Ch 441

This battle has a wide spread, sweeping across the sky and the ground, and it can be called a devastating disaster.

If it is not for the formation relationship, otherwise even outside the territory will be affected, collapsed and destroyed.

The strength of the Red Devil, to say unceremoniously, is the unique existence in this era.

The peak powerhouse that fought with her, there are many enlightened people holding imperial artifacts, the aura is vicissitudes of age, very cautious, only came with a Dharma body, but it is still infinitely powerful.

When they fought with the Red Devil, they kept coughing up blood and regressed, and many of their magical magical powers collapsed and broke.

Some people sacrificed their supreme magical powers and used the rules and chains of this place for their own use. However, they were still slapped into ashes by the red devil and could not resist at all.

This was a horrifying and shocking scene. The red devil kept walking towards the city of God, with blood and bones stepped on her feet, and divine light fell on her body, constantly intertwined and bombarded.

But her breath did not change in any way, it was so powerful that it was trembling, and reached another Realm.


The dazzling brilliance was so brilliant that it exploded again, and many people coughed up blood and retreated.

An old monster's expression was very shocked. At the moment when he didn't know it, the red devil had already come to him.

Slender hands pinched his neck and lifted it up like a chicken, without any effort.

This old monster is a peak powerhouse in the quasi-emperor realm.

But at this moment, the room was extremely weak, he was extremely frightened, his whole body glowed, and the emperor appeared one by one, trying to contend with the red devil.

But in the next instant, the red devil's palm was lightly picked, and his head was twisted off.

Then it squeezed and exploded with a bang, the red and white exploded, including the spirits, and instantly annihilated.

"This is a monster, invincible at all."

"I shouldn't have been here in the first place.

At this moment, many people felt regretful in their hearts. They witnessed the enlightened person and the quasi-emperor with their own eyes, and they had no resistance in the face of the red devil.

How can this not make them desperate.

"The strength of the Red Devil is indeed terrifying, but it is still impossible for her to come to our side in a short time."

At the position of the array, several old monsters whispered, their eyes were shocked, and at the same time they were fiery, staring at the battlefield in the distance.

The Red Devil is very strong, but she is bound to be exhausted for a while, even if she walks to the front line, she is afraid that it will be difficult to save much.

This is an excellent opportunity for them.

"Amitābha, all the donors, in order to kill the red devil, so desperately, to give up life and death, it really makes me admire."

Many ancient monks in Foshan, with their hands folded, their expressions of pity, watching the battle in the distance.

At the same time, they urged the Buddha's light in their hands to gather into the eyes of the formation to maintain the operation of the large formation here.

Gu Changge has always felt that he underestimated Chan Hongyi's current strength.

But judging from what happened today, perhaps he overestimated her current state.

In his speculation, Chan Hongyi should have already killed him at this time.

But now it's still being dragged by a group of strong men, they haven't even urged that angular formation.

"It seems that she hasn't recovered, dragging her body and rushing to avenge me."

"But it's really as eager as ever.

Gu Changge shook his head slightly, not to mention that he would feel sorry for this guy, but in short, she still felt that she was as stupid as ever.

He randomly punched a few magic powers into the eyes of the formation, and at the same time glanced at the many old monsters around him, and then looked at the cicada red clothes.

From his direction, he could just see Chan Hongyi's figure, and even the white and snowy face was stained with blood.

Those eyes were still indifferent and ruthless, looking at him across the formation, she saw him.

However, Gu Changge just smiled casually, and in Chan's red eyes, horrible hostility appeared again.

The many powerful men behind her were blasted away by her palm, and her Killing intent was soaring to the sky, she was about to come and kill Gu Changge.

Boundless hatred erupted, and its power rose to several degrees again. The Cultivation Base was not enough for the cultivator of the Supreme Realm. Under such fluctuations, it instantly collapsed and exploded, turning into a blood mist.

It can be said that the power she has shown now has reached a limit.

There are many cracks on the body, like white jade porcelain, which may break at any time.

"Butianmen, open that corner pattern.


At this moment, an archbishop's leader suddenly shouted, and his previous actions seemed very calm.

At this moment, when he discovered the flaws in the red devil's body, his eyes flashed, and he sacrificed a forbidden weapon.

This kind of forbidden device is very different from the general forbidden device.

The moment Hajime exploded, it was like a scorching sun exploding, blasting on the red devil's body.

When the others heard this, they did not hesitate, and began to sacrifice their powerful methods. They waited for this moment and would not delay any longer.

Otherwise, all of them will be killed by the Red Devil in the end, and the gain is not worth the loss.

At the same time, the pattern on the corner where the eye was located began to glow, flowing dazzling brilliance in all directions.

The quaint and crystal-clear avenue runes flow around, like a transparent mirror, which can reflect all kinds of Taoism and fall from the sky.

Those are golden old runes, like the carrier of the avenue.

And if the mysterious evolution of heaven and earth contains infinite divine power, it turns into a variety of Divine Armament, swords, spears, swords, halberds, axes, hooks and forks, and seals of bells and dings.

In a higher place, there is also the avenue rune evolving, turning into a red and yingying big millstone of extinction, rumbling and trembling in the sky, crushing and falling.

The wisps of golden brilliance poured out, but it surpassed the breath of imperial prestige.

Everyone cheered up, watching this scene, feeling hope.

The rest of the peak powerhouse did not hesitate, and urged the forbidden weapons they brought together to kill the red devil together.

The four gates of the city of God, at this moment, seem to swallow everything in the world and integrate all the rules of this place.

Then intertwined into a thick beam of light like a mountain, and bombarded the red devil.

At this moment, a hole broke out even outside the territory, rushing out of immeasurable light.

Star after star seemed to have been sacrificed in advance, mixed with a vast aura, falling towards the bottom.

It was as if a catastrophe from the sky was going to destroy everyone, and the vast breath contained the meaning of destroying the world.

This kind of breath is simply terrifying and shocking, I can't imagine it.

"Boom 々 "!"

A terrifying bombardment resounded across the sky, and even spread beyond the formation, spreading to any corner of a radius of tens of thousands of miles. Many cultivators and creatures who had escaped from the city heard this sound.

This is the sound of the avenue, and in the sound, there are even fragments of the avenue.

The red devil's expression was indifferent and there was no wave, and she walked towards the place where Gu Changge was.

Therefore, almost all the brilliance hit the ground firmly.

Suddenly, chick smoke appeared on his body, and the Killing Intent was also washed away. The whole person ran after him, and it seemed that it was difficult to stand firm.

At the foot of her feet, the ground was fragmented, blasting a terrifying crack, and it could even spread to the underground world.

And on her body, the cracks were even clearer, and bloodstains penetrated through it.

The red devil's body is terrifying, surpassing the Realm shown today, no one can hurt.

It's just that his original injury was difficult to heal, and then he was bombarded by this external force, and it began to relapse.

And this scene fell in everyone's eyes, but it was the red devil who was finally wounded, she couldn't help cheering and let out a sigh of relief.

The Red Devil is not invincible, she will be wiped out by them sooner or later, and the injuries on her body are the best proof.

"As long as there are just a few more blows, the Red Devil will be wiped out by us sooner or later.

Many peak powerhouses have hopes in their hearts and plan to cooperate again.

I have to say that the angular pattern is really strange, containing indescribable mysterious power.

The place where the formation eyes were, the old monsters also breathed a sigh of relief and smiled and said, "It seems that this formation pattern is really useful.

While they were speaking, they once again entered Magic power, supporting the array of eyes.

With that blow just now, if it weren't for their cooperation, the Red Devil would not have been so injured.

However, the amount of Magic power needed to maintain this formation is massive.

Even they felt a little overwhelmed, and began to take out Medicine Pill and other things, and swallow them all at once.

A group of ancient monks in Foshan are also sitting here, chanting and chanting ancient scriptures, and using some secret method to provide magic power support for the eyes.

Gu Changge matched Magic power into it, but his eyes kept on Chan Hongyi's body.

Seeing her now, I also feel that the time is almost time.

Then in his palm, a jet-black avenue rune, following the Magic power, fell into the eyes of the array.

After doing this, he glanced at the few people in front of him with interest.

"The consumption in the array has become stronger. It seems that the Red Devil is trying to break through the formation here. She may be leaving."

At this moment, an old monster's complexion suddenly changed, feeling a huge swallowing power in his eyes.

They maintain the formation, and the magic power they need is even more terrifying.

He felt that he was almost unable to hold on, he had to know that he had only swallowed some of the gods, but the Magic power consumed could not be replenished at all.

"The magic power needed to maintain the formation is more. With me waiting a few, I am afraid it will be difficult to continue to support it."

The complexions of the other old monsters also changed suddenly. They underestimated the Magic power needed to activate this pattern.

In this way, they are likely to be consumed alive before the Red Devil is killed.

"I made a mistake, I didn't expect to use all my strength to urge this corner pattern, and it would consume so much."

Gu Changge was also slightly pale at the moment, frowning, a little dignified, and sighed.

"If I wait for this side to lose support and finally reverse the situation, I am afraid it will change again.

An old monster had an ugly face and was very unwilling to feel that they had miscalculated.

It's hard to see the opportunity, is it possible to give up? They are not reconciled.

"I will hold on for a while."

"At that time, I should have thought that it would be easy to deal with the formation pattern of the red devil."

Several ancient monks in Foshan also became very solemn, and sighed. They also felt that their Magic power was being swallowed frantically by this angular pattern.

However, many archbishops in the front are fighting against the Red Devil, which can be regarded as deadly and injured. If there is a problem here, it will definitely affect the whole situation.

However, after a while, someone couldn't stand it anymore and stopped hurriedly without injecting Magic power support into the array.

If it continues, maybe it will really damage the origin, and it will die here.

And as someone stopped injecting Magic power into the array.

The swallowing power felt by the rest of the people suddenly became more terrifying, and after losing the burden, the pressure on them instantly became several times heavier.

The horrible feeling of devouring, like a whale swallowing an elephant, suddenly made them pale.

Even Cultivation Base's profound and vast old monsters have changed their expressions and hurriedly stopped. They dare not joking with their own origin at this time.

"It can only be supported by Medicine Pill, otherwise who can stand this pattern is really evil."

An old monster couldn't help swearing, and hurriedly swallowed many Medicine Pills.

At this time, even a group of ancient monks couldn't stand it, so they had to shake their heads to stop and start to replenish Magic power.

"If this goes on, I'm afraid it won't work."

Gu Changge shook his head slightly, and swallowed a Medicine Pill, sighing, with some regrets, "If I had more hands at the time, I would not be so tired now, but I didn't know this pattern at the time, it was so consumed. Magic power is really misguided."

His words were recognized by everyone here, even the Foshan monk, who looked very uncomfortable with him, was silent.

What happened here was heard by the peak powerhouses who were fighting with the red devil in front of them, and their complexions changed drastically.

Almost instantly, the formation pattern covering the high altitude showed signs of dissipating.

The red devil seized this opportunity even more, with her indifferent eyes, staying on Gu Changge for a moment.

The next moment, on top of her jade hand, there was a avenue rune that began to manifest, evolving into a simple and natural black giant clock, when there was a tremor, a terrifying clock wave came out.

Before that, she just relied on absolute strength to crush, and would not use magical powers and so on.

But now, she also understood the difficulty of the matter. If the formation pattern hadn't disappeared suddenly, she was afraid that it would be a lot of trouble today. As for how the formation pattern dissipated, it was not difficult to understand with her current mind.


At the moment when the formation pattern dissipated, the situation reversed horribly. The people who had a little chance of winning just now coughed up blood and collapsed. Open, extremely gorgeous.

"Run away, the Devil in Red is out of trouble now, staying here is just to die.

Seeing this scene, more people chose to flee outside the city of God, not daring to stay, for fear of being killed by the red devil.

She has used her strength beyond the emperor realm to prove her terrible for everyone, whether this is a situation that can be wiped out by joint efforts.

Not to mention that there was a problem on the front side, it was even more difficult to deal with her, there was almost no possibility.

Many strong people naturally understand this truth, although they are not reconciled, they have not withdrawn.

A plan, but in the end it turned out to be in vain?

However, there are only a few who can escape. At this moment, the red devil's eyes are full of fierceness, almost the living creatures in front of her, they are all shot to death by her, even the space is stagnant, and the whole world seems to be still.

This is a horrible method. The sleeves are swept across the room, the world is dim, and everyone collapses and explodes.

There is a lot of blood here, and it is hard to see the living people, either bones or broken weapon fragments.

And she bathed in blood, walked in it, and moved toward the eye.

The faces of the old monsters who were recovering changed drastically, and they felt fear and tremor.

The Red Devil is really too strong. Today's Upper Realm, I am afraid that only the oldest and oldest existences can regain their ability to compete with her.

However, the next moment, in front of everyone, the red devil suddenly squatted, a lot of blood began to appear on her body, and she almost fell to the ground.

Looking at it this way, it seems that the red clothes are getting brighter and brighter, as if they were soaked in blood.

Her face, which was already snow-white, was even more bloodless and lost its luster.

But that's all. She seems to be unaware of pain and tirelessness.


"She ran out of oil and the lamp withered

"It seems that the battle just now has consumed all her strength, and now she is no longer a threat to me."

In this scene, all the old monsters and Foshan monks who had planned to escape were all taken aback, and then surprises appeared on the faces of many old monsters.

"Enmitabha, the female donor, you do a lot of evil, do you think there will be such a day?"

"Today, my Buddha will save you and let you take refuge in the realm of eternal bliss."

Several ancient monks in Foshan also stopped their plans to escape, their faces restored to compassion, and looked at the red devil who was so close to them.

After all, they continued to sit up in the Lotus Position, just in case, they still injected Magic power into the eyes of the array, planning to kill the Red Devil.

"Many Dao brothers, if that's the case, then I'll talk about it first, how to divide this female devil's corpse in a while? The old man wants a piece anyway.

"This is naturally no problem."

"If you can understand the secret, it won't be in vain for the old man to put a lot of effort into hunting her here."

When several old monsters saw this, their eyes flashed, and they injected Magic power into their eyes.

Although the consumption is terrifying, but at this point, they don't care about the original damage.

(How is Li?) The red devil stood in front of them, with blood stained on the green silk, her eyes had not changed even when she heard these words.

She understands these words, but she doesn't care, and doesn't need to care.

At this moment, she looked at Gu Changge in the eyes of the formation. This was the first time the two got so close after they were buried in the Demon Abyss.

However, on Chan Hongyi's face, emotions such as hostility, Killing intent, hatred, and killing intent almost swept through, making people feel terrified and trembling. She was indifferent, and her body gradually rose with boundless aura.

Gu Changge is also looking at her carefully, from the eyebrows, facial features, body shape, clothing, without any criticism.

I have to say that she is indeed very beautiful. Even at this time, her palm-sized face and facial features are still so delicate that she can't pick out the slightest flaw.

But those eyes were indifferent and ruthless, which made people feel that there was a boundless sea of ​​blood that would drown from behind her.

"Young Master Changge, we can't hold on to it anymore. Come here quickly. The Red Devil has reached this point and has no power to resist."

"It's such a short chance now.

At this time, seeing that Gu Changge hadn't injected Magic power into the eyes of the formation, an old monster couldn't help being a little anxious and couldn't help but shout.

However, Gu Changge ignored him, looked at Chan Hongyi, and gently shook his head, "After so many years, you really haven't changed at all."

"It's so stupid."

"Since you are planning to seek revenge from me, then you have the confidence to do it again, so recklessly, do you want me to kill you?"

His words were downplayed, and there was no emotional upheaval, as if he was teaching a junior casually.

And hearing this, all the old monsters and ancient monks in Foshan who were in front of them were taken aback, and they didn't understand what they meant.

Gu Changge is he talking to the red devil in front of him?

The next moment reflected the meaning of these words, their complexions changed drastically, it was incredible, and they gave birth to a sense of horror.

"You bother"

The old monster who just made the sound couldn't help looking at Gu Changge in amazement, his voice trembled, "Who are you? You know the Red Devil?"

However, with a sneer, a black spear pierced his eyebrows abruptly, shattering his skull with a bang, including the gods and souls, and instantly annihilated.


Ah Da shot quickly, very indifferent, and the Quasi-Emperor Realm Cultivation Base broke out and was extremely strong. After doing this, he stood respectfully behind Gu Changge and scanned the rest of the people who were shocked to the extreme. .