Ch 429


When these words came out, the young cultivator and creatures of the Eight Desolation and Ten Territories were taken aback for a moment, and then furious, unable to bear the contempt and disdain of the other party's mocking attitude.

They didn't believe that there was a master behind such a powerful and terrifying Yaksha.

"I'll kill you!"

At this moment, a figure appeared on the side of the Eight Wastes and Ten Territories.

Wearing a cyan robe, with very long hair and a handsome face, holding a cyan long knife, he walked out of it and fell into the battlefield.

His face is also with a faint anger at the moment, but he is suppressing it with patience.

After witnessing the tragic death of many arrogances on their side, he couldn't sit still at all, and he was about to stand up to wash away the shame and boost his morale.

At the moment when he saw this person, many young Tianjiao on the Eight Desolation and Ten Regions were shocked, and then there was an uproar.

"It's him! Lin Qingyang? Lin Wu's Big Brother?"

"It's a pity that Lin Wu is not there. Otherwise, he will definitely be able to crush the other's Damn it Yaksha, but as Lin Wu's Big Brother, Lin Qingyang's strength should not be underestimated."

"After all, there is Lin Wu's guidance. The Lin family's Tianjiao should enter the border quickly. After all, it is the Dragon Blood family!"

Many people are excited and see the hope of winning.

Since Lin Qingyang dared to stand up, it means that he is absolutely confident and can beat the opponent, not to mention that he is still carrying dragon blood, and there is a powerful Little Brother behind him.

Lin Qingyang's Little Brother is a legendary existence, brilliant and dazzling, and many of them are in awe.

Today, the strongest existence of the young generation in the Eight Desolation and Ten Regions definitely has its place.


On the Eight Desolation and Ten Territories, a supreme realm Xeon exists, his eyes are a little complicated, and then he exhorts, "You have to be careful.

"I know the ancestor."

Lin Qingyang nodded and turned into an afterimage, seeming to disappear from the same place, stepping forward and starting to fight with each other.

This is a big battle, and the two are equal in strength and cannot be separated.

Lin Qingyang's strength is very strong, but Yaksha's lifelike Ye Han's strength is not weak, and he is also a young supreme in the upper realm, otherwise he is not qualified to be a follower of Gu Changge.

The two were covered in blood, struggling to kill each other with "five-three-seven". There were various splendid divine blossoms, horrible fluctuations, and various magical powers colliding and constantly performing. The aftermath caused many barren hills below to explode and turned into rubble.

"However, you are not my opponent after all."

Ye Han shouted angrily, The next moment found the flaw, the spear swept across, the magic rune was shining, and suddenly penetrated the other's body.

Everyone in the Eight Desolation and Ten Regions looked cold, and felt that the strength of this Yaksha was really terrifying.

"Hehe, you are fooled!"

However, at The next moment, Lin Qingyang suddenly sneered when he was pierced.

The blood on his body began to get hot, and there was terrifying power, and it revived in it, like a real dragon of the world, with the spear, passing to Ye Han.

"what "

Under this strike, Ye Han was in disbelief and was shocked. He kept coughing up blood in his mouth, and his arms exploded and flew horizontally.


"You give me my life!"

Lin Qingyang suddenly yelled, ignoring the injury, approaching at extreme speed, punching through it, the boundless Blood Qi boiled, and the night cold was blown into the void, torn apart!

Behind him, a faintly powerful dragon appeared, shaking the world and giving him unparalleled power.

This scene made everyone in the Eight Desolation and Ten Territories cheer for him, their complexion changed again and again, from the downturn just now, they became excited.

Everyone was full of enthusiasm, as if they had become Lin Qingyang.

Lin Qingyang proved to them with strength that they were not weaker than the upper realm.

"This breath is a bit weird, unlike ordinary blood, it can burn magical powers and melt rune bones.

Many people on the upper realm also changed their complexions. They didn't expect that Lin Qingyang would suddenly burst out with such strength at a critical time. It was simply shocking, and Ye Han was blown up by him.

"Stop you today as a sacrifice to our cultivator.

Lin Qingyang roared and took advantage of the victory to chase Yehan completely, intending to destroy his soul and soul.

Ye Han's face changed drastically. Divine Soul wanted to escape, but he was not as fast as the opponent. He was extremely desperate, and he was about to be killed here.


At the center of his eyebrows, suddenly strands of silver thread emerged, extremely bright, containing indescribable mysterious power.

At this moment, the world suddenly stagnated, and there was a supreme and terrifying aura, which was constantly emerging, as if it was going to come here across countless worlds and spaces.

"what is this "

"Across the boundary monument sea, what existence can actually come here?"

There are many strong existences in the Eight Desolation and Ten Territories, their complexions all change, and it feels incredible, and the soul is even slightly trembling.

Everyone couldn't help getting cold all over, as if they were frozen in place, unable to move at all, and with great fear, they swept all over their bodies.

Lin Qingyang, who was chasing Ye Han, felt even more intuitive about this.

The whole person shuddered to the extreme, and didn't dare to move at all, and the soul seemed to be frozen.

A slender and fuzzy lake figure appeared here, spanning countless spaces.

This is an extremely shocking and astonishing scene. The divine light is dotted, it is extremely hazy, with chaos and fog enveloped, or there are three thousand worlds, surrounded by this figure, making it the only one between heaven and earth, eternal Immortal.

The silver divine flame burned, and each path had a supreme meaning. It was dazzling and made many people afraid to look directly. Tears flowed in their eyes, and they quickly closed.

"This is the master protecting me!"

"Yehan pays respects to the master!"

The Yaksha-like creature, with ecstasy on his face, knelt down on the ground in a pious and fanatical manner, and bowed to the figure in front of him.

"This is the one whose Law Bodies can affect this place."

"How far is his current Cultivation Base?"

In the dense fog, there are many strongest existences in the upper realm, and they recognize the figure in front of them, their complexion is stunned, and they feel a kind of shock and inconceivability.

"Qingyang run away!"

"This person is beyond your ability.

The Xeon Exist who spoke just now in the Eight Desolate Ten Regions, his complexion suddenly changed, and his figure stepped away, and then sacrificed his own weapon to fight with the Dharma Body that appeared in front of him, intending to contend.


However, the figure shrouded in the silver divine flames was very cold, and seemed to have no emotions, standing high, overlooking the eternal ages.

One palm pressed against the sky, the blood was shaking the sky and the earth, surging unmatchedly, and any obstructions in front of them were all exploded!


This is unspeakable monstrous power.

This law body, with a large hand covering the sky, clear palm prints, and golden light, like the hand of the Heavenly Emperor, with terrifying coercion!

The strongest existence in the Eight Desolation and Ten Territories changed his face. He sacrificed his weapon and used the strongest means, but it had no effect. The body was blown open, and the sky was full of blood.

This scene was so terrifying that everyone was stunned, and the soul couldn't help trembling.

His blood, with a kind of divinity, golden breath and rune, poured down from the sky.

The desert, which was already devastated, seemed to have been burned by the fire of The Underworld.

Only the weapons that were sacrificed had dim brilliance, trembling hummingly, and exploded into the void with a bang, turned into fragments, and smashed into the ground.

In all directions, it suddenly fell silent, the battle fluctuations dissipated, and the figure above the sky slowly dissipated, as if it was an illusion for everyone just now.

But the presence of a quasi-supreme in front of him was forced to kill with a palm of his hand, making them cold all over.

"Thank you sir for saving my life!"

"Thank you sir for saving my life!"

Only Ye Han knelt down on the ground respectfully and fanatically, bowed his head in that direction and worshiped, his piety to the extreme.

"So powerful, is this already the strength of that person now?"

"It's incredible."

Everyone in the upper realm looked at the scene in front of them in shock and sluggishness, and their hearts couldn't calm down at all.

Unexpectedly, at the juncture of life and death, that one would save Ye Han from a distance of hundreds of millions of miles.

This method, like a dream, is incredibly powerful.

While this shocked them, they couldn't help but envy Ye Han. Following such a master, they could be saved even at critical times.

"In the ancient rumors, the peak powerhouse among the immortals has reached the unimaginable Realm. As long as you meditate on his real name in your heart, you will be able to drop a ray of Dharma body and protect yourself for eternal life."

At this moment, many people thought of this rumor, and they were shocked. They also began to have belief thoughts, and they were shocked by what they saw today.

More young Tianjiao are fanatical, deeply feeling that Gu Changge's strength has reached an incredible level.

This is far beyond what they can imagine and achieve.

"Who is that person just now?

In the Eight Desolation and Ten Territories, many people were full of cold, and their skulls almost exploded because of horror just now. It was the first time to witness such a terrifying power with their own eyes.

"It is said to be the leader on the upper side

The voice of the person next to him trembled. Hearing the voice from the upper realm, he suddenly felt that what Ye Han had said before was correct.

After witnessing this scene with their own eyes, they had no intention of resisting at all.

In the Ancestral Hall, Gu Changge slowly opened his eyes, the silver flames around his body dissipated, and the runes disappeared, and then returned to silence.

He looked at the Qi Luck Golden Ding in his hand, and felt that the power of faith in it was obviously much less.

The power of faith consumed just now for such a manifestation of the sacred is not a small amount. If it continues for a while, he feels that the power of faith gathered in the Qi Luck Golden Cauldron is almost not enough.

Although this time he just intends to test it out, the effect is easy to see, although the increased power of belief is not that much.

But once the news spreads, you can imagine how wide its scope will spread and how many pious "believers" will be attracted to him.

"For those who praise my real name, Samsara can have eternal life, and this really has to be full."

Gu Changge couldn't help but smiled, and then placed the Qiyun Jinding in the Great Hall, waiting for it to gather a lot of luck and faith in this place.

He didn't want to take care of things at Jiebeihai for the time being.

But this time after the manifestation of the saint, there should be a wave of waves over there in a short time.

Actually is not Gu Changge likes to pretend to be forceful, but he purely feels that such a move can save a lot of trouble when he comes next time.

"Have you dealt with things on your side?"

"If we handle it well, we can set off to bury the Demon Abyss."

Gu Changge looked at Jiang Chuchu who had been guarding him in the hall, and asked.

Although Jiang Chuchu was a little curious about the golden small tripod in his hand, he didn't ask much, and nodded when he heard the words.

After all, Wang Zizhen was not in the Ancestral Hall, and she had to deal with many things before she left.

As Gu Changge said before, Wang Zizhen himself has little affection for Renzu Dian, so naturally he will not take care of these trivial matters.

Jiang Chuchu is different. She grew up in Renzu Temple and was adopted by Elder of Renzu Temple. She has a deep affection for Renzu Temple.

"Then let's go.

Gu Changge then directly tore open the space in front of him, a golden avenue, directly through Tianyu, appeared outside the gate of Renzu Temple.

There are already strong people waiting there, and they want to go to Bury Demon Abyss together to eliminate demons.

The Burial Demon Abyss is very far away from the middle domain, not only the middle domain, but also the other domains.

Because there is a place of spatial chaos, it changes with the terrain, and the nearby space is not fixed, and it is turbulent and changing every moment.

However, if you want to find the Demon Burial Abyss, it is not difficult, because in the distance of the Demon Burial Abyss is the Hanging Buddhist Temple in Foshan.

Outside the Hanging Buddhist Temple, it is the teleportation circle. As long as you get there, you can naturally find the Burial Demon Abyss.

About the Hanging Buddhist Temple and the Burial Demon Abyss, there are actually quite a lot of origins.

The ancestor of the Hanging Buddhist Temple was an eminent monk in Foshan. He deeply felt that the demonic energy in the Burial Demon Abyss would be overwhelming and lasting for a long time.

So the master monk who had attained Taoism issued a great aspiration that the Demon Abyss is not empty and that he will not become a Buddha.

Later, the Taoist monk went deep into the Demon Burial Abyss, trying to find the source of the devilish energy in it, and quelling all the troubles, but he never thought of encountering an unknowable catastrophe in it, and ran out crazy.

And he is also one of the few people who have penetrated deep into the Demon Burial Abyss for so many years.

As for what happened to him there, no one knows.

On the way to the Demon Burial Abyss, Gu Changge and others encountered a lot of great demons. They all rushed out of the Demon Burial Abyss, causing trouble around them, and the Cultivation Base was not weak, and the weakest were the Great Sacred Realm. Cultivation Base.

If it is based on Jiang Chuchu's strength, it is definitely not the opponent of these great demons.

But in Gu Changge's eyes, they are just some relatively inferior nutrient resources, so it will not take long.

The news that Gu Changge and Jiang Chuchu went to the Burial Demon Abyss to eliminate demons was quickly spread through cultivators in various places.

At a time when the various traditions of the upper realm are making a lot of noise because of the absolutely cloudy sky, the eight wilderness and ten territories, the trace of Gu Changge is naturally particularly noticeable.

Now he is still standing at this level of human ancestors, so it doesn't make people feel strange.

During this period, news from the Boundary Tablet Sea was naturally particularly eye-catching, especially the manifestation of Gu Changge Dharma Body, which shocked all parties.

Many people suspect that his Cultivation Base has at least reached the quasi-supreme and even the deeper Realm, which is hard to guess.

We must know that many young Tianjiao, the strongest in Cultivation Base, is only the Sage Realm, or the Most Holy Realm.

Even the six crown king Junyao and others, it is Realm.

However, in the battle on the Boundary Tablet Sea, there were also many people who were dazzling and shocking all parties.

For example, the newly promoted Taishangdong Palace Lord, a supreme realm who is only a few hundred years old, exists in Chu Hao.

Many people know that he and Gu Changge actually have some grievances. This time they are fighting in the eight wilderness and ten realms, they don't know if the two will meet in the end.

Many other Tianjiao also became famous in the battle. There are disciples of Zhenxian Academy and descendants of various ethnic groups and traditions.

The people Gu Changge pays attention to are mainly sons of luck, people who are already around him.

Yue Mingkong is gradually in charge of the Wushuang Immortal Dynasty's important political affairs, and has no time for him to take care of, and does not participate in this battle.

Otherwise, as her rebirth, she can know some opportunities, in addition to the whereabouts of the last weapon of the seven arms of the palm of the sky.

Yue Mingkong didn't say much to Gu Changge, so Gu Changge guessed that it should be because the time has not yet arrived.

This Heavenly Sword Sword Master should not be a simple character.

In the blink of an eye, a few days passed, traversing many areas, and accompanied by waves of space, in a teleportation portal, Gu Changge and others appeared.

A Guli with a majestic treasure and a faint Buddha's light appeared in the distance, towering and ancient, with a solemn meaning. It can be seen that many monks are meditating everywhere, Insight Dharma.

"The Hanging Buddhist Temple.

Jiang Chuchu's gaze fell on the door plaque in front of the ancient temple. On it, several ancient characters bordered in purple and gold, the light of the Buddha loomed in 3.7, as if it could reflect all demon worship.

As the name suggests, there are many strange realms around the Hanging Buddhist Temple. The surroundings are hanging in the air. You can see the thick fog. If you are not careful, you will fall into the abyss.

Moreover, there is a forbidden air circle here, unless the Cultivation Base is advanced, it is difficult to volley.

"The little monk pays homage to Young Master Changge, Chu Chu Holy Maiden.

In front of the gate of the Hanging Buddhist Temple, a handsome monk had already been waiting here, knowing that Gu Changge and others would come here to ward off evil spirits.

However, Gu Changge was slightly surprised that here he met an old acquaintance, the Golden Cicada Buddha who was once insulted by him in front of the gate of Zhenxian Academy.

He is also here, with his hands folded and smiling, waiting for them.

"Spray, it's really hidden deep.

Now Gu Changge took a look again, and he could see the faint meaning of luck on his body. Although it was not as good as the son of luck, it was also a person of luck.

I didn't notice it at the beginning, and the system was never mentioned. Either it was hidden deeply, or it was just a few days ago that it has some good opportunities.

This made him a little bit interested. He still remembered how the Golden Cicada Buddha pitted the prince when he was in the Land of Absolute Shadow.

Although he did it deliberately at the time, if Jin Chan Buddha had reminded him aloud, the god prince would not suffer his poisonous hand.

"Meet Brother Gu, we met again."

Buddha Jin Chan speaks, wearing a Buddha's clothing, the light of the Buddha can be seen on his body, giving people a sense of being a Taoist monk.

Gu Changge's eyes fell on the Buddha beads in his hand and said, "The Buddha is waiting here. It is really unexpected for Gu. This trip to the Demon Burial Abyss, it seems that the Buddha will also go?"

Buddha Jin Chan nodded and said, "The disaster of Burying Demon Abyss, the little monk, as a descendant of Foshan, will naturally not stand idly by."

He looked very natural when he was speaking, as if he was supposed to talk about a common thing.

Gu Changge felt that he should have some understanding of the Demon Burial Abyss, after all, it is said that Buddha Jin Chan had also been to the Demon Burial Abyss once.

If he leads the way, it can save some trouble, and at critical times, it may be able to play other roles.

He knew that Buddha Jin Chan would not be kind to the so-called Burial Demon Abyss, most likely to find something. .