Ch 414

Two horrible figures with invisible heights stand on the edge of the sky, even the Galaxy Cluster is hanging down in their hands.

The chaotic fog surging, hanging one after another, evolved into a variety of powerful fairy lights.

Demon Emperor Xuanyang's body is extremely strong and powerful, like forged from Immortal emperor gold, with black hair like a waterfall, cutting the sky and the earth.


The Xuanyang Heavenly Sword seemed to be able to split everything, wielding an extremely powerful sword light, fighting with the Demon Emperor Chixiao.

This war is extremely terrifying.

The strength of the Demon Emperor Scarlet Heaven is overwhelming, and thousands of red clouds are shot out from his hands up, seeming to drown the world, the vast divine light is permeated, and it contains incomparable lethality.

At the level of the Emperor Realm, they were already standing on the top of this world, overlooking the world, invincible above and below.

On weekdays, it is impossible to see the two emperor realms at war with Ben.

Because the sky is turned upside down at every turn and the stars change, the entire universe seems to oscillate with their breath.

If it weren't for this place to be too special and extremely strong, the fluctuations in their hands would definitely shock all directions.

"Even if you have an imperial weapon, you are not the opponent of the three of us, Xuan Yang, you will die of this heart."

The Demon Emperor Chixiao spoke indifferently, and the place covered by the heavenly spirit rushed out of the vast sky, running through the heavenly palace, and the vast blood seemed to cover the sky with heavy rain.

He clenched his fist and smashed it. The whole body was the most terrifying weapon, making a clear trembling sound and colliding with the Xuanyang Heavenly Sword.

After that, his wings spread out behind him, and he swept back quickly, extremely fast. This was his powerful talent and supernatural power. After he reached the Emperor Realm, he was even more supreme in the world.

"Today than cut you by the knife."

Demon Emperor Xuanyang had the same indifferent eyes. He slew forward and sacrificed the Xuanyang Heavenly Sword.

At this moment, the Xuanyang Heavenly Sword seemed to be resurrected, and a peerless and powerful aura emerged, turning into a sword aura that covered the sky.

This knife seems to be able to split even the Universe.

Seeing this scene, the Demon Emperor Chixiao changed his face and was furious at the same time. Because he had no weapons in his hands, he kept falling into the wind.

This feeling made him feel aggrieved, and felt that Xuanyang Demon Emperor could not win.

However, he is not a simple generation, so he roared and sacrificed his remaining weapons.

Although it is no better than the imperial weapon, its power cannot be underestimated, and then exhausted the "Five Thirty Zero" to attack as far as possible to block this strike.

However, under this strike of Xuanyang Heavenly Sword, it was in vain.

The black sky sword fell, his weapons, rules, magical powers, and Taoism all collapsed, and cracks appeared on his body.

"Are you forcing me?

The Scarlet Demon Emperor suffered such a big loss, his face was very cold, and he quickly appeared in the distance.

He is performing a door control technique, which can also be called a forbidden technique when he reaches the emperor realm, and its horror can be seen.

The next moment, I saw that the center of his eyebrows was filled with a Wang Yang-like breath, and then a golden light appeared.

Your original true feather

Seeing this, the face of the Demon Emperor Xuanyang changed slightly, and he was very jealous, "Unexpectedly, you also left a hand. In addition to the Chixiao Spear, you actually refined your hardest primordial feather. Make weapons

The Scarlet Demon Emperor sneered and said, "I started refining this thing a million years ago, and it has never really been exposed to the world, because once it is born, it will inevitably return with the blood of the emperor."

As the words fell, a golden feather burst from the center of his eyebrows.

There are all kinds of ancient and complicated patterns on it, which are very primitive, as if they contain all his Taoism and insights.

This kind of breath descended between the heavens and the earth, almost as if to shatter the sky.


Then, the golden feathers were like a peerless fairy sword, the majesty of Huanghuang was majestic and shocking, and it was slashed towards the Demon Emperor Xuanyang, as if he was going to die here.

Even if he used the Xuanyang Heavenly Sword to contend, it seemed quite strenuous, and his arm was convulsed, collapsed because of its strength, and bone scum appeared.

At the same time, his eyebrows split and his skull almost got pierced.

This was refined from the strongest primitive real feather in the Red Sky Demon Emperor's body. It was indestructible and closely related to him. It was terrifying and even had the effect of killing the soul.

Demon Emperor Xuanyang looked solemn and underestimated the methods of Demon Emperor Chixiao.

"This is a good thing."

Gu Changge, who had been paying attention to the battle between the two, couldn't help narrowing his eyes when he saw this golden feather, with some interest.

From his eyes, it can be regarded as a good thing, which can only show that this golden feather is indeed extraordinary.

There are many supernatural powers of the Demon Emperor Scarlet Clouds condensed on it, and the moment when it is sacrificed is hard to guard against.

However, he didn't take much control, and even watched the game from a distance.

By now, Demon Emperor Xuanyang and Demon Emperor Chixiao had already hit a real fire.

The Demon Emperor Xuanyang thought that he had the Xuanyang Heavenly Sword in his hand, and he had the chance to win.

But I did not expect that the methods of the Scarlet Demon Emperor were equally extraordinary. Many years ago, he began to talk about the refining of his primitive feathers into weapons, although compared with the real imperial weapons, it was still far behind.

In a short period of time, the two of them did not fall into the wind, and they continued to exchange injuries.

"Wow "

At this time, the Youyue Demon Emperor, who was fighting with the Blood Demon Emperor and another Demon Emperor in the distance, suddenly spewed out a mouthful of blood, his face was pale, and suffered heavy injuries. He was not an opponent of the two.

Just now another demon emperor was working with the demon emperor Chixiao to deal with the demon emperor Xuanyang.

However, after seeing that the Demon Emperor Chixiao didn't need any help, he turned around and killed the Demon Emperor Youyue.

Although Youyue Demon Emperor is a quasi-emperor, Cultivation Base is far inferior to the two, and it can barely support it alone.

But if they were attacked by the two together, they would be hit hard in an instant.

At this moment, she was in danger of selecting students, constantly coughing up blood, and suffering serious injuries. Although she was using the strongest means, facing the attack of the two, she had no way to do it and kept flying.

"Youyue Demon Emperor's strength is the weakest among several people."

"It is said that she is the righteous sister of Xuanyang Demon Emperor. She was able to break through the Quasi-Emperor Realm at the beginning, thanks to Xuanyang Demon Emperor."

Gu Changge's gaze was faint, and he glanced somewhere in the void. He had just arranged a lot of jade charms and concealed them.

Everyone is fighting at this moment, and it is naturally difficult to find its existence.

However, he still did not choose to do it. Before the final time, none of the Five Emperors was a fuel-efficient lamp.

He could see that even though the Youyue Demon Emperor was constantly wounding and coughing up blood, her breath was still undisturbed.

This shows that she is not flustered in her heart, very calm, waiting for the opportunity to show a thunderous blow.

In order to prevent the Five Emperors from escaping from here, Gu Changge was still at the gate of his life, guarding him with the aquarium of the avenue with the idea of ​​the Xiantian god.

From the beginning of this stunning chess game, the Five Emperors had no chance of winning.


Unimaginable battles continue to erupt here, with raging winds and bloody waves.

The aura of the whole world has changed, many supernatural powers are unfolding, and many strong supernatural powers are evolving.

Demon Emperor Xuanyang and Demon Emperor Chixiao were covered in blood, and they were mad, they were not like emperors, but two lunatics.

"At this moment!

The Youyue Demon Emperor, who was constantly vomiting blood, looked cold, and she finally caught the opportunity to show a strong method.

The endless divine light was looming, and huge black shadows passed by, roaring and shaking the sky.

Then Azure Dragon, White Tiger, Vermillion Bird and other peerless fiends released the sacred fire and rushed into the sky.

She has a cold face, her hands are pinched, and her body is blood, but she can't hide her cruel meaning at the moment

A black whirlwind swept across the sky, filled with a terrifying aura, making the blood demon emperor and the other demon emperor uneasy.

There was a monstrous beast in the eyes of the wind, and a terrifying deer with a spleen, and a phantom appeared, shocking people's hearts.

"Don't be caught by her, we fought her, she is not our opponent!"

The blood demon emperor's face was cold, he knew how terrifying this style was, but he didn't care at all, his whole body glowed, and his big hand pushed it horizontally.

However, the other demon emperor was uncomfortable. His body broke apart and was hit by Youyue Demon Emperor.

"Kill her!"

He rushed out of it, roaring, his face chilling from the pain.

Under this strike, his body was almost penetrated, constantly bleeding, and flying out.

At this time, everyone's hair was dyed blood red, as if they were about to crash into this world.

The Blood Demon Emperor raised his hand and turned into a large black palm print, shooting the Youyue Demon Emperor flying horizontally, exploding, and the quasi emperor was bloody and drunk, crashing millions of miles of mountains and rivers.

However, he was also uncomfortable. He suffered a mysterious technique from the Monster Emperor Youyue.

This is the talent of Youyue Divine Deer, it is a very strong Mental Energy attack, and it is hard to escape as a quasi emperor.

The battle lasted for a full day and night, with countless moves against each other.

If in the past, there was a fight in the emperor realm, it would not be uncommon for thousands of years to last, but now the situation is critical.

The origin of the world will mature at any time, and everyone is desperate.

Finally, this battle came to an end, and Youyue Demon Emperor came to an end first.

Her body exploded, and the primordial spirit roll wrapped in the origin of life and escaped, turning into a divine light to leave the place first.

The blood demon emperor and the other demon emperor did not feel well either.


"Or on purpose?"

Gu Changge glanced at the Youyue Demon Emperor who turned into a divine light to escape, his expression unchanged, and he was thinking about it for a while, and put her down for the time being.

Whether it was intentional or not, it has no effect on him now.

Then he looked at the Demon Emperor Xuanyang, his eyes flashed with a different color.

Xuanyang Heavenly Sword is not so easy to pick up, and when things have reached this point, he should also close the net.

"what happened "

"How can this be?"

"Xuanyang Heavenly Dao won't listen to my orders anymore."

At this moment, the killing of the Demon Emperor Chixiao was inextricably difficult, and the face of the Demon Emperor Xuanyang, who was at the last juncture, suddenly changed suddenly.

He was a little unbelievable.

Because he felt the Xuanyang Heavenly Sword in his hand uttered a clear voice, and there was a terrible counter-shock coming from him, trying to shatter his internal organs.

At the same time, give birth to a strong resistance and don't let him control it.

This feeling was so sudden that he caught him off guard and couldn't believe it. You must know that life and death are only on the front line.

It is the matter at this moment, but it can decide many things, even life and death.

When Demon Emperor Xuanyang reacted, it was already too late!


Upon seeing this, although the Scarlet Demon Emperor was a little confused, he didn't let go of such an excellent opportunity, with a sneer at the corner of his mouth, and once again sacrificed the original True Feather.

The golden light flashed, it was extremely dazzling and gorgeous, and the Shattering Void seemed to fall from outside the boundless Universe!

Primitive Zhenyu is like a fairy sword, piercing Xuanyang Demon Emperor's eyebrows with a chick.

Suddenly, bone dross splashed all over, his heavenly spirit cover exploded, the terrible imperial Dao pressure boiled, and his face was bloody.

I have to say that as an emperor, Xuanyang Demon Emperor's Cultivation Base is the best.

Even if it is penetrated through the center of the eyebrows, the bones of the face are cracked, and it is difficult to reach the back.

"what "

The Demon Emperor Xuanyang roared, his face blurred, and the aura all over his body was boiling, trying to contend.

He didn't know why, the Xuanyang Heavenly Sword, who had accompanied him for countless years, wanted to break free from his hand at a critical moment and became extremely strange.

"No matter what, you must die today!"

Seeing this, the Demon Emperor Chixiao urged Magic power again, sneered, trying to wipe out the spirit of the Demon Emperor Xuanyang with the original true feathers.

He also saw that Xuanyang Heavenly Sword was resisting, not as docile as just now.

Although I don't know why, it is an excellent opportunity for him.

Primordial Zhenyu is extremely terrifying, but he is transformed by his Taoism.

In terms of the power of attack, it is only stronger than the Chixiao Spear.

At this moment, the white bones are shining, cracking once again, and the vast fluctuations spread, turning into a golden sword, trying to wipe out the soul of the Demon Emperor Xuanyang.


However, at The next moment, the whole body of the Xuanyang Demon Emperor suddenly boiled, blood flowed back, scorching and dazzling like the sun, gathering towards the center of his brows.

He is using the life forbidden technique, intending to fight desperately with the Demon Emperor Chixiao.

"Even if I die, I won't make you feel better." The Demon Emperor Xuanyang roared. At the same time, he held the Heavenly Sword Xuanyang again, and slashed towards the Demon Emperor Scarlet Clouds regardless of his resistance.

This strike is far beyond his previous methods, as if there is a universe in front of him, and he can also split it.

"Are you going to die with me?"

"It's not your responsibility!"

The Demon Emperor Chixiao recognized his intention, his eyes were cold, and he urged the strongest means to contend.

The blood demon emperor and the other demon emperor's expressions also changed suddenly. They felt the terrifying effect of this technique, and they were too late to recover their injuries, so they began to stay away from here, fearing that they would be affected.


Here, the immeasurable light exploded, and the Demon Emperor Xuanyang used the life forbidden technique, just like the Universe collapsed, overwhelming the eternity, dazzling, brilliant.

With a muffled snort, Demon Emperor Chixiao almost broke his body, but fortunately he retreated in time to avoid the critical blow.

"Hahaha, Xuanyang, you can't fight me after all

"I won this battle. The origin of the world is mine, and you will die here. From now on, the demon world will only dominate me!"

He looked at Demon Emperor Xuanyang's almost tattered body like candlelight, and couldn't help but laugh, extremely frantically, obviously looking like a winner.

"How could Xuanyang Heavenly Sword have a problem?

Demon Emperor Xuanyang breathed Jiang Mi, and he couldn't see a good spot on his body.

At this moment, he still couldn't believe that the weapons that had been with him for so many years would be in trouble.

If not, how could he be defeated, even in danger of death.

At this moment, the Demon Emperor Xuanyang suddenly remembered something, moved his head with difficulty, and looked at a certain place, as if looking for a certain figure.


Suddenly, in the void, a black big halberd appeared, entwining the aura of destruction and great avenues, and the magical aura ran through the sky and the earth.

-Next I pierced the Scarlet Snow Demon Emperor who was laughing wildly into the void. A terrible blood hole penetrated the whole body, almost tearing it apart.

"I don't think so."

"You should stay here to accompany the Demon Emperor Xuanyang."

A young man's voice sounded, with a slight mockery.

The smile of the Demon Emperor Scarlet Cloud stopped abruptly, and the blood continued to gush out, accompanied by the glory of the Emperor Realm.

He turned his head in disbelief, his eyes widened, and he couldn't believe that someone would attack him at this time.

The terrible cold air swept his soul, even if he was an emperor, Immortal was indestructible.

But under this black euphorbia, it was as fragile as torn paper, and it was easily broken.

This kind of power is terrifying and unimaginable.

"who are you

The face of the Demon Emperor Scarlet Cloud was hard to see the extreme. Before that, he actually noticed Gu Changge, but he didn't take it to heart, thinking that he was with the Demon Emperor Xuanyang.

Although Gu Changge Cultivation Base is extraordinary, what role can it play in front of the existence of the emperor realm?

However, he did not expect that when he was the most lighthearted and physically injured, Gu Changge would suddenly act and give him this desperate blow.

"Young Master Gu, the Xuanyang Heavenly Sword also moved your hands and feet."

"You are so calculating. From the very beginning, you have been calculating me and waiting! I still trust you because of it.

Demon Emperor Xuanyang also understood this scene as he saw a chill on his back.

From beginning to end, Gu Changge was concealing its purpose, deceiving them, and letting them relax.

Even Xuanyang Heavenly Sword was touched by it.

Including him and the Demon Emperor Scarlet Clouds, they were all calculated by Gu Changge, but they didn't even know it.

"It's not too late for Xuanyang Demon Emperor Senior to understand that Junior has accepted your origin.

Gu Changge smiled faintly, but his eyes were deep and there were no waves.

This kind of thing that was destined from the beginning did not make the slightest change in his heart.

Hearing that, the Demon Emperor Chixiao, who was pierced by the Eight Desolate Demon Halberd, also understood the whole story.

It turned out that it was not just him, even the Demon Emperor Xuanyang was actually calculated by the young man in front of him.

This made him 3.7 couldn't help but laugh and laugh at himself.

As an emperor, even at this moment, there is a kind of heartbreaking demeanor.

"I didn't expect that I would wait for Zongheng I and beat the invincible hands of the demon world, in the sky and underground, and in the end I would be folded in the hands of such a junior. It is really ironic!

"The younger generation is terrifying! The younger generation is terrifying!"

As he spoke, the blood of Dihui appeared again at the place where he was wounded.

The strands of Shen Xi were intertwined there, trying to connect the wounds to heal.

However, the Eight Desolate Demon Halberd contained absolute power to destroy the world, and easily destroyed all his vitality.

This kind of power is too strong and domineering, and destroys all the matter and existence in front of it.

"The Demon Emperor Scarlet Cloud has been awarded, Junior just picked up a bargain."

Gu Changge looked complacent and wrote lightly, "This is nothing."

At this time, the eyes of the Demon Emperor Scarlet Cloud suddenly turned cold, and he said, "Who are you, and the weapon in your hand, reminds me of a taboo rumor that should have been forever sinking in the long river of time."

His mind trembled slightly.

The strength of this young man and the Cultivation Base are so strong that they dare not even record it in the classics.

"Senior's nonsense, isn't it a bit too much?"

Gu Changge didn't answer. With a slight turn of his arm, the Eight Desolate Demon Halberd suddenly fell horizontally, exploding with incomparable terrifying power.

"You" the face of the Demon Emperor Scarlet Cloud changed suddenly, and it was almost impossible to believe this scene. The glory of the emperor's way collapsed, and then collapsed and exploded with a crash, torn apart, turning into a bloody mist in the sky.

As an emperor, it is difficult to bury the land, even if the car is cracked, the corpse is buried in the four poles of the sky and the earth.

He can also be resurrected in the present world.

However, under the destructive aura of the Eight Desolate Demon Halberd, the aura of the Demon Emperor Chixiao was instantly annihilated.

"It's your turn, Xuanyang senior.

Gu Changge's expression remained unchanged. He looked at the demon emperor Xuanyang whose complexion changed suddenly.

If the two of them don't fight a serious injury and are dying, he won't be able to deal with them.

Whether it is the Xuanyang Demon Emperor or the Scarlet Cloud Demon Emperor, they are all unfathomable existences in the Cultivation Base. .