei, she was very disturbed.

She naturally knew that the current Empress Xi Yao was nothing but a puppet supported by Gu Changge, although she was presiding over the demon world on the surface.

But secretly, she was actually restrained by Gu Changge's constraints. This time, she did not believe that there were no orders and arrangements from Gu Changge.

Now that she and Jun Fan are together, Gu Changge might be regarded as a gang. When the time comes, her father will also be implicated.

"Uncommon, you don't care about me, enter that portal to find the emperor father, only the emperor father can save you and avenge me."

Jun Ruoxi's face was pale, and she shouted to Jun Bufan. When he was caught by Gu Changge, he was already determined to die.


She knew that since Gu Changge had found her life, it was absolutely impossible to let her and Jun Bufan go.

As for wanting Gu Changge to show mercy, that is even more impossible.

"Big sis"

Jun Fan's face was sad, and his voice was fascinating. He simply couldn't do anything to give up the life of Big sis and live by himself.

The door behind him is not far away, as long as he wants to, he can rush in in an instant.

But in this way, Jun Ruoxi is bound to be killed by Gu Changge.

For a while, he was caught in a dilemma, not to mention there were others nearby.

These people may die because of him.

"Give me the key, I can spare your brothers and sisters, naturally including everyone here.,

"My patience is very limited. I will give you three breaths time to consider. After the three breaths, I will kill one person after one breath.

Gu Changge looked at Junfan, his expression was very indifferent, and his tone was even more calm, casual and natural like trampling on a few ants.

"Gu Changge, don't deceive others too much!" Jun Fan was bitterly angry, his teeth clenched and his body trembling.

"Are you questioning me?" Gu Changge said indifferently, with his fingers close together and swiping forward, the person in front of him suddenly exploded, turning into blood mist, and disappearing on the spot.

Everyone looked at this scene, their backs were chilly, their faces were terrified, and even worse, their limbs were soft and almost limp to the ground.

They had already seen how horrible the golden decree was just now, but it was easily torn in Gu Changge's hands.

How terrifying is his strength?

Even if they wanted to escape, they didn't have any chance.

If Jun Fan really doesn't care about them, then they will definitely not escape today!

Everyone became desperate, even Song Youwei's complexion changed slightly and was suppressed by Gu Changge's fierce indifference.

She can see what Gu Changge really looks like.

Seeing Gu Changge's appearance now, Jun Yao couldn't help but make her face.

It is difficult to connect that personable, gentle and elegant man in the imperial capital with Gu Changge in front of him.

Although she knew that Gu Changge couldn't kill her, she still didn't dare to look up at him, panicking and trembling.

This is a huge horror power, like a cold and heavy abyss, lying on top of everyone's heads.

"Gu Changge, I give you the key, but you have to swear that what you just said must count. Otherwise, even if I die, I won't give you the key."

Jun Fan clenched his teeth, his expression struggling and painful, and finally his eyes turned red, staring at Gu Changge unwillingly, like an endangered beast.

He can't leave everyone alone.

And he was not sure if he escaped to the door behind him, would he be caught by Gu Changge.

Now his greatest reliance is his father Emperor Xuanyang Demon Emperor.

If Gu Changge enters it, chances are he will see his father, then no matter how strong Gu Changge is, will he be his father's opponent?

After thinking about it for a while, Jun Fan decided to hand over the key, delaying it for a while before talking.

"I knew it now, why would Gang オ bother?"

Gu Changge smiled faintly, and then said, "No problem, swear it is okay. Your lives are worthless to me.

After that, he didn't talk nonsense, swearing in front of the people of Junfan, swearing with Dao heart, that he would not embarrass them, if he violated this oath, the heaven will die.

Hearing that, Jun Fan's expression finally loosened, and he swore with Dao heart in the spiritual world, which can be said to be the most severe oath.

The world is a lesson, no one will joke about own practice Dao heart.

The people behind him were also relieved when they saw this, but they were still very afraid of Gu Changge.

"This is the key, I hope you can keep your promise."

Jun Fan handed the key to Gu Changge reluctantly.

He still hopes to hold Gu Changge in his heart, after all, as long as he has time, he will have a chance to escape.

"It's nothing surprising, it seems it should be some kind of scales of Demonic Beasts."

Gu Changge took a look, his expression was a little surprised. The material was not simple. He just poured it out with physical power, but he didn't destroy it, and didn't even react at all.

He then stuck out his palm and hit Jun Fan's abdomen, sealing his Cultivation Base.

"You" Jun Fan's face changed drastically, and he was extremely angry. Unexpectedly, Gu Changge actually sealed his Cultivation Base with his hands.

"You watch them."

Gu Changge ignored him, and said to Jiang Luoshen and others, and then stepped into the door.

The key in his hand glowed, and the many lines on it seemed to be revived.

Vaguely, everyone saw a vague Demonic Beasts, manifesting in the virtual space, surrounded by mysterious and unpredictable power, the space power is mighty, and it seems that it can shatter this place at any time.

"Could it be the legendary mirror demon?"

Gu Changge squinted his eyes, and suddenly a ripple-like breath spread in front of his eyes, like ripples on the water.

After he walked in, the door flashed by for a while and returned to its original state.

After seeing Gu Changge missing, everyone couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief. Jun Fan walked over and tried to help Kan Jun Ruoxi up.

However, with a wave of Bai Lian'er's sleeve, he suddenly fanned him out and hit the mountain behind.

"what are you doing?"

Jun Fan's face was furious, and he climbed up from the ground with difficulty. He was sealed by Gu Changge at the Cultivation Base, unable to resist at all.

"It's nothing, I just want you to be honest and don't mess around."

Bai Lian'er gave him a casual look, found a stone to sit down, and muttered to himself, "I don't know what Gu Changge will see when he enters, and will he leave from here or from the gate of life?" "

"I don't think we actually need to wait for him."

She faintly knows the rumors of the life gate and the dead door. The dead door in front of her can only go in, and the life door can come out.

They waited for Gu Changge here, but they were actually waiting for nothing, and they might as well rush to the place where the life gate is now.

Jiang Luoshen ignored her, but glanced at Jun Yao, Song Youwei and others, and said to the many powerful men behind him, "Take good care of them."

Having said this, she walked to the door and looked at the crimson mist, frowning.

She thinks this kind of thing is familiar, like a kind of corpse Spiritual Qi seen in ancient books.

Mukuro Spiritual Qi will only be born after the death of the monstrous monster at Cultivation Base.

This kind of Spiritual Qi is not suitable for spiritual practice. On the contrary, it will pollute the souls of the Meridians. If things go on like this, it will lead to the decline of the Cultivation Base.

She did not expect to see cedh Spiritual Qi here.

Doesn't it mean that in the world outside the gate of death, there is a peerless great demon falling?

"The world in the dead gate is not too simple."

"I'm worried about what that guy is doing, it's best for him to die inside."

Jiang Luoshen shook his head slightly, feeling that he was a thief and cheap, but he was worried about Gu Changge.

The door outside is a completely different world. After Gu Changge stepped in, he felt something was wrong.

The death spirit here is more intense, the red male spirit is almost pervasive, trying to get into his body.

However, as the Spiritual Qi on his body shook slightly, these red mists burst open, screaming with creepy screams, and turned into ashes.

The sky was completely different from the demon world outside, the fog was bleak, many peaks collapsed and burst, and there were big cracks and traces of battles everywhere.

"The origin of the world of the demon world should be in this space. It seems that the six emperors have not been peaceful for six thousand years.

Gu Changge's figure walked in the virtual space, and instantly went away, following the traces of this place, looking for the hidden breath of the six monster emperors.

Judging from the traces of the war here, the six emperors should not be united with each other.

"There is only one source of the world. Regarding the changes in the luck of the demon world, for the six emperors, it can only support two or three people for cultivation and insights. If this happens, differences will inevitably occur."

"If I guess right, this red mist should be the substance produced by a certain demon emperor after his death. This is why he wants to devour the flesh and blood of creatures with amazing spirituality."

"If the demon emperor falls, that matter will be easy to handle."

Gu Changge's eyes are wide open, black and white are flowing, just like Tathagata, at the beginning of the world, you can see the chaos surging in it, Samsara is evolving, and the terrible big star falls and collapses.

This is a vast divine power, which was displayed by him to understand the many traces and changes of this place, and even trace some scenes.

This is a few fragments imprinted in the long river of time, recording some pictures that happened here in the first place.

In Gu Changge's current Realm, although it is not possible to trace the time and river completely, some fragments of the picture can be captured.

However, in order to verify his own guess, Gu Changge took out Hongmeng Zijian and deduced it. Many pictures appeared, although fuzzy, they verified his statement.

"Sure enough, a demon emperor has fallen

Gu Changge's guess was confirmed, and he saw a shocking battle that broke out in this space at that time.

Although Hongmeng Zijian can only be used once in half a month, in this place, even the existence of the Emperor Realm can be traced back.

In the battle of the six emperors, the last one fell, the two lost to escape and escaped into this space to hide.

The other three cooperated, intending to wait for the origin of the world to mature.

"The two who fled should be Xuanyang Demon Emperor and Youyue Demon Emperor. Their companions were besieged and fell.

Gu Changge Judging from the battle screen, the Xuanyang Demon Emperor is the Emperor Realm, while the Youyue Demon Emperor is only the Quasi-Emperor Realm, which is obviously weaker than it.

Of the other three monster emperors, one is in the emperor realm, and the other two are in the quasi-emperor realm.

After understanding this, Gu Changge soon had a plan in his heart, heading towards the source of the red fog, he was very fast, running in this vast expanse of space.

In a blink of an eye, countless distances were crossed, and a distant place appeared.

"Someone came in here

At the same time, in a majestic mountain far away from Gu Changge.

There are many stone caves there, and each stone cave is carved with a avenue rune, the brilliance is shining, the heavens are soaring, and the fairy radiance is permeated in all directions.

The three horrible and fuzzy bodies were sitting cross-legged in each stone cave, their eyes were very deep, and their breath was so powerful that the world was discolored, and the void was shaking.

Even in front of the Supreme, they had to be crushed into blood mist.

Not far from them, there is an abyss that cannot be seen to the end.

Among them, there are endless strands of Xianhui and other things permeating out and being absorbed by them.

At this moment, one of the figures opened his mouth, his eyes were very deep, and it seemed that there were many scenes evolving into this world.

His breath is also the most terrifying, it seems to cover this world.

"Is that guy Xuan Yang looking for a helper?"

Another figure was opening his mouth, with golden eyes, as if two rounds of the sun were burning.

He also sat cross-legged here, and his breath seemed to extend into every inch of space.

"I don't know, there was a slight change just now. He was spying on our tracks. This person may not be simple."

The being who spoke just now said that there was a terrifying divine glory on his body, turbulent like a vast sea, turbulent with words.

"When the origin of the world matures, Xuanyang and Youyue will definitely not be restrained and will definitely show up here."

"We just need to wait for them to arrive. The people who came in just now, even Xuanyang's helpers, are not a concern for Cultivation Base."

He continued, appearing extremely indifferent.

"Chi Xiao, how sure are you this time to kill Xuan Yang?"

Hearing that, another creature opened his mouth and was enveloped in a thick bloody fog. With wide open eyes, there was an endless sea of ​​blood evolving, mountains and rivers were destroyed, Star fell, and countless creatures were buried among them.

His body is a blood demon, emerging from an endless sea of ​​blood. His strength is terrifying, and he is fierce and mighty. He was once called the blood demon emperor by all beings in the demon world.

Six thousand years ago, if he hadn't been for the astonishing vitality, he was almost killed by Xuanyang Demon Emperor and Youyue Demon Emperor. Now his injuries are fully healed, and he just wants to seek revenge from them!

"As long as they dare to show up, they must be 100% sure."

"It was promised not to disclose this matter, but he even secretly left a message to his son, intending to cheat me and wait, this revenge will be revenge!"

The demon emperor named Chi Xiao said coldly when he heard the words, and his eyes were murderous, making the world here tremble.

At this time, Gu Changge had found the source of the red mist. He stood on a mountain and looked at the scene in front of him with some thoughtfulness.

"This is the corpse of the Demon Emperor?"

"It's a pity, I am half a step late, and many sources have passed away, but I barely make do with it."

This is a shocking scene, a horrible Demonic Beasts that looks like a cow, quietly lying in front, not knowing how high, can not see the end, as if it can stand in the Universe.

All the surrounding mountains collapsed and cracked numerous large rift valleys.

Standing in front of him, Gu Changge looked as small as a dust.

This is the body of Demonic Beasts.

Many creatures in the demon world actually have their bodies, and their usual appearances are quite different.

Empress Xi Yao's body is Youyue Deer, and in the upper realm, the number is extremely rare.

"At least seven cost sources have passed since six thousand years

Gu Changge shook his head slightly, then opened his mouth and screamed. Suddenly, a black light rushed out and turned into a Galaxy Cluster, wrapping up the carcass of the Xie Niu in front of him.

A faint divine brilliance rises from his body, turning into small whirlpools, in which it seems that there are ancient gods sitting cross-legged, chanting death, which can swallow heaven and earth.

For Gu Changge, refining its origin will not take long.

"Almost breakthrough quasi-extreme state late stage"

After that, he got up and went in another direction, planning to find the demon emperor Xuanyang and Youyue first.

The hiding place of the two of them, when he deduced just now, already had a rough position.