Ch 421

And soon, a few people passed through a few mountains with shining glow and came to a quiet courtyard.

A simple fence surrounds the neighborhood. Among them are a few simple houses, with some simple flowers and plants on the side, which looks very leisurely.

A young man turned his back to everyone, was watering there, and did not seem to notice the few people outside the courtyard.

After coming here, Yingyue Holy Maiden couldn't help but her pupils shrank, her complexion changed slightly, and a stormy sea rose in her heart.

She even trembled slightly, which made it hard to restrain herself.

However, worrying that Shen Xian'er and others would see the abnormality, she quickly recovered to nature.

"Li Xiu, someone is looking for you."

Shen Xian'er didn't notice the strangeness of Yingyue Holy Maiden, and directly spoke.

Hearing that, Li Xiu put down his movements, looked over, and said, "Are you here to tear up the engagement?

Shen Xian'er frowned. Although she knew that this matter was not reasonable, she couldn't help it.

"I won't marry you. If you want anything, just mention it. I will try my best to satisfy you," she said.

It was not the first time that Gu Xian'er saw Li Xiu, although he could not feel any fluctuations in him.

But intuition told her that Li Xiu should not be as simple as it seems.

If it was just a simple Linghai broken waste person, it would not have this kind of tolerance.

However, even if Li Xiu is no longer simple.

It is about Shen Xian'er's life-long event, she will definitely be on Shen Xian'er's side.


"No matter, I don't need this kind of thing. Since you are planning to tear up the marriage contract, I hope you will not regret it in the future."

Hearing that Li Xiu just said casually, there were not many waves in his eyes, and he seemed very calm.

Shen Xian'er's expression was also calm and said, "I naturally won't regret it. Now that you have agreed, the marriage certificate will be torn up and invalidated."

Li Xiu didn't expect Shen Xian'er's attitude to be so calm.

Although he has the heart to the Tao, he narrows the road.

"It's really eye-catching.

He couldn't help but smile, and then looked at Yingyue Holy Maiden. He seemed to be looking at it seriously, thinking about it, and suddenly said, "Is it you who are looking for me? It looks familiar, so you are

At this moment, upon hearing these words, Yingyue Holy Maiden couldn't help being a little excited, her words trembled, and it was difficult to keep calm like just now.

"Huangyue Sacred Land invites Yueyue to meet you

She was about to salute respectfully, but Li Xiu waved her hand to interrupt her and said, "You don't have to be like this."

"Yes, Lord Zhan."

Inviting the Moon Holy Maiden was a little stunned, but still respectfully and authentically, full of awe in her heart.

Some time ago, the ancestor of Huangyue Sacred Land suddenly felt awakened, and summoned the descendants of his blood to find an existence, and gave them the portrait of that existence.

Inviting the moon Holy Maiden was deeply loved by him. After asking, he knew the identity of the existence from the ancestors. At that time, he was terrified and awed.

She never expected Huangyue Sacred Land to have this origin.

Then by coincidence, she learned from the Shen Clan that Li Xiu's appearance was specific, and at the time she felt like the existence in the portrait.

That's why it came to visit the Shen Clan today.

From this look, it turned out that this "Shen Clan Zuosheng" was exactly the same as the one in the picture.

This caused a terrifying wave in her heart, and it was impossible to calm down.

Seeing this scene, Shen Xian'er frowned, and she couldn't understand Holy Maiden's behavior.

With her identity in the Skylan Realm, she actually wants to bow to Li Xiu?

Does Li Xiu still have any identity, and what has he concealed from them?

However, even if she knew this, there was no regret in her heart.

On the contrary, there is a kind of relief, and it is best to void the marriage contract.

No matter who Li Xiu is, from now on, the two have nothing to do with each other.

Who he is has nothing to do with her.

Gu Xian'er had been watching all this with cold eyes, without speaking.

She had felt something wrong before. How could Holy Maiden come to Li Xiu in a good manner? It really had other intentions.

It turns out that Li Xiu still has such a mysterious identity.

As for what this mysterious identity is, she doesn't care, and after the dissolution of the marriage contract, Shen Xian'er doesn't need to be as restrained as before.

This made her somewhat relieved and relieved.

She didn't care about other things.

Li Xiu saw the expressions of Gu Xian'er and Shen Xian'er and saw the foreground, but there was no change in his eyes, and he looked indifferent.

He couldn't help but raised his eyebrows, and then laughed, "It was an accident. I didn't expect that one day, I would fall to the point where I was so despised. It was really interesting.

Shen Xian'er had always carried the marriage letter back then, and was about to tear it out at the moment.

Hearing this, she and Gu Xian'er couldn't help frowning, feeling that Li Xiu seemed a bit too self-righteous.

Even if he hides his identity, should the two of them treat him respectfully and regret this incident?

Is it too much thinking?

"My lord, this Shen family has eyes and no beads. I don't know who you are. Don't wait."

"They will regret it sooner or later.

"You might as well follow me back to Huangyue Sacred Land. Our ancestor has always sent us to look for you and wants to see you again."

Hearing this, Inviting the Moon, Holy Maiden hurriedly spoke. He did not have the same appearance as the Holy Maiden before Shenjiashan Gate. He respected Li Xiu very much, and his words were also respectful, so he didn't dare to neglect.

"Shen Xian'er, if I were you, I should apologize to the adults as soon as possible, otherwise your clan boss will be blamed, and you can't afford it."

"My lord's identity is far more terrifying than you think. He has been in the Shen Clan for three years, and it is an honor for your Shen Clan.

"There is a marriage contract between you and an adult. You don't cherish it, but you still want to tear it up. I feel sorry for you. If you change to the rest, even if you give all your accumulation and heritage, you will not take a look. You said Why are you doing this?"

At the same time, Yingyue Holy Maiden glanced at the marriage letter in Shen Xian'er's hand, and the words were not as polite as before in front of the mountain gate, a little mocking.

After all, it is this adult who is standing behind her.

Hearing this, although Li Xiu didn't say much, the corner of his mouth still couldn't help but outline a faint arc.

Although in his state of mind, he shouldn't care about this kind of thing very much, but in the past few years, it is inevitable that the Shen Clan has been a little bit stunned.

It has to be said that this kind of vulgar emotions is still inevitable for him, and he cannot truly avoid vulgarity.

"you "

It's that Shen Xian'er doesn't care about foreign objects, but at this moment, she is a little angry because of the words of Holy Maiden, the jade hand is holding the marriage certificate tightly.

"It's such a big tone. I think Xian'er tore the marriage certificate today. Who dares to blame her?"

Gu Xian'er's pretty face was also cold at this moment, and her words seemed to quench the chill.

She didn't expect Yingyue Holy Maiden to be so humiliating, she really didn't put her in her eyes.

She originally planned to let Shen Xian'er handle this matter herself, not to intervene.

But now the humiliating tone of the Holy Maiden invited the moon, really annoyed her.

"I know that the Shen Clan has an upper realm background. You shouldn't be a person from the Tianlan realm, but from the upper realm, but you have to know that there are people outside the world, and there are heaven outside the sky."

"Some people's backgrounds are beyond your imagination."

Yingyue Holy Maiden did not get angry because of Gu Xian'er's words. Instead, she spoke lightly, seeming to persuade her, but it was difficult to conceal the mockery in her words.

"It's a good one, there are people outside, there is a day outside the sky, I want to see what the adult in your mouth is, Sacred, his tone is so arrogant.,

Gu Xianer's face was coldly cold, and she took Little Sister's hand to calm herself down.

"Big sis"

Shen Xian'er gave her a worried look. She felt that she owns Big sis, not as calm as she seemed.

"Needless to say, since this marriage certificate is going to be torn, then tear it. This Shen Clan really doesn't want to wait."

"It just so happens that I also plan to meet my old acquaintance."

Li Xiu smiled indifferently and waved his hand, so that Yingyue Holy Maiden didn't have to say any more.

Some things are just like this, just click them. Anyway, if you finally understand the truth, you will regret it.

"Yes, my lord."

Hearing this, Inviting Moon Holy Maiden nodded and said respectfully.


But at this moment, the sky trembled suddenly.

Among the distant mountain peaks, suddenly there were waves of divine rainbows rushing towards this place. The momentum was quite mammoth, and many people followed closely.

A golden avenue emerges above the sky, on which there are sound waves, golden lotus blooming, many colorful clouds flowing, there is a xenon hydrogen fairy gas.

An old man with fairy-style bones and white hair and beard, slightly bent over, with a smile on his face, was standing on it.

Beside him, a young man stood with his hand holding his hand, his face blurred, like a young fairy, dressed in white clothes, snow-stained, his hair was not stained, and his hair was crystal clear.

With gestures, even Stars outside the territory can tremble. This is an incomparable breathtaking, breathtaking and trembling.

Even the void around it has the meaning of collapse and vagueness, which is the depth and depth of Cultivation Base, which is difficult to predict.

Many Shen Clan Elder and others behind him followed carefully, with a smile on their faces, very respectful, but they didn't dare to get too close.

Such a scene shocked all the Shen people.

Among the many peaks and sacred mountains, there were people from the Shen Clan who appeared. Qi Qi looked over and was extremely shocked.

"Didn't the ancestors say that he was in Closed Door Training?"

"How could he suddenly show up and be careful to accompany him, who on earth is that young man in white clothes who wants the ancestor to treat him like this?"

"All the Elders are there. Isn't this too scary? What kind of person is this coming to my Shen Clan?"

They looked at all this in shock and couldn't believe it.

"Look at the direction the ancestors are going, isn't it the place where Li Xiu's rubbish married son-in-law is located?"

"Is it because of Li Xiu?"

A series of divine rainbows cut through the sky and chased towards the golden avenue. Many Shen people were curious in their hearts and planned to join in the fun.

"This fluctuation"

"Who came to the Shen Clan?"

In the valley like a fairyland, Gu's father and Shen's mother felt the fluctuations in the atmosphere outside, and they looked at each other and were very surprised.

"It shocked the entire Shen Clan. Couldn't it be the Gu family? Such a big battle.

Shen Mu guessed.

Father Gu said in a deep voice, "I guess it is because of Xian'er. No, I'm going to have a look. I don't worry."

After that, he got up and turned into a rainbow to leave here. Mother Shen hesitated and chased after him quickly.

"Return to Young Master Changge, Miss Xian'er, she has been with the Shen Clan for this period of time and has not gone anywhere.

"If Xian'er Miss wants to go out, we will send a large number of strong people to follow, and dare not let her appear any accidents."

"So please rest assured.

On the golden avenue, the ancestor of the Shen nationality today replied with a smile.

He was shocked and shocked. He was the Cultivation Base of the Supreme Realm, but beside Gu Changge, he still felt a sense of breathlessness.

This can only show that Gu Changge's strength is much more terrifying than him, even if it is described as unfathomable, it is far from enough.


"This girl left the upper realm for half a year, and no news came back. I thought where she died."

Gu Changge smiled faintly when he heard the words, and said, "It seems that I can still be alive and kicking, but I am relieved.

The Golden Avenue descended from a high altitude and came to Li Xiu's courtyard.

Gu Xian'er, who was watching Gu Changge's arrival in a daze, felt her head dizzy, and was very surprised. When she suddenly heard what he said, the joy in her heart suddenly disappeared.

This guy's mouth is still so poisonous.

Who has said that he cares about people like this?

The ancestor of the Shen nationality didn't dare to accept Gu Changge's words at all, and only dared to wipe the sweat from his forehead.

However, it can also be seen that Gu Changge is very concerned about Gu Xian'er, otherwise she would not find her in person because she hadn't heard from her in half a year.

After Gu Changge and the Shen ancestors landed, the many Shen Elders behind them dared to follow them, but they didn't dare to get too close, and their faces showed respect.

"This is Holy Maiden, the invitation of Huangyue Sacred Land, why is she here?"

Only then did several Elders notice the Holy Maiden in front of the courtyard, and the people behind her.

*~Inviting Yueyue to meet Elder of the Shen clan. "

Yingyue Holy Maiden heard these words, and recovered from the shocked state just now, and said to several Elders of the Shen Clan.

It was the first time that she saw such a big posture, so many older generations personally greeted such a young man.

And the one among them is the ancestor of the Shen Clan who has been reported to have been Closed Door Training for many years.

This was too incredible, which made her feel very shocked.

What is the identity of this young man in front of him?

Li Xiu, who had always had a calm smile on his face, couldn't help frowning at this moment, feeling something was wrong.

The young man in front of him even made him unable to see through. Although he has lost his spirit sea and does not have Magic power, he still has the vision he should have.

Shen Xian'er also looked at Gu Changge up and down.

She could guess that the young man in front of her should be the one who dug the bones of the Big Si Avenue, Gu Changge, the young master of the Changsheng Gu family.

Now the most monstrous young existence in the upper realm and Cultivation Base is a leader of the same generation, powerful and boundless, and there is no peer who can compare with him.

The breath between the gestures is really palpitating.

Even in Tianlan Realm, I have heard some of his rumors.

Such a character came to Tianlan Realm because of Gu Xian'er.

If it is spread, it will inevitably cause a sensation that I dare not imagine.

For a while, she didn't know exactly what kind of existence Big sis Gu Xian'er looked at in the eyes of Gu Changge.

Could it be that all the things Gu Xian'er said during this period are true?

"What are you doing in Tianlan Realm? And why are you staring at me?"

Gu Xian'er felt that Gu Changge had been looking at herself and couldn't stand his gaze, so she moved her head away, her tone a little dissatisfied.

"Aren't you taking a closer look and worrying about your death here?"

"Why, I'm not happy to see me here."

Gu Changge smiled and said, "If you dare to hide from me next time, it will be more than half a year, and even a little message will not be sent back. Do you think I will find a dungeon for you to lock it up?"

"I'm not your pet, you care where I go."

Gu Xian'er couldn't help but mumble.

However, she could still hear Gu Changge's care. After all, she left Gu's house without saying a word.

She didn't expect Gu Changge to come here to find her in person.

This still made her very happy.

"Seeing that you are alive and kicking, I feel relieved. Now that the Upper Realm is fighting in the Eight Desolation and Ten Territories, and the Tianlan Realm is the first to bear the brunt, how can you rest assured that you just ran over here? Once Wan (Li Hao) died here, will I not be in the future? A lot less fun." Gu Changge's face was slightly straight.

"After saying so much, I feel that your last sentence is the truth." Gu Xian'er glared at him.

Gu Changge smiled, and then looked at Shen Xian'er, Li Xiu, Yingyue Holy Maiden and others.

When he was talking with Gu Xian'er, the others were silent, and did not dare to interrupt.

At this moment, Yingyue Holy Maiden felt a little regretful in her heart, but couldn't help but look at Li Xiu and saw that his expression hadn't changed much, and he was somewhat relieved.

No matter how terrifying the identity of the young man in front of him.

The existence behind her is not simple at all.

"What happened just now, who upset my Xian'er?"

A different color flashed in Gu Changge's eyes, passing over Li Xiu's body, and then he seemed to know why he asked.

"Who is your fairy?"

Gu Xian'er glared at him, and her heart was extremely angry at what Holy Maiden said just now.

Hearing Gu Changge's question at this moment, naturally he would not hide it, and he would not add any oil and jealousy at the moment, but simply explained the ins and outs of the matter.

"It's so daring!"

"It's so good that there are people outside, and there are heaven outside the sky."

After listening to these words, the expressions of many Elders of the Shen clan, including the patriarch of the Shen clan, changed drastically.

Does anyone in this world dare to say this to her?

This invitation to the Holy Maiden is almost reckless!

"Shen Jiazhui, my son-in-law, dare to speak up. You know that Xian'er still has the other half's blood flowing on him. That is something you can't afford to provoke."

Shen Clan Second Elder looked at Li Xiu's expression, equally angry.

Although he was a little shocked that Li Xiu had another hidden mysterious identity, but now in front of Gu Changge, he naturally has no scruples.

"Since I want Xian'er to know that there is someone outside Daoist, there is a sky outside? Yes, then you let me see.

"Come here, go and destroy Huangyue Sacred Land. Who dare to stop me."

Gu Changge couldn't help but smile after listening.

Then he smiled unanimously, downplaying the authenticity, and his expression was like ordering a small ant to be trampled to death, without any disturbance.

Everyone couldn't help but give birth to a chill in the back of the wheat.

"what "

Yingyue Holy Maiden didn't expect things to happen like this, her face suddenly pale, her eyes turned black, her head buzzed, and she almost fell to the ground.