Ch 442

The void shuddered, and the black spear was cast like Immortal iron.

Fengrui shocking the world, fast as lightning, catching people off guard, as if disappearing out of thin air, carrying terrifying power.

Just a blow penetrated the eyebrows of the old monster just now.

The white bone scum mixed with blood splattered, including the spirit, annihilated in an instant, shocking the spot.

Everyone has numb scalp and their hair is horrified.

Ah Da is tall and tall, with a shining light in his eyes, dressed in a dark iron battle suit with flowing black light, holding a black spear, standing like a God of War, exuding a frightening and trembling aura.

"So strong!"

This scene shocked everyone, and many old monsters changed their expressions drastically, and felt a terrifying chill.

This guard hidden by Gu Changge's strength definitely surpasses the Supreme Realm!

All of them are scared today.

Gu Changge's picture is very big, they didn't even know it before, and he kept it in the dark.

And what exactly is Gu Changge, and why does he talk to the Red Devil like this?

They couldn't help looking at Gu Changge in amazement. Someone found that the surroundings of this world had been sealed off at some point.

Every inch of void seems to be infused with lead water!

They can't escape!

Chan Hongyi naturally understood what Gu Changge said just now.

But at this moment, there is only hatred in her eyes. Apart from hatred, there is no extra emotion.

She wished to kill the man in front of her.

"Why do you treat me this way?"

The terrifying hostility appeared again, like a sea of ​​blood, about to drown against Gu Changge.

However, Gu Changge just waved his sleeves.

The wide robe is like a universe refined, containing endless mystery, in which the Star rotates and the universe is manifested, all of which have turned Chan Hongyi away from the current air.

She has no longer the fierce flames she had before, and this strength does not pose a threat to Gu Changge.

"Gu Changge, who are you?"

Many people looked in disbelief and couldn't help but tremble.

The Red Devil actually spoke again, and this is definitely meant for Gu Changge

Doesn't that mean that the red devil was not mumbling to herself before outside the city of God.

But you have found Gu Changge's breath, talking to him like this?

After she left Demon Burying Abyss, the person she had been chasing and killing was actually Gu Changge?

"Da, kill them."

Gu Changge just glanced at the people behind him casually when he heard the words. He didn't say much, but told Ah Da.

He had no intention of letting these people live, so letting them know a little bit more is actually nothing.

"Yes, Lord."

Ah Da was so indifferent, his eyes were extremely cold.

A spear fell and pierced the sky, like a spear of extinction, stagnating in the void, carrying an endless black light, flooding everyone.

"Gu Changge, what do you mean 543?"

An old monster was full of horror, set off a stormy sea, and couldn't help falling backwards, trying to avoid it.


But his speed is still inferior to that of Ah Dasha.

The space seemed to be frozen at this moment, and there was no way to escape.

"Do not "

He tried all means, and all the Taoism and supernatural powers were performing.

But I was still desperate. I didn't expect to fall here today, and my heart was full of unwillingness and regret.

I had known that I would not covet the flesh and blood of the Red Devil.

Accompanied by the sound of horror that shook the sky and trembled in all directions.

The golden shield sacrificed by the old monster burst and was pierced by Ah Da's spear, and then the whole person was nailed into the void like a sugar Calabash.

Then Ah Da's arm shook slightly, and immediately burst out infinite energy and blood, and the blood rain filled the body, cracking and torn the corpse.

The rest of the people also changed their expressions, trembling, and cursing Gu Changge in their hearts, but they couldn't hide their fear, and they were cold.

What Gu Changge said to the Red Devil just now shocked them, but now it is too late to think about it.

Now they have almost encountered the greatest crisis they have encountered in countless years of monasticism.

Ah Danai is the Cultivation Base of the Quasi-Emperor Realm. With his current state, killing everyone present is not a problem at all.

Not to mention that nowadays many people are losing money, and Magic power consumes a lot, which is no longer at the peak.

Gu Changge looked back at the horrified people, his expressions were still calm and calm, and he said casually, "By now, don't you guys see it yet?"

"She is not what you can covet."

"Gu Changge, you actually colluded with the red devil and killed me and waited?"

"Could it be that this pattern is also your hands and feet?"

Several old monsters reacted quickly, feeling that Gu Changge's breath had not changed much from beginning to end.

They looked ugly and sullen, as well as panic and anger.

They instantly figured out the causes and consequences, anger and panic, why Gu Changge would take the initiative to say the words responsible for guarding the battle.

It turns out that he had another plot, deliberately.

The reason why they felt that the Magic power was consumed horribly and could not continue to support it was probably Gu Changge's hands and feet secretly.

However, they never doubted him at all. At this point, they realized that this matter had a lot to do with Gu Changge.

"At the bottom of the Demon Burial Abyss, you deliberately released the red devil?"

"Gu Changge, you are an eternal sinner. Today, how many peak powerhouses of the powers have died because of you. After you die, Samsara is absolutely rare for eternity.

A group of ancient monks in Foshan also reacted at this moment, their complexion was also very ugly, it was already difficult to maintain their usual composure, and they all stared with anger.

At the same time, various pieces of Buddhist artifacts were sacrificed, and a dazzling Buddha light burst out here, reflecting in all directions, and the sky was crystal clear.

A statue of Buddha, Taoist Dharma body emerges, tall and ten thousand feet, Buddha rhyme intertwined, glaring Vajra, compassionate Buddha, Bodhisattva and other phantoms, manifest in the virtual space, chanting Buddhist scriptures, and want to save the people here.

This is unimaginable Dharma, which has the meaning of saving all living beings, and is the supreme magical power of Foshan.

All the ancient monks were very angry. They always thought that Gu Changge was coveting the Zen clothes, but they all thought wrong.

His purpose was to release the Red Devil? And he even pitted them by the way.

How can this hatred be tolerated?

"Who knows what happened after death?"

"It's that you will die here today, and your body and spirit will be destroyed."

Gu Changge smiled lightly, casually squeezing a few ants to death.

But halfway through, he looked at Chan Hongyi and said, "Eat as much as you want, everyone here today is prepared for you."

An astonishing hostility appeared in Chan Hongyi's eyes, and his indifferent eyes stared at him closely.

The terrible Killing intent is so terrible that it turns into a rolling black cloud behind him.

However, in the face of the many life origins in this place and the escaped laws and Taoist rhyme, she is indeed unbearable.

Especially the current state is not good, the old sun injury recurred, and many cracks appeared on the body.

"I will kill you."

She spit out a voice again, murderous and shocking, without a trace of emotion.

"Then you can give it a try. I also want to know if you have made any progress after so many years."

Gu Changge shook his head disapprovingly, his expression unchanged.

The next moment, Chan Hongyi opened his mouth and uttered a terrible swallowing force. The star field trembled, and red wolf smoke suddenly appeared between the sky and the earth.

This is where many life origins come together, and each strand is as vast as the Galaxy Cluster, falling from below.

She is devouring these life sources.

The whole person's breath continued to rise, and even the broken body was remodeling, becoming delicate and white, and becoming crystal clear and snowy.

Seeing this scene, Gu Changge's complexion flickered, and he estimated the time in his mind.

"what "

"The Red Devil was also released by Gu Changge?"

The old monsters who were fighting were even more shocked when they heard these words from several ancient monks in Foshan.

At the same time, he kept evading backwards, not daring to fight head-on with Ah Da.

They did not expect that the birth of the Red Devil was also related to Gu Changge.

They have always been the work of the Buddha of Foshan, and it seems that the other party is carrying the scapegoat for Gu Changge.

When they think of this, their backs are even more chilled.

If they hadn't seen it with their own eyes today, they couldn't believe the truth of the matter would be like this.

It can only be said that Gu Changge is really hidden too deeply.

I am afraid that no one can see its true face from beginning to end.

"Gu Changge, if you do this, you will suffer retribution!'

Some people couldn't help yelling, especially when Gu Changge said to the Red Devil that everyone here was prepared for it, and their hearts were chilled and fear to the extreme.


"Then I can count as your retribution."

Gu Changge looked back at the talking old monster, his sleeves rolled up.

A golden sacred light broke through the air, and instantly penetrated from the center of his eyebrows, and a golden sacred bird could be seen faintly passing by.

This is the primitive true feather from the Demon Realm, which was even able to compete with the Emperor Xuanyang Heavenly Sword at the beginning.

So just in an instant, the life of this old monster ended, and it was annihilated along with the spirit.

This is a real feather belonging to the existence of the emperor realm, strong and indestructible, comparable to an imperial weapon.

The others were even more timid, feeling Gu Changge's strength, even far away from this black figure.

"Gu Changge, you are guilty of colluding with the red devil, this crime is to be blamed!'

A group of ancient monks in Foshan all came to kill at this moment, as if glaring at Vajra.

Their Dharma is profound and angry, so they can't see Ah Da, so they set the target on Gu Changge.

They were holding various Buddha treasures, incomparably simple, gushing sunlight, and endless, flooding towards Gu Changge like a star.


However, accompanied by a terrifying tower sound, it is very long and long, running through the sky.

The small golden tower appeared on the head of Gu Chang (cedh) song.

This is the Tower of Palm Heaven, with nine floors. The ancient immortal texts manifested one by one, and the moment they slowly fell, they continued to extend.

There was a vast expanse of golden light blooming, and the tower body was simple and natural. A slight shock caused a group of ancient monks to cough up blood and fly upside down, making it impossible to penetrate into Gu Changge's front.


"This is the Tower of Palm Heaven, it has fallen into Gu Changge's hands!"

They were shocked, and then they remembered that Gu Changge's treasures were countless, and even the seven weapons in the palm of the sky were in his hands.

The defensive power of the palm tower is more than a terrible word.

According to rumors, Zhangtian Tower was the thing that once suppressed the luck of the Immortal Palace.

"Hengjian is dead, so why do you have to do some unnecessary struggles?"

Gu Changge shook his head slightly, his tone seemed to be sorry for them.

The next moment a black long knife appeared in his hand.

The rules of the emperor's way emerged, and it was extremely majestic, as if it could be transformed into an emperor of the world at any time, attacking the world.

The vast black sword gas swept across, and the glow was gushing.

One rune after another is condensing, sweeping across the sky and the ground. That is the profound meaning of the avenue, which has turned into a heavy and powerful force of attack.

In just an instant, the people in Foshan kept coughing up blood and the Buddha treasures they sacrificed collapsed. They were not Gu Changge's opponents at all.

Even those who are enlightened, have to retreat in the face of this sword.

Today, the people in Foshan, the highest Cultivation Base, are no more than the Third Stage of the Quasi-Emperor Realm, and they are still far from being enlightened.

Suddenly, the blood is raining down here, and many people screamed, collapsed and exploded, with regrets and despair, and deep unwillingness, and their body and spirit were destroyed.

Chan Hongyi has been watching all this indifferently, watching Gu Changge slaughter everyone.

At the same time, she was also devouring the source of life here. The thick scarlet smoke rose into the sky, covering all directions, and converging towards her.

The blood mist drifted, and soon there were only the two of them, and Ah Da, who had retired respectfully.

"It's finally quiet. After so many years, there is nothing to say to me?"

Gu Changge received the Xuanyang Heavenly Sword, and his figure fell from the sky. The mysterious clothes were stretched out, and the dust was not stained. It was invisible that he was going to kill someone back.

He smiled casually, with an easy-going appearance of talking with his deceased, and at the same time walked towards Chan Hongyi.

When Chan Hongyi saw him coming, a terrible hostility appeared in his eyes again, and hatred penetrates the bone.

Murderous aura filled the wild, shattering the sky.

"I'm going to kill you." She just said this, without any emotion, indifferent and ruthless.

A horrible aura emerged from her ascending, as if to restore the appearance of killing the Quartet just now.

After devouring many life sources here, her injury did improve, but it was only able to slightly suppress the old injuries.

But it was much better than when he first left Demon Burying Abyss.

But The next moment, her face has never changed, there is a touch of change.


Chan Hongyi stared at Gu Changge steadily, and his face became more embarrassing, feeling that these life origins were mixed with other things.

It is these things that make her unable to use Magic power now, although it only affects her for a while, she can quickly resolve it.

But the work of this meeting can change many things.

"Do you feel that you can't use Magic power?"

"Then take a good night's sleep.

Gu Changge noticed the change on her face and couldn't help but smile.

Then a moon-white Zen clothing appeared in the palm of the hand, with many Buddha lights shining brightly on it.

It is like a monk who is well-placed to recite Buddhist scriptures sun and moon, blessing him Dharma.

The light of the Buddha shone, and the wine fell on the face of the red dress.

Strands of hostility are melting away, like snow meets the scorching sun.

At this moment, near the Zen clothes, the Xenon and hydrogen were evaporating from the sun, the Buddha's light, thousands of rays, and thousands of Rui Cai, blooming continuously, seeming to wash away the magical nature of her body.

"Killing so many people, the hostility is almost dissipated, it should be able to be suppressed for a while."

Gu Changge narrowed his eyes, put the Zen clothes on her, wisps of air dissipated, and snorted like green smoke.

Chan Hongyi's hostile face gradually calmed down, and his eyes were a little confused, looking around, seemingly puzzled.

She looked at her blood-stained palm and dress again, and she was even more at a loss.


Chan Hongyi looked at the young man in front of him, felt the familiar breath, and couldn't help muttering.

This is someone who is extremely important to her.

Although she had forgotten a lot of things, the two words were naturally screamed out, which had been imprinted in her life and could not be erased.

She stretched out her slender, white palm, as if she wanted to stretch it out.

But on the way, she habitually shrinks, worrying that there will be a pattern of formations lighting up here, and blasting at her.

"It's already outside here.

Gu Changge smiled and grabbed her delicate white hand, then took out the clean embroidered handkerchief from her arms, and carefully and gently wiped the blood from her face and hands.

Chan Hongyi looked at the surroundings in confusion, the black jewel-like flawless eyes revealed confusion, tilted his head, and the green silk drooped, "Outside?"

"Well, outside." Gu Changge nodded.

"Master, it hurts

Chan Hongyi suddenly shrank his palm back, his voice very weak.

Gu Changge looked at the crack in her hand bone. I don't know when the injury was left there. It has been a long time and it is difficult to heal.

It was corroded by a lot of miscellaneous auras before, but now after the first battle, it cracked again, which seemed shocking.

The red shirt in the previous state couldn't feel the pain at all, there was only endless killing in his heart.

Even if the body is cracked, there is no change in his expression, I don't know what pain is.

But now she can clearly perceive these pains, her face is a little faintly pale, and she bit her lips tightly.

Both at a loss and at a loss, I don't seem to know why it hurts so much.

Gu Changge was silent for a moment.

"It won't hurt soon."

Then, his complexion became soft, and strands of gentle Magic power gathered and turned into divine clouds, meaning good fortune of nirvana green lotus body, containing amazing vitality.

"Well, it doesn't hurt anymore."

Above the injury, strands of blue smoke emerged, accompanied by a sneer.

Chan Hongyi's face turned pale, and his brows were together because of pain, but he nodded.

She still remembered that she was punished by the Master because the injury was so painful and unbearable after a fight with others.

So even if it hurts, she has to say it doesn't hurt.

Gu Changge glanced at her and shook his head slightly, knowing why she said that.

In his opinion, during the long and endless period of being sealed in the Demon Burial Abyss, the reason why Chan Hongyi distinguished two personalities has a lot to do with this.

I don't know the pain, fearless pain, only hatred, but it can resist the long and boundless loneliness and hurt.

Afterwards, Gu Changge took Chan's red dress and turned into a rainbow to leave here.

The blood mist drifted here, within a radius of hundreds of thousands of miles, the sky was still soaring, and the broken weapons were scattered, but they had been turned into dead ruins.

Along the way, Chan Hongyi was confused and at a loss. Many things could not be remembered, but many things would never be forgotten.

"Master, you. Why did you throw the red shirt in that place?"

"You, you haven't seen me, I miss you so much."

"The red clothes are very obedient, can you please don't leave me alone, it's so dark there.",