Ch 413

"Fan'er should have found it!"

"The message I left to him, logically, he should understand it now.

In an ancient cave with gushing sunlight and intertwined avenues, a stalwart figure sits cross-legged, his face blurred and surrounded by chaotic fog.

There is undried colorful blood on the ground, which is very piercing, and the wisps of ~ Dihui are permeated.

At this moment, he spoke, with a touch of relief in his words.

"What Brother Xuanyang said is true?"

Not far from this figure, a tall and tall woman emerged.

She was dressed in a pure white robe, which seemed to be intertwined with moonlights, and she had an inherent noble aura on her body, as if a moon god descended.

"This matter is naturally true. At the beginning, I left Fan'er with a lot of back-hands, so that he could come and find the truth in person."

"Just now I felt that the key I left him has touched the rules of the world here, indicating that he has come here.

"I think he will find us soon.

Demon Emperor Xuanyang smiled faintly, with a feeling of a long, soothing breath.

"Really, it's so good, Chi Xiao and others are probably planning to do it too.

Youyue Demon Emperor nodded, his eyes were deep, and his hair was like a silver horse, flowing like stars.

Although her aura is not as strong as the Demon Emperor Xuanyang, it is extremely mysterious.

"We should also prepare, this time the origin of the world, I am bound to win.

Xuanyang Demon Emperor's gaze gradually deepened, and he got up and left this place. During one step, the world stagnated and appeared in the void outside.

He was waiting for Jun Bufan's arrival.

Six thousand years ago, in order to plan the world origin of the demon world, the six of them did not hesitate to set up a shocking overall situation.

Not only has it deceived everyone in the Demon Realm, but it has also deceived many ethics of the outside world, making many people mistakenly believe that they have fallen into the rebellion of the Demon Realm six thousand years ago.

With such a deceptive opportunity, they can enter this place smoothly and wait for the maturity of the origin of the world.

As the mirror realm born after the fall of the last mirror demon in the oldest period.

This place was once laid down by an ancient existence in the Demon Realm. With the goal of life and death, the existence of this place was blocked in order to cover up the greatest secret of the Demon Realm.

The existence of the origin of the world.

This kind of thing, even in a world with a very high level, is difficult to emerge. It contains the original origin and rules of the world, as well as many Xiantian Dao patterns.

For their existence at this level, the origin of the world is even more hopeless, and it can even make them hopeful to enter another world.

Even in the upper realm, so many eras have passed, and there has never been a fairyland.

But because of the origin of the demon world, they saw the hope of Immortal Ascension, and even sacrificed their own children to complete this shocking situation.

However, in order to make the overall situation more real, they left their own Dao Item behind, which made many outsiders believe that they are no longer there.

However, the Demon Emperor Xuanyang stayed careful and laid a lot of successors, intending to make his own son heir extraordinary, and come to him six thousand years later.

Because he knew that the origin of the world was not enough to support the breakthrough of the Six Emperors, some of them must die.

Without Dao Item, they will be difficult to determine.

But when his heirs brought in his adult Dao Item Xuanyang Heavenly Sword, the situation will undergo a major reversal.

It's a pity that this method of his was seen through by the Scarlet Demon Emperor six thousand years ago, and a few people fought a battle.

One quasi emperor died, and the other five were also injured, fled to various places, secretly recovering.

But his methods have been laid down, even if the Scarlet Cloud Demon Emperor sees through it, he cannot change it. Now he is the only one on his side.

On the side of the Scarlet Demon Emperor, there were also the Blood Demon Emperor and another Demon Emperor.

Although the situation seems very unfavorable for him, as long as Dao Item is in hand, everything will be reversed in an instant.

In the huge Demon Realm, there are only two Dao Items nowadays.

One is his Xuanyang Heavenly Sword, and the other is the Chixiao Spear of the Scarlet Demon Emperor.

The Chixiao Spear was left in the Demon Realm by the Scarlet Cloud Demon Emperor. Now unless he takes the initiative to leave this world, it is impossible to bring the Chixiao Spear.

If you want to enter the middle of the mirror again, you must have the scales of the mirror monster as the key.

So as long as the Scarlet Demon Emperor is not stupid, he will not leave this world at this critical juncture.

"For more than six thousand years, it has been painful for Xiyao and Bufan.."

You Yue Demon Emperor seemed to have thought of something, and sighed a little.

However, the Demon Emperor Xuanyang seemed rather indifferent, saying, "It's not trivial to make a big thing. Although Fan'er is used in this matter, I believe he will understand my painstaking efforts. Xi Yao's character is not suitable for him. At that time, even if we did not give Xi Yao this opportunity, she would do it later.,

Youyue Demon Emperor didn't speak much, and she agreed to this decision back then, so there was nothing to regret.

And just as the two were talking, there was a breath from the sky above the distant sky, and a divine rainbow came and fell towards them.

"This person is"

Youyue Demon Emperor's complexion changed slightly, and what he felt was an unfamiliar aura, not Jun Bufan.

Demon Emperor Xuanyang also frowned, a little unexpected, it was not his heir who came here to look for him, but another young man who looked extremely strange.

He is dressed in mysterious clothes, with a fairy-like figure and a tall and straight figure. There are many complicated and exquisite patterns embroidered between the sleeves, revealing a noble and mysterious atmosphere.

The origin is extraordinary.

Judging from the age of his bones, he looks like more than twenty heads, but Cultivation Base made his pupils shrink and his mind was shaken.

There are such monsters in this world?

In his twenties, he is already a Cultivation Base in the Quasi-Supreme Realm?

The Youyue Demon Emperor was also like the Xuanyang Demon Emperor at this moment, and his heart trembled abnormally, and it was the first time that he saw such a young quasi-supreme powerhouse.

Six thousand years later, what has happened to the outside world now that even such young monsters have appeared.

Even in the ancient rumors, the era of the celestial beings vying for battle, I dare not imagine.

"Junior Gu Changge, I have seen the Demon Emperor Xuanyang and the Demon Emperor Moon."

And just when the Demon Emperor Xuanyang and the Demon Emperor You Yue had different minds.

The young man in front of him took the lead in speaking to them, with a gentle expression and a spring breeze-like feeling. He was neither humble nor overbearing, but he was courteous.

It is conceivable that his identity background is absolutely extraordinary, otherwise he would never cultivate such a transcendent temperament.

"Do you know who I am waiting for?"

Demon Emperor Xuanyang's expression remained unchanged, and he stared at Gu Changge and asked, his eyes were very deep. Among them, Star was rolling, and many scenes evolved, as if he wanted to see him through.

"Naturally know." Gu Changge smiled slightly, "Junior came to this world to find two people."

"What is the relationship between you and the Changsheng Gu family?"

Youyue Demon Emperor asked coldly, looking at Gu Changge, from his face to his temperament to the breath of Cultivation Base, he didn't let it go.

For them, they suddenly saw such a young man who broke into this place, and found them where they were, in one fell swoop, they revealed their identities, how to prevent them from shock and doubt.

However, they did not do it because they did not feel Gu Changge's malice.

"The young master of the Gu family in the next longevity." Gu Changge still smiled neither humble nor humble after hearing this.

"It turned out to be Young Master Gu, no wonder."

The pupils of Youyue Demon Emperor shrank, and the face that had been vigilant since then slowly seemed to be a lot more gentler than before, and there was no tension in the atmosphere just now.

Demon Emperor Xuanyang's face was also slightly solemn, not as casual as he was just now.

Although they have not left this world for six thousand years and do not know who the young master of the Gu family of this generation is, they are also convinced that no one in this world should dare to pretend to be this identity.

If it is an ordinary person, they have already started, just in case, to probe their souls.

"I don't know why Young Master Gu is looking for me and waiting?"

However, the Demon Emperor Xuanyang was still a little wary, and he was not relieved of Gu Changge.

After all, he is a true enlightened person, standing at the pinnacle of the path of monasticism in this world.

Even in the upper realm, many archbishops need to be respectful, and there is no need to be so polite to a young junior like Gu Changge.

"Brother Zai and Bufan are the best friends. He asked me to come here to find the two, and he asked me to give one thing to the Demon Emperor Xuanyang." Gu Changge explained with a smile.

Demon Emperor Xuanyang frowned, and he didn't believe Gu Changge's words.

The same is true for Youyue Demon Emperor, always feeling that things are a bit strange, why doesn't Jun Bufan come by himself, and need to send an outsider to this place?

"How do you want me to believe you, Xiao Fan, where is he now?" Xuanyang Demon Emperor asked, his eyes fixed on Gu Changge, trying to catch the anomaly from his expression.

But he was very disappointed, even as an emperor, he couldn't see the slightest wave on the young man in front of him.

It is natural and random, and there is no change because they are in the emperor realm.

So to see if Gu Changge has a problem from his attitude, obviously it doesn't work.

"The Demon Emperor Xuanyang seems to be a bit too nervous. He came under the entrustment of Brother Bufan, and there is no reason to make you believe me." Gu Changge still had a decent smile on his face.

Hearing that, Xuanyang Demon Emperor's complexion was slightly unnatural, and Gu Changge really had no reason to believe it.

And he said that Jun Bufan entrusted him.

"Of course, if the Xuanyang Demon Emperor doesn't believe it, there's nothing we can do here. Now I can only briefly talk about the acquaintance between Brother Bufan and me. Six thousand years ago, the demon world was in chaos, and the demon master Bai Kun escaped from the demon world and went to the chaotic star region. He lived in seclusion. Some time ago, he searched for his daughter's whereabouts, but was spotted by Queen Xi Yao of the demon world and sent someone to chase him down. It happened that Bai Kun's daughter Bai Lian'er was here.

Human, therefore, I rescued him from the people of the demon world. "

"From the mouth of the demon master Bai Kun, I learned what the Demon Emperor Xuanyang entrusted to him, and I simply came to the demon world with Bai Lian'er. It just happened that Brother Bufan planned to assassinate Empress Xi Yao at the Tianjiao Banquet."

"Although this incident has not been successful, it also caused Queen Xi Yao to be injured and angry. Brother Bufan's identity in this life was exposed, and the entire family was imprisoned. Now he is trying to rescue his relatives in this life and has no time for him to take care of him.

"Therefore, based on the information in the kit, he asked me to come here to find two people to quell this misunderstanding and save the relatives in this life."

Gu Changge spoke again, his expression was natural and casual, without any change, he explained to the slightly condensed faces of Demon Emperor Xuanyang and Demon Emperor Youyue, clearing the ins and outs of this matter.

"You even know the things in the tips?" The Demon Emperor Xuanyang looked slightly solemn.

Gu Changge nodded and said, "Brother Bufan opened the kit at the time, and Ji Xia happened to be there, so some of these things are also understood."

Hearing this, Youyue Demon Emperor had complicated eyes and said, "Xiyao and Bufan shouldn't be enemies between them. This misunderstanding should indeed be resolved.

For Gu Changge's words, she didn't think there was anything wrong with it.

And this also explains where Jun Bufan is now, and why Gu Changge is allowed to come here.

"Of course, Brother Bufan also asked me to bring this thing, saying that Demon Emperor Xuanyang would use it."

At this moment, Gu Changge spoke again, with a flash of brilliance in his hand.

A black heavenly sword forged like Immortal immortal gold emerged, brilliance flowing, clanking, and sharp, seeming to cut through the sky at any time.

"Xuanyang Heavenly Sword!"

The Monster Emperor You Yue condensed his eyes, and his tone was slightly delighted.

The Demon Emperor Xuanyang also breathed a sigh of relief. Just now, he carefully considered the truth of Gu Changge's words, and now he looked at Gu Changge with a lot of relief.

Since Jun Bufan even gave the Xuanyang Heavenly Sword to Gu Changge and asked him to bring it, it shows that he really trusts Gu Changge.

Moreover, Gu Changge did not covet the Xuanyang Heavenly Sword, and his eyes never stayed on him for a moment.

Such a natural and casual look made them look at him a lot in their hearts.

After all, not many people in this world would be indifferent when faced with an imperial weapon.

"Young Master Gu is so kind, Xuan Yang thanked him again."

The Xuanyang Demon Emperor took the Xuanyang Heavenly Sword from Gu Changge, and he was more confident in dealing with the Scarlet Demon Emperor and the others, and he couldn't help showing a smile on his face.

...For flowers...…

"You don't have to be polite to senior, Xia and Bufan brother see it right away. He is such an upright and honest person, and Xia will naturally do it for him."

Gu Changge smiled and shook his head.

Hearing this, Youyue Demon Emperor couldn't help but glanced at Gu Changge again, feeling a lot in his heart. With such a temperament and strength, it can only be said that he is the young master of the Changsheng Gu family.

Such a character is really hard to find in the world!

"But I have an unrelenting request. I hope that the two seniors can help me solve my doubts." At this moment, Gu Changge suddenly spoke, with a slight doubt on his face.

"Young Master Gu, please tell me, but if we know anything, we will naturally answer it for you.

Xuanyang Demon Emperor said, now that the Xuanyang Heavenly Sword is in hand, his mood is agitated, and his aura is far more terrifying than usual for no reason.

Gu Changge's request is nothing to him.

"What is the truth of the demon world chaos six thousand years ago?" Gu Changge asked.

Hearing this, Demon Emperor Xuanyang and Demon Emperor You Yue looked at each other, their expressions a little unnatural.

What can they say about this kind of thing, can it be said that it is to lay out the overall situation and confuse the sentient beings in the demon world?

"Young Master Gu, if you want to know the truth, please come with us."

At this time, the Monster Emperor You Yue replied instead, changing the method without directly explaining it.

"Since the two don't want to say more, then forget it." Gu Changge seemed indifferent.

"Actually, you should be able to understand when you see it later."

Demon Emperor Xuanyang shook his head slightly, and then the figure stepped into the air, and a cash-colored avenue floated under his feet, stretching towards the distance.

The horrible aura, like a wave of awakening anger, obscures the sky and the sun, and the entire space seems to be unable to withstand this wave of fluctuations, and it is about to burst.

Seeing this, Youyue Demon Emperor followed his figure, in the void and vague, close to the horizon, drawing the ground as a ruler, and quickly followed.

Gu Changge's eyes flashed with a different color, and the corner of his mouth showed interest, and he quickly caught up.

"Xuanyang, You Yue, are you finally willing to show up?"

At the end of the distant world, a sneer sounded at this moment, very cold, but also with a sneer.

Accompanied by the sound of footsteps that shook the world, a figure that looked like an ancient god, stepped forward, and his body was full of blood, as if a sea of ​​blood was surging.


He took a step forward, the turbulent weather revealed, the ground began to crumble, the brilliance flowed, death was permeated, and a path of blood appeared behind him.

This is the existence of a quasi-emperor realm, the emperor realm does not come out, and it is almost invincible.

As soon as he pointed out, the black flowers bloomed.

The aura of the avenue flows, and the rules are like blood blossoms shattered in the void, contaminated by endless bloody filth.

This was a strong blow from the Emperor Zhun.

The void collapses, the vitality is destroyed, and it can ruin everything.

One of the six emperors in the demon world, the blood demon emperor!

"Even if you dare to stop me? You escaped last time, but this time there is not such a good opportunity."

Demon Emperor Xuanyang snorted coldly and slashed towards the front.

The Xuanyang Heavenly Sword buzzed, and an endless black light burst out, facing this strike and killing everything to break everything.

Hundreds of millions of bloody complexions were gorgeous, but they were annihilated and disappeared, leaving only a few ripples in the void.

"Xuanyang Heavenly Sword? Your Dao Item?"

"It was brought by someone?" The Blood Demon Emperor looked surprised.

The Cultivation Base of the Quasi-Emperor Realm, as soon as you point it down, some worlds will have to be penetrated.

But it was cracked and turned into powder, and at the same time the terrifying aura was crushed, seeming to shake him to death.

"It's useless to be brought by someone!"

At this time, a figure with a killing intent to charge the sky appeared, it was the Demon Emperor Chixiao.

He wears a black gold crown on his head and red wings on his back. He is fast to the extreme.

At this moment, the imperial realm aura recovered, and a chaotic mist appeared in the sky.

The terrifying and surging Blood Qi dragon stood out from the sky, breaking the sky open.

The whole area began to riot.

The chaotic light rushed into the sky, the terrifying aura rose up, the ground began to tremble, and then a terrible rift valley appeared, and it was going to be sunk under the imperial realm aura!

The other Emperor Zhun also appeared and shot towards You Yue Demon Emperor, and a world-shattering battle broke out.

The Xuanyang Demon Emperor held the Xuanyang Heavenly Sword and fought against the Scarlet Demon Emperor and the Blood Demon Emperor.

If it weren't for this world to be extremely stable, I'm afraid it would have been split apart long ago.

Except for Xuanyang Demon Emperor and Chixiao Demon Emperor, the others are all quasi emperors Cultivation Base, but they are also shocking and horrifying.

This kind of war is unimaginable and is enough to destroy everything.

According to the rumors, the mirror demon is a monster comparable to the fairy beast, and the inner boundary of the mirror can reflect the real and vast world of a party.

The rules here are also reflected, otherwise it will definitely collapse under the presence of the emperor realm.

Seeing the war erupting here, Gu Changge did not approach, but appeared on a mountain peak, hunting in Xuanyi, with a smile on his face.

Everyone didn't take his little quasi-extreme cultivator in mind, and he cared about flawlessly.

The Demon Emperor Xuanyang and You Yue didn't expect him to help either.

Although the Red Demon Emperor, the Blood Demon Emperor and others were amazed at his identity, they didn't have this skill to manage.

"The Origin of the World"

"It turned out to be there."

In Gu Changge's eyes, black and white are permeated, and the breath of Samsara is intertwined, as if there are six heavens and earths appearing, and many heavens, big stars, and fairy halls have evolved and collapsed in them.

This scene is terrifying, and finally gradually returned to calm.

Gu Changge is not in a hurry, this battle has just begun, and it is not yet time to lose both sides.

The so-called snipe and clam fight, the fisherman gains.

He only needs to wait to pick the final ripe fruit. Why not do it.

But before that, he can do some tricks first.

Afterwards, in Gu Changge's silence, several jade charms were punched into the void of the square by him, turning into a haze of chaos, among which many ancient palaces of immortality loomed, extremely old, and quickly disappeared. superior,