Ch 430

The Hanging Buddhist Temple has a solemn appearance and a faint divine light, and there is a kind of unspeakable righteousness, as if it can suppress all evils.

The bells can be heard faintly trembling, and the Buddha's sound is bursting, which contains the truth.

Here you can even wash the mind of the cultivator, making people calm and peaceful, not arguing or irritable.

Many monks sat cross-legged and felt Dharma. The Buddha's light flashed on their bodies and they were golden, which was extraordinary.

For the people who came from outside the mountain gate, they were not very concerned. After taking a glance, they looked back, and there seemed to be only Dharma in their hearts.

Gu Changge and Jiang Chuchu walked side by side, their clothes fluttering and fluttering, like a couple of gods and goddesses, followed by many powerful men, including Gu Changge's subordinates and cultivator from the Ancestral Hall.

Buddha Jin Chan walked in front, leading the way for everyone. His face was calm, but his heart couldn't help but give birth to some strange colors.

This time in the Burial Demon Abyss, he never expected that Gu Changge would come.

He knows that Gu Changge is not the kind of person who cares about the lives and deaths of others. Even if the disaster of the Burial Demon Abyss sweeps across all directions, he probably won't care about it.

People like Gu Changge are more selfish and indifferent than him. He will act only if he can really touch his interests.

Therefore, Jin Chan's Buddha's heart is a little bit condensed, leaving more attention on Gu Changge.

As for Jiang Chuchu, he still trusts it very much.

Although he didn't have much contact, he admired Jiang Chuchu's integrity when he was in Zhenxian Academy.

The two came over together. If Gu Changge was only accompanying Jiang Chuchu, he didn't believe it very much.

Soon, the Golden Cicada Buddha brought everyone through the area in front of him, and came to the depths of the Hanging Buddhist Temple, where the treasure is steaming, the Buddha's light is around the mountain, and it is extremely holy and peaceful.

There are tall domed towers in the front, and you can even see many fierce beasts entrenched, but they are not fierce, even gentler than humans, and have a Buddha nature.

Affected by the Buddha's aura here, even if it is a fierce thing, it has lost the fierce brilliance in the weekdays, and it has become gentle and peaceful.

"It is rumored that Foshan has a door to save people, which can save all things, even beasts and birds of prey, Divine Armament is a sharp blade.

"The black mountain in front of Foshan was once the monkey demon known as the Great Sage of Chaos. Later, the Buddha chanted the scriptures day and night for thousands of years, and finally made him rid of his fierceness, converted to Buddhism, and was named the Holy Buddha of Chaos. , It is the Demonic Beasts of the town gate in front of Foshan. I wonder if this is true or not?"

Gu Changge glanced over the fierce beasts entrenched on the pagoda, and asked with some interest.

He knows the origins of the Sutra of Saving People. It is a fragment of a magic bottle.

Later generations were deduced and perfected by Foshan eminent monks, and formed a new magical power, which claims to be able to save all things and it is impossible to prevent.

Many cultivators in the past were converted to Buddhism because of this.

For this reason, there was even a battle to destroy Buddha in the upper realm.

It is a pity that Foshan's supernatural powers are very weird.

Moreover, there are many believers in Foshan, scattered in the upper realm, and even many lower realms, no less than the believers in the Ancestral Hall.

Some archbishops even worshipped Foshan when they were young and converted to the Buddha. Today, many traditions in the upper realm are inextricably linked to Foshan.

Within Foshan, there are many handed down artifacts suppressed by Immortal.

Once a Buddha was born with a swinging magic pestle in his hand. A battle shocked the world and killed a royal family in a cloudy sky. His prestige was not even weaker than the ancestors of the time.

In short, Foshan's mysterious level is even far superior to that of the human ancestral hall and Tianhuang Mountain in the upper realm.

"Oh, what Brother Gu said this is actually a matter of many years ago? Now, in front of Foshan, there is no senior guarding him, but there are monkeys and grandchildren who have been guarding my Foshan door for generations."

"As for the Scripture of Saving People, it is actually an external statement. In my Foshan, it is the Supreme Scripture, and few people have access to it."

Buddha Jin Chan, who was walking in front, smiled slightly when he heard the words and replied.

Gu Changge was not surprised by this. Foshan's integrity is so good that it is at best half a catty compared to him. There is nothing to say.

He just wanted to know how much the current life saving classics had to do with his seeding magic bottle, and whether they could change the evolution of saving people through the seeding magic bottle, so that the creatures who were saved to Foshan could be controlled by him.

Of course, this idea is just to think about it. If it is really to be realized, it is necessary to find a cultivator or a creature that is transformed by the longitude of saving people.

He doesn't have much time now, this matter can only be mentioned later.

"At the beginning, the chaotic saint was said to be disrespectful of Dharma, and his spleen was late in Foshan. Finally, he was saved. A god-tier expert in Foshan took a shot and turned into a black mountain with one palm and suppressed it in the mountain. Before, I was tainted by Dharma day and night"

Jiang Chuchu thought that Gu Changge was interested in this matter, and could not help telling him the ancient records he knew.

"Chu Chu Holy Maiden was actually wrong. It was not that he did not respect Dharma, but that the senior was rebellious and did not respect ethics and teachings. Therefore, I felt in Foshan and was educated by it. Then he was grateful and decided on my Foshan Mountain Gate. The former guards in order to pay for the kindness.

When Buddha Jin Chan heard this, he couldn't help turning his head and shook his head to correct.

Jiang Chuchu glanced at him and stopped talking. She knew that on the Foshan site, it would be useless to say more about the rest.

Although she knew that this was Foshan's own opinion, the truth of the matter was actually recorded in many traditions.

Gu Changge is not surprised by Foshan's shamelessness. Of course, he would do the same if it were him.

After all, it is a terrifying gatekeeper Demonic Beasts, no matter which orthodoxy they will pay attention to.

Soon several people came to a monastery. After the Buddha Jin Chan brought them here, he ordered the rest of the monks, and then got up and left.

Gu Changge and others will rest here for the time being, and will set off tomorrow to go to the Burial Demon Abyss to solve the problem of the great evil that was born in it.

Foshan will also intervene in this matter, sending many Dharma advanced Buddhas to go.

"Jin Chan Buddha Ziyi gave me a feeling of being wrong, and I don't know if it is my illusion."

After seeing many monks retreating, Jiang Chuchu couldn't help but said to Gu Changge, and Dai's brows wrinkled lightly.

She possesses the Nine Apertures Immortal Soul, and her perception of various auras is extremely powerful.

At the beginning, with this talent, she guessed the true identity of Gu Changge. This time she felt something was wrong with Jin Chan Buddha.

The other party may go to the Demon Burial Abyss for another purpose.

Gu Changge nodded in agreement, "So when you go to the Demon Abyss this time, you have to keep an eye on him. Maybe you will cause some trouble. If you are self-defeating, it will not be good for him to release the peerless evil spirit sealed in it. NS."

He didn't expect Jiang Chuchu to say that, but he thought of a good excuse for him.

Since there is a suspicion on Jin Chan's Buddha, as long as the suspicion is confirmed, there is naturally nothing to do with him.

"The Burial Demon Abyss has indeed sealed a lot of peerless evil spirits since ancient times. I heard that the Golden Cicada Buddha also visited it. Is there any connection?"

Jiang Chuchu had no doubt about Gu Changge's words, but she didn't believe that Buddha Jin Chan would dare to do so.

Those peerless fierce demons in the Burial Demon Abyss, once born, are bound to be the existence of the upper realm, and there may even exist beyond the emperor realm.

As a monk, could the Buddha Jin Chan be bold enough to reach this point? Or he himself didn't care about Foshan's clear rules and precepts.

"Who knows this?"

Gu Changge smiled and said, "You have said so, the human heart is separated from the belly, anyway, it's okay to be careful."

Jiang Chuchu nodded, um, thoughtful.

"Let's do this for the first time, but there is still a problem before us. Tonight, shall we rest together or separately?"

Then Gu Changge changed the subject and looked at her with a somewhat narrow expression.

Jiang Chuchu glanced at him, his face ascending with haze, here is the Hanging Buddhist Temple, the Buddhist Sacred Land.

What is he thinking?

"Shall we rest separately?

However, she didn't dare to refuse Gu Changge's request, so she could only ask in a negotiating tone, looking at him tentatively.

When in Renzu Temple, Gu Changge didn't ask her for anything, but she was still a little bit ambitious in her heart.

After all, she personally agreed to Gu Changge.


Gu Changge himself intends to tease her, but has no other plans.

But seeing her look, she still showed a look of regret and disappointment, and shook her head.

Jiang Chuchu felt a little tangled in his heart, at this moment, he felt a little guilty about Gu Changge inexplicably.

In her opinion, since she is Gu Changge's woman, she should naturally obey him. It's normal to wait and warm the bed.

But she had a natural resistance to these things, and it was difficult to accept them for a while.

However, Gu Changge helped her a lot and solved a lot of troubles for her, but she didn't give a substantial return, and Gu Changge didn't really force her.

Her character is like this. Thinking about it this way, she still feels that she owes Gu Changge a little.

"Should I make up for you?"

Jiang Chuchu raised her eyebrows tangledly, hesitated, and then tentatively asked.

This is a compromise that she can think of.

"How to compensate?" Gu Changge looked at her with interest.

The next moment, Jiang Chuchu's complexion was a little hazy, he stepped forward and suddenly leaned in front of him.

It is warm and cool like jade, but it has a soft and faint sweetness.

After doing all this, Jiang Chuchu hurriedly fled and left here as if, his skirt fluttering and his complexion hot.

Today, she feels bolder than ever before.

Gu Changge touched own lips, there seemed to be the same breath left on them.

"But he's really an easily satisfied guy

After Jiang Chuchu disappeared, he shook his head, and the gentle expression in his eyes gradually disappeared, and finally turned into an unchanging deep tranquility.

Afterwards, Gu Changge also returned to the own courtyard. He sacrificed a few jade charms into the nearby void to prevent anyone from snooping, and then sat down cross-legged.

Streaks of golden brilliance flashed between his eyebrows, and then a golden villain walked out, lustrous, and his face was exactly the same, but he appeared extremely indifferent.

In the sleeves of the little man, there is also a faint golden brilliance, which is a primitive true feather that sacrifices to refine a peerless edge.


Soon this golden villain stepped into the void, turned around and disappeared. Gu Changge opened his eyes, his eyes looked a little thoughtful.

He is not worried about being discovered by his soul, after all, he is proficient in the power of space.

As long as there is no monk who is good at this way in the Hanging Buddhist Temple, it is naturally impossible to find his trace.

But just in case, he still concealed his breath again with a secret method.

When stepping into the Hanging Buddhist Temple today, Gu Changge felt that someone was looking at him, but as he looked at it, the other person also withdrew his gaze.

This is a powerful Cultivation Base and powerful existence, so he still has to beware.

Gu Changge wanted to know the purpose of Buddha Jin Chan's trip to the Demon Abyss. If the other party's purpose is the same as him, it would be much easier to handle.

But he felt that Jin Chan Buddha Zi should not be interested in the so-called seal.

He went down to Bury the Demon Abyss, probably to find something.

Many years ago, Buddha Jin Chan also went there, and it is said that he almost died in it.

Now, after many years, the seal has been loosened, and the chaos in the Demon Burial Abyss is a good opportunity to fish in troubled waters.

If this is the case, Gu Changge can just find someone to carry the pot, and when the seal of Burial Demon Abyss breaks, it is also suitable for the golden cicada Buddha to carry the black pot.

At the same time, in a side hall not far from this temple.

The lights are bright, the light of the Buddha shines on the walls, and the string of Buddhist beads is even more brilliant under the shining of the lights.

An old monk whose eyebrows are as white as snow, hanging down on the ground, is knocking on a wooden fish here. The sound of Buddha contains an indescribable charm.

Buddha Jin Chan stood behind him with a calm expression.

"Your heart is upset.

The old monk spoke, with his back facing the Golden Cicada Buddha, his tone of voice was calm and unhurried.

"Uncle Master" Jin Chan Buddha shook his head and said, "I do feel restless."

"Because Gu Changge and others who came here today?"

The old monk asked, although he hadn't left this side hall for a long time.

But I still know a lot of news from the outside world, and I naturally know who is coming to the Hanging Buddhist Temple today.

Buddha Jin Chan nodded and did not deny, "Yes, I don't know his intention to go to the Demon Burying Abyss this time, but the Buddha's heart has been telling me to stay away from him. He is very dangerous."

The old monk sighed and said, "He is indeed very strong. Even if you use all the means, you will not be his opponent. Today, when he stepped into the Hanging Buddhist Temple, I noticed it."

"But he should have noticed me too, so I withdrew my eyes."

Hearing this, Jin Chan Buddha's heart was shocked, a little unbelievable.

The old monk said that he was not Gu Changge's opponent, and he could not refute this, but even the old monk did not dare to continue to explore Gu Changge, which made him feel incredible.

You must know his uncle, but he has a deep understanding of Foshan Liutong.

Foshan Liutong is the six extremely terrifying supernatural powers in Foshan, including Tianyan Tong, Tian Er Tong, Hexin Tong, Fate Tong, Shen Jing Tong, and Omission.

After completing the Tianyantong and Tianertong, you can see all the tangible colors in the world, and hear all the sounds in the world.

Even if it is him, it is only the first time to get a glimpse of Tianertong's doorway.

The master uncle in front of him, his sentiment on this path, left him beyond the reach. It can be said that as long as he wants to, within a radius of a million miles, there will be no people he can't see or hear 537.

But even he didn't dare to spy on Gu Changge easily.

"It seems that the rumors over the border of the Boundary Tablet Sea have another hidden story."

Jin Chan Fuzi sighed, his eyes a little heavy.

Gu Changge's manifestation of the saint in the Boundary Tablet Sea can be said to have shocked many younger generations, and he naturally included him.

However, he knew that the Daoist Ancestral Hall had a secret method, and could use the power of faith to manifest the body of the Dharma in an endless distance.

That kind of secret method has nothing to do with the Cultivation Base of the caster.

But now it seems that Gu Changge did not do all this by means of secret methods.

"I don't know the secrets of Foshan, but you don't have to worry about it."

"The thing about Zen clothes, good fortune is with you, no one can take it away. After all, you took it down at the beginning, and only you can bring it up.

The old white-browed monk continued, but at this moment, his eyes that had been closed suddenly opened, turning his head to look in a certain direction, wisps of divine light flashed and intertwined, reflecting in the virtual space.

It was a pair of white and colorless eyes, looking quite horrifying, the gaze seemed to penetrate through the ancient and modern, and penetrated into the three realms and six realms.

"What's wrong, Uncle Master?

Jin Chan Fuzi said in surprise.

"The seal on the Burial Demon Abyss can last for up to half a year. After you take away the Zen clothes, it will be destroyed by the bones of Buddha, otherwise the hanging Buddhist temple will definitely be destroyed.

The complexion of the old white-browed monk became heavier than ever.

Jin Chan Buddha nodded, knowing what the old white-browed monk meant.

Foshan has a special method of enrollment, which can ensure that the monks of the advanced Dharma in the previous life will reincarnate Samsara with Su Hui after sitting and passing away.

For example, in his previous life, he was the monk who founded the Hanging Buddhist Temple.

But until now, he has not regained his past life memory. According to Foshan, there is still a lack of opportunity.

And this opportunity was the Zen clothing he once brought into the Burial Demon Abyss.

That piece of Zen clothing is the supreme thing in Foshan. It is blessed with all kinds of mysterious Dharma. Numerous Dharma monks chant Buddhist scriptures day by day. They have been contaminated with deep Buddha nature and can suppress all evil and evil spirits.

As for why the Zen clothing fell into the Burial Demon Abyss, it was a shame to Foshan.

No one has mentioned it until now.

"I know Uncle Master." Jin Chan's mind also calmed down at this moment. Zen clothes were his opportunity, and that was his fate.

If others take it away, it will violate Foshan's predestined law and will encounter unimaginable disasters.

"Then I will withdraw first."

After that, he respectfully retreated and left the side hall.


However, at this moment, the old white-browed monk suddenly frowned, and looked at a certain void with some doubts, feeling that there seemed to be eyes staring at them, but when he looked around, he found that there was nothing there.

This made him feel puzzled.

With his Taoism, can he still feel that he is wrong, but who can spy on him in front of him in the huge hanging Buddhist temple?

He does not believe that Gu Changge has this ability.

"Could it be that I am about to respond…"

Afterwards, the old white-browed monk shook his head, knocked the wooden fish unhurriedly, and sighed.

If the seal of Demon Burial Abyss was broken, he didn't know whether he would survive.

This is also his fate, it is inevitable and needs to cope with this catastrophe.

Regarding life and death, he is very indifferent, because Foshan's reincarnation law can shelter their Su Hui.

The so-called death is nothing more than a long sleep. .