Ch 431

In the early morning of the next day, on a mountain peak outside the Hanging Buddhist Temple, Gu Changge, Jiang Chuchu, Jin Chan Buddha and others stood here, looking into the abyss of devilish energy in the distance.

The dark purple magic energy was surging and vast, covering the sky like a dark cloud, where it was like a dark world, with little light visible.

Demon Burial Abyss said it was like an abyss, but in fact it was more like a portal.

That terrifying huge mouth, like a huge wound that traversed between heaven and earth, had a trembling breath coming from it, and it seemed that once you stepped in, you stepped into another world of eternal silence and darkness.

At the mouth of the mouth, you can see a lot of horrible corpses, some of which are as huge as a mountain.

Even if some die, they are still shining brightly, like a small sun, exuding a scorching glow.

However, because of being contaminated by the devilish energy, these corpses are densely covered with scars and full of various large and small withered holes.

There are many shocking magic formations near the Burial Demon Abyss, on which a series of monstrous divine lights erupted, turning into divine swords, heavenly swords, and big halberds into the new abyss, preventing many of the creatures from rushing out.

In addition, you can also see many cultivators around the Burial Demon Abyss.

Although he didn't dare to get close, he was still killing the big demon among them, surging with blood and strength.

They are not here to maintain the peace of the world, but because after killing those big demons, they can get some substances that contain rich magic power crystals.

Materials such as magic cores, skulls, and hand bones are often sold at high prices in markets or stalls outside.

Because these magic cores can be used not only to refine Magical Items, but also to set up magic circles, and they can only be seen near the Burial Demon Abyss. They are very rare.

So there are often many cultivators who are bold and bold, come here to take risks.

These cultivators all noticed Gu Changge and his party at this moment, and were shocked. They didn't expect that besides them, there would be other people here.

However, some of them quickly recognized Gu Changge, and they were shocked and puzzled at the same time.

With Gu Changge's noble status, how could he come to such a dangerous place?

"Young Master Changge, what is he doing here?"

"Are you planning to solve the scourge in Demon Burial Abyss?"

"It can only be said that it is Young Master Changge!"

Thinking of this possibility, many of them changed their expressions, becoming extremely respectful and full of respect.

How many young people in the upper realm nowadays are willing to risk their lives to come to such a place?

This courage and the deeds for the people of the world made them admire.

If it weren't for Life's force, they wouldn't have gotten half a step closer to this place, but Gu Changge knew that there were tigers in the mountains, so he would go to Hushan.

"The front is the entrance of Demon Burial Abyss, where there is a magic circle under the cloth of my senior monk in Foshan, which can prevent the monsters from rushing out."

"Brother Gu, follow me closely, don't get into the formation by mistake."

Buddha Jin Chan spoke, and after talking to the old monk with white eyebrows last night, his heart had calmed down.

After that, he led the people in Foshan and rushed forward as a rainbow, flashing golden lights, rushing up on the mountain peaks on the ground.

There was a huge amount of devilish energy coming surging forward, but they were all countered and dissipated by a string of Buddhist beads in his hand.

At the same time, behind him, a phantom Buddha appeared, with a majestic appearance and golden light, and a roar of the Buddha's rage, ripples like knives, rushing away from the many monsters in front of him, very powerful.

Gu Changge, Jiang Chuchu and others followed him, not very close. Since the Golden Cicada and Buddha were going to clear the way, Gu Changge saved the trouble.

He looked inexplicably, thinking of the conversation he had heard last night.

At that time, he was almost spotted by the old white-browed monk, which really surprised him. Fortunately, no accident happened when he left early.

The Cultivation Base of the old white-browed monk, at least at the quasi-emperor level, is an old monster who has lived for an unknown period of time.

And the magical power Cultivation Technique he cultivates has a lot to do with perception, and can even understand the mysterious changes in space.

However, Gu Changge felt that the most surprising thing turned out to be the identity of the Golden Cicada Buddha.

He only knew that the Buddha Jin Chan had the heart and bones of the Buddha, but he didn't know that he was actually the reincarnated monk of Foshan.

"Zen clothes?"

"It seems that it should have fallen into the Burial Demon Abyss, so the Buddha Jin Chan planned to retrieve it."

Gu Changge was very interested in that Zen clothing.

If he guessed correctly, it should be the Buddha treasure that was taken to the Burial Demon Abyss and intended to suppress the devilish energy in it.

It's just that I don't know why, I actually fell into it.

Moreover, after arriving here, Gu Changge didn't feel any discomfort for these devil qi, but had a strong familiar and natural aura. Even in the blood, a number of runes appeared, constantly disappearing, as if cheering.

As if this breath is of the same origin as him.

This feeling is very familiar to him. It is the memory that was once sealed, constantly revived, and many fragments flashed away, and there were many more things in his mind.

Push away the clouds and mist to see the blue sky.

"The devil energy here is already very strong, and the cultivator of the holy realm must be careful when approaching, so as not to be corroded by the devil energy…"

A faint fairy light appeared on Jiang Chuchu's body. She frowned and muttered to herself softly as she resisted the devilish energy here.

Gu Changge glanced at her, and with a wave of her sleeves, a terrifying shock spread out, dispelling the demonic energy around her.

"Otherwise you will stay outside, and your Cultivation Base will also make a mess." He frowned slightly.

Jiang Chuchu glanced at him, shook his head and said, "No, I want to go in with you, you don't have to worry about me, I have my own means."

This incident involved Gu Changge because of her relationship. How could she stay outside and let Gu Changge in alone?

Seeing her persistence, Gu Changge didn't say anything.

Anyway, if there is an accident for a while, throwing her into the inner universe is the same.

The Golden Cicada Buddha is leading the way, but the road is quite unstable. Not only must he be careful of the formations, but also the creatures that are contaminated by the devil and corrode the mind.

However, there are experts in Foshan around him. The weakest person in Cultivation Base is also the most holy realm. Dharma is advanced and very good at dispelling demonic energy, but it protects him very safely.

After passing hundreds of miles in this way, the mouth of the front was finally approaching.

A suffocating and depressing breath came, and everyone's faces trembled and their souls trembled.

As if facing some kind of great horror, he even couldn't help but kneel down and worship Yuankou.

The magic energy here has even reached the point of liquefaction, converging on the ground into a small lake.

In the small lake, there are runes flickering, and some deep purple magic stones are scattered, which are extremely rare and precious, exuding the original atmosphere.

"My son, there 々"."

Behind Gu Changge, a strong man in the Great Sacred Realm, with a startled look, pointed to a lotus in the distance and said.

It was a deep purple lotus, rooted in a small lake where the magic energy gathered. Although the small lake was less than a hundred miles away, it was rich and fragrant, like Immortal purple gold.

"What is this?"

Someone was curious and walked over, but before they got close, they were enveloped by the deep purple mist that filled the small lake.

Even before the screams were made, it turned into a blood mist, which was extremely terrifying, making many people's complexions cold and could not help but retreated a few steps.

"This is Soul Destruction Lotus, don't come close.

Golden Cicada's brows frowned, and then he stretched open and explained to everyone, "This kind of thing grows near the Demon Burial Abyss and feeds on creatures and demonic energy. Although it looks beautiful, it contains great horror. Can't get close to picking easily."

He said that, making everyone look a little jealous, knowing the evil door here, the closer you get to the mouth of the abyss, the more dangerous it is.

"Soul Soul Lotus.

"This year should have surpassed tens of thousands of years, and its domain has been formed nearby."

Gu Changge was somewhat interested, and then walked over.

Everyone's complexion changed, and the monks in Foshan frowned, but they didn't stop it. The Golden Cicada Buddha had already persuaded him. If Gu Changge doesn't listen to it, it will be him who will suffer.

But The next moment, what surprised everyone was that as Gu Changge walked away, the soul-killing lotus just shuddered slightly, seeming to be afraid.

Then the rhizome moved out of the lake, and the purple light was shining under the feet, and a purple haze was transpiring, which was very mysterious.

This scene made everyone's eyes wide open, almost dull, and could not believe it.

Even Jiang Chuchu's expression was shocked, and then quickly returned to nature, looked at Gu Changge, and remembered his identity.

Could it be that this soul-killing lotus is very spiritual, and it is actually afraid of him?

At this moment, everyone could even see that it split the rhizome into the appearance of feet, and walked to the feet of Gu Changge.

Gu Changge didn't care about the people's expressions, and directly grabbed the Destroyer Lotus and threw it into the Sumeru Ring.

This thing is spiritual, knowing that he can't escape from his hands, so he simply surrendered himself.

"What use is it for you to take the Soul Destruction Lotus?

Jiang Chuchu was a little curious. As far as she knew, Miserable Soul Lotus didn't have any medicine effect except for its dangerous nature.

Gu Changge smiled and said, "Keep it, after all, the soul-killing lotus of tens of millions of years is rare, and it may not take long for it to transform."

Because of its particularity, Soul Destruction Lotus will possess the supernatural power to overcome the soul if it is transformed into form.

Even if he can't transform it, he can swallow it, and he can temper the soul.

Others are afraid of poison, but in his eyes it is a tonic.

"Raise the soul lotus?"

Jiang Chuchu nodded, and didn't say much, the soul-killing lotus only feeds on flesh and blood and demonic energy, and it is still massive.

In Gu Changge's way, this is nothing to him.

Although Gu Changge's attitude towards her has been much better recently, she has not forgotten Gu Changge's true face and original temperament.

"Let's go."

Buddha Jin Chan retracted his gaze, and his fear of Gu Changge was ascension to another level.

After arriving here, everyone became more cautious. Even the golden cicada Buddha who led the way was extremely cautious, for fear of taking a wrong step.

Everywhere you can see the textures of the avenues, giving off a dazzling brilliance.

Moreover, there are more great demons here, coming from the depths of the Burial Demon Abyss. They are powerful and cruel. There is no trace of wisdom in their eyes, only fighting and violence.

After passing through another area, everyone finally came to the mouth of the Demon Burial Abyss, and the turbulent demon energy rushed in front of them, as if they could drown the world.

Even the existence of the Great Sacred Realm was trembling, with a pale face without any bloody color.

Buddha Jin Chan stopped and turned back to the people, "Cultivation Base is not enough for the Great Sacred Realm, so I will stay here for the time being. I will carve the space circle. If there is any accident in it, I can quickly return to this place and then escape."

"At the same time, someone needs to stay here.

As he said, he took out a purple-gold Buddha pestle and began to arrange a formation here, laying down a lot of materials, very cautiously.

A group of monks in Foshan already knew the arrangement, so they quickly divided into two groups, one group followed the Golden Cicada Buddha, and the other group stayed here.

"Then you stay here." Gu Changge looked at Jiang Chuchu.

"I don't." Jiang Chuchu shook his head, staring at him, "I want to go down with you."

Although her Cultivation Base has not reached the Great Sacred Realm, she still has other means to make up for the shortcomings of the Cultivation Base.

Gu Changge frowned, feeling that he seemed to be angry. Jiang Chuchu felt a little lack of confidence in an instant, but still raised his eyes, mustered the courage, looked at him, and said, "I don't want to stay here.

"This is my business."

Gu Changge sighed slightly, and didn't seem to blame her, but asked, "Then your business, isn't it my business? What's the difference.,

If Jiang Chuchu followed along, it would make it difficult for him to carry out his next plan, and it would also cause him a lot of trouble.


Jiang Chuchu was slightly startled, but Gu Changge would not expect to say this suddenly. There was a warm current in her heart, and she didn't know how to refuse for a while.

But she quickly reacted, and now in front of everyone, Gu Changge said this. Isn't this acknowledging the relationship between the two?

This really makes her shy, who is thin-skinned.

Of course, as the Holy Maiden of Human Ancestral Hall, the skill of nurturing Qi in front of people is still very good, and the nature is restored in an instant.

"Then you have to be careful, I will always be here waiting for you." Then she agreed.

Gu Changge nodded, his expression returned to nature, and then he instructed the people behind him to choose a part to follow him, and the rest to stay here.

Soon after the formation was recorded, Buddha Jin Chan looked back at Gu Changge and said, "Brother Gu, we can go down now.

After that, the Buddha's light on his body was faint, and his precious appearance was solemn, and he directly tore the devilish energy that rushed in front of him, and went into the burial abyss.

Gu Changge's eyes flashed with a different color, the emptiness was blurred, and the mighty demon energy separated before his eyes.

He also stepped forward and followed, and soon disappeared in the rich demon energy, and fell into the depths of the Demon Burial Abyss.

The Burial Demon Abyss is very big, it can be said that there is no cave, the horrible atmosphere is raging, and many monsters can be seen fighting in it, and it seems to be tireless.

All living beings here, whether they are flesh or spirits, will be tainted by terror, and they will fight for life and death.

Gu Changge can imagine, being sealed here for countless years, even countless epochs.

For the Red Devil Chan Hongyi, what kind of torture would be.

The monsters here, even if they are powerful monsters, are comparable to Quasi-Supreme, but they don't have the slightest sage. They only know that they will kill others or be killed by others.

For individuals to stay in such a dark place, I am afraid they will go crazy, and once they are born, they will inevitably cause unimaginable disasters.

Bloodbath all walks of life, I'm afraid this is not just talking.

"Brother Gu, what do you think of the abnormal changes in the depths of Demon Burial Abyss?"

When Gu Changge was thinking about paying, the golden cicada Buddha who opened the way in front of him suddenly moved his eyes slightly, turned his head and smiled and asked.

*~ It should be the breaking of the seal that originally sealed this place, or the big evil thing here, is about to be born. "Gu Changge said confidently.

He was planning to do something with Jin Chan Buddha, but the other party's words reminded him.

Before seeing the so-called Zen clothing, it is better not to do anything.

Buddha Jin Chan didn't seem surprised when he heard this, and continued to ask, "Unrest broke out here, and all the big demons are escaping outside, which makes people feel weird. I don't know what Brother Gu thinks?"

He intends to test the purpose of Gu Changge to see how much he knows about Burial Demon Abyss.

If he is also here for Zen clothes, then he can only use some means to let Gu Changge stay here forever.

Gu Changge's strength is terrifying, but in Demon Burying Abyss, he is far from familiar with him.

"These monsters should be afraid of something, not so much a riot, it seems to me more like a so-called escape.

Gu Changge seemed to see through his thoughts at a glance, and Feng Qingyun said calmly, "Could it be that the Golden Cicada Buddha hadn't been the first to investigate before coming here?"

"Then Brother Gu's plan?"

Jin Chan Buddha's heart jumped sharply, and asked again, there was Buddha's light looming on the monk's clothes, contending with the horror and demonic energy of this place.

Many monks around him were also killed here, opening their way in front, all wounded.

Gu Changge said casually, "I came here naturally because I was worried that Chu Chu would be in danger, but I couldn't persuade her. Does the Buddha Jin Chan think that I will be interested in solving the scourge of the Burial Demon Abyss?"

"If so, you might be disappointed.

At the end, he couldn't help laughing. It seemed quite frank, but somewhat mocking.

The Buddha Jin Chan was a bit stunned for a while. I didn't expect Gu Changge to be so frank at this moment. He didn't even say that I was just here to check my favorability, and I didn't even intend to deal with the matter of the burial of the Demon Abyss.

But this is also in line with his understanding of Gu Changge, how can such a guy care about the lives and deaths of other people.

It seems that he was plotting against Chu Chu Holy Maiden, and he gave up his life to accompany the beautiful woman and came here.

This made him more or less relieved, feeling that things were much easier.

"So, Brother Gu is an honest person.

He smiled, since Gu Changge didn't plan to intervene in the funeral of the Demon Abyss, he definitely didn't know about Zen Yi.

"Then what is the purpose of the Golden Cicada Buddha? Gu is quite curious."

Gu Changge asked with interest.

Jin Chan Buddha's complexion has returned to naturalness. At this time, he dare not lie and perfuse, because once Gu Changge knows that he is dealing with it, he will definitely doubt his purpose.

This makes Gu Changge interested in Zen clothing. If he gets robbed, wouldn't it be a big deal to break him?

Therefore, he decided to be calm, but some things still had to be concealed.

"In fact, the little monk came here to retrieve a Buddha treasure that was lost here."

He explained that when he saw Gu Chang (Li Haozhao)'s song, he seemed to be a little unbelievable, and continued, "I feel regretful and ashamed. Great wish, I wish to bury the Demon Abyss, and finally enter it, and be fascinated by a fierce and powerful female demon in the depths of the Demon Abyss.

The suffering and pain on her body, it's a pity that the devil is cruel and cruel."

Having said that, he sighed.

Speaking of this incident, he did it in his previous life, but he didn't fully regain Su Hui, so he could only treat it as a bystander.

Just by his face, he confuses a Taoist monk. How horrible and unthinkable is this? It just happened.

"Then was killed here?"

Gu Changge asked with a calm face, but felt that things were a bit difficult and tricky in his heart.

It would be okay if Chan Hongyi was unconscious.

If you are sane, and the pain and torture that you have suffered over the years, wouldn't it be that the moment you saw him, you all came back to him?

Not to mention the things before being beaten into the Burial Demon Abyss. In Gu Changge's opinion, many hatreds are not so easy to resolve.

Hatred is born of love, and this hatred is indelible even in the deepest part of The Underworld.

Now it seems that there are still two ways that I thought of before.

This needs to be smoothed out slowly, or to find a way to completely kill it, once and for all.

However, the only thing Gu Changge can be grateful for is that although he is not dead, he is not so good in himself.

Even if there is a possibility of releasing water at that time, the injury caused by the power of destroying the world may be difficult to heal for a long time.

That's why Gu Changge is looking for a place to cultivate his soul.

If your mind is clear, you have to look for another plan.

"So this matter is my Foshan scandal. Until now, few people have mentioned it."

Buddha Jin Chan showed a bitter smile on his face, seeming to be quite emotional, and then continued to drive forward, using the Buddha bones on his body to sense the location of the Zen clothes.

At this time, as he went deeper, Gu Changge felt the devil's heart move, and the Eight Desolate Devil Halberd seemed to be recovering, not as quiet as usual.

The horror meaning of the entire Demon Burial Abyss suddenly seemed to fall from the sky, suffocating people and making it difficult to move.

The aura sealed in it makes people feel that they are facing the luck of existence that surpasses the emperor and surpasses the immortal.

"The Burial Demon Abyss was caused by a drop of real blood falling here when I was the demon master."

However, Gu Changge's eyes were faint, and he felt an aura that made him very familiar under the deepest part of the Demon Burial Abyss.

It's not Chan Hongyi, but another aura, in a deeper and deeper source. .