Ch 428

Clouds and mists rolled in the palace, wisps of glowing clouds were flowing, and there were many treasures hanging on the walls. They were very mysterious and bright.

Fortunately, there is no one else in the palace now, otherwise the eyes will definitely be widened and feel incredible.

Is this still His Highness Holy Maiden who is holy and transcendent in their hearts, immaculate, and like the fairy of Nine Heavens?


Gu Changge didn't have the conscious of taking advantage of Jiang Chuchu, which made her beautiful eyes widen, so aggrieved, she kept trying to push him away.

But Gu Changge's strength is so great that she can't get rid of it now.

Gradually, her body became weak and she almost couldn't stand steady.

She was so embarrassed that she had guessed that the bastard Gu Changge would not abide by the agreement, but she still had a hint of illusion and wanted to believe him.

But Gu Changge was too tight, and he promised sincerely, but in fact he didn't say anything at all~ I can believe him.

"Well, don't think about it all day-things."

"Learn to be smarter and stupid."

Finally, Gu Changge let go of Jiang Chuchu, and the figure appeared on the other side, a distance from her, and smiled.

"You bastard, I will never believe you again.

Jiang Chuchu's face was full of haze, and he had never been so embarrassed as today, his eyes were staring at him, and his red lips were shining brightly.

She was so wronged in her heart that she realized that she was so stupid that she even stupidly imagined the words of this great demon.

Gu Changge smiled, and said indifferently, "Who can tell what's going on in the future."

"Who said last time that I would not consider my suggestion?"

Jiang Chuchu snorted coldly, calming down his own mind and calming himself down.

Every time she meets Gu Changge, her mood is hard to calm down, and there will be a lot of disturbances because of his actions.

Just like today, he was bullied at will.

After that, Gu Changge did not continue to bully her, but seriously thought about it for her.

This time, how to solve the many great demon chaos in Demon Burial Abyss?

For a while, Jiang Chuchu was still a little confused, and looked at him carefully several times.

Does this guy have a sex change? He thought so for her.

Thinking about it this way, she was in a good mood again, and felt that it didn't seem to be a disadvantage just now.

"How could you suddenly be so good today

Jiang Chuchu felt that the current Gu Changge was a bit different from the Gu Changge she was familiar with in the past.

In the past, Gu Changge never cared about the life and death of people who had nothing to do with him. He was selfish, indifferent and unsympathetic to the extreme.

And now he was actually talking about how to go to the Demon Burying Abyss, to suppress the great demon there, and clear the danger in the upper realm.

Could it come true because of her?

"The Great Demon Burial Abyss was born. As a cultivator of the upper realm, it is naturally incumbent, not to mention that my current identity is an ancestor. Isn't it my duty to maintain the peace of the world?"

Gu Changge couldn't help but shook his head when she said this. Then he sighed a little bit, "What's more, you guys are so stupid and so stubborn. Knowing that there is so dangerous, you still have to go. How can you let me rest assured."

The Demon Burial Abyss riots, the red devil is about to be born, he is now unable to find a suitable reason to pass.

Now it happens to have the identity of a personal ancestor hanging, which can be said to fit Gu Changge's heart.

Otherwise, if he rushed to the Burial Demon Abyss at this time, if there was an accident there, many Taoist forces would definitely think of him for the first time.

But if there is a reason, it is different.

When he heard this, Jiang Chuchu was taken aback first, and then stared straight at him, his eyes were shining, as if countless stars gathered in it.

She felt that the words in the front of Gu Changge were nonsense, but the sentence in the back was the truth. After all, how could a person like him care about the world?

"I know, I will try to avoid those dangerous places in the future."

Jiang Chuchu nodded seriously, seeming to promise to listen to him.

At this moment, she felt her own heart warm.

Although Gu Changge said that he would not care about her, he would show up every time she encountered troubles or difficulties.

This is not once or twice.

"It doesn't have to be this way, just do whatever you want. I won't stop you, let alone blame you. If you die, with your personality, even if you agree, you won't feel comfortable in my heart. "

However, Jiang Chuchu was very surprised.

This time Gu Changge didn't scold her or mock her, but said something about her consideration.

She looked at Gu Changge in a daze, and when she saw him also looking at her, she lowered her eyes and gave a soft hum.

"You, if you want to bully me in the future, please tell me, I won't refuse.

After that, she seemed to have plucked up the courage again, raised her eyes to look at him, and said so.

As soon as she said this, a haze appeared on her fair and delicate face.

And my heart was pounding, and I felt a little dizzy in my head. I was so bold and said this to Gu Changge.

"Bulling you?" Gu Changge was a little stunned, and then smiled with interest, "Which one are you talking about?"

He naturally asked knowingly.

Jiang Chuchu had a thin face, and he was surprised to be able to say such things.

"I have no idea.

Jiang Chuchu's voice trembled slightly, unable to bear his sight, and quickly turned his head away.

She had already personally said this kind of thing, and Gu Changge even asked it knowingly.

This is really a bastard.

"If you don't know, don't you just follow me?" Gu Changge teased.

Jiang Chuchu's complexion was hot, and she felt like she continued to stay here, and might be thrown into his Minor World again by Gu Changge, after all, she had already said that she would not refuse.

So she hurriedly got up and fled, her dress fluttering, her swaying posture was very moving.

Gu Changge watched her disappear outside the hall and couldn't help but smile.

Then, the news about Gu Changge's arrival in the Ancestral Hall was quickly spread, shocking many people in the Ancestral Hall, and then all came to meet.

After all, the identity of Gu Changge nowadays is the ancestor.

As for whether it is true or not, it is not important. What is important is that Gu Changge's arrival can solve the problems they need to face today.

Many people are also speculating that the reason why Gu Changge came to the Ancestral Hall is very much related to Jiang Chuchu.

Regarding this, Jiang Chuchu couldn't explain anything, so he could only acquiesce in this way.

Before, she had never thought that one day she would betray the human ancestor palace and let the person who killed the human ancestor pretend to be an adult ancestor.

Looking at the respectful appearance of many powerful people in the ancestral hall under the palace, her heart is very complicated, but the matter has reached this point, and there is no other way.

As Gu Changge said before, what the Ancestor Hall needs is not the human ancestor, but the identity of the ancestor.

All people can become human ancestors, as long as at this time, can hold up the scene of the human ancestor palace.

As for where the real Ancestor is, it is no longer something that everyone in the Ancestor Hall needs to consider.

"This time the disaster of Demon Burial Abyss will trouble Young Master Changge."

"With Young Master Changge taking the shot, I am relieved when I wait."

"The Demon Burial Abyss swept through many nearby forces and suffered heavy damage. Now, there are many Buddhas in Foshan who have gone down the mountain to exterminate the demons. If Young Master Changge takes action, then this matter will surely be resolved quickly and the world will be peaceful."

"Yes, if Young Master Changge is there, we can all breathe a sigh of relief.

The strong ancestors of the ancestors breathed a sigh of relief, and there was no lack of pleasing Gu Changge in their words.

If the older generation were to go, they would definitely miss the battle in the eight wilderness and ten realms, and they would not be able to distinguish between them and it would be difficult to get out.

Gu Changge himself intends to bury the Demon Abyss. Naturally, he will not refuse this, and there are a group of strong ancestors who testify that he went there to get rid of the Demon Guard.

As for the subsequent birth of the Red Devil, whether it will bloodbath the upper realm, then it has nothing to do with him, and others will not doubt him.

In Gu Changge's plan, although the Red Devil had about half a year to break the seal to be born, he couldn't wait and planned to release it in advance.

So what would happen next to the Burial Demon Abyss, he had already anticipated.

In the next few days, Gu Changge went to the Demon Burying Abyss in no hurry, but stayed in the Ancestral Hall.

Jiang Chuchu took him to visit various historical sites and palaces, including many book-collecting halls in Renzu Temple, immortal inscriptions and so on.

Gu Changge is not interested in these things.

And because he once swallowed the soul of the reincarnation of the ancestor, he knew many secrets about the palace of the ancestor.

He is even more aware of the inheritance method of the Ancestral Hall, allowing the cultivator of the Ancestral Hall to completely accept the Tao fruit of the previous generation, so as to achieve the effect of enlightenment.

Of course, this kind of inheritance is rare, and no one is so great, willing to give the results of a lifetime of self-cultivation to others.

Unless it is the existence of the older generation who is about to meet the deadline, it will pass on the Taoism of one's life to the next generation while dying.

But apart from these, what makes Gu Changge most interesting is the place of faith.

"The most precious thing in the Ancestral Hall is actually the power of faith. This is the faith of all living beings, and it is also the power of luck and aspiration for all living beings.."

Gu Changge also had a temptation plan in his heart.

Then he placed the Qiyun Golden Ding in the main hall of the Renzu Temple to take over the power of Qiyun belief that gathered from all over the upper realm.

Streaks of silver brilliance gathered and floated from all over the world, and finally fell into the golden cauldron of luck.

Suddenly there was golden brilliance, and countless silver brilliance gathered.

At this moment, there are many brilliant lights in Gu Changge's mind, and every word reveals the ancient vicissitudes of life.

That is a cultivation method about belief in the Dharmakaya, but it needs the support of vast beliefs.

Most people can't practice cultivation at all.

"This is the power of faith

"Maybe I can try another method."

"The one who praises my real name, Samsara can have eternal life. It can be a try."

Gu Changge closed his eyes, then sat cross-legged here.

With his thoughts, the terrifying and vast power of silver faith surged and gathered here.


The sky was trembling, and the palace outside was trembling.

The horror was swept away, it was extremely vast, and even the Star outside the domain was trembling, as if about to fall.

Starting from the middle domain, countless creatures and cultivators changed their complexions drastically and felt the pressure of horror. From there, they ascended and appeared. They couldn't help but kneel down and worship.

...For flowers…

Everyone has the feeling of facing the majesty of heaven.

Jiang Chuchu felt this fluctuation, and the figure came here, looking at the scene in front of him with some surprise.

In the palace, Gu Changge's figure became blurred, extremely slender, with crystal clear hair, flowing with radiance, and even more chaotic mist lingering.

And at this moment, the silver power of faith was burning like a divine fire.

Clusters of flames are beating, seeming to reflect billions of laws and supernatural powers, incomparable mystery.

This scene is very shocking. Every cluster of silver flames hangs in the surrounding space, as if praying and bowing to him.

Each cluster of flames is like a world, ancient and vast, capable of containing everything.

"Someone in the world is chanting my name

Gu Changge sat in the silver sacred fire and felt the meaning of faith from all the worlds.

At this moment, the feeling in a certain area is particularly strong, blazing and deep, and extremely rich.

This is a devout admirer of him.

The picture that emerged before his eyes came from this devout admirer.

At the same time, it was far away from the Ancestral Hall.

Outside the Boundary Tablet Sea, in a desert near the Eight Desolation and Ten Regions.

On one side of this desert, there is a black dead ocean, which looks calm, but it contains terrorist and murderous intent.

The waves are surging, like the world is turning, the emperor's realm is difficult to cross.

On the shore of the boundary monument, the jet-black water rushed towards him, giving it a breath of Death.

In this sea, black warships with bones are floating, and there are all kinds of peculiar warships crossing, densely packed, coming from the upper realm.

And above the sea of ​​boundary monuments, there was a terrifying cloud of air, and the fog was surging across the sky, and the border was invisible.

Many cultivators from the Eight Desolation and Ten Territories, entangled with fierce aura, with a monstrous aura, rushed out of the boundless aura, and then gathered outside the sea of ​​boundary monuments.

A fierce battle is erupting in the desert in the distance.

The vanguards on both sides are fighting each other, and in the terrifying black fog, there is the peak powerhouse on the upper bound, looking indifferently.

Although they can't cross over, they can rely on the younger generation, through various Magical Items, to throw the shadow body on this side, shocking the eight wilderness and ten realms.

Peak powerhouse also appeared in the Eight Desolation and Ten Regions, but the number and Cultivation Base were obviously weaker than the upper bound.

This makes many people in the Eight Desolation and Ten Regions look heavy and full of worries.

Peak Powerhouse has never fought, and this battle is now only for the younger generation. Both sides send the younger generation out to fight here.

This kind of battle is extremely tragic, with heavy casualties.

The younger generation in the Eight Desolation and Ten Territories, Cultivation Base is obviously not as good as the upper realm, and they are fighting for the death of the wheel, but even the upper realm can't die!

"The eighth!"

"who is the next?"

On the battlefield, a creature with the appearance of Yaksha sneered.

As soon as the spear unfolded and swept forward, the void exploded in a sudden.

The blood-colored rune is brilliant, and a strand of red-colored glow is intertwined into one piece, and it falls down!

A young Tianjiao on the Eight Desolation and Ten Regions suddenly exploded in a scream, and immediately disappeared.

This scene greatly increased the morale of the upper realm, and everyone cheered. Even the strong existence shrouded in the mist nodded slightly, showing appreciation.

However, the Eight Desolation and Ten Territories are in despair, and many of the older generation's strong faces look ugly and sullen.

The younger generation was even more frightened, their faces turned pale and terrified.

The eight of them fought on wheels, but none of them were opponents of the other person. They were quickly beheaded and shocked everyone.

Such a strong, such a gap, it really makes them desperate.

"Eight Desolate and Ten Territories are as good as ever, and even looking for eight people is not my opponent. What else can you do besides hiding outside the boundary marker?"

"I have known today, so why bother back then, since you betrayed our side, you should suffer sins forever and die hard."

The Yaksha-like creature sneered, holding a long spear while eating, and was quite disdainful of the Eight Desolation and Ten Regions.

"Who knows what happened back then.

"Don't deceive people too much, the true arrogance of our world has never been here now, otherwise they will definitely kill you!"

"You won't be proud of it for long, they will definitely kill you then and avenge our cultivator!

Hearing this, the eyes of many young people in the Eight Desolation and Ten Regions are red, and they simply can't stand the shame, especially when morale is so low, they are simply hateful.

The older generation of strong men clenched their teeth and hated the sky.

"The real Tianjiao?"

Yaksha-like creatures just sneered when they heard that, and even more disdain, "If I let you know what a real arrogance is, I'm afraid it will make you desperate and lose the courage to resist."

"If my master is here, you can destroy all of you with just one palm! Your so-called Tianjiao, in front of my master, is not even qualified to be an ant.

Hearing that, the many arrogances and powerhouses on the upper realm, even if they are hidden in the mist, all have a solemn expression, and many people can't help showing awe.

The Yaksha in front of him was the former follower.

This statement is true! Go on.