Ch 419

During this period of time, Gu Changge considered the burial of the Demon Abyss, so he wanted to go to Tao Village and ask Tao Yao to ask about it. By the way, as a master, look at his apprentice Tian Tian.

However, Gu Xian'er was not in the clan, if he went there alone, it would be somewhat inappropriate. Although I can use the excuse to see Tiantian, who knows how those old guys would feel if they didn't see Gu Xian'er.

Therefore, Gu Changge decided to wait in the clan for a while, and come back after Gu Xian'er took care of her own affairs, and arranged everything on hand by the way.

However, until Gu Changge got a piece of news, he was quite surprised.

"Young Master, Xian'er Miss has been out of the clan for half a year, so far there is no news."

Subordinates respectfully said.

"During this six months, she has not heard anything from her?"

Gu Changge frowned slightly, and didn't understand what this girl was up to.

When he was in the tomb of Taixu god some time ago, he knew that she had something on his mind, but she didn't mention it herself, and Gu Changge didn't take care of it.

In terms of Gu Xian'er's character, if it is something that she can solve by herself, she is very likely not to bother the others.

Especially this matter also involves her parents.

"No, Xian'er Miss returned to the clan at first, and did not order anything, and then left alone, and do not want the family to send a strong person to follow." The subordinate replied.

"Understood, let's go down.

Gu Changge nodded, tapping the table with his fingers unhurriedly.

He also planned to wait for Gu Xian'er to come back and take her to Tao Village, so that he could have a suitable excuse.

Now it seems that she can't wait for it.

It takes half a year to deal with such small things, who knows how much time she has to waste?

"The Tianlan Realm is not far from the Boundary Monument Sea. This time the battle with the Eight Desolation and Ten Regions may be affected.

"Speaking of it, at first her grandfather went there to hunt for her, trying to refine the blood, but unfortunately encountered the waves of the Boundary Tablet Sea, suffered heavy losses, and finally disappeared.

"It just so happens that Tianlan Realm is the lower realm of Gu Xian'er's mother clan. Her parents went to look for her grandfather. Now they have not returned to Gu's house for more than ten years.

Gu Changge remembered the news he had received when he ordered his subordinates to find the trace of his grandfather for Gu Xian'er.

Normally, if Gu Xian'er went to find her parents and grandfather, there shouldn't be so many twists and turns.

After all, behind her is Changsheng Gu's family, what happened back then, even if her parents had grievances, they did not want to return to Gu's family.

But it is impossible for Gu Xian'er to stay there forever.

Thinking about it this way, Gu Changge suddenly smelled the taste of routine.

Even if it is not related to Gu Xian'er, it should be inseparable from her.

"Come here, get a drive, and go to Tianlan Realm.

Gu Changge's eyes were slightly intriguing, and then he ordered.

He felt that in this battle of the Eight Wastes and Ten Territories, the Tianrun Realm was bound to bear the brunt.

Tianlan Realm is an ancient world with outstanding people and boundless boundaries.

Although it is far less extensive than the upper realm, among the many lower realms nearby, it definitely ranks among the best in the world.

Among them, the mountains and rivers are magnificent and endless. If you look down from the sky, you will find many giant cities, Spiritual Qi transpires, and fairy fog surrounds it, just like the Sacred Land in the world.

Especially the gathering place of many living beings is extremely prosperous, the god city is floating in the sky, the silver waterfall is like a practice, the colorful mist is lingering, and the clouds are steaming.

In Tianlan Realm, in addition to many ancient tribes, it is the Sacred Land that has a long heritage, standing high above the sky, overlooking all beings.

In each ancient city, you can see wisps of divine fog of different colors, with masters in charge, strong people in large numbers, and many young talents.

In this world, the level of practice is extremely high, even in some respects, comparable to some remote places in the upper realm.

Of course, if it is really far from the upper bound, it is far from being compared.

This is because there is a huge gap between the inheritance of heritage and the rules of heaven and earth.

Over the past few years, there have been a lot of powerhouses in the Skylane realm who have ascended to the upper realm, and there are many rumors that have left countless creatures and cultivators yearning.

Sometimes, it can even be seen that the strong from the upper realm come to this realm to find talented cultivation seedlings and bring them back to the upper realm for cultivation.

So over time, the upper realm is not considered mysterious in the eyes of the creatures of Tianlan realm, but it still has the supreme meaning.

At this moment, the Shen Clan, in a towering ancient palace.

Many elderly people with strong aura are discussing some things here.

As one of the ancient tribes with a long heritage in Tianlan Realm, the Shen Clan possesses an unimaginable terrifying power within a radius of tens of thousands of miles.

Even the other Sacred Lands, which have a longer history in the Skylan Realm, are quite afraid of them.

Because the Shen Clan and a certain terrorist force in the upper realm are inextricably linked, even some people from the upper realm are quite polite and dare not to insult them.

This matter is no secret among the major forces in the Skylane Realm.

In the palace, several old people with strong aura and solemn expressions were discussing matters, suppressing their anger.

From time to time, there are violent quarrels, which shakes many Shen people in the distant mountain peaks.

"Since Xian'er doesn't want to, then just let it go. My Shen family is dignified, can't I still pay some compensation?"

"At the beginning, he saved Xian'er's grandfather and grandfather without a fake, but that was already more than ten years ago. Nowadays, the marriage is also such a big deal, and she has done it herself.

"Could it be that you have to force her to fail?"

"I'll just ask you, how dare you? You know that she has half of the Gu family bloodline in her body. Who of you dare to call the shots?"

"If Xian'er was born in the upper realm, she must be a goddess who is famous all over the world. How can she be worthy of my sweet daughter of Shen Jiatian?"

The old man who spoke was not angry with himself, his lips were a little thin, and his words seemed quite acrid.

But these things he said made it difficult for everyone in the Great Hall to refute.

"But this matter was promised in front of others more than ten years ago, and a letter written by Xian'er's father's father was left. If this kind of matter spreads out, isn't it a shame to my Shen family?"

Hearing this, the old man next to him had a kind face and smiled bitterly, and he also seemed helpless.

"What about Losing face? Three years ago, the guy came to the door by himself. Our Shen family regarded him as the savior of Xian'er's grandfather and grandfather. How many Heavenly and Mortal Treasures and the magic medicine Shouguo did he find, but he has treated him badly."

"It was a good thing at the time. If he does not recover after three years, and the marriage contract is invalidated, what does our Shen family owe him?"

"Now that the three-year period has passed, has his body ever improved?

"As a result, that guy actually relied on our Shen family and refused to recognize the agreement three years ago. How can this make the old man bear it?"

The mean-faced old man said angrily.

The others couldn't help but smile when they heard this.

This agreement three years ago was actually just a joke, that Linghai was broken, and this kind of thing could not be solved with the financial background of the Shen family.

At that time, they said that, just to express that this is just a small problem. If it can't be solved, there is no need to fulfill the marriage contract.

Because at that time, in their opinion, the person behind Li Xiu was extraordinary and worthy of their close friendship.

But that guy is special, all kinds of Heavenly and Mortal Treasures go down, the broken spirit sea, there is no change at all.

I don't know what happened to him.

This made them feel helpless. The words at the time were only verbal agreements, and no evidence was left.

Nowadays, even if they want to admit it, but the other party wants to be a rogue, they have nothing to do.

On the contrary, it would fall into the tongue, feeling that the Shen family crossed the river and demolished the bridge, turning their faces to deny people.

Now this matter is mentioned again by Shen Xian'er, they also feel a headache and it is difficult to solve it if they don't want to marry a waste person.

But this matter was decided by her grandfather and grandfather together.

"You needn't say much, Elder.

"I only want to pursue the great road in my life, and I don't intend to marry a child. Even if it didn't happen three years ago, I would not agree to this marriage contract."

"When my grandfather and grandfather come back, I will explain this to them myself."

At this moment, a young girl came from outside the temple.

She looked only thirteen or fourteen years old.

She wears a moon-white dress with beautiful facial features, white skin and delicate skin, tall figure, and a cold and calm breath all over her body. She never seems to be moved by foreign objects.

Even the tone of speech did not fluctuate.

Seeing the girl coming, everyone in the Great Hall was taken aback, and then smiled bitterly.

The old man who spoke just now showed a kind smile and said, "Don't worry Xian'er, your Big sis is now in the clan, and with her, no one will force you to do this kind of thing. Marriage contract or something, tear it up and it's over. "

"Whether the shattered waste of Linghai is worthy of you."

The girl named Shen Xian'er nodded when she heard the words, "Thank you Grandpa Second, I know."

Seeing the people in this Great Hall, they didn't say much anymore.

Although Shen Xian'er was born in the Shen clan, she has half of the Gu family's direct blood. If the Gu family knows, she will definitely not be allowed to stay here.

It's just because of special reasons that Shen Xian'er's parents didn't want Gu's family to know her existence.

Otherwise, she has already gone to the upper realm to practice, and it is impossible to stay in the Tianlan realm.

"Then Li Xiu's matter, is it so decided? The old man will go and talk to him in person after a while."

The old man who had just spoken continued, verbally dissatisfied with the man named Li Xiu.

Everyone nodded, and said nothing more.

At the same time, a misty spirit, like a valley in a fairyland.

A man and a woman, as well as a young girl, are here, also whispering things.

The man is quite heroic, with a strong breath and a strong face.

The woman is very beautiful, looking at the girl's expression, with a spoiling intention.

The girl is wearing a wide-sleeved fairy dress, beautiful to breathe, her hair is like a cloud, her facial features are clear and exquisite, she can't pick out any blemishes, and her skin is white and delicate like the most flawless suet jade.

The expression is quite cold, with the immortal air that is indisputable in the world, it is Gu Xian'er.

"This matter is your Little Sister's personal decision, so don't worry about it.

"Your Little Sister's personality is very similar to yours, but she only has a big way. Back then, your grandfather and grandfather shouldn't have made this marriage contract for her.

This couple is naturally Gu Xian'er's parents.

At this moment, the two of them spoke with some sighs, mentioning Shen Xian'er's affairs, so that Gu Xian'er didn't have to worry about it too much.

"I know, about Xian'er, she is in charge, and no one can force her.

Gu Xian'er nodded when she heard the words. She was very mature and stable in front of her parents, and she was like a big sis.

Having said that, she still has some worries in her heart.

Six months ago, she got news that something happened to her mother's family.

She was a little worried, so she came to Tianlan Realm alone.

It was only after Gu Changge found her parents' traces for her that she knew that in those years when she disappeared, her parents thought she had an accident and were heartbroken. In addition, thinking of keeping one, they gave birth to a Little Sister for her.

She was just three years younger than her, and her name was Shen Xian'er.

However, her parents had a grudge against Gu's family because of what happened back then. They were reluctant to go back these years. Even the child's name was named Shen instead of Gu's surname.

This matter has never been told to Gu's family.

If Gu Xian'er hadn't come here in person at that time, she wouldn't even know she had a Little Sister.

She has never mentioned these things to Gu's family, because her parents have explained that, don't talk to Gu's family.

And although Shen Xian'er's temperament looks similar to hers, but she only has the avenue of cultivation and has no distractions.

Her own spiritual talent is also extremely outstanding, which is the highest among her peers.

Even if you go to the upper realm, you can shine and become an invincible young supreme who sweeps the side.

Many kinds of things were only known to Gu Xian'er after coming to the Shen Clan.

As for the marriage contract, we have to talk about it more than ten years ago.

At that time, her grandfather went hunting near the Boundary Tablet Sea, trying to catch those fierce beasts with special talents, and refine her blood practice for her.

But never wanted to encounter the waves of the Boundary Tablet Sea, was photographed into a Jedi, and was seriously injured.

After her parents learned of this, they brought their tribesmen to find it.

But Gu Xian'er's parents searched for a long time, but did not find her whereabouts.

After hearing the shocking news from the Gu family, he was heartbroken and desperate, so he returned to the Shen Clan to live in seclusion.

On the Shen clan's side, after Gu Xian'er's grandfather left the customs, he learned of the matter and also rushed with the strong to try to find her grandfather's trace.

Just then, her Little Sister was born.

Unfortunately, the man was found, but her grandfather and grandfather were both caused by it together.

The two have been trapped for many years and their lives are dying.

Fortunately, at a critical moment, a mysterious old man suddenly appeared, rescued two people, and took care of their injuries.

The old man was also followed by a young child.

This young child, named Li Xiu, is very mysterious.

In order to thank the old man for his great kindness, and considering the extraordinary means.

Gu Xian'er's grandfather and grandfather discussed their origins and promised to repay the old man's great kindness in the future. At the same time, he planned to let the newly born Shen Xian'er worship him as a teacher.

Unfortunately, the old man did not agree, saying that he would not accept disciples.

Then the two changed their minds, seeing that they were not young in their childhood, they made a marriage contract, and the old man did not hesitate.

The marriage contract between Shen Xian'er and Li Xiu came from this.

Originally, the members of the Shen family almost forgot about this, because the old man left with the young child after he agreed.

Even if the Shen Clan inquired everywhere, they didn't find any clues or traces.

This incident was thought to be just a joke, no one took it seriously.

But three years ago, a young man named Li Xiu suddenly came to the door, holding a letter written by grandfather Gu Xian'er and grandfather back then, demanding the fulfillment of the marriage contract.

The incident stunned everyone in the Shen Clan, but he didn't expect the original incident to be true.

Considering that people were kind to him at that time, the Shen Clan did not embarrass Li Xiu. Not only did he let him live in, but he also tried to help him repair the broken Linghai problem.

As for the mysterious old man at the time, the Shen Clan didn't see it, and suspected that Li Xiu was his apprentice, but he was not slow.

However, Li Xiu's Spiritual Sea is quite special. It is not only broken, but even the slightest Spiritual Qi cannot converge. No matter how many spirit medicines go down, it will be like a clay cow into the sea, and there is no sign of recovery.

Over time, it became a joke nearby.

The Shen family has a wasteful son-in-law.

This matter also makes the Shen Clan's face irrelevant.

But it was what they promised back then, and it's not easy to go back.

However, Shen Xian'er is a self-cultivation temperament, and is very disgusted with these things. In the past three years, I have only seen Li Xiuli a few times.

"Li Xiu is not easy to cultivate his temperament. For the past three years, he has been raising flowers and planting grass in that yard every day, and he doesn't care about everything else. This kind of leisure is not comparable to ordinary people." Mother Shen sighed. ,road,

"If his Spirit Sea is okay, it's okay to say, but he is a useless person who can't practice. Sometimes, I even feel like an old monster who sees through the vicissitudes of the world.

"Isn't this suffering Xian'er? At the beginning, my father and the others shouldn't have promised arbitrarily. Repaying anything is not good, they just want to take Xian'er's lifelong event as an example."

Hearing this, Gu's father smiled bitterly, "Now it's useless to say this, it depends on how the clan handles it. Anyway, no one dares to force Xian'er.

Gu Xian'er nodded and said in a cold voice, "This matter is indeed 3.7 reasonable, but the Shen Clan has spent a lot of resources in the past three years. This is not what he owes him. It will be fine to give him some compensation at that time. If it was him. If the mysterious master comes back, if he is not satisfied with it, let him make another condition.

Her idea is also very simple, even if it is wrong, it will not let Little Sister suffer.

At this time, outside the valley, there was a rainbow falling.

It was Shen Xian'er who had left the palace. After hearing this, she glanced at Gu Xian'er and said, "Thank you Big Sis."

"By the way, Xian'er, I have been dealing with your Little Sister's affairs during this period, but it is your affairs. We don't know much about it. When you came last time, we didn't make it clear. Gu's side, what are you going to do now? ?"

"What happened back then, in the final analysis, the Gu family owed you and me. Gu Changge was so young, but his mind was so cruel. When you were so clingy to him, he was able to do this."

Mother Shen suddenly asked, her expression a little regretful. When she mentioned the Gu family, she still carried some resentment.

The father Gu on the side was also silent. This is also the reason why they have not returned to Gu's house in these years.

Gu Xian'er at a young age has endured this.

If they weren't capable enough now, they would all want to go to Gu Changge in person and ask him why he did this.

Gu Xian'er heard this and shook her head and explained, "Mother, this matter is actually a misunderstanding. Don't worry about it. The people of our family are living well now, and Gu Changge is not as unbearable as you think. ."

"He just has something to say."

This matter is about Gu Changge's secret. Although she knows that her parents care about her, she will not expose it and cause unnecessary trouble.

"Big sis.."

Shen Xian'er glanced at Gu Xian'er. She actually knew what had happened to Gu Xian'er since she was a child, and she was very sympathetic when she knew the tragic experience of her childhood.

Sometimes, I even thought that Gu Xian'er was no longer in the world, and planned to achieve success in her cultivation and take revenge on Big Sis.

For Gu Changge in the mouth of her parents, although she has never seen it, she also has a feeling of hate. Things. .