Ch 420

The Shen Clan is very large and covers a large area. Some peaks are hidden, and the Lingquan Waterfall can be seen hanging down.

At this moment, in a quite quiet courtyard.

A young man with long hair, a long gown, and a natural face is bending over to water the flowers and plants in front of him.

He looks very young, with good features, only in his twenties.

Although there is no magic power fluctuation on his body, it seems to be integrated with the surrounding mountain environment in his gestures.

Many spirit birds came down because of his actions, and colorful butterflies flew and stopped on the flowers and grass in the courtyard.

"Second, Elder doesn't need to say more, I will naturally leave the Shen Clan when the time comes, but not now."

The young man spoke with his back to an old man in front of the courtyard, his voice was calm and natural, and there was no change because the person behind him was the second Elder of the Shen clan.

He looked very serious, watering every flower and grass carefully, and at the same time bends over to pick up some of the dead leaves.

It seemed that the people behind him were not as important as the flowers and plants in front of him.

The second Elder of the Shen clan was the old man in the palace who insisted on letting Shen Xian'er tear up the marriage contract.

His face was sullen and his lips were slightly thin. He also seemed very sullen when he heard these words.

"Li Xiu, don't you be ignorant of what is good and bad, how did you say it was good at the beginning? Are you actually regretting it now?"

"Is the Shen Clan ever sorry for you all these years? Your spirit sea is broken, who is looking for many elixir for you? And who is looking for Shouguo for you?"

The young man named Li Xiu shook his head after hearing the words and said, "I did not promise that, but you said, and I have already said that when the time comes, I will leave the Shen Clan. When you want to stay, you can't keep me."

"I didn't ask you to mend the broken spirit sea for me. I said at the time that there is no need to waste time. It's because you don't believe it."

"And without me, Shen Xian'er's grandfather and grandfather would have died long ago. I am their savior. How did you Shen Clan treat the savior?"

He smiled faintly, with a natural tone, but a little mocking, as if he was talking about a trivial matter like eating and drinking.

But this contemptuous attitude angered the second Elder of the Shen clan even more.

"Stop talking nonsense."

He said with a gloomy expression, "You have to destroy this marriage contract. How can you be a ruined person with unknown origins to be worthy of my Shen Clan's Heavenly Girl?"

"Don't be foolish, Xian'er won't marry you. If you are wise, you will leave the Shen Clan, and we can still get together and relax."

"Even if your mysterious Master appears, the old man will say the same now and will not change it."

He knew that Li Xiu's mysterious Master was very powerful, and he was able to rescue Shen Xian'er's grandfather and grandfather from there dangerously.

Moreover, according to the 24 people afterwards, the Master of Li Xiu broke the chaotic rules of the boundary monument sea with a casual wave at the time.

This method can only be achieved at least at the supreme level, so they plan to make good friends.

And this is also the reason why many Elders of the Shen clan object now. After all, the mysterious master of Li Xiu, although he has not appeared in the past three years, but who knows whether he is alive or dead.

A cultivator beyond the supreme realm, almost stands at the peak of the sky.

Who dares to offend?

Hearing that, Li Xiu just smiled faintly, as if he still didn't care, and said, "I have said, I don't have a master. And if Shen Xian'er wants to ruin the original marriage contract, you can let her speak in person."

"Perhaps in your eyes, Shen Xianer's aura is bright and dazzling, but in my opinion, it is nothing more than that. If it weren't for her grandfather begging, do you think I would agree?"

He was telling the truth, how could a Shen Xian'er deserve his attention.

It's just that the other party didn't even see each other and wanted to unilaterally tear up the engagement, which made him feel uncomfortable.

When did he fall to the point where his promise was torn by his divorce?

"It's a big tone. Since you said that, then I will ask Xian'er to come over and let her speak about it in front of you.

The second of the Shen clan, Elder, was irritated by Li Xiu's words. It was the first time he saw such a madman. Before that, he didn't know that Li Xiu's tone was so loud.

I really thought that there was an old monster master, so he could not put everyone in his eyes.

Hearing that, Li Xiu just glanced at him lightly, and then continued to bend down to pour the water, very leisurely and indifferently.

Shen Clan No.2 Elder gave a cold snort, and then strode away from the place, but when he went outside the courtyard, a very simple messenger talisman suddenly lit up in his arms.

Seeing this scene, his expression changed, he became extremely cautious, even a little nervous and trembling, and then he took out the talisman.


"That young existence, he actually wants to come to Tianlan Realm."

Seeing the content in the talisman, Shen Clan Second Elder's face was taken aback at first, and then extremely shocked, even the words were trembling, very excited, and it was difficult to keep calm.

The messenger in his hand was almost unsteady and was about to fall to the ground.

It can be said to be very different from the appearance in front of Li Xiu just now.

Seeing his appearance, Li Xiu raised his brow slightly, and seemed quite surprised.

The second Elder of the Shen clan tended to become inferior. He still understood that what happened would make his attitude so respectful, and even the whole person was trembling slightly.

"Young existence?"

He caught the four words in the words of Shen Clan Second Elder, his brows were slightly frowned, and after careful consideration, he had some guesses in his heart, but he didn't care.

"I don't know what the frog at the bottom of the well is, this time I will let you see what is called the Nine Heavens true dragon.

Shen Clan Second Elder gave a sneer, glanced at Li Xiu, and then hurriedly left, intending to tell the rest of the clan about this, so that everyone would come to meet him.

Many people don't actually know that he has already been in contact with the people of the upper realm some time ago.

At the beginning, he learned that a powerful and unparalleled young existence of that clan wanted to find someone with the surname Gu.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, he got in touch with Shang Jie.

Now suddenly I got news that the young being was about to descend into the Skylane Realm.

This shocked his heart, and quickly guessed that the purpose should be Gu Xian'er, so he didn't dare to speak slowly, and hurried to discuss with many Elders.

Although Shen Xian'er's parents were a little bit irritable with that one because of what happened at the beginning, but in any case, the blood of that clan was also flowing in their bodies.

This is also a golden opportunity for the Shen Clan.

At the same time, in the valley, fairy mists are misty, Lingzhi Mushrooms are everywhere, and colorful clouds are flowing.

The stones shone with precious light, and the wisps of purple glow rose from all over, like a fairyland.

Shen's mother, Gu's father, and Shen Xian'er are still expressing their dissatisfaction with Gu Changge.

"Xian'er, don't quibble for him." Mother Shen looked at her distressedly.

Gu Xian'er had a cold expression, listening to what Shen mother said, feeling helpless in her heart, she couldn't help but explain,

"Father and mother, you have all misunderstood. Gu Changge is really not to blame for what happened in the beginning. Now he is doing his best to compensate me."

"I'm very good at Gu's family, and the clan elders are very good to me. Some time ago, an ancestor of our line was born and almost tied the Sea King Palace."

"In fact, you don't have to be like this. The clan elders miss you very much.

Hearing that, Mother Shen shook her head and sighed, "Xian'er has really suffered you all these years. I know you say this because you want to take into account the people of the clan. How can such a big hatred be resolved in a few words? "

In her opinion, if Gu Xian'er did not compromise, how could Gu Changge let her go easily?

How could they easily recall the clan members who were once exiled to the clan and restore their status.

How is the pain of digging bones?

"Although we did not go to the Hui people in recent years, we still know some things. Gu Changge wanted to become the young master of the Gu family, and he promised to bring back the clan members of our line."

"If not, would he be so kind?"

Father Gu also spoke at this moment, clenched his fists, hating own weakness.

How old was Gu Xian'er when he was excavated from the bones of the avenue? Even if he explained Gu Changge again, he couldn't conceal this cruel fact.

"Mother, father, you"

Gu Xian'er didn't know how to explain it now, and she felt a little uncomfortable.

She also knew that her parents cared about herself, but she didn't want her parents to misunderstand Gu Changge so deeply.

But what happened back then was about Gu Changge's secret, and she couldn't explain it easily.

She had told them what had happened between Gu Changge and Gu Changge during this period, but they still maintained an attitude of unbelief.

"Big sis, you don't have to say more. It's good for you to return to the Shen Clan now. Our family of four will always be together.

Shen Xian'er spoke softly, and she was full of enchantments from a young age. She also had inexplicable hostility towards Gu Changge, whom she had never seen before.

"You are still young, there are some things you don't understand."

Gu Xian'er's tone was slightly helpless. During this period, she would say this almost every day, but it didn't help.

The parents' attitude towards Gu Changge is deeply ingrained, and it is really difficult to change.

"Forget it, just leave it alone.

"Now let's settle Xian'er's matter first.

Seeing that they still had to speak, Gu Xian'er waved her hand quickly, for fear that her parents would say something inexplicable.

She felt that it was necessary to take them back home and take a trip to Tao Village by the way, so that their attitude towards Gu Changge should be changed.

"Well, don't say it, don't say it, lest you get angry again for a while.

Mother Shen was also somewhat helpless.

I don't know what kind of ecstasy Gu Changge poured into Gu Xian'er. Every time they said Gu Changge, she would be upset.

Although she didn't show it on her face, how could the emotional changes in her heart be hidden from them.

"How can I be angry…"

Gu Xian'er was about to deny it.

Outside the valley, there was a rainbow falling suddenly, and one person came and reported to Shen Xian'er.

"Enlighten Miss, outside the mountain gate invite Holy Maiden to see you."

"Invite the moon to Holy Maiden?"

Shen Xian'er frowned slightly when she heard the words, and a coquettish figure appeared in her mind, and she couldn't understand what the other party was doing at this time.

Although she and Yingyue Holy Maiden have had several fate, they are not very familiar with each other, and they just said a few words.

At this time, the other party specially came to the Shen Clan to call her name to see her?

"Holy Maiden, is the descendant of Huangyue Sacred Land?"

"What is she doing to the Shen Clan?"

Mother Shen was a little puzzled, although she had been living in seclusion in the valley all these years, she almost never took a step out.

But she still heard of some of the arrogances of Tianlan Realm.

This Inviting Moon Holy Maiden is an extremely dazzling and dazzling lady of the sky, she is the descendant of Huangyue Sacred Land.

Powerful, well-known, and beautiful, there are many young Tianjiao suitors.

Good things people often compare Holy Maiden to Shen Xian'er.

She also didn't understand. Why did she invite Holy Maiden to visit Shen Xian'er at this time?

"Go and tell her, I'll be there soon."

Although Shen Xian'er had doubts in her heart, she did not neglect the other party.

After all, Huangyue Sacred Land is also a force with an extremely long heritage in the Tianrun Realm. Its existence time is even older than that of the Shen Clan, and its heritage is unfathomable.

Moreover, there are still rumors in the Tianlan Realm that the ancestor of Huangyue Sacred Land has been in the deep Closed Door Training for these years, and has not ascended or sat down.

After the cultivator breakthrough of the Celestial Realm, it is difficult to continue to stay in this realm.

Either find a way to cover the sky, or find a way to Closed Door Training, block the qi and blood, and slow down the aging of the qi and blood, so as not to be felt by the rules of heaven and earth.

Like their ancestors of the Shen Clan, they have been closing the door training in the ancestral land through the second method to seal the blood.

"I'll accompany you to take a look."

Gu Xian'er also felt that this matter was a bit strange, and said.

Shen Xian'er nodded, and then the two turned into divine rainbows, leaving the valley and heading outside the Shen Clan Mountain Gate.

In front of the glorious and simple mountain gate, the bluestone is towering and tall, with blue glow lingering on it, which looks extremely long.

Many members of the Shen Clan were coming and going, looking at the front with some surprise.

A woman in a red dress with a graceful figure and a coquettish face is standing in front of the mountain gate.

She radiated a misty brilliance, with a jade flute pinned to her waist, which made her look dazzling.

Behind her were many followers, men and women of all ages, many of whom were powerful and unfathomable.

"Holy Maiden, are we waiting here now? What if Shen Xian'er doesn't see us?"

At this moment, an old man with white hair and beards behind the woman in the red dress couldn't help but ask.

The woman in the red dress is just Ying Yue, Holy Maiden. She heard that her eyes remained unchanged and said, "Shen Xian'er, she will meet with me, she just needs to wait for a while."

She is very confident and is not worried that Shen Xian'er will not see her behind closed doors.

While speaking, Yingyue Holy Maiden's gaze towards the Shen Clan was a bit complicated, but it was more of awe hidden in the depths.

It was as if there was some horror hidden in the Shen Clan.

At this time, in the gate of the Shen Clan, two divine rainbows suddenly fell through the sky. It was Gu Xian'er and Shen Xian'er.

Gu Xian'er, who was a little unfamiliar with her face and somewhat similar to Shen Xian'er, invited Holy Maiden to have some doubts, but she didn't ask much.

"I don't know what is the so-called inviting Holy Maiden to find me?"

Shen Xian'er glanced at Yingyue Holy Maiden and the others, and the voice was very flat, without turbulence, straight to the point, and very straightforward.

She is single-minded and has no distractions.

I don't pay attention to the human feelings and sophistication, so the words are also very rude.

This made everyone behind Yingyue Holy Maiden look slightly sullen.

After all, they have been here for a while.

Shen Xian'er's attitude was like this, and she didn't invite them to go there for a comment.

As a well-known ancient clan in the Skylan Realm, the Shen clan is obviously a bit unreasonable in doing this, and it will give people a feeling of despising Huangyue Sacred Land.

However, Yingyue Holy Maiden waved her hand indifferently. She had dealt with Shen Xian'er before and understood that her personality was like this.

She also said very directly, "I heard that you are going to tear up your marriage contract with your Shen 530 clan's trash son-in-law?"

Shen Xian'er frowned, "How did you know about this?"

This matter is still spread among the Shen clan.

Inviting the Moon Holy Maiden in Huangyue Sacred Land, how did he learn about this? Could it be said that among the Shen Clan, there is her internal response?

"I don't think it is important."

Inviting Yue Holy Maiden to see her look, her heart was stunned, and her face couldn't help but smile and said, "I'm outside the mountain gate, and Miss Xian'er won't invite me in and sit. Anyway, the Shen Clan is also in Tianlan Realm. One of the best families, wouldn't they even lack this kind of tolerance, right?"

"What do you want to do?"

Shen Xian'er's tone was still not polite, and at the same time she became more confused in her heart.

How to invite the moon Holy Maiden will ask her about that wasteful fiancé.

She didn't have any opinion on Li Xiu, she simply didn't intend to marry a child, and only wanted to pursue the great road in this life.

Even if Li Xiu is not a waste, she will not agree to this marriage contract.

"I'm just curious, I really want to see who was invited in by the Shen Clan back then, but now you want to tear up the marriage contract."

Yingyue Holy Maiden smiled and said nothing.

At this moment, even Gu Xian'er felt something wrong. Why did Holy Maiden ask about Shen Xian'er's fiancé?

"Since you want to meet, let's go.

Shen Xian'er had nothing to refuse, after all, the other party came to the Shen Clan just to see Li Xiu through her.

Although she has no feelings for Li Xiu, she will not restrict his actions, let alone interfere with other people's coming to see him.

"Thank you girl Xian'er."

Inviting the Moon Holy Maiden was happy in her heart, but her complexion remained unchanged, still with a decent smile.

After that, she followed Shen Xian'er, the lotus step moved shallowly, the red skirt swayed, and went to the depths of the Shen clan.

"What does this guy want to do?"

Gu Xian'er, who had been watching coldly, suddenly felt a strong sense of something wrong.

This invitation to the Holy Maiden seems to have another purpose.

But at this moment, among the Shen Clan, a mighty aura suddenly rose.

In the most central palace, the lights flickered, Ye Ye was shining, and then there was an air machine that swept across the sky.

This is a kind of ancient and powerful aura permeating, and then a series of scary figures emerged, rushing outside the mountain gate, looking extremely anxious.

Holy Maiden, who was rushing to Li Xiu's courtyard, looked at this scene with some doubts.

"what happened?"

"These are the older generations of the Shen Clan just now, right?"

She couldn't help asking.

Shen Xian'er was also a little puzzled. It was the first time to see such a huge scene. Many clan elders set off together and went outside the mountain gate.

Even if you encounter a strong enemy, it won't be the case.

"Could it be that something big happened that shocked all the clan elders?"

She couldn't help but shook her head lightly, and soon didn't care. After all, this kind of thing didn't have much to do with her.

Gu Xian'er frowned slightly, this scene reminded her of the day when she came to the Shen Clan.

Because she is relatively low-key, but many elders of the Shen clan still come together to meet and dare not neglect.

"This situation"

"Couldn't it be that guy who came here in person?

Suddenly a strange feeling came into her heart, but she also felt it impossible. How could Gu Changge care about such a small thing.

Let alone come to Tianlan Realm in person. ,